The time flies, and soon it is the afternoon of the next day. Lu Yuan and Ji Sakai arrived at a luxuriously decorated hotel as scheduled.

Under the guidance of the waiter, they came to a large private room. At this time, many people have arrived in the room, sitting together in groups of three or two, talking quietly.

Most of these people are middle-aged, and a few are the same age as Lu Yuan. All of them are dressed in suits and have their hair done.

When Lu Yuan and his friend pushed the door in, several people came over. Seeing that they were the two of them, they stopped paying attention and continued to chat with their friends next to them.

"Most of these people are from medium and low-sized companies."

Ji Sakai looked around, leaned over, and whispered in Lu Yuan's ear.

Lu Yuan nodded in understanding, indicating that he understood.

Only the two of them came this time, and Zong Wen did not come because he felt uncomfortable.

"Manager Sakai, I haven't seen you for a long time. Who is this?"

A young man came up with a smile, greeted Sakai Ji, and then looked at Lu Yuan.

"This is the boss of our company. I work for him." Sakai Ji introduced, and then introduced the young man.

Sakai Ji and this man met at the last banquet, and then there were several cooperations, so they had some relationship.


Lu Yuan stretched out a hand and said hello.

"Hello, hello."

The two shook hands, introduced themselves briefly, and then sat at a table together.

This man's name is Morita Man, a local of Yuhong, and the boss of a small company. When he was a little better, he also had tens of millions of Elf Coins.

This man chatted well with Sakai Ji, while Lu Yuan sat aside and spoke occasionally.

"Alas, it's not easy for us to run a small business. We work from dawn to dusk just to earn hard-earned money. I don't know what this Uchiyama team leader will say later."

As he spoke, Morita Mitsuru complained.

The two smiled and didn't reply.

"Business has been difficult recently. Last time, we invited 700,000 yuan for tea. I don't know how to make it back. It's difficult."

"It's not easy."

Sakai Moto also said with a bitter face.

"How about we mention it to Uchiyama team leader later? Or report it to the higher-ups. It's too difficult for us."

Morita Mitsuru suggested as if he suddenly had an idea.

"Haha, let's talk about this later."

Sakai Moto replied with a smile.

After chatting for a while, Morita Mitsuru saw that Sakai Moto and the other man were still the same, and he lost interest in chatting. He said goodbye and stood up to greet another young man.

"We are young, but not stupid. This guy thinks we are enemies."

There was a gleam in Sakai Ji's eyes. How could he not hear the hidden intention of this person? Don't think he is easy to fool just because he is young.

"Haha, the first bird to stick its head out gets shot."

Lu Yuan also said with a smile.

After more than ten minutes, the venue became quiet. When the door opened, Uchiyama Hide walked in front and politely gestured to the four people behind to come in together.

The four people seemed to have a great background. Lu Yuan only recognized one of them, who was from the Sasaki family. The other three were probably of similar level. These four people came to support the platform.

"Hahaha, sorry everyone, I was delayed for a while."

After arranging the people, Uchiyama Hide walked in front of everyone and said loudly.

"No, no, Team Leader Uchiyama is also busy with affairs. It is not easy for him to come here."

"Yes, yes."

Someone below spoke up and flattered.

"Haha, let me get straight to the point. We called everyone here for a glorious cause. You know, we fought the Rockets the day before yesterday. Many people died and many were injured. I couldn't bear to see it and was heartbroken. So I have a suggestion here, which is to call everyone here, mainly for this matter."

Uchiyama Hide looked sad and his voice was low.

"How can we help?"

Someone responded below.


Lu Yuan looked at them singing the same tune, and he just wanted to laugh in his heart. After all, isn't it just for money?

"Well said, on behalf of our company, I will donate 1 million Elf Coins, hoping to help."

Someone suddenly spoke loudly in the field.

"Such a good thing, how can I be left out? I will also donate one million."

Another person in the field stood up and shouted.


Sakai Ji just wanted to shout 6. Good guy, they are all actors.

With the start of those two people, people gradually followed

The atmosphere became heated.

"Haha, I understand your feelings, but I won't let you pay in vain. I asked my superiors. This time, if you are a donor, you can get a certified trainer for your family. You can pass the review and transfer it directly to the file. If you work in the alliance in the future, there will be some benefits."

Uchiyama Hide threw out a big pie, and everyone was excited when they heard it. Certified trainer of the alliance, this is a good identity. If you want to mix in the alliance system in the future, this will be very helpful.

The identity review of certified trainers of the alliance is quite strict, and the number of awards issued each year is also limited.

Certified trainers of the alliance also have many benefits, such as the opportunity to get a starter Pokémon if you are eligible to pay money, and you can go to the Pokémon hospitals in various cities for free for medical treatment and accommodation, and you can have the opportunity to visit well-known doctors...

It is very helpful on the journey of trainers.

And this is what many people in the field want, and it is their pain point.

They want a strong trainer in the family, but a truly strong trainer needs more than just money. He also needs experience, guidance, connections, etc., and the identity of "Alliance Certified Trainer" can make up for these to some extent.

And Uchiyama Hide's words also aroused Lu Yuan's interest. A League Certified Trainer, isn't this the "Alliance's direct lineage"?

Looking at the eager eyes of these small bosses in the field, Lu Yuan couldn't help but give Uchiyama Hide a thumbs up. It's really amazing. This brain and this way of making money are really amazing. It's a pity to be an official. If he does business, he will definitely be a big boss.

"I will give 2 million Pokémon coins to support your good policy."

"I will give 3 million."

"I will give 2.3 million."

"I will give 3.1 million."


"Haha, don't worry, please fill in the information and donate money."

Seeing this scene, Uchiyama Hide laughed.

A waiter handed out sheets of paper to the people present and asked them to fill them out.

"Boss, how much should we pay? Do you want to fight for this alliance certification?"

Sakai Ji took the paper and looked at Lu Yuan.

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