[Gene]: Snake × Dratini

[Matching degree]: 88%

[Fusion progress]: 20%→24%

[Racial value]: 368 (+47)→(72)

[Physical strength]: 55 (+8)→(+10)

[Attack]: 60 (+13)→(+15)

[Defense]: 66 (+9)→(+11)

[Special attack]: 57 (+10)→(+12)

[Special defense]: 67 (+10)→(+12)

[Speed]: 75 (+10)→(+12)

As expected, the fusion degree has increased sharply again.

However, what makes Charlotte a little concerned is that

Sake and Lalulas have already started training since the lights were turned off last night.

After training for a longer time,

they should have obtained a higher fusion degree.

However, the Vine Snake only improved by 4%, and the improvement speed was even slower than the night before.

[Target]: Ralts (Flash)

[Attribute]: Psychic + Fairy

[Feature]: Copy

[Talent]: Level 1 God

[Combat Power]: Normal (201kg) → (220kg)

[Skills]: Telekinesis, Transformation, Psychic Power, Soul Dance Sonic Boom, Self-Regeneration (New)

[Gene]: Ralts × Dream

[Match]: 88%

[Fusion]: 16% → 22%

[Racial Value]: 330 (+96) → (+132) [+]

[Physical Strength]: 50 (+16) → (+22)

[Attack]: 47 (+16) → (+22)

[Defense]: 47 (+16) → (+22)

[Special Attack]: 67 (+16) → (+22)

[Special Defense]: 57 (+16) → (+22)

[Speed]: 62 (+16) → (+22)

For Lalulas,

Since Lalulas and Mew both maintain a body size of 0.4m, their height and weight have not changed,

but the improvement in fusion is higher.

Lalulas improved by 6% in one night.

However, Charlotte's frown still did not relax.

It also took more time, but the improvement was only equal to the improvement the night before.

Could it be...

The difficulty of improving fusion becomes higher as time goes by?

Considering that Lalulas, whose fusion is lagging behind, has a higher improvement than Snake, it is likely to be true.

After checking the progress of the two little ones' strength improvement,

Charlotte looked at the two Pokémon with a tired look, and his eyes were gentle.

"You've worked hard, take a break."

After rubbing his cheeks with the two little guys, Charlotte put the two little ones, who looked tired but excited, into their respective Poké Balls.

Charlotte went to the cafeteria and brought food to Lei Si as usual.

With Lei Si's gratitude, the two went to the classroom together after breakfast.

As soon as they arrived in the classroom,

Charlotte keenly discovered that the atmosphere in the classroom today was a little unusual.

Unlike the painful masks on the faces of the students in the past, the students today were very excited.

As they talked, Charlotte finally knew the reason.

Today is Friday,

You can arrange the next two days freely.

Those who live nearby can choose to go home, and those who live far away can also go out to play and relax in these two days.

In this way, it is no wonder that everyone is very happy.

The first class was over.

When the class was about to start, Lei Si suddenly ran back from outside the classroom in a panic.

And he ran straight to Charlotte's direction.

Charlotte, who was reading a book, looked up in confusion.

"What's wrong?"

"Oh no, Charlotte, Tian Gui wants to challenge you."

"Tian Jun?"

Charlotte recalled carefully and finally remembered that there was such a person.

"Did the school give him new Pokémon?"


While answering, Lei Si pulled the stool next to him and sat next to Charlotte to share what he had heard.

"I heard from his classmates that he asked for leave yesterday. I guess he went home to get the Pokémon he had been training since he was a child?"


"Charlotte, aren't you worried? He said that he would defeat you in front of the whole school after the big break, to prove that it was a mistake for Snake to abandon him and choose you."

"Break?" Charlotte frowned slightly,

Looked down at the Poké Ball on his waist, although because of the distance, he couldn't see the inside of the glass wall directly.

But Charlotte knew very well that Snake and Lalulas had just fallen asleep.

The big break was after the next class,

Snake would naturally not be able to wake up by then, and I'm afraid it would disturb Snake...


After two classes,

The big break, all students in the school needWe have to run laps in the playground together.

This is also a daily routine.

Unlike the simple physical fitness in the previous life,

Trainers and Pokémon will encounter many dangerous situations when walking in the wild, so the physical fitness requirements are higher.

The training intensity of the school that trains trainers can be imagined.

There is a total of 1 hour left for the big break,

and the requirement is a long-distance run of 5 kilometers.

After running laps, most of the students in the school were exhausted and panting.

Of course, there are exceptions.

A mere five kilometers is easy for Charlotte's physical fitness.

Especially running at a "constant speed" with the class formation, the pressure is even smaller.

Even if the sun is not really hot, Charlotte would probably not sweat.

Even so,

Charlotte's dry school uniform,

is still in sharp contrast with the school uniforms of his classmates who seem to be running in a rainstorm and soaked in water.

It can be said that, except for Charlotte,

almost 99% of the students need to go back to the dormitory to take a shower and change clothes after running exercises.

When the principal announced the free activities,

more than 70% of the students did not leave the playground today.

This strange phenomenon is obviously the news that Tian Gui wants to challenge Charlotte.

Out of curiosity,

many teachers who are not aware of it also stayed and watched the changes.

This also includes Charlotte's head teacher, the blonde and blue-eyed exotic Lusamine,

and Tian Gui's head teacher, a female teacher with heavy makeup and strong smell.

"Charlotte, you should have heard that I want to challenge you!"

At this moment, Charlotte saw Tian Jun again, who looked at him gloomily last time,

a young man with an average appearance, but pale face and weak steps.


"Here they come!"

The crowd immediately began to talk and point fingers.

At the same time,

the teachers who stayed behind also had a clear mind and immediately looked at Lusamine and the heavily made-up female teacher.

At the same time, they thought of the only conflict between the two classes that they knew,

"Vine Snake?"

A teacher whispered softly, revealing the cause of the conflict.

"Alas, it's just youthful rage that can't swallow this breath."

If it were an ordinary school, the teacher would certainly stop the conflict.

But this is a trainer school, and it is a manifestation of teacher ethics for the teacher not to add fuel to the fire, so how could he not be happy to see it happen.

"Now there's something interesting to watch."

"A battle of revenge!"

"Is it the Avengers' counterattack, defeating Vine Snake's arrogance, or proving that Vine Snake has a good eye for people."


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