Aiwen feels that the recent breed house business seems to be good.

Except for the Rock Throw auxiliary medicines that Knight came to buy, the most popular service turned out to be Sweet Scent.

First Peter came over and started, then the other villagers.

They realized that Gloom could freely control the odor on his body, and they all flocked to Aiwen.

Those who want Gloom to learn Sweet Scent are all members of the current patrol, that is, the group that at first conquered Oddish.

As for the door-to-door business, Aiwen would naturally not refuse, and took all the orders at the price of 10 gold coins per Gloom.

After these few deals, he directly earned 100 gold coins. I really have to say that the Pokémon breed house service is really a huge profit.

Of course, making money is secondary. It is the greatest significance of this breed to help these villagers solve the family conflicts caused by Gloom.

Well, he didn't want to make a fortune with this.

"Huh, but I'm really tired, so many Pokémon breeds all at once." Aiwen stood up and moved his body.

He feels that in addition to the Trainer plan, the Pokémon Breeder plan may also start. If he can breed two disciplines, he can also relax.

Thinking about this, they looked towards Petilil who was preparing medicine in the distance.

During this period of time, Petilil took almost all the preparation of the medicine, which really made him a lot easier.

Just like now, Petilil is preparing potions for training Ancient Power moves with Help Rhydon and Tangela.

As a Grass Type Pokémon, it is more sensitive to medicines. It may not be long before the level of medicine preparation may exceed him.

dong dong dong.

At this moment, the door of the room suddenly opened.

After he yelled in, Feisen walked in with his notebook in his chest.

"Feisen, what's the matter?" Aiwen walked to the window and opened the door to let the smell of medicine in the room escape.

"Lord Earl, I do have something here..." Faison showed a different color on his face.

Soon, he told the story again. It turned out that it was a villager named Pete who successfully got the approval of a Gloom.

"Gloom's approval? So fast?" Aiwen also showed surprise on his face.

This Pete shouldn't be from the village. He only ordered everyone to get Pokémon's order in the morning, and he showed up in the afternoon?

He couldn't help wondering if this villager had already been approved by Gloom, and now he got permission to report it.

"Bring him here, I need to make the final confirmation." Aiwen said.

After speaking, he paused, "Forget it, I'll go find him myself, by the way, see how he and Pokémon's relationship is."

Pete was disturbed at this time. Standing outside the farm, there was a Gloom next to him.

The growth of this Gloom is not very good. The reddish-brown flowers on the head look a little shriveled, but the smell it emits is not weak.

Around the villagers who passed by saw Pete and Gloom, they just glanced at them and walked away.

For the villagers living in Orange Fruit Village, it is not surprising to see Gloom in the village, and they are really accustomed to the smell of Gloom.

Casey Nye~

Gloom looked up at the villagers passing by, with a different color in his eyes.

Although Gloom from this village has long heard about it, when he first entered the village, he was still very worried.

After actually entering the village, it finally confirmed those Gloom's claims that the humans in this place do not reject them.

Even when it entered Orange Fruit Village, villagers came over to say hello and criticized the humans on him. Your Gloom is too poorly raised!

From the words, Gloom can feel that kind of concern.

This reminds it of what Aiwen said, most humans are kind, try to get along with them, so it came here.

At this moment, Gloom suddenly felt a big hand pressing on his head.

Raised its head suddenly, it immediately saw that it was the human being in front of it who was willing to become a partner with it.

"It's okay, I will protect you." Pete smiled at Gloom.

He couldn't help but appear in his heart when he invited Gloom. Gloom was also stunned by his invitation.

Just when he thought his invitation was about to fail again, Gloom actually agreed directly, willing to go to the human world with him to see.

This gave a feeling of trust in his heart, and it was at that time that he decided that no matter what, he would treat this Gloom well.

This Gloom gave him a chance to change his fate, he must seize it and not let go!

"Your feelings seem to be good."

At this moment, a gentle voice suddenly entered Pete's ears.

Heart startled, Pete got up quickly, and immediately after turning around, he saw Aiwen with a smile on his face.

Pitt was taken aback for a moment, and then his eyes widened slightly. He recognized that this was the person he had called a "fool" at the beginning.

"Ai...Aiwen Master." After reacting, Pete greeted him quickly.

