The sky was gray and the morning mist made Shi Yu feel a little cool. After seeing clearly that he was on the second-floor balcony of the wooden house,

Shi Yu breathed a sigh of relief and said,"It turned out to be a dream?"

However, how could this dream be so real?

Thinking of the scene in the dream, the guy with the huge dark green bud on his head appeared in Shi Yu's mind.

""Bud Crown!"

Shi Yu looked to the south, the forest blocked his view.

But he knew very well.

Beyond this forest and over a snowy mountain is the frozen area of the Galar region, the Crown Snowfield!

Legend has it that in ancient times, there were two ruling elves on the Crown Snowfield.

They were Blizzard Horse and Spirit Horse.

They were the kings of the Crown Snowfield, rejecting all humans who invaded their territory, and would attack humans and their elves.

Until the appearance of the Bud Crown, they were defeated by the Bud Crown and became the Bud Crown's favorite horses.

The Bud Crown can merge with its favorite horse by tying the reins, becoming the Bud Crown riding a white horse or the Bud Crown riding a black horse.

At the same time.

Riding the Blizzard Horse and The buds on the head of the Spirit Horse's BudCrown will glow, and its wings will grow longer, like a cape. Its spiritual power will also be awakened, becoming extremely powerful.

In addition to these deeds, BudCrown has another title.

It is called: The King of Plenty!

Rumor has it that BudCrown has the ability to heal the soul and make grass sprout, and is a Pokémon with a heart full of love.

It is said that when it waves its right hand, it can make flowers bloom and grass green. When it waves its left hand, it can make the fields fertile and the crops harvested.

It can be said to be an excellent and rare Pokémon for ranches!

In addition, BudCrown has a special ability to gain power by absorbing faith, but if it loses faith, its power will weaken.

"Why did I dream of the Rose Crown King? Or the Rose Crown King riding a black horse?...Wait!"

Shi Yu frowned as if he had thought of something.

"In the dream, the white horse under my crotch, could it be a snow horse?"

Shi Yu suddenly realized that something was wrong.

He had played Pokémon Sword and Shield and had set foot on the Crown Tundra in the game.

But in reality, he knew nothing about the Crown Tundra.

"Could it be that...Is it the King of the Bud Crown who is calling me through this dream?"

Shi Yu muttered to himself, maybe there is such a possibility.

In the game, the King of the Bud Crown gradually lost his power because he lost the faith of mankind, and even his beloved horse left him in the end.

It was the protagonist, the player, who repaired the statue in the Frozen Village, which made it appear to thank him.

In this world,

Shi Yu has not heard of the deeds of the King of the Bud Crown.

At least the residents of Hualang Town probably haven't heard of the King of the Bud Crown.

And Shi Yu has never set foot on the Crown Snowfield.

I don't know what happened there.

"Although this dream is very strange, I have to go to the Crown Snowfield, visit the Frozen Village, and go to the Crown Temple when I have time."

Shi Yu seemed to have made a decision in his heart. He got off the hammock.

Shi Yu stretched.

Why do I feel so tired after a night's rest?

Standing on the balcony and looking out,

Shi Yu was surprised and happy.

Iron dumbbells, screw gophers, snake bears, Cocodora, and Scyther...The sheep with plaits were active during the day and slept at night.

But the pseudo-mantis grass, which had slept all day, was a nocturnal spirit.

After eating and drinking last night, the pseudo-mantis grass started its work.


But what Shi Yu didn't expect was that in one night, the pseudo-mantis grass had actually weeded all the weeds within a few miles.

"The speed of weeding is much more efficient than that of Scyther!"

Shi Yu couldn't help but sigh.

If he had tamed the Pseudo Mantis earlier, why would he and Xiaoyou have to work so hard in the fields?


Just as Shi Yu was showing a happy expression, the tired-looking Pseudo-Mantis returned to the balcony on the second floor.

"Pseudo-mantis, thank you for your hard work"


The fake mantis responded to Shi Yu and then lay down on the high-end bed.

"Have a good rest, Pseudo-Mantis, Ou Yasmi~"

After saying this,

Shi Yu went downstairs from the stairs and came to the outside of the wooden house.


Iron Dumbbell had woken up, and when he saw Shi Yu coming downstairs, he floated over.

The screw mole started to work.

Shi Yu walked to the ranch and looked around.

The land planted yesterday had a total of 100 square meters of healing grass, 100 square meters of Wangwang Valley, 100 square meters of rolling beans, and 100 square meters of glutinous mushrooms.

In other words.

There are currently four kinds of plants in Shi Yu's ranch.

When these plants grow up, Shi Yu will complete the task of [Please plant more plants and complete a harvest (1/3)].

As for the remaining fields.

Shi Yu is not in a hurry to plant plants.

Today's task is to build a hut for the braided sheep to live in.

Complete the task of [Build a braided sheep hut].

In addition.

If possible, Shi Yu hopes to increase the number of braided sheep to ten, and complete another task of conquering ten braided sheep.

"After the weeds in the pasture were cleared, the task of reclaiming the land became more difficult. The screw mole and Kokodora, who were not very skilled in digging holes, might be a little slow."

Shi Yu made a decision after supporting his chin with his hand.

"Kokodora, can you go back to the mountain and help me find a digging elf? It would be even better if there is a friend you know, let it come to my ranch...."

Shi Yu originally wanted to say work, but think about it...This wording feels like exploiting employees.

So he changed the wording and said,"Come to my ranch, you can have food and clothing, and you can also improve your strength."

"Kuo Kuo~~"

Kokodora nodded, indicating that she understood.

Then, she ran towards the mountains in the southwest.

""Braided sheep!"

Shi Yu came to the place where the braided sheep gathered and woke them all up.

After a day and a night of rest, it was time to do some work.

You can't just eat, drink and live for free, right?

""Don't sleep any more, hurry down the mountain and call all your fellow sheep with braids." After driving the sheep away,

Shi Yu came to the stream to wash up.

He glanced at the ten orange fruit trees planted by the stream.

Shi Yu was shocked.

"Oh? I didn't expect that they would bear fruit in one night?"

Shi Yu said happily.

Yesterday, the ranch used the ranch plant maturation accelerator.

The orange fruit seedlings that were still seedlings grew into orange fruit trees.

Obviously, this ranch plant maturation accelerator also includes the flowering and fruiting of fruit trees.

Although it took a long time and took a night, in the early morning, these blue fruits were all hanging on the trees.

"Iron dumbbells, ready to pick fruits to eat."

Just after saying this, Shi Yu saw a small figure moving on the fruit tree?


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