Torterra lay quietly on the grass.

In the distance, a villager carried a basket and greeted Torterra with a smile.

Seeing this, Torterra is also friendly and nodded. His nose twitches slightly. It knows that this villager must have brought that kind of delicious Pokémon food again.

For the actions of these villagers, it has been no surprise.

A few days ago, a large number of villagers came to this pasture every day. These villagers came here to get the approval of their companions.

However, after a few days have passed, there are a lot fewer villagers here. Obviously, they think it is too difficult and some people give up.

In addition to the small chance of obtaining the approval of the demonic beast, these villagers have also found another way to obtain the demonic beast.

With the passing of winter, spring has quietly arrived.

After the weather warmed up, the earth was put on a green dress again. Before that time, a demonic beast, which is very common among villagers, would appear.

This is Oddish. In the orchard of every villager in the past, this kind of demonic beast, which is not too offensive, will appear more or less, and Ingrain is in the orchard.

In the past, in order to prevent the nutrients in the orchard from being absorbed by the Oddish, the villagers would resort to expelling them.

But in the spring of this time, the villagers are looking forward to it, hoping that a few Oddish will appear in their orchard.

This time, they will definitely choose to keep these Oddish well.

Although Oddish is very weak, they are still a kind of demonic beast. After being approved by Oddish, they can also register as trainer trainers!

A long time ago, Aiwen taught the villagers how to train Oddish. The villagers who adopted Oddish at the time have become members of the patrol team.

With a little training, Oddish can also have a good battle strength. This is what the villagers of Orange Fruit Village remember most.

The earliest batches of beasts were defended by a large number of Oddish, and even the Mightyenas were defeated by Oddish!

Of course, it is still very difficult to rely on these Oddish to pass the patrol examination, but Oddish can still evolve.

They all know that the Gloom outside the village are all evolved from Oddish, and their strength will be greatly improved after the evolution!

At that time, relying on the power of Gloom, they will have considerable certainty to pass the inspection of the patrol team. This is a long-term investment process.

Lin Rui is one of those villagers who insist on coming to the pasture to subdue the demonic beast.

Although cultivating an Oddish from a young age is the safest way to become a patrol member, he does not want to wait that long.

Pete has become an official patrol team member. He doesn't want to be too far behind Pete. He wants to walk shoulder to shoulder with his partner.

After saying hello to Torterra, Lin Rui checked the Pokémon food in his basket and planned to enter this pasture.

bang bang bang!

But at this moment, Ground suddenly shook.

Lin Rui was taken aback, turned around and looked towards all around, and saw a Rhydon running quickly, with a ribbon fluttering on his head~

"It’s Mr. Aiwen’s Rhydon." Lin Rui recognized it at a glance.

This demonic beast, which always wears a white ribbon on its head, performs crazy exercises outside the village. All the villagers in Orange Fruit Village are all too familiar with it.

Lin Rui swallowed saliva and said, "Rhydon, I really want to take one."

He looked up and down Rhydon, then suddenly he saw what was behind Rhydon .

Looking at the past, he found that it was a Tangela. At this time, the blue vines on it were foggy and chasing Rhydon with short legs.

"This Tangela should also be Mr. Aiwen's demonic beast."

"The training of these two demonic beasts is really hard work, and Mr. Aiwen must be a hard worker."

Lin Rui made a judgment in his heart, and the scene of training with the demonic beast could not help appearing in his mind, his eyes gleaming.

Soon, Rhydon came to Torterra.

roar roar roar!

After breathing a little, Rhydon is suddenly loudly roared in an imposing manner, hammering his chest with both hands, making a sound of gold and iron tapping.

The original Tangela also caught up. Seeing this, she shrank her neck and hurriedly hid away, sitting on the ground and panting.

Manmanman~wu wu X﹏X

Tangela's eyes are full of love, and he regrets his decision.

In fact, it just wants to follow Rhydon for the Ancient Power training. I didn't even think about it, it also followed to run laps.

roar roar roar!

Rhydon growled at Torterra again.

Lin Rui in the distance looked a little confused. What is Rhydon doing?

Most other villagers also have this expression. Are these two demonic beasts going to fight?

At this moment, the villagers suddenly saw that the demonic beasts in the grass had gradually gathered, stopping from a distance to watch.

"A demonic beast is not really going to happen, right?"

A villager said tremblingly, if these demonic beasts go crazy, then they will definitely die. NS.

"The patrol team is here."