Casey Nye~

At the same time, Gloom at Pete's feet also reacted, and said very happily.

For Aiwen, who saved him in the first place, how could Gloom forget.

Speaking of which, one of its purposes here is to see Aiwen again, but didn't expect to see it as simple as that.

"Hello, Mr. Pete." Aiwen smiled and greeted the lucky guy in front of him.

Then his gaze looked towards Gloom. From the appearance of Gloom, he had recognized that this was one of the Grass Type family he brought back.

After recognizing it, he glanced at Pete unexpectedly. He didn't expect that this outsider was so courageous that he would go to the Grass Type group to subdue Pokémon.

However, this can be considered a good omen. Perhaps this Pete can be used to publicize it so that more villagers can come in contact with the Pokémon he brought back.

"Gloom, how is your recovery?"

Attention returned to Gloom in front of him, Aiwen squatted down to say with a smile.

After hearing what Aiwen said, Gloom was immediately nodded with excitement and was very happy for Aiwen's concern.

"Let's go, go to the farm and say."

Following Aiwen to the farm, Pete, a fruit grower, saw the Berry Forest in the farm at first sight.

Looking at the Berry Tree, which is very Overgrow still in Growth, even in winter, he slapped his lips with admiration in his eyes.

"Do you want to register this Gloom as your first Pokémon?"

When I came to the temporarily built breed house in the fruit forest, Aiwen sorted out the files a bit , Said with a smile to the villager in front of him.

"Pokémon?" Pete was taken aback.

Almost everyone who came here would have doubts about this title.

"Pokémon is demonic beast."

"In order to distinguish between Wild demonic beast and non-Wild demonic beast, I divide it into Pokémon and demonic beast."

Aiwen's explanation is very easy to understand, Pete knows, and very seriously said: "Yes, I hope to be able to register Gloom as my first Pokémon!"

To Pete nodded, Aiwen looked towards Gloom said, "Then, Gloom, would you like to make Pete your trainer?"

After hearing what Aiwen said, Gloom was taken aback. It didn't expect that Aiwen would ask for it so seriously. opinion.

It looked up at Pete, who was looking at him nervously, and remembered the touch before, his face showed a firm, very serious nodded!

"Very well, congratulations on becoming partners."

Aiwen smiled on her face, and then took out an information form for Pete to fill out.

"Trainer information form?" Pete looked puzzled, but filled in the information very seriously.

On the information sheet are some very simple information, such as name and age, and in the column of Pokémon, he filled in Gloom.

After filling in the information, Aiwen carefully put it away, then took another small book and handed it to Pete.

Trainer manual.

Looking at the cover of the book in his hand, Pete was taken aback again. This was the third time he heard this title.

He opened the manual, and the first sentence read: Trainer is the person who receives, trains and takes care of Pokémon and lives with them.

He flipped it briefly, and this Trainer manual was almost all about what Trainer is and what the responsibilities and obligations of Trainer are.

"Pete, would you like to be an official Pokémon Trainer?"

Aiwen's face at this time rarely became serious and solemn, as if it were already very sacred ceremony-like.

Affected by Aiwen’s emotions, Pete took a deep breath, then nodded and said very solemnly: "I do."

"Well, congratulations on becoming a trainer trainer "This time, after hearing Trainer, Pete reacted. Trainer is a name similar to Knight.

However, the word probation made him pay some attention. Since he is a probation now, is it more formal, but I don’t know what the conditions are.

"Well, this is the last adoption document."

After Pete read the Trainer manual, Aiwen put another document on the table.

I saw the words "Pokémon Feeding House Adoption Agreement" written on the document.

Pitt picked it up and took a brief look, and was quickly attracted by one of the content.

If the adopter has abused, abandoned the adoption and other behaviors harmful to Pokémon, the Pokémon breed house has the right to take back the adopted Pokémon.

If Pokémon renounces recognition of the adopter, the Pokémon breed house has the priority to withdraw the adopted Pokémon at a certain price.

There are several such clauses, which basically mean that the ownership of the adopted Pokémon is not entirely owned by the adoptee.

If the adopter violates the content of the agreement, the Pokémon breed house has the right to take Pokémon back.

If you want to have Pokémon forever, you must always be recognized by this Pokémon, and losing recognition is equivalent to losing this Pokémon!

Gloom is also looking curiously at this time.

