increasingly suitable for survival.

But most importantly...

Li Yu looked at the energetic Frogadier and was extremely excited.

Now the virtual space actually has the effect of restoring physical strength!

Just tested.

After the stamina is exhausted, it will be repaired directly as soon as the Pokémon enters the virtual space.

The only regret is that there is an upper limit.

The upper limit is stuck at 30%.

This number is neither too much nor too little, but it does not affect Li Yu's enthusiasm at all.

what does that mean!

This means that Pokémon have a completely safe automatic supply station!

If in a battle.

Randomly teleported through the Poké Ball, the Pokémon's physical strength can be restored directly, with immediate results.

Intangible increase is another big advantage.

Especially for group battles.

This is the effect of the Integrated Union of two fragments.

If the fragments of virtual space can really be put together, what great changes will happen to the entire space.

Even Li Yu couldn't imagine it.

for the rest of the time.

He took advantage of the ability of the virtual space to train like crazy.

Due to his low level, Frogadier also carries a Gravity vest, which is the most significant improvement.

Has been promoted to level 23.

The current Attribute panel is as follows.

[Pokémon: Frogadier. ]

[Qualification: Quasi-Elite level. ]

[Level: Level 23. ]

[Ability: Free transformation (your own Attribute becomes the Attribute of the used move before using the move.) ]

[Attribute: water]

[Skills: Pound, Growl, Bubble, Quick Attack, Lick, Water Pulse, Taunt. ]

[New skills: Smokescreen, Round, Toxic. ]

[Z move: Water whirlpool! ]

[Combat power value: 305]

What surprises Li Yu the most is the new skill Toxic.

Because this means that Frogadier, who has the ability to transform freely, has another Attribute that can be transformed!

The Poison Type is in each Attribute.

It's very unpredictable, and you'll get caught if you're not careful.

"I don't know what we will encounter in the maritime ruins..."

After Li Yu finished training.

Looking into the distance and muttering to himself.

Due to Hurricane rain.

The trip to the North Sea was full of dangers, but it did not affect the association's activities.

Because it is currently within the control of Alliance and the government.

It just strengthened the armed forces.

This can be seen from the complicated security check on board the ship.

After Li Yu got on the boat, he was slightly startled when he saw the graceful woman in the center.

The woman seemed to feel something.

Looking back for a moment.

Her eyebrows are charming and charming.

When Su Luoluo saw that it was Li Yu, he couldn't help but let go of his arms across his chest.

The two looked at each other across the crowd.

Surolo, one of the Alliance Elites, bit his lower lip and suddenly felt nervous.

The two hadn't seen each other for more than two months since they parted ways in the magical city.

This is the result of Su Luoluo's deliberate avoidance.

After all, Li Yu's performance is getting better and better day by day, and Alliance has long been interested in contacting him.

After thinking about it, the Beijing City Headquarters decided to let her go, who had been in contact with the Demon City before. Su Luoluo knew that she couldn't escape this time.

He simply took the initiative to get on the ship as a protective force.

Escort professors, water professors, researchers, etc. to Beihai. Of course, other families have their own power.

It's no longer under her control.

"Li Yu, long time no see."

at last.

Su Luoluo walked through the crowd and walked up to Li Yu, speaking softly with a polite and distant expression.

Just Li Yu noticed.

On the surface, she looked as if nothing had happened, but her eyes frequently dodge when she looked at herself.

And since she walked towards him, Ruoyouruowu's eyes were looking at her on the boat, and he could naturally feel it.

Li Yu raised his eyebrows and said, "Luoluo, I still want to thank you for what happened last time."

The word Luoluo came out.

The atmosphere on the ship changed.

The alienating atmosphere that Su Luoluo had deliberately created was suddenly drawn into it.

She immediately looked at Li Yu slightly annoyed.

There was a bit of confusion in his eyes.

In fact, his behavior just now was due to the fact that he felt a little strange after not seeing each other for a long time, but the most important reason was because of the intermingling of the major forces on the ship.

Triennial Association of River System Researchers.

It wasn’t just academics who participated.

In this situation, how could he...

Su Luoluo lowered his head.

Only the slightly reddened ears revealed her true feelings when she heard the title.

After Li Yu finished speaking, he looked back one by one with a half-smile.

The sights around him immediately converged a lot.

Li Yu didn't care either.

When had he ever paid attention to other people's eyes?

After a few people looked away, they vaguely speculated on the relationship between the two.

This will have new changes in whether they make good friends with Li Yu, or in measuring the value of Li Yu.

Li Yu expressed that the two have a good relationship.

Su Luoluo simply stopped hiding it, his lips were slightly pouted, and he sat down next to Li Yu in a rather broken manner.

Li Yu couldn't help but laugh.

Seeing this, Su Luoluo didn't want to pay attention to him.

Didn't notice it at all.

Her previous embarrassment and anxiety had already disappeared in two sentences.

It's like going back to the first time we met.

This scene.

Many people saw it.

Wang Zheng clenched his fists as he watched the two of them talking and laughing.

"It's this kid again!"

He secretly resented it.

As the only female Elite among the Elite Four in the Magic City, Su Luoluo is extremely beautiful and has many suitors even in Beijing.

Wang Zheng is one of them.

But no matter how attentive he was, he couldn't even get the other party to give him another look.

But he is not an exception.

Almost all Su Luoluo's suitors have this attitude.


Until he watched the secret live broadcast and discovered the difference between Su Luoluo and Li Yu, the fire in his heart had never been extinguished.

But Li Yu finally tore the space rift.

It really shocked him.

Keep him from taking action.

But this doesn't mean that he can endure it again and again.

Especially seeing with my own eyes the way Su Luoluo treats Li Yu differently.

Wang Zheng clenched his fists, and a trace of scarlet gradually appeared in his eyes.

Staring at the two people opposite.

Li Yu tilted his head inadvertently.

I just happened to see the person opposite.

Wang Zheng was stunned, subconsciously unclenched his fist, and nodded with a stiff expression.

But he didn't know how ugly his expression was.

Li Yu immediately felt the malice in this person.

"Is this man crazy?"

He thought silently in his mind, frowning and ignoring it.

He has always been casual.

I don't want to do these superficial things.

No matter who you are.

Wang Zheng did not expect that when he took the initiative to say hello, he would be ignored by the other party, and the hatred in his heart soared.

With his current status, there are still few people who are so disrespectful.

The eyes looking at Li Yu became more and more evil.

Su Luoluo noticed Wang Zheng's eyes and was a little worried.

He took the initiative and said: "That person is Wang Zheng, one of the Elites in Beijing, and he is also responsible for protecting the people traveling on this trip."


Su Luoluo pointed to another place.

He talked about several aristocratic families who came, as well as Professor who had a great influence on the Dragon Kingdom.

Li Yu glanced at them.

But they all received friendly looks.

Especially those professors and professors.

After the Dean of the Water Department of Beijing University also boarded the boat, the group finally set off for Beihai.

The ship is extremely fast.

Except the hurricane rain delayed some time.

One day later we arrived at Beihai.

Just got off the boat.

Everyone put on raincoats.

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