Pokemon Era: Missing Mewtwo At The Start Of The Check-In

Chapter 161 Royal Dragon Spirit Liquid, Tsunami Landing

Li Yu did not bother him and decided to use the lottery opportunity triggered this time.

"Start the lottery!"

[During the random draw... Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Dragon-Dragon Spiritual Liquid. ]

"Yulong spirit liquid..."

Li Yu's heart beat violently.

He had already guessed something.


A ball of cyan light slowly floated down and fell into his hand.

The light faded.

A pool of cyan flowing liquid was revealed, supported by mysterious energy. Even without a container, it only flowed within a fixed range.

Not a drop was spilled.

He almost couldn't wait to use the probing technique.

[Dragon-controlling Spirit Liquid: After consumption, the power of dragon-controlling can be activated, but it takes time to absorb. The power of dragon-controlling can be upgraded according to the Trainer's talent. ]

"Sure enough, it can activate the power of dragon control!"

Li Yu's eyes sparkled.

He made a guess the moment he saw the Yulong Spiritual Liquid.

Now he's proven right.

Moreover, this dragon-controlling liquid is obviously a growth reward. According to the results of the detection technique, each Trainer obtains a different level of dragon-controlling power.

Although after consuming the dragon-controlling liquid, the power of dragon-controlling can be activated at the beginning.

But the Late Stage class is forged based on talent.

Otherwise, there would be no distinction between the head of the family and ordinary members of the Yulong family.

It is said that the powerful power of dragon control can not only gain the loyalty of dragon Pokémon, but also feed back the energy field of dragon Pokémon!

Let the dragon Pokémon's attack, defense, special attack, speed... get all-round increases!

The most extraordinary state is to have no weaknesses.

Whether it is dragon and ice-type moves that cause huge damage to it, or Fairy Type, which can restrain dragon-type moves, it can achieve immunity.

The true perfect dragon!


Even the current head of the Yulong family has not done this.

It was even once regarded as a legendary ability.

It has the same concept as the top-level Psychic, which kills enemies with one glance.

All kinds of thoughts flashed through his mind, and only a few seconds passed before Li Yu looked at Lin Ye, who was flowing slowly.

He immediately lifted it up.

Place it near your mouth.

When you open your mouth, the Yulong spirit liquid seems to have a life of Normal, following the mysterious energy that surrounds it.

Flow quietly into Li Yu's mouth.

The whole process was silent.

If Li Yu hadn't watched the liquid enter his body, he would have thought it was an illusion.

The moment when the royal dragon spirit liquid is swallowed into the body.

There was a sudden warmth in the abdomen.

The two meet.

Li Yu's body was covered with a cyan energy film in the blink of an eye.

[Hey, congratulations to the host for activating the entry-level dragon control power! ]

[Introduction to the power of dragon control: Dragon-type Pokémon will have a natural affinity for the owner, but the degree is limited and can only be maintained without taking the initiative to attack.]


The corners of Li Yu's mouth were slightly hooked.

It seemed like he was just an entry-level player, but when he felt Rollout's imperial dragon spirit fluid still in his body, he knew it was temporary.

Because of Psychic.

He is very aware of the changes in his body's perception.

After activating the entry-level dragon control power, the spiritual liquid consumed in the body is very limited, which proves that the possibility of Late Stage growth is very high.

Li Yu also can't judge how far his future dragon-controlling power will grow.

But now that I have started, I can participate in the secret realm battle of the Yulong Clan.

Li Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

Look at the small nebula to the side.

Its pink light cocoon was found to have shrunk by one outer layer.

But the diameter is still more than one meter.

I will no longer pay attention.

Let it continue to absorb energy.

Three days later.

Northern Zhejiang Province.

"hold head high!"

"Ang ang ang!!"

Several Fearow patrolling outside the cruise ship suddenly gave a warning.

Their voices were connected in a string, and anyone could hear how urgent they were.

Hear the sound.

The middle-aged man wearing the captain's uniform felt an ominous premonition in his heart when he looked at the dark sky in the distance.

"Bring me the binoculars!"

He quickly ordered.

The crew members on the side heard this and ran out in a hurry. They were so anxious that they almost fell.

When I took over the telescope that the crew member denied, I saw the scene in the distance.

The captain froze.

His eyes were filled with fear.

Through the telescope, I saw that the distant sky was almost connected to the sea water several feet high, and the huge waves were like thousands of troops.

Overwhelming Normal strikes.

That momentum.

Just looking at this scene, the captain's heart was in his throat, and the hand holding the telescope was shaking.

"Hurry, turn back to shore! It's a tsunami!"

He finished this sentence in a hoarse voice.

The captain ran out, stumbling along the way.

Until the red alert in the center is pressed.

He took a long breath.

The captain clutched his heart, closed his eyes tightly, and fell to the ground limply.

My chest tightened painfully.

Then I realized it.

I was so nervous that I forgot to breathe!

The crew moved quickly.

Anyone who sees the terrifying scene in the distance is frightened and retreats.

Barely able to calm down and maintain order.

"All attention, all attention, the tsunami ahead is about to arrive, turn quickly and move forward with all your strength!"

"This is not a drill!"

"I repeat, this is not a drill!"

The alarm sounded, and the tsunami behind the cruise ship could be seen clearly even without a telescope.

The captain and crew were all terrified.

Huge waves swept over.

The invasion comes in the blink of an eye.

They began to feel lucky at this moment that this was a transport cruise ship.

It does not carry passengers.

Otherwise, the situation will become even more uncontrollable.

The group of people almost fought for time from the hands of death, and the cruise ship accelerated normally without losing its life.

Southern Zhejiang Meteorological Bureau.

Received an alert signal from the cruise ship.

Look at the pictures taken.

The director of the Meteorological Bureau and other staff members looked shocked and looked at the tsunami footage in shock.

Blessings are unparalleled to Hex.

At this time.

A researcher in a white coat also hurried over and projected the data on the big screen.

"Director, weather data shows that a tsunami will land on the coast of southern Zhejiang!"


The director immediately came to his senses and shouted in shock.

The researcher also turned pale and said in a difficult voice: "According to our monitoring results, we conservatively estimate that this tsunami has reached the highest level and is very likely to cause a devastating crisis and flood southern Zhejiang!"

The panic in the researcher's voice infected everyone present.

Even the director heard the news.

He also swayed a bit.

He slumped unsteadily on the chair.

"It's over..."

News of the tsunami quickly spread to the coast of southern Zhejiang.

The people who just rushed back are still complaining about the fuss made by the government and Alliance.

But he was so frightened by this shocking change that he lost his mind.

It’s just that the tsunami landing was no more terrifying than the previous ten minutes.

That is a change in the magnetic field in space.

No obvious harm to humans.

But tsunamis are truly devastating natural hazards.

Human power has no effect at all in front of it.

Forget about cars.

Planes from the outside world do not dare to approach Zhenan City for fear of being swept away by huge waves that are several meters high.

I'm afraid he wouldn't even be able to see his shadow, and he would just die.

Only the powerful Flying Pokémon still have the power to escape, but only a small number of them can.


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