After putting the gene into the system fusion slot,

Charlotte put her hand on the top of the vine snake's head, intending to plant the impression that Charlotte was guiding the vine snake to become stronger through contact.

However, the vine snake saw this and quickly stretched out the vine whip to block Charlotte's hand,

"Taye Taye!" Don't touch it yet!

It's not that the vine snake is targeting Charlotte,

In fact, including the previous trainers of the vine snake, the vine snake has never let anyone touch its body.

In her words, her body is only open to those who recognize it,

If you don't get her recognition, you are just a stranger, don't touch it, you are really unfamiliar!

Charlotte also realized that he has not passed the assessment of the vine snake.

"Please believe me, we are proving it now,"

The four looked at each other, and the vine snake did not give in because of Charlotte's sincere expression. This was a matter of principle.

Just when the two sides were deadlocked,

Two vine whips made of plant energy extended from the body of the vine snake.

The vine whips can wither at any time due to the withdrawal of energy, cutting off the connection with the main body, which is not considered physical contact.

The vine snake took the initiative to put the vine whip into Charlotte's hand.

At the same time, it hugged its chest proudly and turned its head to one side.

Obviously, although it insisted on the bottom line, the vine snake still gave Charlotte face and took a step back.

The vine snake has a cold temperament.

Charlotte is very satisfied that the vine snake can take the initiative to give in.

All he wants is to have a physical contact with the vine snake, not necessarily the main body.

In this way, after strengthening, it will be easier for the vine snake to believe that Charlotte is playing a role in her strengthening.

Moreover, Charlotte was not afraid of not being able to touch the vine snake,

Because Charlotte still remembered that the target of the fusion gene would fall into a coma.

As Charlotte decisively clicked to fuse the mini dragon gene.

[The target genes 'vine snake' and 'mini dragon' are being fused. The target will fall into a coma next. Please find a safe place to spend the coma]

The fusion began, and the moment the prompt sounded,

the vine snake instantly lost consciousness and fell into a coma.

Seeing that the vine snake's head was about to fall to the ground, Charlotte decisively reached out and held the vine snake in his arms.

Looking at the vine snake that was close at hand, unconscious and completely unable to move.

With this delicate facial features and chubby body, Charlotte showed a dark smile that was enough to shock Kona and Karuna when they saw it.

People who didn't know thought Charlotte was going to do something bad,

"Hehe, this way I can do whatever I want!"

In the next period of time, the body of the vine snake will change due to the fusion of genes.

However, Charlotte did not really take the opportunity to do anything strange to Snake.

His feelings towards Snake were completely the "normal reaction" of a cat lover seeing a cat.

It was not a big deal to just hold Snake until it woke up.

Charlotte used a blank advanced ball to put Snake in it.

He planned to wait for the other party to wake up and then continue the strategy until it was completely conquered.

Perhaps the original Poké Ball was destroyed.

The process was very smooth.

Afterwards, Charlotte returned to the car.

Following Lusamine, he collected all the textbooks and went to his class.

Before class, Lusamine arranged a self-introduction for the whole class and arranged a window seat in the back row for Charlotte.

Lusamine left after completing the task.

Coming to the empty seat by the window, the desk was very clean. Charlotte placed a pile of books on the table.


Just at this time, the class bell rang. This was the last class of the day.

The schedule said it was a history class.

Charlotte found the history textbook from a pile of books and turned to the content of the teacher's lecture.

While listening to the lecture, Charlotte did not forget to glance at the classmates in the class.

Unlike the class of peers in his fantasy,

As a world-class school open to all new trainers in the world, the students of Evergreen Academy are not uniform in age.

There are elementary school students, middle school students, and high school students of the same age as Charlotte.

Charlotte was assigned to the class of high school students.

In addition to age, the students also have people of various skin colors and hair colors.

In this way, Charlotte, who is 18 years old, has a male model figure and a top-notch appearance, will not appear "too eye-catching" when he enters school...right?

Feeling the frequent looks from all the little girls in the class, as well as the hostile looks from the men,

Charlotte couldn't help but secretly shook her head,

It's not good to be too charming! Too much presence,

This is completely contrary to the fact that Charlotte has just arrived, lacks common sense, and urgently needs to grow up,

Charlotte, who doesn't want to take the initiative to make enemies with others and is being watched by too many people, showed everyone aSmile,

The spring breeze-like smile made the little girls shyly turn their heads and blush at the books on the desk.

It also made the boys who originally looked at her with disgust show similar shy expressions one by one, and they liked Charlotte more and more.

That feeling has nothing to do with sexual orientation,

It's more like male idols have male fans and female idols have female fans, a pure manifestation of charm!

It is worth mentioning that,

Although Charlotte is a clone, his appearance is similar to Charlotte in his previous life, not a researcher in the laboratory.

Charlotte has no way of knowing what the secret is,

But he can guess a little, maybe the dean grandfather swapped the genes used for cloning?

Charlotte is not sure.

But having the same appearance in two lives is better than traveling through time to someone else.

After getting rid of the disease in this life,

Charlotte finally enjoyed the wonderful experience brought by her high appearance and charm.

This kind of top-level succubus power that attracts both men and women and can make up for all grudges with a smile...

"Really good!"

It is not difficult to see from these feedbacks that are comparable to "science fiction films" that

If Charlotte chooses to debut as an idol now, her future will definitely be bright.

Charlotte does not reject being an idol and making money by relying on her face. How many people want to be a beauty star but don't have that opportunity.

But even if it is possible, it will happen in the future.

Before learning to run, you must first learn to walk.

Charlotte's top priority now is to understand the common sense of this world first.

In a class, Charlotte listened to the lecture honestly at first,

but later found that the teacher spoke too slowly, and the content in the book was actually easy to understand,

So Charlotte flipped through the history textbooks on his own and absorbed as much content as possible.

When the bell rang, the last class of the day was over.

Charlotte had already had a preliminary understanding of the history of the elf world.

In the earliest days, the relationship between humans and Pokémon was no different from the relationship between humans and animals in the previous life. They all hunted each other for food.

Friction naturally promotes communication.

Later, some human wise men discovered that some Pokémon had high intelligence, could communicate and become partners, and fight with Pokémon in the wild.

This is the origin of trainers and the three great Pokémon.

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