Pokemon Era: Missing Mewtwo At The Start Of The Check-In

Chapter 98 Fragments On The Jade! Hurricanerain

It's nothing more than sensationalism.

After all, after Li Yu became famous, his information was easy to investigate, and he had to admit that his talent as a trainer was outstanding.

But it is completely inconsistent with the scientific research results shown.

Besides, he had just entered Beijing University, how could he possibly write a conjecture that would change the world?

"Yes, then let you be my stepping stone!"

After Bai Cen calmed down.

The more I thought about it, the more this happened, and the plan in my mind gradually took shape.

at the same time.

Li Yu also received publications from "Water Research Guide" and a well-packaged Present.

The title on the cover of "Water Research Guide" this time is the title of his paper.

He opened the magazine.

Under the paper, there are even introductory speeches by several senior figures from scientific research institutes.

Li Yu raised his eyebrows at this.

After reading them one by one.

Then he looked at the package in his hand.

He opened the package directly and found a check and invitation letter inside.

The check amounted to eight hundred thousand.

The content of the invitation letter is as follows.

"Mr. Li Yu, your conjecture is of great research value, but given that there is currently too little data, we can only postpone it. If possible, we hope you can join our research. The specific matters will be discussed with you at the Water System Researchers Association. We are sincerely invited You participate.”

Li Yu turned over the check and smiled.

Also a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, for just a guess, I received a royalties of 800,000 yuan.

This is an unexpected surprise.

The police immediately dispatched the photos as soon as they received them.

In less than ten minutes, we arrived at Jingwen Gym.

meet them.

Although the gym apprentices were a little confused, they were relieved.

They told me honestly what was going on.

Everyone led the police into the gym.

After seeing the tunnel clearly, even the apprentices turned pale and took a deep breath.


They train here every day, but they never realize that there is a secret passage in the gym!

The policeman wearing a trench coat frowned even more.

He moved quickly and jumped directly.

Other police officers followed.

The person wearing the windbreaker was none other than Officer Zhang, who had accidentally discovered the murder of a member of the Shadow Organization.

The group of people walked along the depths of the tunnel and climbed the stairs. After seeing the scene inside, even the policemen changed their colors slightly.

Officer Zhang immediately issued the order.

Seal the Jingwen Gym.

The Special Branch investigation is just halfway through.

Unexpectedly, we encountered another difficult case this time.

He carefully observed the altar, and when he saw the mysterious runes with coagulated blood, his face suddenly turned pale.

"Is the mysterious conjecture just for publicity? Or is it motivated by profit?"


An interview video took advantage of the popularity and immediately aroused discussion.

in video.

A researcher who claimed to have worked at Longguo Scientific Research Institute for more than ten years revealed the recent turmoil in a helpless tone.

Host finally said: "Mr. Bai, why do you think this conjecture is unrealistic?"

"Um... let me put it this way, do you believe that the results of countless experts' research that have not been noticed for decades were accidentally discovered by a freshman?"

Bai Cen spread his hands and asked.

There was cunning in his eyes


The Host paused and did not speak. Instead, he lowered his head and fell into thinking.

After a while, he raised his head and said solemnly to everyone:

"Mr. Bai is right. Individual cases do not represent reality. Are we so excited this time that we ignore practical issues? It is worth thinking about!"


The interview video ends.

The comment section was different from the previous shock, and suddenly there were voices of doubt.

The number keeps increasing.

"That makes sense. I just realized that the person who proposed this conjecture was just a freshman?"

"Tsk, tsk, it turns out there are so many tricks in the scientific research world."

"I really thought there was some major discovery..."

"Too disappointed."

at this time.

"Damn it, it's reversed again, the boss of the scientific research institute has refuted the rumor!"


The melon-eaters were shocked.

Not even an hour after the interview video became popular, it turned around again!

Or will the boss end it himself?

This time.

Everyone went to watch.

"Classmate Li Yu's conjecture is beyond doubt. Although he only published one video, we have done research on this topic before, and the data we have are as follows."

The boss attached a picture.

There are various data on the chart that are hard to understand.

But in the end, the establishment of unified labeling is understandable to everyone.

"Huh, it seems to be true!"

"Haha, this slap in the face is so harsh!"

It didn't take long for netizens to sigh.

The scientific research institute announced the suspension of researcher Bai Cen for spreading rumors about research results and slandering members of the Water System Research Association.

There are less than twenty association members!

As soon as the news came out.

Public opinion immediately soared.

Beijing Mall.

Li Yu stood in front of the jade counter and didn't move for a long time.

Too long.

So much so that the shopping guides stared at him cautiously, thinking he was here to cause trouble.


[drop! Discover virtual space fragments! ]

The sound of the system at this moment was like the sound of nature to Li Yu. He stared blankly at a piece of jade on the counter.

Jade is moist and delicate.

Water drop shape, with a kind of beauty.

But what attracts Li Yu is not this, but the layer of fluorescence attached to it.

It's this layer of fluorescence that's obviously inconspicuous.

But he noticed it at a glance.

Now walk into the gem shop.

Just when the shopping guide was about to call the mall's security personnel, Li Yu asked: "How much does this jade cost?"

Hear the words.

The shopping guide's face looked better, but there was still doubt in his eyes.

"Two million three hundred and fifty thousand."

Even Li Yu was surprised when this number came out.

He had a slight pain in his body.

Still said pay the bill.

Now, the shopping guide was really pleasantly surprised.

Seeing Li Yu's eyes light up and his attitude changing, he led him directly to the front desk.

Wait until the jade is obtained.

Li Yu's balance is less than one million.

Among them, 800,000 yuan is the remuneration just received.

But after seeing the changes in the virtual space.

The slight pain that just occurred has disappeared...

the other side.

Hurricane rain in the North Sea continues.

On the third day.

Even the magical cities along the coast have been affected.

Not to mention cities that are close to Beihai, the water in various places does not fall, and road sections are impassable.

Even because of serious water accumulation.

Wild Pokémon actually appeared in the rivers inside the city.

It caused quite a commotion.

A large number of military and police forces were deployed to alleviate the situation, but the situation is not optimistic.

Hurricane rain keeps coming.

This image will continue to grow.

to this end.

The turmoil caused by Li Yu on the Internet has gradually subsided.

For him, it was also a quiet moment.

The virtual space has changed a lot now.

Fragments on Jade Integrated Union Complete.

Not only has the original area doubled, but most importantly, items can be teleported consciously!

Through mental guidance, the contents of the space backpack can be transported to the virtual space via Solaceon.

This is undoubtedly a lot more convenient.

Li Yu stood among them and couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Eyes slightly bright.

Even the air becomes fresher!

increasingly suitable for survival.

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