Benbenyu glanced at Shiyu with half-closed eyes.

It seemed to be asking...Who are you?

Shi Yu was stunned for two seconds. Then he smiled and said,"Stupid fish, I just used my healing ability to help you recover."


The stupid fish suddenly opened its eyes. As a polite fish, it expressed its gratitude to Shi Yu.

"in addition...If you want to go back to the sea, you may not be able to do it."


Benbenyu expressed his doubt again. Shi

Yu waved the luxury ball in his other hand and explained to Benbenyu:"Just now, when you were unconscious, I subdued you."


The fish was stunned.

What the hell? He captured it when it wasn't paying attention?!!!


When it was drifting on the sea, I don't know how many Poké Balls it avoided to avoid being captured.

What the hell?...Will it eventually be conquered by humans?

The stupid fish collapsed on the sand, its eyes rolled back, like a dead fish.

"Are you okay, silly fish?"


Benbenyu turned his head away, indicating that he didn't want to pay attention to Shi Yu.

But at this moment, he saw the metal monster floating above.

The silver-white metal...It seems that before it fell unconscious, it was hit by this thing.


The stupid fish jumped up angrily.

Its water splashing jump was very well controlled. With one jump, it jumped almost as high as the metal monster.


The stupid fish seemed to be asking the metal monster for an explanation.

The metal monster looked serious and ignored the stupid fish.

Then, the stupid fish turned to look at Shi Yu, as if asking Shi Yu,...What is this stinking piece of metal so proud of?

"Hahahaha... stupid fish, it's called Metal Monster....It was it that hit you accidentally, so I apologize to you on its behalf. Look, I also cured you, so can this be considered even?"

"Luka?" Benbenyu thought about it and decided that if they calculated it this way, it would be fair....Something seems strange


The stupid fish suddenly thought that it was conquered by the human in front of it.

It jumped and splashed in the water, expressing its inner dissatisfaction to Shi Yu.

Shi Yu ignored it and hugged the stupid fish in the water.

After feeling the affinity from Shi Yu's hands, the stupid fish suddenly felt...Return to the Hoenn region...What is the feeling of finding a loved one?


Benbenyu looked at Shi Yu's eyes, which suddenly became less irritable and more gentle.

"Stupid fish, I am sorry for taking you in without your permission."

"However, now that things have come to this, are you willing to come to my ranch? I have a large pond and a clear stream there. If you are willing, it will be your home in the future."

Hearing Shi Yu's sincere words, Benbenyu was moved.

"Oh, by the way, if you are willing to come, the pond and the stream will be yours from now on."


After hearing the conditions proposed by Shi Yu, the stupid fish was moved again.

Just when it was about to agree,

Shi Yu directly released the king bomb.

"In addition, I can also make you a promise. In the future, I can let you evolve into Milotic."


The stupid fish patted Shi Yu's shoulder with its fin, as if to say...From now on, you will be the most important partner in my life.

"Welcome to join us, Benbenyu!"


The fish said it was an honor.

After completely taming the fish,

Shi Yu left the beach of Shuizhou Town.

He was in a hurry.

Before returning to Hualang Town, he had one thing left to do.

That was to challenge the gym leader of Shuizhou Town, Lulina.

Although Shi Yu was not interested in challenging the Galar Alliance, he would not refuse the generous reward.

Steel Z Pure Crystal plus Z Power Bracelet...There are also a small amount of experience candies. This mission reward is not small.

Shi Yu walked towards the gym in Shuizhou Town.

But he found that the entrance was crowded with people?

"Are they all here to challenge the Shuizhou Gym?"

Shi Yu muttered.

"Hey! Pigeons, are you new here?"

Suddenly, a fat man who was squeezed in front of Shi Yu turned around and asked


"I asked...Are you new here?"


Shi Yu wiped his sweat. This guy has a problem with his comprehension ability.

Didn't I just answer it?

"That's right, hurry up and grab a good seat. Lulina will come out later. Only if you rush fast can you get an autographed photo."


Shi Yu was a little confused when he heard this.

What the hell is an autographed photo? Shouldn't it be a gym challenge?

"What? You are not a fan of Lulina?"

The fat man asked in confusion.

"fan..."Shi Yu scratched his head and explained,"I am the challenger. And what about the autographed photo you mentioned?"


The fat man was squeezed out of the crowd, and after cursing, he looked Shi Yu up and down.

"You mean your challenger? The one who challenged the Galar Alliance?"

"Um...I guess so."

Shi Yu didn't know how to explain it, so he just agreed with him.

Otherwise, it would be troublesome to explain.

"Then you can go to the challenger channel next to you, it's empty there."

The fat man pointed a way to Shi Yu.

Looking in the direction he pointed, Shi Yu really saw a channel entrance. There were two security guards standing there, and no one was around.

"Many thanks..."

Just as Shi Yu thanked the fat man in front of him and was about to change the track, the fat man smiled and said,"But, I don't recommend you to challenge the gym today."


"As you can see, today is Miss Lurina's personal model exhibition, called Surfing Art Photography Exhibition. She is now shooting surfing in the gym, and the entire gymnasium's auditorium is full of spectators. We all didn't buy tickets, so we are waiting outside for Miss Lurina to come out and squeeze in for a signed photo!" Hearing the fat man's explanation,

Shi Yu suddenly remembered Lurina's side job, she is a model and surfer.

No wonder...No wonder there are so many people in the gym today.

Shi Yu was still thinking, how could there be so many gym challengers?

"So, if you challenge it today, you will be surrounded by spectators from both sides. If you win, it will be fine, but if you lose,...It would be embarrassing, and the audience would point fingers at me."

The fat man in front of me is quite nice.

I am afraid that if Shi Yu loses the challenge to Lulina, he will be pointed at by the people around him, which will cause him to have a negative psychological shadow.

"I understand, but..."

Shi Yu glanced at the time.

It would take about two hours to get from Shuizhou Town to Mugan Town by subway.

There were still three hours until the last bus from Mugan Town back to Hualang Town.

In other words, Shi Yu still had an hour to spare.

"I'll go in and take a look. If Lurina is willing to accept my challenge, then I'll try to finish challenging the Shuizhou Gym today."

Otherwise, it would be a waste of time to come to Shuizhou Town again.


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