After hearing Aiwen read out the terms one by one, Gloom opened his eyes slightly, and then suddenly a little hazy in his eyes.

It's a very strange feeling, this feeling is like the whole Pokémon breed house is standing behind me.

It's like wandering away, feeling the warmth of home, and they can come back home if they want to come back.

"I will treat Gloom well!"

Pete took a deep breath, opened the mouth and said very seriously.

After that, he picked up the pen without any hesitation, and quickly signed the letter.

"Agreement reached."

Aiwen was satisfied and nodded, "You will get along well in the future."

Pete and Gloom looked at each other, and then they were both very Seriously nodded, they suddenly felt that the relationship between the two seemed to be sublimated in a moment.

"Okay, the ceremony is over."

"At the same time, congratulations on becoming a member of the Orange Fruit Village Patrol."

"You can go now Sign up with Peter, and he will teach you how to do it."

Aiwen handed a paper to Pete, apart from this there is also the Trainer manual and Gloom's basic training manual.

"I can join the patrol now?" Pete opened his eyes slightly, "Don't I need to take the test?"

"Didn't I test you just now? Aiwen shrugged.

"No way, you are the first Trainer recognized by Gloom. It is necessary to give some rewards."

Pete was taken aback and recalled the scenes before, thankful nodded, which means that he will definitely be a patrol member!

After Pete left, Aiwen called Fessen over.

"Lord Earl, did you simply make him a patrol member?" Fessen opened his mouth, feeling that Aiwen's decision was hasty.

"Don't worry, I am still confident in my own vision."

Aiwen smiled at the shoulder of the clerk in front of Patted, and continued: "You go find a way to give Pete Promote it."

"Among them, the first outsider to be recognized by the demonic beast, this demonic beast is from those demonic beasts in the abandoned orchard, and is also the first patrol member..."


Listening to what Aiwen said, Fessen took a careful note. The more he listened, the brighter his eyes became, and he began to praise Aiwen's plan, which was indeed very good.

They were still thinking about how to resolve the conflicts between the villagers and the demonic beasts from the front line. Not all of them will be resolved at once!

"Well, recently you pay attention, let the patrol pay more attention to those demonic beasts."

"After here, there will be a large number of villagers flocking to the abandoned orchard. While deepening mutual understanding, it will definitely disturb those demonic beasts."

"Although I have explained that they cannot actively attack humans, I cannot be 100% sure of this. To prevent the villagers from reacting excessively..."

Feisen carefully recorded it again, and then the two discussed some details, and then the clerk hurried out to prepare.


On this day, another big news spread in Orange Fruit Village.

Pete, this is a villager from East Orange Village. He was recognized by the demonic beast in just half a day and became a patrol member!

After the news came out, all the villagers showed envy and jealousy. Then some people familiar with Pete reacted and started to ask the situation.

Pitt also didn't expect the news to spread so quickly, but after seeing the villagers' reaction, he was somewhat satisfied.

"Pete...he actually succeeded!" Lin Rui was also dumbfounded when he heard the news.

He just felt that Pete was a little bit reckless, and regretted that he didn't hold him. He didn't expect a slap in the face so fast and crackling.

"Pete is right, it seems there is no danger there."

"Also, those demonic beasts are different from those Glooms outside Orange Fruit Village, which can be faster It is recognized!"

Lin Rui made a decision immediately, and after a little preparation, he hurried out of the village directly.

But after he left the village, he was suddenly taken aback. He found that many villagers were running outside the village. What happened?

Moreover, their direction turned out to be abandoned orchards, where the demonic beasts that Aiwen brought back from the front line lived!

"Did everyone find out?" Lin Rui suddenly felt a little regretful, regretting that he didn't go with Pete in the first place.

Following the crowd to outside the abandoned orchard, I saw a Torterra suddenly blocked in front of everyone. At this time, Torterra was also very embarrassed.

What are these human beings doing? So aggressive, is it to fight them?

Fortunately, at this time, Peter came with the patrol team.

At this time, he also had a headache. He just learned of the situation and didn't know how to deal with this matter for a while.

"Torterra, they just want to come and give you friends."

"Aiwen also said, let you communicate with humans as much as possible, and even become partners with each other. "

For Peter, who had been on the front line together, Torterra naturally knew him. After some explanation, he finally understood.

