"Kokodora, can you learn to be like a screw mole?...Do you want to dig a hole together?"

Shi Yu asked Kokodora.

"Kuo Kuo?" Kokodora was a little confused....It had tried before.

However, it was in the mountains, and the rocks there were very hard.

Kokodora couldn't dig it.

The soil here was very soft.

Kokodora said he could give it a try.


Kokodora imitated the screw mole and plunged into the ground.

Following behind the screw mole, he imitated the screw mole's movements.

After about ten minutes,

Kokodora's digging was very good.

It was just that he was still a little rusty and couldn't be as smooth as the screw mole.

But he could still do simple tillage.

"Kokodora really has the potential to dig holes. As expected of an elf with king-level qualifications, he learns new skills quickly."

Shi Yu praised.

In time, he should be able to take up the job.

Shi Yu opened the ranch store again.

He exchanged a bag of healing grass seeds for 200 ranch coins.

Compared with ordinary plants such as Wangwang Valley and Rolling Beans, the herbal seeds used for treatment are more expensive.

Shi Yu carried the bag of healing grass seeds and said to Serpentine Bear,"Serpentine Bear, could you please sow these seeds in the fields over there?"


Snake Bear nodded, indicating that it was no problem.

After Shi Yu helped Snake Bear tie the seeds of healing grass, he let it go to the field that Screw Groundhog had newly reclaimed today to sow.

After Scyther had finished cutting the ears of rice in Wangwang Valley, he rested for a few minutes and started weeding again.

Looking at the elves in the pasture, operating in an orderly manner,

Shi Yu expressed his satisfaction.


The iron dumbbell floated beside Shi Yu, as if asking Shi Yu,"

What is it going to do?"

""Iron Dumbbell, go to the river and practice your moves. You are the most important security chief of our ranch!"

Shi Yu said, and did not forget to take out a few experience candies for it.

Last night,

Shi Yu thought about the safety of the ranch.

There are no evil forces in Hualang Town.

There are no particularly high-level wild elves in the nearby area.

But building a ranch here will definitely inevitably lead to wild elves....Or an attack by someone with ulterior motives.

He must first cultivate a powerful elf.

Iron Dumbbell is the first choice.

As an elf with god-level potential, Iron Dumbbell's combat qualifications are undoubtedly the highest.

Pulling up its strength can also protect the normal operation of the ranch from being threatened.


Iron Dumbbell said he understood.

After eating the experience candy, he released the mind hammer and flew towards the river.

【Iron Dumbbell eats multiple experience candies to increase its level to 15, 16, and 17!】

"Just a little bit more, and the Iron Dumbbell can evolve into a Metal Monster."

Shi Yu gave all the experience candies that were rewarded after completing the missions to the Iron Dumbbell.

In order to make it evolve faster....

The sun sets.

The setting sun shines on the faces of every elf on the ranch, making them glow red.

The afterglow of the setting sun makes the ranch more cozy.

Shi Yu is busy in the wooden house, preparing dinner for the elves.

A pot of mushroom soup with a fragrant aroma comes out of the pot.


Following the scent, the pseudo-mantis that had been sleeping on the second floor all day came hopping down the stairs.

It jumped to the edge of Shi Yu's trouser legs.

"False mantis grass?"

Shi Yu looked at the False Mantis grass which was only 30 centimeters high, and was slightly startled.

He smiled and said,"You little guy, you have been sleeping for a whole day, and you got up when you smelled the fragrance, right?"


The pseudo-mantis grass rubbed the seeds on its head with its leaves without blushing or beating its heart.

It was like it was acting coquettishly with Shi Yu.

""Okay, okay, it'll be ready soon. I guarantee you'll be full and satisfied."

Shi Yu said, not forgetting to tidy up his work.

A pot of mushroom soup was brought outside the cabin by Shi Yu.

Then he shouted to the elves on the ranch,"It's time to eat!"

Hearing the sound of dinner, the elves who were still working on the ranch all ran over like flying.

Of course.

Dinner must not only be mushroom soup, but also the fragrant and high-quality Wangwang Valley rice.

Shi Yu cooked the Wangwang Valley to make its fragrance more fragrant.

""We have everything, don't push."

Shi Yu took out a lot of tableware.

He gave each elf a bowl of Wangwanggu rice and a bowl of Yingfen mushroom soup. When the elves started eating,

Shi Yu saw the information about tonight's dishes on the data panel.

【Shadow Mushroom Soup with Wangwang Rice (B-): Intermediate cuisine. Shadow Mushroom has the effect of increasing the elves' dodge rate. It tastes delicious and paired with the fragrant Wangwang Rice, it can be said to increase appetite. Even the children who refuse to eat obediently will finish two full bowls.】

【Cooking effect: Satiety value lv2, cold resistance lv1, dodge rate increased by 1%】

【Comment: This is a dish worthy of praise. From the action of clearing the plate, we can see that the elves in the ranch love this dish. Even if I become a real cooking master in the future, I will think that this dinner today is a very good dish when I think back to it.】...

Seeing the food reviews suddenly appearing on the data panel,

Shi Yu looked at the elves in front of him again.

He found that they were all empty-handed?

Even the picky eater, Iron Dumbbell, had finished his meal....

"Good fellow, how about you guys eat my portion too?"

Before Shi Yu could finish his words, the Wangwang rice and mushroom soup in his hands were robbed.

Not even the remaining mushroom soup in the pot and the remaining Wangwang rice grains in the rice cooker were left.

"It's really a clean plate campaign."

Shi Yu shook his head speechlessly....Another hungry night...

After clearing the dishes,

Shi Yu secretly made himself a bowl of instant noodles while the elves were playing outside the house, and he also added a starch sausage to reward himself.

After a simple and filling meal,

Shi Yu came to the balcony on the second floor.

He did not plan to sleep in the bedroom, but built a hammock on the balcony.

Lying on the hammock, looking at the twinkling stars in the sky, feeling the warm breeze of the summer night, Shi Yu felt very comfortable.

Unconsciously, he fell into a sweet dream....

In the dream, Shi Yu was riding a white horse.

Running on the frozen grassland.

There was fine snow floating in the sky. A black horse came running, and on its back, a guy with a green head was riding.


That's not a green head, it's a huge dark green bud.

Its real head looks very small.

The silver-white body looks very bright.

When the two horses clashed, the figure glanced at Shi Yu.

A purple energy flashed in his eyes.

Shi Yu's consciousness suddenly became blurred.

When he woke up again.

Shi Yu rubbed his sleepy eyes and found himself lying on a hammock.


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