"Ultimate Beasts are creatures similar to Pokémon that do not belong to this world, but the specific reason for their appearance is still a mystery..."

Speaking of deep feelings, Lusamine could not help but reveal an obsessive look,

"If possible, I really want to move to where they live and settle down to study them carefully."

"Ultimate Beasts fan?"

Lusamine laughed, "You can understand it that way."

While chatting and laughing with Lusamine, the vehicle drove past a series of teaching buildings.

Along the way, Charlotte also saw a lot of students,

Silently praised their school uniforms that looked fashionable instead of sportswear.

As the vehicle arrived at the open-air battle field near the cafeteria,

Seeing a certain grass-green figure practicing moves on the field, Lusamine slowed down the car and stopped on the side of the road.

"We are here. This little guy will be your first partner."

"Thank you, teacher. I will be back soon."

"Well, go ahead."

After watching Charlotte get off the car and quickly run towards the battlefield, Lusamine also got off the car.

She leaned against the car door with her arms folded, wondering what she was thinking.

At the same time,

When Charlotte came near the vine snake again,

her eyes stayed on the green back, but she did not approach rashly.

Before coming, while chatting with Lusamine, Charlotte had also used the illustrated book to learn more about the information related to the vine snake.

Knowing that the vine snake has a high degree of wisdom and a calm attitude, it does not like to gather together.

Facing such a Pokémon who likes to be alone, it is obviously better to leave her some private territory before getting her approval.

What Charlotte did not know was that

the vine snake had already noticed the arrival of the vehicle and even noticed his approach.

At the same time,

The previous experiences let Snake know that she must show her extraordinaryness and let the school pay attention to her trainer assignment.

She had enough of those useless trainers.

In order not to let these idiots bother her anymore, and to let the school assign her a trainer who can help her become stronger,

Snake decided not to cooperate this time.

If the person rashly enters the battlefield and approaches her, she will treat him as an enemy. She will use the vine whip to make the other party retreat.

But what Snake didn't expect was that Charlotte stopped.

Both sides kept silent tacitly.

Recalling the information obtained from Principal Oak, Charlotte decided to take a drastic measure.

"Hello, Snake, I am the trainer that the school thinks is most suitable for you."

As expected, as Charlotte expected,

Snake's expression was moved when she heard the three words "most suitable".

Putting away the whip, Vine Snake turned around curiously, blinking its cute big eyes at Charlotte.

Charlotte finally saw Vine Snake's face.

Most of Vine Snake's body is green, but its abdomen and feet are cream-colored. There is a yellow stripe on its back from the tail to the tail, and there is also a yellow structure around its eyes that looks like eyeshadow.

The yellow part beside its neck is like a small wing, and it looks like a lily ornament from behind.

Vine Snake's arms are green like its body, with three fingers, and the end of its tail is a large leaf with three forks.

Although it is a snake-shaped Pokémon, Vine Snake has four limbs and stands on two feet.

A snake with hands and feet and a little fat looks very cute!

Pinching waist

While Charlotte was looking at Vine Snake, Vine Snake was also observing Charlotte.

Charlotte's height of 184cm and his figure comparable to that of a male model were enough to make Vine Snake look at him differently.

Compared to those little kids who are just over one meter tall,

Charlotte's height can give people a strong feeling.

And Charlotte is handsome enough, which makes her feel handsome across species, and makes her more patient with Charlotte.

Seeing that the vine snake did not attack or leave directly, Charlotte breathed a sigh of relief,

Continued: "I hope to have a frank talk with you."


In the big eyes of the vine snake, the eyeballs turned, showing a thoughtful look, digesting the content of Charlotte's words.

In the end, the vine snake nodded seriously,

The vine snake also wanted to make a quick decision and determine whether the two sides were suitable from the beginning to avoid delaying each other.

If the trainers in the past were as direct as Charlotte, it would be better.

In the expectation of the vine snake, Charlotte spoke: "I heard that you are eager to become stronger."

"Taye~" The vine snake nodded,

"This does not conflict with my goal, to explore this world and enjoy every beauty of this world. It is even very consistent. We can challenge masters from all over the world during the exploration process."

Fight all over the world?

The eyes of the vine snake lit up and nodded vigorously,"Taye!"

Charlotte was not surprised by the reaction of the Vine Snake.

After all, he had known for a long time that the Vine Snake was very eager for a trainer who could help her become stronger.

This was just one part.

For Charlotte, what was really important was the attitude of the Vine Snake in the next conversation.

Taking a deep breath, Charlotte looked at the Vine Snake seriously.

"I hope you can answer me honestly. If I can help you become stronger, would you be willing to regard me as a partner?"

The Vine Snake tilted its head in confusion, not understanding what this meant.

"I hope we can give each other our backs to protect each other. I hope we are family, not treating each other as tools."

Facing Charlotte's expectations, the Vine Snake thought for a moment, and finally nodded seriously.


She understood it after saying this. Of course, she also hoped to have a few reliable partners to trust her back.

Charlotte looked at the Vine Snake's expression and eyes that did not seem to be false, and the worries in her heart immediately dissipated.

As for whether Pokémon will lie, Charlotte had learned about it before coming, just like she knew about Snake.

Except that most evil Pokémon are cunning and like to deceive,

Even poisonous Pokémon, although full of poison, basically won't lie.

However, Charlotte was satisfied with Snake,

but Snake was not yet satisfied.

Charlotte said it well, but Snake still didn't know whether Charlotte could help her become stronger.

She began to think about how to test whether Charlotte was to her liking.

Charlotte roughly guessed Snake's psychological activities.

"Are you wondering if I have the ability to help you become stronger?"

Snake, who was troubled by not knowing how to tell Charlotte about this, nodded repeatedly when he heard it.

"Taye Taye!"

"I understand. Let me try and see which gene is more suitable for you."

Facing the curious eyes of the Vine Snake,

Charlotte walked slowly,

finally squatted in front of the Vine Snake with a sincere smile on his face,

"Vine Snake, I will let you have a higher growth limit next."

Charlotte placed the genes from Dratini, Haxorus, Steelix, and Milotic, four snake-shaped Pokémon, on the fusion card slot in turn.

Through the preview,

Steelix, Milotic, and Haxorus have a very low gene matching degree, while Dratini's fusion matching degree is unexpectedly high.

Charlotte guessed that this might be because Vine Snake is too small and the standard body length difference with the other three genes is too large.

Charlotte was very happy with this result.

Fortunately, he thought of this and asked Adu for the Dratini gene in advance.

Under the condition of knowing the optimal option,

Charlotte directly called the Dratini gene in the gene library for adaptation.

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