No, no, no, no~

Torterra nodded, which means that the villagers can go in, but they can’t harm the demonic beast in it.

For Torterra's words, Peter did not understand, but from Torterra's actions and tone, he knew that Torterra agreed.

He immediately turned around and said to the villagers behind him: "You can go in, but be careful."

"The demonic beast here will not take the initiative to hurt you, but if you If you hurt or anger them, then we will not guarantee your safety."

"At that time, if you are injured or die, you will ask for it yourself. No one will be responsible for you!"

After hearing Peter's words, the villagers calmed down a bit, remembering that they were still demonic beasts in front of them.

As long as these demonic beasts are mad, they are all lambs to be slaughtered, and they don't have much resistance at all!

Thinking of this, some villagers calmed down.

Before they were irritated by Pete and a little irrational.

After all, the identity and salary of the patrol members are really too high, making everyone here jealous.

After the persuasion, Peter asked the patrol team to take the demonic beast into the pasture to maintain order, and then let the villagers into it.

After calming down, some villagers chose to enter it and try one's luck, and some villagers chose to leave.

The villagers of the overwhelming majority chose to wait and see, thinking about how to get the approval of the demonic beast. They don't believe that the demonic beast is so easy to deceive.


In the farm, Aiwen also heard about what happened in the abandoned orchard.

He felt that he seemed to underestimate the villagers’ yearning for the patrol team members.

But when you think about it carefully, this patrol member is completely equivalent to a civil servant, so it doesn’t feel strange.

Even in a previous life, it is not so easy to qualify for Trainer.

In comparison, it is really too simple to get the approval of a demonic beast. This is definitely an opportunity to change your own destiny.

"Aiwen, Aiwen."

When Aiwen was thinking about how to deal with this matter, he heard Darby Uncle's shout.

"Darby Uncle, what happened?" Aiwen wondered.

I looked at Darby Uncle's farmer's dress. Could it be that something happened in the orchard?

"A lot of people came outside the farm just now, wanting to buy Pokémon food."

"You know, we have never sold Pokémon food, so come and ask you What should I do."

Darby Uncle scratched his head, a little confused as to why that many villagers would come to buy Pokémon food.

Pokémon food... Aiwen moved in her heart and immediately thought of the reason.

It seems that these villagers want to take food Captivate those demonic beasts, so that they can be recognized by the demonic beast?

I have to say that this is indeed a very good way.

In the past life when Pokémon was conquered, if Pokémon was satisfied with some Pokémon food, it could also greatly increase the success rate of conquest.

"The villagers want Pokémon food, and we can sell them."

"However, this cannot be passed through our farm. It must be purchased in the Pokémon breed house."

Aiwen's mind turned quickly, feeling that this is a good opportunity to promote the Pokémon breed house to the whole people.

He immediately came to the temporary breed house outside the fruit forest and took out the price list of the breed house, "Darby Uncle, this is the price list. You can send it out."

"If anyone wants Pokémon food, you should register and notify Aunt Madison so that she will also prepare Pokémon food."

Darby Uncle took the price list that Aiwen handed him. I immediately saw the price of Pokémon food, 1 bag of Silver Coin.

After seeing the price, Darby froze for a moment, quickly calculated the cost in his mind, and opened his mouth slightly.

The main material of Pokémon food is Tangela's vines, which can be harvested a lot in a day, and then mixed with Berry, you can make a bunch.

Now, Aiwen is directly a bag of 1 Silver Coin, and a bag can only support Pokémon's food for one day...

Good guy, if you want to use Pokémon food to breed demonic beast , I have to eat one Silver Coin a day, and the average person really cannot afford this price!

Darby Uncle smacked his lips, and at the same time he felt a little excited. Just buying Pokémon food, their farm can make a fortune!

"If you want to be a patrol member, they still have to bear the price." Looking at Darby Uncle, Aiwen slightly smiled.

He is looking forward to it now. These Pokémon foods are only used to gain the favor of those Pokémon. If they conquer Pokémon, that will be the beginning.

If they want to breed a powerful demonic beast, they must pay far more resources than this amount.

I have to say that the profession of Trainer is extremely expensive no matter what era.

I just don’t know that after this gust of wind has passed, there will be a few who can stick to it, and these are undoubtedly very outstanding Trainer seeds.

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