Pokemon Era: Missing Mewtwo At The Start Of The Check-In

Chapter 160 Mewtwo Recovers And Lottery Starts

He closed his mouth tightly, his body twitched a few times, and he weakly opened his eyes.

Seeing the worried eyes of the owner in front of me.


He showed the same weird smile as always, but no Pokémon found it scary, and he even couldn't help but laugh with it.

half an hour ago.

Southern Zhejiang Specialized Research Institute.




"Warning warning! Sky satellite monitoring in southern Zhejiang City has detected that a huge change in space is about to occur in the city center. Please be prepared to evacuate citizens!"

"Warning warning! Sky satellite monitoring in southern Zhejiang City has detected that a huge change in space is about to occur in the city center. Please be prepared to evacuate citizens!"

"Warning warning..."

The mechanical sound echoed throughout the sky of the specialized laboratory.

It was obviously a voice without emotion, but it made everyone smell anxious.

Hear the words.

The professors and researchers at the institute immediately stopped what they were doing.

He was stunned for a few seconds.

After reacting, fear and panic flashed across their faces.

He ran away in a panic.

The research institute was in chaos.

work here.

Everyone knows that the warning just now is the highest red alert, which has never been triggered since they worked here.

This is the first time.

The director swallowed and forced himself to calm down, his fingers trembling when he pulled out the phone.

Wait until it finally gets connected.

With occasional stammering, he explained the ins and outs tremblingly, his hand holding the electronic screen covered in sweat.


After receiving the notification, the Southern Zhejiang Alliance and the municipal government quickly took action.

And reported at all levels.

Start evacuating people.

Especially downtown.

The top-rated Pokémon Hotels bear the brunt of this.

Ling Wei was in a daze when she heard a knock on the door.

Immediately afterwards.

She and her brother were taken out.

Before leaving, Ling Wei took a closer look, but found that Li Yu was not in the team.

While Ling Wei was anxious, a trace of confusion arose in her heart.

But soon.

Before he had time to think, he was picked up by the Ling family on a private plane and left southern Zhejiang.

When Ultra Wormhole is turned on.

The data of all the machines in the research institute are constantly soaring as if they are broken.

Each value is scarier than the last.

It's like there's no upper limit.

The satellite failed in an instant, and all power in the entire city in southern Zhejiang was shut down.

Magnetism invisible to the naked eye appears in the Sky.

All lower-level Electric Type Pokémon are floating on it, and the picture is extremely weird.

But the scariest thing is actually the Pokémon that has mutated.

Trainer discovered that at the same time as the magnetic force appeared, the energy in his Pokémon's body continued to surge.

And the Pokémon were completely out of control at that moment.

The Flying Pokémon rushed desperately towards the magnetic vortex Soaring in the sky, while the Ground Pokémon could not fly and stood directly under the magnetic vortex.

He raised his head with uniform movements, his dark eyes bottomless.

This is a scene scarier than a horror movie

People who had not yet had time to evacuate saw this scene and were so frightened that they hid in their homes and shivered.

The entire city was in unprecedented silence.

After ten excruciating minutes, Southern Zhejiang resumed operation.

The magnetism dissipates.

Pokémon energy fluctuations return to normal.

Their eyes returned to their original color.

Shaking his head, he went to find his master again.

The whole city was as if nothing had happened, and it was no different from before.

Those ten minutes were like dreaming Normal.

Trainer looked at the Pokémon in front of him and suddenly came back to his senses, but the profound memory was firmly engraved in his mind and he could not get rid of it.

The research institute has also returned to normal.

The crisis in the city center seems to have changed little for the city as a whole.

People who evacuated from other cities even began to complain about Alliance and the government for making such a fuss, and even the Special Research Institute joined in.

But only those who have experienced those ten minutes.

He kept secret about this incident.

When a large number of citizens returned to the city, they quietly left southern Zhejiang.

Since then, whenever the topic "Ten Minutes of Horror" appears, it will dominate forums in major cities.

The majority of people are disapproving.

They thought it was an own mistake.

Some even use the government to spend public property to conquer the Dragon Kingdom.

But no one knows.

at this time.

A big storm is brewing silently in southern Zhejiang.

Just wait for the right time and it will explode!

within virtual space.

After Haunter's toxin was cleared, he had an unexpected surprise.

Its venom glands are more developed.

The current Haunter uses poison moves, and if a Normal Pokémon touches it, it will die.

It's a blessing in disguise.

Li Yu rested for a moment and chose to accept the fragment of Mew's source of power.

The pink light is extremely attractive to Psychic Pokémon. When the fragments appeared, Lugia couldn't help but look over.

Two pink light groups entered the bodies of Cosmog and Mewtwo respectively.

They slowly closed their eyes.

The fragments of source power slowly entered along the forehead.

Immediately afterwards.

The pink light fully bloomed and enveloped them.

One minute later.

The pink cocoon of light peeled off, and Mewtwo suddenly opened his purple eyes, and the light in his eyes flashed away.

[Hey, congratulations to the host, Mewtwo has perfected the Integrated Union Mew source power fragment, and the mental damage has been repaired! ]

At this point Mewtwo's Attribute panel has completely changed.

[Pokémon: Mewtwo (has 20% Mew source power). ]

[Qualification: Level 1 God (Recovery). ]

[Level: Level 62. ]

[Ability: sense of oppression (gives Rival a sense of oppression, reduces the number of times Rival uses skills, and has a certain chance of making it unable to use skills.) ]

[Attribute: Psychic]

[Skills: Laser Focus, Confusion, Disable, Binding, Swift, Life Dew, Ancient Power, Psycho Cut, Safeguard, Amnesia, Aura Sphere, Teleport, Psywave, Double Team...]

[New skill: Recover (regenerates cells to restore half of one's physical strength.)

Mimic (You can turn the last move used by Rival into your own move during the battle.)]

[Combat power value: 6000]

[Intimacy: 90]

"Really recovered..."

Li Yu looked at the data panel blankly and muttered to himself.

And it’s not just recovery.

Today, Mewtwo has 20% of Mew's source power, and its strength has reached a higher level, with its combat power value truly reaching 6000!


What makes him most happy is the triggering of the Recover skill.

This gives a strong advantage in battle.

As soon as this skill comes out.

Even against Mega beasts, it has the power of reversal!

As for the Mimic skill, it's also great for it.

This skill is considered Normal Type, but it relies on Mewtwo's IQ and powerful Mimic ability.

I believe Mewtwo will learn skills more efficiently in the future!

Li Yu couldn't wait to look at Little Nebula again.

It was still wrapped in a cocoon of pink light.

Li Yu waited expectantly for more than ten minutes, but there was still no change in the light cocoon.

He thought about it and suddenly realized.

Compared to Mewtwo, this is the first time that Little Nebula has absorbed Mew source power fragments, and it is not difficult to completely absorb the energy contained in them.

After all, he is a first-level god.

The hard part is digesting it all.

At this time, the small nebula has entered the digestion Contest Condition.

Li Yu did not bother him and decided to use the lottery opportunity triggered this time.


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