Some villagers yelled, and suddenly a few Mightyena rushed over in the distance.

On Mightyena, the patrol team from Orange Fruit Village came here as a villager wearing a leather orion suit.

Lin Rui glanced, and the leader was patrolling Captain Peter, but it was a pity that he didn't see his companion, so he should still be training now.

"Don't panic, everyone, this is just Rhydon looking for Torterra for training." Peter arrived and shouted to maintain order.

The patrol team behind him also quickly stepped forward and brought these villagers to a safe place.

"You can stay if you want to watch, and leave now if you don't want to watch."

After hearing the patrol team's words, the villagers were taken aback, and then a little excited. Now, watch the battle of demonic beast?

The head-on battle between Torterra and Rhydon is really much better than a circus clown show!

"Look carefully, these two demonic beasts will be your goals in the future." Peter said to the players beside him.

No, no, no, no, no~

After hearing Rhydon’s invitation to the battle, Torterra reluctantly stood up.

Torterra is also very helpless for this Rhydon who came over to find himself for a game in two days.

The original battle was obviously lost. Why is this guy still not convinced?

The old tortoise is really exhausted. After arriving here, it originally thought it could be basking in the sun peacefully, so how could it go back to its previous life in the forest?

After seeing Torterra stand up, Rhydon immediately became excited.

The Ground Type energy condensed on the body afterwards is directly a gesture of Earth Power as a meeting ceremony!

Ground Type's energy surges, and the ground spurs up and shoots directly at Torterra's stomach!

As a Pokémon of Ground Type, Torterra is very sensitive to Ground Type energy and avoided the attack one step earlier.

After that, Torterra flashed a green light, and a large number of leaves appeared around the body lasing out, sweeping towards Rhydon.

hong long long!

Ground vibrates again, this time is the earth wall turned into by Earth Power!

The condensed leaves of Torterra's Razor Leaf are so many and big that they swept across the soil wall and smashed them instantly!

In the Spark Flint, the two Pokémon in the field completed the first round confrontation, and all the villagers in the field were shocked.

roar roar roar!

Rhydon felt his whole body boil.

When I grabbed my hands on my chest, a large amount of Rock Type energy was condensed and turned into a huge rock to be dragged in my hands.

The power of the whole body burst out in an instant, and I saw Rock Throw lashed out like a cannonball, smashing it towards Torterra on the opposite side!

The huge boulder whizzed past and saw the villagers open their mouths. When have they seen this level attack!

No roar, roar!

After seeing the formidable power of Rock Throw, Torterra was also surprised in his eyes.

Obviously a week ago, Rhydon’s Rock Throw formidable power was not so big, so in such a period of time, Rhydon’s strength has improved too much, right?

Tangela, who was hiding far behind, also showed envy in his eyes at this time.

It has been exercising next to Rhydon for this period of time, and has watched Rhydon's training for Ancient Power.

After Aiwen taught them Ancient Power, Rhydon quickly got started and showed a very strong innate talent.

Although Rhydon has not yet fully mastered Ancient Power, the formidable power of Rock Type moves has been improved a lot, and the condensing speed has also been improved.

Rock Throw was whistled past in midair, and Torterra also used the wooden hammer when seeing this, and greeted him head-on.

After seeing this scene, all the villagers held their breath and watched nervously at the two attacks that were about to collide.


The violent collision suddenly sounded.

After that, I saw the huge boulder burst into pieces suddenly, and countless rubble shot towards all directions.

In the smoke and dust of the explosion, Torterra's huge figure appeared, and his whole body didn't seem to have been hurt at all.

But at this moment, Rhydon in the distance didn't know when he had already arrived in front of Torterra, and the Rock Type energy condensed on his fist!

This move is Rock Slide. Under Aiwen’s Coaching, Rhydon successfully condenses the power of Rock Slide into his fist, turning it into a melee attack.

However, Torterra was clearly prepared, with green light shining on his body, and he used the Mega Drain move!


Rhydon's fist hit Torterra heavily.

Under the power of horror, Torterra's body sank completely, but it was still firmly supported by it.

Um roar!

With a low growl, the green light on Torterra spreads out, and it envelops Rhydon all at once!

Rhydon immediately felt that his whole body was being quickly absorbed, and he broke free quickly, and his figure backed away embarrassedly.

After a round of battle, although its Rock Slide move caused Torterra not to be weak, it was quickly restored by Torterra through the Mega Drain move.

