Pokemon Era: Missing Mewtwo At The Start Of The Check-In

Chapter 143 Garchompite, Opening The Ruins

She always felt that the temperature seemed to be getting higher and higher.

Ling Wei wiped the sweat from her forehead and her expression became extremely serious.

Monitoring room.

"Where's Li Yu?"

"I don't know. After he flew away on Garchomp, he could still be photographed at first, but now he can't be found."

"There isn't one over there either!"


After asking the director, all the judges, including the president, panicked.

The golden secret realm and the silver secret realm are different.

Their lenses never dare to get close to places that are too dangerous, especially heat sources.

And the position where Li Yu completely disappeared.

Just nearby.

President Zhenan asked everyone to calm down, but everyone saw that even his own back was wet.

[drop! ]

[Sign-in location: Southern Zhejiang Golden Secret Realm Restricted Area of ​​Fierce Prison! ]

[Hey, check-in at the four-star location was successful! ]

[Congratulations to the host for receiving the reward——Garchompmega Evolution Stone! ]

Hear the system's reward prompts.

Li Yu just recovered from the scene in front of him.

There are ravines and crisscrossed areas in the restricted area of ​​the Fiery Hell. Outside the Cave, there is actually a burning living Volcano, with lava rolling on the ground.

Flames shot into the sky on the opposite side.

Completely like being on a stove Normal.

The water vapor around him is evaporating in seconds. In order to maintain the energy to protect him, Greninja's physical strength is exhausted rapidly.

At this time.

The palms of my hands felt cold.

A round stone with a purple center mixed with red flames appeared.

Li Yu's somewhat bad mood suddenly calmed down.

[Garchompmega Evolution Stone: A magical Mega Stone that can be carried by Garchomp to perform Mega Evolution during battle. ]

He had a thought.

In the virtual space, he put this mega evolution stone together with the Scizormega evolution stone he had obtained before.

Then he looked forward seriously.

"Garchomp, let's go."

As he finished speaking, he got on the Garchomp, and then let Greninja's energy shield expand, covering himself as well.

The restricted area of ​​Hell at this moment.

The sun was setting in the west, and a red waning sun was slowly setting in the sky.

In the glow of the sky, Li Yu was led by Garchomp through the layers of clouds, and the lava flowed by his ears, sizzling endlessly.

Li Yu looked far into the distance.

After seeing all the scenes below, he couldn't help but frown.

I finally understood the true meaning of the restricted area of ​​Hell.

Not to mention Pokémon here, there isn't even a blade of grass.

It's completely a flaming hell.

He couldn't help but feel lucky. If Greninja didn't have the Integrated Union Kyogre gene, she would have been unable to bear it at this time.

But his mental power can sense it.

It's now.

Greninja's energy was also mostly drained.

If you want to verify the mystery key.

He must speed up!

Li Yu commanded Garchomp and flew to the end of the restricted area of ​​the Hell.

After going around in a circle, I found that the restricted area of ​​​​the Hell is not large, only the area of ​​​​Norman, except for a steaming Volcano.


Li Yu took out the mysterious key he obtained, but the key didn't move.

There was no movement at all.

"It seems that the ruins cannot be opened here..."

Li Yu was a little disappointed.

Preparing to command Garchomp to leave as soon as possible.

Among his Pokémon, only Scizor has 10% Fire Type, so maybe it can be trained here.

The other Pokémon simply suffered.

No need to waste extra time here.

While flying back, Li Yu glanced casually and thought he had seen it wrong.

Rubbed his eyes.

Stop Garchomp quickly.

He actually saw a scene that could be called a wonder of nature.

There is a path with a diameter of two meters below. The lava flows from both sides, but all of them bypass this path.

Very strange.

The color of the key also changed. It was originally gold with a hint of red.


The red complexion spread to the entire key!

"There must be something weird!"

As soon as this idea came up, Li Yu put it into practice, commanding Garchomp to carefully avoid the surrounding magma and fall slowly.

Because it's too close.

Greninja's water surrounding them formed streams of steam that continued to evaporate.

Water mist filled the air.

Li Yu and Garchomp finally stood on the Ground.

Garchomp was huge and was afraid of being affected by the lava next to him, so he carefully held Dual Wingbeat close together.

He looked a little aggrieved.

Greninja's frog legs weakened and she almost fell to the ground, but Haunter's quick eyesight and quick hands helped her.

It may be due to dissimilation of venom glands.

Not much affected.

Seeing that Greninja could no longer hold on, Li Yu summoned Scizor.

"Scizor, try to see if you can absorb the surrounding heat."


Scizor nodded upon hearing this.

Immediately afterwards.

He saw red light emerging from Scizor's black and gold armor, and the heat around him cleared.

It was actually sucked into the body instantly.

"It's actually possible!"

Li Yu was surprised.

There aren't many Fire Types in Scizor's body.

But it may be due to the superior fire energy contained in Volcarona's genes that its effect is several times that of ordinary fire Pokémon.

This is a way of absorbing surrounding heat to achieve cooling.

With Scizor.

Greninja can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Li Yu hurriedly let it enter the virtual space through the Poké Ball and used the virtual space to restore its physical strength.

Follow the path.

As time passed, Li Yu's whole body was soaked with sweat.

We walked about a few hundred meters.

My eyes suddenly opened up.

There is a deep pool connected to the bottom of the path.

The water in the pool has long since evaporated, and the boulders at the bottom of the deep pool have also been exposed.

The moment I saw this boulder the size of a millstone.

Li Yu brings happiness to the soul.

There is a depression in the center of the boulder.

He quickened his pace and directly put the key he had been holding in his hand.


An unusually dull voice came.

The boulder moved.

Perhaps due to too ancient reasons, it was a little stagnant at first, but then the speed became faster and faster.

After rotating 360 degrees clockwise.

Li Yu's eyes widened in shock.

Bottom of the pool.


The secret north.

"Sister, I can't stand it anymore. I've never heard that the temperature in the secret place in southern Zhejiang is so high before!"

He was fanning himself and stepping back and forth.

no way.

The temperature of the ground is too high, it has reached the point of scalding.

He felt like he was about to be steamed!

Kirlia's energy shield protected Ling Wei, but she kept sweating.

This is not the first time she has come to the secret land of southern Zhejiang.

As a doctor.

She came here not only to treat Trainer as a precaution, but also to collect some tree fruits and herbs.

But now.

The popularity of the Golden Secret Realm is higher than ever before!

Her physical strength is about to reach its upper limit!

"let's go!"

Ling Wei made an immediate decision, a hint of determination flashed across her delicate brows.

"What the hell is going on with this bad weather?"

Wen Qiao frowned and cursed.

He wiped his sweat while picking rare mushrooms he had just discovered.

Greed flashed in his eyes.

Think about it.

Still unwilling to give up, he just sped up the movements of his hands.

monitoring room.

A man with disheveled hair came in and shouted anxiously:

"President, there is news from the Special Research Institute that the energy surge in the secret realm in southern Zhejiang is accelerating and the temperature has exceeded the maximum limit!"

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