Like Charmander, Squirtle, Bulbasaur, these three starter Pokémon!

Each one was determined,

after a long history of trials and tribulations,

and finally determined to be the most suitable for new trainers.

Later, in order to facilitate hunting and

avoid alerting the enemy in advance,

someone invented the Poké Ball.

Later, as human life became more prosperous, coordinators, breeders, and performers emerged outside the trainer system.

In addition to these professions closely related to Pokémon,

there are also some contents about the change of dynasties,

Charlotte also memorized these contents one by one in his mind,

but relatively speaking, Charlotte cares more about the contents related to Pokémon, especially the trainers.

A complete understanding of the reasons for the birth of trainers is very beneficial to Charlotte.

Only by understanding the fundamental reasons for the establishment of trainers can Charlotte completely abandon the idea of ​​keeping pets in captivity in his previous life.

Pokémon are not pets, but comrades who depend on each other for survival.

This world is also cruel, even crueler than the previous life.

In such an environment, if you don't advance, you will retreat.

Charlotte has already listed the improvement of strength as an important matter that needs to be treated seriously.

In the following campus life,

Charlotte has made it clear that what he has to do is not only to enjoy the beautiful youth, but also to work hard to improve his strength.

Be ready to face the threat of revenge and pursuit from Team Rocket at any time.


After the history class, Lusamine returned to the class.

This time Lusamine came to arrange a dormitory for Charlotte.

And at this time, Charlotte felt the Poké Ball on his waist move. Did Snake wake up?

Evergreen College dormitory area,

Evergreen College has six-person rooms, four-person rooms, and two-person rooms.

The allocation rule is based on age.

Members of Charlotte's age naturally live in two-person rooms.

The dormitory has a toilet, bathroom, independent balcony, two large desks, and two large beds.

The total space of the dormitory is about 60 square meters, and there is no shared space.

There are thousands of rooms like this, which shows the school's wealth.

"This is the teacher's number. If you need anything in the school, just contact me."

Giving Charlotte a smile,

Lusamine nodded and greeted Charlotte's roommate, and then left.

"Hello, my name is Charlotte, Lei Si! Right."

Charlotte's eyes fell on a sunny young man with purple hair.

This is a big boy who looks very sunny and enthusiastic. He has been popularizing common sense for Charlotte since just now.

The reason why Charlotte knew his name was because when Charlotte went to the class, everyone in the class introduced themselves.

"Hey? You remembered my name in class? I'm really honored."

In Lei Si's opinion, it was not easy for Charlotte to remember a few names.

In this case, as a member whose name is remembered, he would naturally feel happy.

"If possible, can you trouble Lei Si to bring me food? I have something to deal with."

Although Charlotte asked him to bring food, Lei Si did not feel dissatisfied.

This familiar behavior made Lei Si feel trusted by Charlotte, and a smile appeared on his face.

"No problem, rest assured, leave it to me. By the way, do you need help with your matter?"

Charlotte looked at Lei Si with some surprise. Unexpectedly, this man was more enthusiastic than he thought.

Charlotte shook his head, "No, I can do that myself."

As Lei Si went to the school cafeteria to get food,

Charlotte released the fused Vine Snake directly in the dormitory.

Compared with the coma time of Charlotte and Lalulas' fusion, the coma time of Vine Snake was undoubtedly much shorter.

Charlotte guessed that it might be because the quality of the Mew gene was too high,

and Charlotte and Shining Ralts' own genes were not stable.

Perhaps because she realized that she had really become stronger,

After being released,

Snake did not lose her temper because she was unconscious and put into the Poké Ball.

She looked at Charlotte curiously,

and wanted to know what Charlotte had done to make her stronger after sleeping.

Charlotte was also looking at Snake.

[Target]: Vine Snake

[Attribute]: Grass × Dragon (+ Dragon)

[Feature]: Opposition (the change of ability is reversed, improvement becomes reduction, reduction becomes improvement)

[Talent]: Champion

[Combat Power]: Normal (62kg)

[Skills]: Glare, Vine Whip, Tightening, Magic Leaf, Speed, Electromagnetic Wave

[Gene]: Vine Snake × Mini Dragon

[Matching Degree]: 88%

[Fusion Progress]: 8%

Charlotte can only see the matching degree in the preview,

So although he knew VineSnake merged with Dratini's genes, with an 88% match,

but he never expected that,

the fusion of Dratini's genes actually gave Snake the "dragon" attribute.

In addition,

because of the previous experience of the "transformation" move,

after understanding Snake's skill pool,

this time, Charlotte recognized at a glance that the speed and electromagnetic waves came from Dratini,

Continue to look down,

[Racial Value]: 336 (+24)

[Physical Strength]: 48 (+3)

[Attack]: 50 (+5)

[Defense]: 59 (+4)

[Special Attack]: 49 (+4)

[Special Defense]: 59 (+4)

[Speed]: 67 (+4)

From the perspective of racial value,

Snake's own racial value is undoubtedly much stronger than that of Ralts who does not use transformation.

Although there is a clear trend of becoming a high-speed tank, the double attack is weak.

But with the blessing of Dratini's racial value, the problem of double attack lagging behind is being solved.

Unlike racial values,

In terms of attributes, it is hard to say whether it has become stronger or weaker from a single grass attribute to a grass dragon.

Compared with the 5 weaknesses of the grass type,

the grass dragon has 6 weaknesses, but there is 1 more weakness, and it is 4 times weaker to ice.

But it is not entirely true to say that there are no benefits.

The defense is weakened, but the offense is strengthened.

After all...

The grass type is bad on the defensive end, with 5 weaknesses, but the offense is even worse!

3 restraints, but 7 weaknesses!

There are 18 attributes in total, and the damage is halved when hitting 7 of them.

Weak attacks account for more than one-third, among which flying, fire, dragon, and steel attributes are still popular in battles.

On the other hand, although the dragon type only restrains 1 dragon type, there is only one steel attribute with weak attacks, and the other is immune to fairies.

18 attributes, 16 attributes have to bear 1.5 times the damage!

Obviously, this is a big improvement on the offensive end!

As for why it is 1.5 times the damage,

We have to mention the "attribute consistency bonus" that Charlotte learned from chatting with Lusamine in the car in the afternoon! ! !

This is a knowledge that most wild trainers don’t know, but it is enough to subvert the concept of Pokémon battles!

You can use the following example to substitute,

Fire Pokémon "has a stronger fire power in its body", and using fire moves can exert "1.5 times" the power!

Except for the fire type, all attribute Pokémon obviously do not have a high concentration of fire power in their bodies, so when using fire-type moves, the power is only 1 times the normal one.

The same is true for other attributes.

In summary, the power of moves that are consistent with the elf's own attributes will be increased to 1.5 times,

This is the so-called attribute consistency bonus! It can also be referred to as: own-type bonus!

Charlotte, who first learned about the own-type bonus, had his entire worldview refreshed.

As for why it was so shocking,

Question: In a battle, your own Pokémon has a 60-power move that restrains the opponent (the restraining move doubles the power) and a own-type move with a power of 90. Which one has higher damage?

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