Shi Yu came to the challenger passage on the left side of the gym and was stopped by two elf security guards.

"Sorry, please show me your gym challenge invitation."

If you want to challenge the gym leader in Galar, you can't just go to the gym like in other regions.

In Galar, you need to prove your strength.

Only after you get the approval of the alliance can you get a gym challenge invitation.

Only with a gym challenge invitation can you challenge the gym in Galar and challenge the Galar Alliance.

"Here, this is my challenger invitation letter.

Shi Yu took out a...The invitation letter with the signature of the Galar regional champion Dan Di was handed to the elf security guards in front of them.

The two elf security guards had received many challengers and had seen many invitation letters.

But when they saw that the signature on this invitation letter was Dan Di champion, the two people's eyes changed immediately.

"you...You have an invitation letter from Mr. Champion?"

The dull expression of one of the elf security guards betrayed his inner shock.

Shi Yu smiled and said,"It's just luck. Please keep it a secret for me."

There are many irrational fans among the people present.

Star-chasers are often crazy, and they don't necessarily chase only one star.

As the strongest in the Galar region, Dan Emperor Champion undoubtedly has the most fans.

If these star-chasers knew that Shi Yu had an invitation letter from Champion Dan Emperor, who knows......What crazy actions will they take?

"Ah! Oh..."

The elf security guard glanced at the noisy group of fans next to him and understood what Shi Yu meant.

""Sorry, I lost my temper just now. Please come in."

After returning the invitation letter to Shi Yu, the two elf security guards stepped aside and left a passage for Shi Yu to enter the gym.

This scene was naturally seen by the star-chasing group nearby.

They were all very surprised.

"No way! Today, there are still challengers coming to challenge Miss Lurina?"

"What a guts! It's a pity that I didn't buy a ticket, otherwise I would have to see with my own eyes the stinky expression on his face after being defeated!"

"My cousin is in the audience inside. I will ask her to help me take pictures of the battle to entertain everyone!"


The star-chasing group seemed to have announced Shi Yu's defeat. But

Shi Yu ignored them and went straight to the inside of the Shuizhou Gym.

Speaking of which, this was Shi Yu's first time to come to a gym in the Galar region. Before, when he was studying in the Hifumi City in the Unova region, Shi Yu had been to the Hifumi Gym in Hifumi City.

The gym master was Shi Yu's homeroom teacher, Mr. Hei Lian.

Compared to the gyms in the Galar region that were like star halls, the gyms in the Unova region had a kind of...Country cottage feel

"I don't know how the boy Xiu Di in the anime dared to say that Shadouxi was from the countryside?"

Shi Yu frowned, a little puzzled.

This boy is a frog in the well who has never seen the world.

After Shi Yu walked around the lobby of the Shuizhou Gym, he came to the front desk.

He took the initiative to hand over the invitation letter signed by the champion and said seriously:"Hello, I am the challenger who comes to challenge the Shuizhou Gym. Is the gym leader of the Shuizhou Gym available to accept the challenge now?"

The lady at the front desk took the invitation letter from Shi Yu's hand, and after confirming that it was correct, she registered Shi Yu's identity information. Then she returned the invitation letter to Shi Yu and said,"Please wait, I will contact Miss Lulina's assistant."

Shi Yu nodded and stood aside.

The lady at the front desk dialed a number, and soon, a voice agreeing to the gym challenge came from the other end of the phone.

After hanging up the phone, the lady at the front desk smiled at Shi Yu and said,"Miss Lulina accepts your challenge, please follow me"


After that,

Shi Yu followed the lady at the front desk.

The two walked through the magnificent hall and came to the battle arena.

Coming out of the battle passage, Shi Yu saw a huge water stage.

In the center of the stage, a beautiful woman with dark skin and wearing a blue and white swimsuit was performing a surfing show.

On both sides, there were multiple cameras, as if they were filming the woman's surfing show.

After a gorgeous surfing show, the audience sitting in the audience seats on both sides of the stage all applauded and issued deafening cheers and shouts.

They all shouted the name"Lulina".

It was obvious that just now The woman who performed the surfing show was Lulina, the gym leader of the Shuizhou Gym.

Lulina stood on the pedal of the water stage and bowed 90 degrees to the audience.

Then she jumped into the water and swam to the shore.

After coming out of the water, she wrapped her dark body with a white bath towel and wiped the water stains on her forehead.

Then she listened to what the beautiful assistant beside her was saying.


Lulina looked at the challenger channel where Shi Yu was.

Seeing Shi Yu standing there, she smiled and nodded.

Then she picked up the microphone and said to the audience:"Everyone, our water show today has a surprise easter egg. Just now, I heard the assistant say that a challenger wants to challenge me. Do you want to see a gorgeous battle in the water?"

The audience at the scene obviously didn't expect that there would be such a good thing?

They all bought tickets to watch Lulina's underwater show.

But it doesn't include the gym challenge.

Now, being able to add a gym challenge is a pleasant surprise to this group of audiences!


I don't know which audience member was the first to shout.

The whole audience shouted"I want to watch the game".

Under the deafening shouts,

Lulina's assistant came to the challenger channel.

The woman had short brown hair and was wearing a swimsuit. She was slim but full of muscle curves.

Obviously, she was a fitness girl.

"Excuse me, are you the challenger?"

"Um...It's me."

Shi Yu nodded.

"Then may I ask, how many badges do you have now?"

When Shi Yu heard this question, he was slightly stunned, thinking of Lulina's gym, which was the second gym to challenge in the game.

He asked back:"Could it be that...To challenge Ms. Lurina, are there any requirements for the number of gym badges?"

"No, no, no."

The female fitness assistant shook her head and replied with a smile:"As long as you have an invitation letter, you can challenge the gym in the Galar region. There is no requirement for the number of gym badges."

"However, Miss Lurina will send out elves of the corresponding level to fight according to the number of badges of the challenger."

After hearing the explanation of the female fitness assistant, Shi Yu understood what she meant....It's exactly the same as in Kanto.

According to the number of gym badges, you can choose a Pokémon that suits the challenger's level....Compared to some regions, the gym leaders in Galar are still very dedicated to their job.


PS: According to"Pokémon THE ORIGIN", the gym owner in the Kanto region will select a Pokémon of the appropriate level to meet the challenge of the challenger based on the number of badges of the challenger....The next chapter will be the one that will be put on the shelves. Please give me a first order, my benefactors....Thank you!

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