Because he didn't know whether the Pokémon at Hanako's house could eat at the table, Charlotte pointed the Poké Ball switch at the open space on the side.



A blue-white figure and an orange-yellow figure appeared in front of the three people.



"Wow, it's Little Lalu and Little Koda! They are both very cute."


"Little Koda, you are very cute!"


Charlotte couldn't help rolling his eyes. He knew very well that the other party was pretending to be stupid.

Bending down, Charlotte picked up Shiny Lalulas.

The milky body, blue hair and orange round tentacles made Lalulas very cute.

Xiaozhi happily ran to the cupboard, poured two bowls of Poké food, and ran over excitedly with the bowls.

"This is the Pokémon food at home, Charlotte, let them eat it."

While speaking, Xiaozhi stared at Ralts without blinking, and showed a puzzled expression.

He rubbed his chin with his fingers, lost in thought.

"Why is the color of this Ralts different from the one in the illustrated book?"

Hanako looked thoughtful, "Well, you should wait for Professor Oak to ask about this."

"Come on, little Ralts, eat~"

Hanako reached out and picked up a Poké Food and handed it to Ralts.

However, Ralts just sniffed and shook its head to refuse,


"So cute, little Ralts, don't you like it? What a pity."

"Ahem." Charlotte interrupted Hanako, who was wearing a cute filter,

"Actually, my Ralts likes to eat human food."

"Oh, so that's even better, come and try Aunt Hanako's cooking."

This time, Ralts saw Charlotte eat it, so it ate it without hesitation.

Hanako couldn't help but applaud after seeing Ralts swallow the food she made,

"Ahhhh little Ralts is awesome!"

Xiaozhi looked at the little Ralts who started to eat the food, then looked at the Pokémon food in his hand, and looked at the silly Psyduck helplessly.


Tempting to turn around, Koda ignored Xiaozhi's feeding,

Walking behind a seat on the side of Charlotte, he stretched out his hand to pull the seat open, and sat on the chair under the confused gaze of Charlotte, Hanako, and Xiaozhi.

Koda, who was about the same height as Xiaozhi, sat on the chair just right, and looked quite like it.

Koda casually summoned the chopsticks in the kitchen and flew over automatically.

Under the astonished gaze of the three, Koda did not eat first, but picked a piece of the best braised pork belly and put it in Charlotte's bowl.

"Ah, ah, ah! Do you treat little Charlotte as a child?"

Hanako clapped her hands in surprise, "Little Koda's mother is great!"

Xiaozhi: "... This Koda is so smart!"

Xiaozhi was not dissatisfied with Koda's dislike at all, but was shocked by the scene of Koda using chopsticks skillfully in front of him.

Charlotte knew her own family affairs,

Knowing that she and Koda were not so close, she pointed her finger at herself in confusion. "For me?"

Psyduck nodded.

Charlotte scratched his head, it was really weird.

Although it felt strange, Charlotte still put the meat into his mouth, feeling the tenderness and deliciousness of the meat, Charlotte gave a thumbs up.

Hanako and Psyduck nodded with satisfaction at the same time.


The meal ended quickly,

Charlotte received a call from Kona and said goodbye to the mother and son.

Charlotte finally got a reward on this trip,

Charlotte tried to fuse Xiaozhi's genes, but was prompted that the Mew gene swallowed Xiaozhi's genes.

This reminded Charlotte,

If it is not necessary, high-level genes with low matching degree should not be used.

Forced fusion will not only make it difficult to provide you with a high ceiling, but will even limit your development.

Now the only genes that Charlotte can replace are those god-level genes at the same level as Mew.

I don't know when I can find them,

Or, there are no such genes in the world at all? Don't do it.

Carrying the packed food back to the institute,

Charlotte saw Kona who looked a little tired, but didn't see Dr. Oak.

"Where's the doctor?"

"He's gone to lobby for you. Let's go, I'll take you to Hollywood to watch a movie."

"Okay!" After putting down the food, Charlotte got in the car.

Just after fastening the seat belt, Charlotte was stunned when he looked back at the name Kona had just said. "Hollywood?"

"Do you think this place name is strange?"

Seeing Charlotte nod, Kona smiled knowingly, "That's right, after all, the ending of "Wu" is different from that of "town", so it's normal to be surprised."

As the car was driving on the road, Kona suddenly showed a teasing expression.

"How is it? Break up with that little girlfriend, will you feel a little reluctant to leave?"

"Hmm?" Charlotte was confused, "Girlfriend? Who?"

"Hmm? Didn't you say that a little girl from Carlos crawled into your tent last night? You didn't forget about her, did you?"

While speaking, Kona did not forget to observe Charlotte's every move.

"Oh, you mean Serena, she is too young, I guess she will forget about me soon."

"What did you do in the tent? "Kona asked as if chatting.

In fact, at that time, Professor Oak sent Alakazam of the Psychic Department to monitor the situation in the tent.

He was just teasing Kona, saying that your brother had a girlfriend and threw himself into her arms but forgot to tell her.

Kona had to ask in person.

This natural and easy-going tone should be able to easily get the truth.

Kona wanted to see if Charlotte was indifferent to her charm because of his overly perverted sexual fetish.

If Charlotte was really a copper smelter, then she would have to consider whether to send Charlotte to school or to prison.

In a quiet environment, Charlotte said shocking words in the most calm tone.

"I didn't do anything, I just hugged her and Lalulas to sleep."

"Puff! "

The female assistant driving in front almost spitted saliva on the steering wheel and stepped on the brake.

She had heard the boss mention the summer camp that Charlotte attended, and knew that it was an 8-year-old children's group...


She cursed silently in her heart,

but to her surprise, the boss did not beat Charlotte, but glanced at her with dissatisfaction, "Drive!"


The vehicle started again soon.

Kona knew more and understood that Charlotte's mind was like a blank sheet of paper.

What he said could not be interpreted with the mind of the female assistant driving in front.

And think about it,

With Professor Oak at the scene, it is impossible for anything inappropriate for children to happen.

Therefore, Kona was still very patient,

but knowing it was knowing it,

Kona still wanted to see whether Charlotte was not interested in Serena, or if she had the intention but not the courage.

"Didn't something else happen? For example...reproduction behavior? "

"No, Sister Kona, she is very beautiful but too young, and probably not suitable for childbearing. But you..."

"Shut up."

Kona's face suddenly changed, and she stopped Charlotte from talking without thinking.

The female assistant driving in the front seat had already silently given Charlotte a thumbs up in her heart.

You are awesome!

Take a deep breath, calm down her somewhat irritable emotions, Kona keenly noticed Charlotte's choice of words,

Very beautiful!

... In other words, Charlotte really fell in love with that little girl?

"Then why not... I'll help you get a connection, make an engagement first, and get married directly when you are of the right age?"

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