Charlotte admitted that he was moved for a moment.

After all, he could see that Serena was a little beauty, and since she was the protagonist, she would definitely look good in the future.

But Charlotte interrupting the encounter between Xiaozhi and Serena was just an accident.

It didn't mean that he really wanted to intervene in other people's emotions. He should not take the initiative to intervene.

"Let's talk about it later, if she still remembers me when she grows up."

What does "let's talk about it later" mean, do you really like that little girl?

For a moment, Kona couldn't help but have some doubts about her charm as a woman.


Thinking of the scene where Charlotte checked the bottom of Lalulas's skirt, Kona's face began to become dangerous.

Could it be...Charlotte really has the potential to become a pervert?

As the black luxury car drove into an urban area with high-rise buildings,

"Boss, we're here."

The vehicle stopped steadily on the side of the road. Kona looked outside the car and got out of the car with Charlotte.

Because it was the first time in two lives to watch a movie, Charlotte was very excited, but he did not do anything rash that would embarrass Kona.

Checking tickets to enter,

There were not many people in the venue. Charlotte counted carefully and there were only ten people in total.

Kona took Charlotte to the center of the auditorium, where there was only a woman wearing black sunglasses and white clothes.

Kona seemed to know the woman, but Charlotte didn't care.

He watched the first movie in his life with great concentration.

"How was it?" The woman in sunglasses asked Charlotte curiously,

Charlotte glanced at Kona and saw that she didn't speak, so she seemed to have agreed.

Charlotte carefully summed up his feelings,

"... Overall, in my personal opinion, this is a great movie."

"Yes, a great movie! But... not many people watch it." The woman's tone was sad, full of dissatisfaction with the current situation of the theater.

The film ended and the lights in the venue came on.

It was at this time that Charlotte saw the woman's figure, nose, lips and face clearly.

"This image!" Charlotte turned around and looked at the big screen in surprise. Who else could it be but the heroine in the film? "You are..."


She stretched out her white jade fingers to seal Charlotte's lips.

Dianxi and Karuna in a black dress

"Karunai, the heroine of the film, remember to keep it a secret!"


The first time I saw a big star on the screen in real life, the impact was still a little different.

Charlotte was very excited,

But this excitement made Kona feel a little uncomfortable. After all, when Charlotte saw him at the beginning, he didn't feel this excitement at all.

And... Tsk, it's a Carlos again.

Kona thought he knew the truth. Charlotte liked the appearance of Carlos people.

After leaving the theater, the three came to a box in a high-end coffee shop.


As soon as she sat down, Karuna, who looked about 18-9 years old, began to sigh.

"Look at you, the data is not good?"

"Gu! Not only is it not good, it is not selling at all!"

The girl stretched out her arms and gave up on herself and pressed her entire upper body on the round table.

"?" Karuna's action scared Charlotte.

Suddenly realizing that there were outsiders at the scene, Karuna's cheeks turned red and she sat up straight to restore her ladylike appearance.


Kona rolled her eyes. What's the point of pretending to be a lady at this time? Can she still save her image in Charlotte's heart?

Yes, Charlotte's celebrity filter has been broken.

Now he thinks that celebrities are just ordinary people. Looking at Karuna again, he just thinks she is a very beautiful beauty.

"Let me introduce you to Karuna, the 18th-tier celebrity from Carlos."

"No way, didn't she just play the leading female role in a movie?"

"You flopped."

"So what? Moviegoers gave me rave reviews, right?"

"You flopped."

"I @#¥%..."

"You flopped."

Knock, knock!

The knock on the door interrupted the two women's fight.

"Come in!"

The waitress brought three cups of coffee into the room on a tray, then put away the plates and politely left the room.

"Hey, I won't fight with you anymore. I'm also very distressed."

Kona rubbed his head.

"It's not just your movie. In the past year, the box office of all movies has shrunk significantly, and the number of crews has been decreasing year by year."

"Alas... My dad told me to go back to Carlos to develop. He thinks Hollywood is in decline."

"That's the truth. In a few years, Hollywood will probably go bankrupt."

Kona raised his hand and rubbed his temple.

She is good at fighting and eradicating evil, but she is completely clueless when it comes to doing business.

Seeing Kona's fatigue, Charlotte stood up on her own initiative, reaching out from behind to massage Kona's shoulders.

Kona was very pleased. It was great to have a considerate brother.


Karuna's eyes widened in surprise.

Her curious and gossipy eyes swept back and forth between Charlotte and Kona.

"Sister Kona, this is your..."


"Oh, I understand. What brother?" Karuna's smile gradually became perverted.

"Don't be so dirty-minded."

"I understand, I understand."

"He is very pitiful."

"I understand, I understand."

"It's a secret of the alliance, so I can't tell you."

"I understand, I understand."

"You are really itchy, right?" Kona took a deep breath and clenched her fist.

Seeing that Kona was serious, Karuna quickly admitted her mistake, "Oh, I was wrong. Who told you to attack me like this before, Sister Kona?"

Kona rolled his eyes helplessly at the pouting girl, "I apologize to you."

"Hehe, that's right, I'm not a loser."

After laughing, Karuna sat up straight at Charlotte's stunned look. "Ahem!"

"Okay, Charlotte, stop watching. The coffee is getting cold."

Sitting back in his seat, looking at Kona who was still frowning,

Charlotte's heart once again surged with the idea of ​​wanting to help the other party to repay his gratitude.

He had this idea, not for no reason.

Although it was his first time to watch a movie and he had no idea about the operation model of the cinema, he had read a lot of online articles while lying on the hospital bed.

He had read a lot of entertainment articles and learned a lot about the business insider of his previous life.

Although many things in novels are fictional, some principles in reality are real.

Anyway, Kona is helpless now.

Why not let him try his best and work together?

"Excuse me, Kona, isn't the per capita income in Kanto high?"

"It's quite high. People can basically eat and drink enough, and have some entertainment life. What's wrong?"

Charlotte was confused, "Then why is the box office low?"

Although he has not seen the movie and cannot judge it,

But from Kona's performance after watching the movie and the reactions of the other 7 audience members, it is not difficult to see that the movie is a good movie.

Since everyone lives a rich life, the movie is also a good movie, and the subject matter is also popular, why did it flop?

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