Pokemon Era: Missing Mewtwo At The Start Of The Check-In

Chapter 141 Miracle Seed! Activate Sword Dance

Quickly covering every corner of his body, Scizor truly possesses a pair of flame armor.


Scizor hit hard.

The figure in the flames was looming, but those sharp eyes shone through the screen, shocking everyone in the monitoring room.


Deep marks have been left by stepping on it, and the soil has a burnt smell.


The flaming sword struck out in the air!

Hot flames roared, and the flames around Scizor were thrown out together with the sword at this moment.

Forming an extremely spectacular sea of ​​fire.

All the surrounding grass and trees were incinerated in an instant.

Everyone's hearts were lifted.

Monitoring the backstage, everyone including the judges were watching this battle scene carefully.

Pinsir was the closest, but before he could get close, he was hit by the flame slash, and the tragic Growl came out of the sea of ​​fire.

Those who heard it were frightened.

the other side.

Mega Pinsir dodged the first flame.

However, there is still a whole sea of ​​fire, which it cannot avoid at all, and in the end it can only be swallowed up with a look of despair.


The flames exploded instantly, forming a huge wave that swallowed up the surrounding area.


The energy aftermath rolled through layers, and the trees and grass in front of him were burned to the ground.

To prevent the fire from becoming too big and causing the entire forest to become a fire, Li Yu asked Greninja to put it out with water.

Wait until the smoke clears.

I saw Mega Pinsir lying on the ground, unknown to him.

But it was not completely burnt and still retained a trace of consciousness.

"As expected of Mega Pinsir, it is indeed resistant to burning."

Li Yu raised his eyebrows and joked.

His voice was neither loud nor quiet.

But it passed through the screen accurately and reached the ears of everyone outside the screen.

The leading judge's lips twitched sharply.

I thought to myself: "How do you come up with such an evaluation for such a powerful Pokémon? Is there something wrong with me, or is there something wrong with you?"

But he is the chief judge after all.

This cannot be said in words

All kinds of thoughts were running through his mind, and he lowered his head like a cover-up.

"Really resistant to burning?"

Hearing these four words, the heads of the aristocratic families were speechless and had countless things to complain about.


Several other judges didn't know what to say.

He stared blankly at the desolate battlefield.

Still haven't recovered yet.



A hearty laugh broke the eerie silence.

Everyone looked towards the door.

I saw a middle-aged man standing there looking at the screen and laughing uncontrollably.

Several Alliance judges, including officers from the Pokémon force, stood up immediately.


"President, why are you here?"

The person who came was none other than the president of Southern Zhejiang Alliance. Although he was not the headquarters, he was highly respected in Southern Zhejiang.

Everyone did not expect that the president would come in person.

As soon as he arrived, he heard that Elder Wen had a conflict with Li Yu.

And because of China Unicom's secret realm, people in southern Zhejiang have a good impression of Li Yu. They all look at him with filters, and the president is no exception.

I saw Li Yu's performance and what he said at the door.

President Zhenan felt relaxed and couldn't help but laugh.

My impression of Li Yu is even better.

Someone gave up their position, and the president entered the monitoring room and sat down.

"Elder Wen, I feel very honored that you are coming to Zhenan." The president of Zhenan said in a very polite tone.

Elder Wen immediately stood up, put away his arrogance, and completely turned into a kind old man: "No, no, it's my honor."

President Zhenan smiled when he heard this, turned his head and continued to look at the screen, and said no more.

Elder Wen was pounding in his heart and sat back silently.

The control room became quiet again, and everyone seemed to realize the hidden meaning of President Zhenan's words.

President Zhenan said it politely, but it was actually a warning.

This is the territory of southern Zhejiang.

No matter who Elder Wen is, no one will be allowed to have any accidents in his territory.

The atmosphere was tense at this time.

On the screen, Li Yu arrived under the tree where three Pinsir lived, and suddenly discovered a shiny golden seed.

Under the sea of ​​fire.

Except this seed.

The ground is all bare!

Only it.

After being tempered at high temperatures, it bloomed with a dazzling light!

"Then, what is that golden thing?"

One of the judges stood up immediately and said with a trembling voice.

The rest heard the words.

Swish swish——

All stand up.

My eyes are glued to the screen.

The eyes are glowing!

"This kid is so lucky!"

"It's time to let those guys who don't know how high the sky is and how high it is, what it means that there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the sky."

"No wonder there are three Pinsir guarding it. It turns out there is a treasure."

"But...how can his Scizor use fire-based moves?"

Some people also raised previous doubts.

"Don't you remember the water system paper he proposed?"

"Isn't that the water element? What does it have to do with the fire element?"

"For a genius, it may seem different, but since Li Yu can come up with new conjectures that amaze the world, it is not surprising that he developed the method for Bug Type to use fire-based moves."


Everyone stopped talking.

This explanation seems far-fetched, but it makes sense when it comes to Li Yu.

Everyone no longer wonders what happened.

Look at the screen expectantly.

Li Yu's performance made the judges completely ignore the others, and they were all very interested.

In the secret realm.

[Miracle Seed: It is an Attribute enhancement prop that breeds the seeds of life. After being carried, the power of Grass Type's moves will be increased by 10% - 20% depending on the nature! ]

Li Yu saw the results of the probing technique.

He raised his eyebrows slightly.

"So that's it."

After all, even in the Golden Secret Realm, it is extremely difficult to encounter Mega Pinsir as soon as you arrive.

[Hey, congratulations to Scizor for defeating Pinsir, +5000 battle experience! ]

[Hey, congratulations to Scizor for defeating Mega Pinsir, +8000 battle experience! Level increased to level 53! ]

[Activate new skill: Sword Dance! ]

[Combat power value: 1340! ]

"Sword Dance! This is a skill that greatly increases attack power!"

"Sure enough, the Golden Secret Realm is still powerful enough. It was upgraded to two levels in one go, and it still has nearly 200 combat power points!"

Li Yu was satisfied.

At the same time, he waved his hand.

A luxurious-looking Poké Ball was thrown.


Shaymin is very well-behaved.


The tip of his nose twitched a few times, and he smelled a familiar smell, and his spirits were shaken.

Click, click, click—

He excitedly ran towards the source of the smell.

The moment he discovered the golden seeds, surprise flashed in his eyes.

Then he turned to look at Li Yu excitedly, with an expression full of anticipation.

Apparently he had guessed something.

Li Yu walked over, couldn't help but patted Shaymin's head lovingly, and said softly: "It's just for you."

"Jamie! Jamie!"

Shaymin jumped up excitedly, and green light emitted from the surface of his body uncontrollably.

After getting the owner's approval, don't hesitate, lower your head and take a sip of Swallow.


Golden Miracle Seed starts with Shaymin Integrated Union.

The miraculous power contained in the seeds began to work, gradually spreading to the areas of Shaymin's body that had not been purified.

The flower bud on Shaymin's side moved slightly.

The next second!

A bright green light began to fill Shaymin's body!

Scizor, Garchomp, and Greninja watched on the sidelines without blinking, and Li Yu also held his breath.

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