On the other hand, Grass Type’s four-fold restraint really makes it very annoying. A simple move, Mega Drain, takes away most of its stamina.

huhuhu ~

Rhydon panted slightly, looking darkly at Torterra, which was still full of energy.

In addition to the difference in strength, this Mega Drain's moves are too ridiculous. Every time after a battle, it is tired and half dead, but there is nothing on the other side.

roar roar roar!

Rhydon will never admit defeat!

Another stone was condensed by Rhydon and smashed towards Torterra.

Immediately after the second and third block, I heard a roar in the field, and Torterra's body was covered with gravel.

"This is too violent." A villager swallowed saliva and said.

At the same time, their hearts are full of enthusiasm, dreaming that they also have such a powerful demonic beast.

"Yes, there will be such a day!"

"Then, starting today, start with the acceptance of a demonic beast!"

The villagers showed expectation in their eyes, and they remembered the scenes of the battles in their eyes.

In the field, Rhydon continued to attack and the rumbling sound continued.

Gradually, Rhydon felt that he had entered a very strange feeling, surrounded by Rock Type energy around his body.

Suddenly, it moved in its heart and began to try to control these Rock Type energies.

Suddenly, looking at the surroundings of Rhydon's body, a brown-gray energy wave suddenly appeared, spreading towards all around a little bit.

These energies continued to condense together, and they quickly turned into a piece of rock floating around its body.

"Ancient Power!"

Rhydon's gaze looked towards Torterra on the opposite side and launched an attack.

whiz whiz whiz!

Countless stones rushed out, rushing towards Torterra instantly!

Faced with such a terrifying attack, Torterra was also stunned. After reacting, it immediately used Razor Leaf to counterattack.

But it was obviously too late at this time. Razor Leaf whistled past in the air, cutting the huge boulder in front of it into several pieces.

But the number of Rock Throw is really too much. It swallowed Razor Leaf at once, smashed it directly on Torterra, and smashed it into a hill!

"'s scary."

"Is this battle over?"

The villagers were discussing spiritedly, and Rhydon suddenly broke out The power of shock shocked everyone.

Tangela in the distance also watched this scene blankly.

Ancient Power, it must be Ancient Power... Tangela repeated this sentence in her heart, and her eyes slowly enlarged.

Rhydon actually displayed Ancient Power during the battle. This is incredible!

Its training method is right. Fighting can indeed stimulate its own potential... Tangela's heart has what Aiwen said.


It lowered its head to think, and then there was firmness in its eyes.

I must follow in Rhydon's footsteps, and then learn Ancient Power moves!

Rhydon in the field is also very excited at this time.

Ancient Power moves. It finally mastered the Ancient Power moves. The feeling of controlling the energy of Rock Type at will is really wonderful!

Then, its gaze looked towards Torterra in the distance. Did it win?

Just as the thoughts in Rhydon's mind flashed, he suddenly saw the gravel in the distance vibrating, and Torterra's figure appeared in the field.

At this time, Torterra also looked very embarrassed, but it was still not short of violent fall.

No roar!

Torterra's mouth roared, and then the Grass Type energy of the whole body quickly condensed, and it suddenly turned into countless leaves around his side.

After seeing this scene, Rhydon was also excited and used Ancient Power again.

huhuhu ~

The leaves mixed with the strong wind lasing out, and Rhydon was overwhelmed in an instant!

After Leaf Storm passed, I saw Rhydon's figure as if standing still half still.

After a while, Rhydon's figure suddenly fell to the ground with a roar!

Fight this time, and finally used Torterra to use the Grass Type ultimate, directly killing Rhydon in seconds and dropping Veilstone.

Tangela in the distance was taken aback, and hurriedly ran over to check the situation. After seeing that Rhydon had only passed out in a coma, she quietly relaxed.

"Sure enough, I lost again." Peter sighed. I don't know how many times Rhydon has failed.

Skillfully took out a bottle of healing potion, Peter came to Rhydon's side, and poured the healing potion into Rhydon.

Afterwards, he looked towards the villagers who were watching the battle and said: "The battle is over, let it go, let it all go."

After hearing the words of the patrol Captain, The villagers reluctantly left, still with memories of memories in their eyes, and their faces intoxicated.

In the following time, these villagers' interest in subduing the demonic beast rapidly increased. This battle planted a trainer seed in their hearts.


In the farm, Aiwen also heard of the previous battle.

In front of him, Rhydon is continuing his training in an imposing manner.

