Pokemon Era: Missing Mewtwo At The Start Of The Check-In

Chapter 142 Purify80%! Go To Hell Restricted Area

Scizor, Garchomp, and Greninja watched on the sidelines without blinking, and Li Yu also held his breath.

Haunter cast an envious look.

From time to time, she quietly looked at Li Yu and found that he still ignored her, so she lowered her head in frustration.


An accident happened.


Shaymin's body tilted and fell directly to the ground. Then he began to twitch and tremble uncontrollably. His eyes were closed tightly, and the expression on his face kept changing.

It was like experiencing unbearable pain.

Li Yu's heart skipped a beat.

Hurry forward.

A trace of Viridian Power emerged from the palm of his hand, and he carefully placed it on Shaymin.

Shaymin's frown relaxed.

Li Yu opened his eyes wide in shock.

He found.

The power of Black pollution that has been hovering in Shaymin's body is rapidly fading away at a speed visible to the naked eye!

A golden force surrounds it in the center.

Devour slowly.

five minutes later.

Shaymin's painful and tense expression was completely relieved. The whole Pokémon seemed to be bathing on the beach, with its limbs spread out and feeling more relaxed than ever before.

The fluorescence that spread throughout Shaymin's body was slowly fading away.

[Dip, congratulations to the host, Shaymin has completely Integrated Union Miracle Seed, and the Purify level has reached 80%! The power of Grass Type increases by 20%! ]


Li Yu never expected it.

The accidentally discovered Miracle Seed can actually solve the most fatal fundamental problem that has always plagued Shaymin!

Purify degree 80% means.

When Shaymin transforms into the Soaring in the Sky form, the hidden danger is eliminated and he will not fall into mental disorder again!

Needless to say, the attack power of Shaymin in the Soaring in the Sky form is great.

Li Yu had experienced this before.

Now there is only one missing item - the Flower of Gracidia.

As long as you find the Flower of Gracidia, Shaymin can freely transform between Soaring in the sky form and land form!

Shaymin stood up energetically.

He looked at his body in surprise, it was obviously still the same as before, it looked unchanged.

But Shaymin knows it.

The dull power that had been weighing on my heart finally dissipated.

The occasional memory fragments that flashed through his mind also proved that his memory was beginning to recover.

At least I can fully master the combat skills.

Li Yu raised a smile.

The trip to the golden secret land in southern Zhejiang was worthwhile. Not to mention anything else, Shaymin regained most of his strength and was able to use his own skills.

Will suffice.


Li Yu had a thought.

Control your mental power to activate guiding signposts.

The Golden Secret Realm was more dangerous than he thought, so he decided to go straight to the goal.

Otherwise, the forbidden land cannot be found at all.

Before coming, he specifically checked on the Pokémon Pokédex app. The Hell Restricted Area was famous, but not many people had actually seen it.

Most of those who spread the reputation of being in the restricted area became Elite.

This also contributed to the reputation of the forbidden area of ​​​​the Hell.

If there were no ruins hidden in the Hell Forbidden Zone that could be opened with a mysterious key, it would not be too late for him to explore the golden secret realm in southern Zhejiang.

The next second.

There was a beeping sound in my ears.

The scene suddenly changed, and a guidance arrow with a length of one meter appeared in front of me.

Pointing to the northwest!

Li Yu raised his feet.

He walked straight around the big tree where Mega Pinsir lived, and walked to the other side with the Pokémon.

After walking for a while.

A line of words appeared on the arrow of the road sign.

[Continue to go northwest for ten kilometers! ]

Seeing this line of words, Li Yu raised his eyebrows, immediately put away several other Pokémon, and boarded the Garchomp.

The wind howled.

Thousands of meters high in the air, separated from the dense tropical forest, Li Yu looked down and found that the golden secret land in southern Zhejiang was even broader than he thought.

The endless soaring in the sky, the undulating mountains.

The forest spreading to the edge...

All of them tell the story of the vastness of the golden secret realm in southern Zhejiang.

Li Yu could see clearly in the sky and couldn't help but feel happy in her heart.

If he hadn't happened to be rewarded with a guiding sign, he might have spent several months just searching for the golden secret realm!

Ten kilometers away in the blink of an eye.

"Garchomp, get down."


The wings flapped, unfolded and slowly landed on the mountainside.

As soon as it hit the ground.

Li Yu immediately felt a high temperature coming on him. When he stepped on the ground, the soles of his feet began to feel hot.


Garchomp gasped loudly.

Apparently he couldn't stand it either.

Its wings flapped rapidly, trying to blow away the heat.

Who knows.

As the air surged, the temperature rose again, and the hot air blew in. The sweat that had just appeared on Li Yu's forehead evaporated instantly.

"Stop moving."

Li Yu rushed to stop Garchomp's suicide.

He glanced around.

Compared to the tropical forest upon entering, the vegetation on the mountainside here is very sparse.

There are no more giant trees and grass blocking out the sky.

Completely facing the scorching sun.

The air seemed to be distorted, and the huge Rock one meter away from him seemed to be an infinite heat source.

Forget about touching.

As soon as you get close, you can feel the sharply rising temperature.

The arrow is still guiding us, heading 500 meters in the direction behind the Rock.

Li Yu quickly summoned Greninja.

A puff of water vapor came.

He suddenly felt like he was alive, and he sped up, walking non-stop towards the back of Rock.

Even with Greninja's protective water shield.

Li Yu can also feel that the surroundings are getting hotter and hotter, because as he advances, there are fewer and fewer plants around him.

Reach the end.

Except for a dark cave entrance, it was deserted.

It would be a long night and many dreams.

Li Yu didn't hesitate, and after releasing a few Pokémon, he stepped directly into the cave entrance.

Take one step.

There was another beeping sound in my ear.

[Congratulations to the host for finding the opportunity, please act with caution. ]

After saying this, the guiding sign suddenly disappeared.

Li Yu felt relieved.

This proves it.

He made no mistake.


After walking a few steps, I saw a bright light ahead.

Li Yu was about to move on.

Feeling the astonishing heat behind him, Haunter appeared and floated in front of Li Yu with a serious look on his face.

Li Yu looked better towards Haunter.

When he got closer and closer, feeling the heat radiating from the bright light, his expression became solemn.

There is Greninja's isolation layer.

Nothing can hide this enthusiasm.

After he completely walked out of the cave and saw the scene inside clearly, Li Yu was stunned in place.

"Ling Yi, Venusaur is guarding a Rawst Berry tree over there. Go over and get some."

Ling Wei lowered her head to heal the Pokémon while instructing her younger brother.

Ling Yi glanced at the Pokémon on the ground that was burned by the flames, nodded solemnly, and walked towards the giant tree dozens of meters away.

Ling Wei's delicate eyebrows were tinged with sadness.

The danger level of the Golden Secret Realm exceeded her expectation.

If he hadn't kept a lot of potions and healing potions, I'm afraid Kirlia's Pokémon would have suffered sequelae.

There is too much fire element energy in the air.

If the fire poison is generated and rooted in the Pokémon's body.

Except for the fire-type Pokémon, the strength of other Pokémon types will no longer be improved!

Especially the environment here.

I wonder if it was her imagination.

She always felt that the temperature seemed to be getting higher and higher.

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