A failure is nothing, it must be trained more rigorously, and then challenge again!

On the other hand, Tangela's motivation for training is also very high, turning into Rhydon's most loyal follower.

"Rhydon, congratulations on learning the Ancient Power moves." Aiwen asked Rhydon to stop first, and then expressed his congratulations.

roar roar roar.

Rhydon roared very excitedly, and at the same time the Rock Type energy on his body condensed.

"Well, it is indeed the Ancient Power move."

After watching Rhydon's Ancient Power move, Aiwen smiled on his face, and then continued to teach Rhydon to train the Ancient Power move.

Tangela on the side also listened very carefully, and wrote down many details, planning to try again later.

Petilil, who had just given Rhydon treatment, also listened carefully, with a look of thoughtful expression on his face, which turned out to be the case.

Just as Petilil was thinking, he saw a Snowball hit the ground suddenly beside him.

It looked over and found that the annoying Froslass had a lot of Snowball in his hands at this time, and he was having a great time playing.

Obviously Froslass was also secretly trying to use Ancient Power before, but unfortunately it did not master Rock Type energy, so it could only use Ice Type energy instead.

This gave Petilil a little bit of inspiration. If it replaces Rock Type energy with Grass Type energy or life energy, can it succeed?

Tzzzzzzz AIDS~

Shinx listens carefully to the training experience of the seniors.

Although it hasn't been long since joining the team, Shinx is really envious of the strength of these seniors.

Recently, it has been training very hard. It has been able to master the most basic Electric Type attacks initially, turning the energy into Thunder Shock and lasing out.

Of course, these are far from enough. Its small goal is to use "Thunderbolt" like Luxray senior on the farm. That trick should be called this.

Starly and Cherrim are standing side by side on a branch, Starly has an unhappy expression, and Cherrim still has a cheerful smile that has not changed for years.

"Rhydon, you use Ancient Power again to condense energy."

Aiwen continued to direct Rhydon to activate the Ancient Power maneuvers, and saw brown-gray appearing around its body. Energy fluctuations.

"Tangela, come and feel this energy."

After that, Aiwen waved to Tangela, and the little fellow immediately ran over happily.

Petilil saw this, moved his body, Froslass also got closer, Shinx didn't know, so he also chose to get closer.

Aiwen: "..."


Lin Sen held the wooden bow in his hand, thinking of his previous victories, his heart rushed.

Beside him, Mightyena followed closely, and yearning was also revealed in his eyes at this time.

"Old Partner, do you want to become as strong as that Rhydon?" Lin Sen looked towards Mightyena seriously.

Mightyena was taken aback for a moment. It looked at each other with its owner, and then firmly nodded, but what should it do?

"Huh, it seems that it is time to make a decision."

"Join Orange Fruit Village as a patrol member, or return to Persim Berry Village to become the next village chief ......"

Lin Sen's tone was paused, and then he firmly said: "Although I feel sorry for Dad Raul, I want to stay in Orange Fruit Village!"

Make a decision After that, he quickly ran towards the direction of Orange Fruit Village, intending to tell Father Raul of his decision, and then go to Aiwen.

He believes that Aiwen's decision can make him stronger, just like that Rhydon!

When he returned home, Lin Sen saw his father sitting at the dining table in a daze. Only after seeing him come back did he smile.

"Daddy..." Lin Sen whispered, feeling sour in his heart inexplicably.

"Well, I'm back."

Raul gave Lin Sen a smile, then looked towards the longbow in his son's hand, slightly silent.

Lin Sen opened his mouth, and suddenly felt that he had already made a decision before, and it was difficult to speak at this moment.

Raul looked at his best son, and suddenly said with a smile: "Have you made a decision?"

Lin Sen was taken aback for a moment, and then his face appeared. In a panic, when he subconsciously wanted to explain, he was stopped by Raul reaching out.

"Stay, stay in Orange Fruit Village."

"Only here can you realize your dreams. Persim Berry Village is too small for you. Now."

Raul's face was always smiling, making Lin Sen stunned.

Nobody understands one's son better than his father, he never thought that his father knew his hesitation at first, and said this sentence first.

Looking at the vicissitudes of old father's face, Lin Sen suddenly felt that his eyes were a little hazy. Persim Berry village, this is the place father has guarded for his whole life.

He knew that his father certainly didn't want him to leave, but for his own ideals, he chose to compromise, fearing that he would be embarrassed, he chose to speak first.


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