If there was only one person who was nervous,

perhaps it was Lusamine who was worried about Charlotte.

After all, Charlotte was her student and the one who passively accepted the challenge, and the opponent must have been fully prepared.

If she was not careful, her reputation would be ruined in front of the whole school.

"This is not good. Tian Gui is ready for the challenge, but Charlotte is not ready to fight. It's too hasty. Let's fight again another day."

"That's right."

"Tian Gui is too mean."


As the crowd talked, some teachers who were ready to watch the fun couldn't help but secretly shook their heads. What a pity.

Looking at Lusamine who was the focus of the crowd, her words directly influenced public opinion.

The heavily made-up female teacher couldn't help but show jealousy.

"That's wrong. Trainers' destiny is to travel the world. Will enemies in the wild give you a chance to prepare?"

"That's right."

"That makes sense. Otherwise, we wouldn't have to run 5 kilometers."

The students of Evergreen Academy are mainly children. They don't have mature ideas and are easily influenced by others' thoughts.

So many people who agreed with this wave of people even included those who agreed with Lusamine before.

Seeing that the public opinion advantage is leaning towards her side,

As if she saw that she had defeated Lusamine, the heavily made-up female teacher's mouth corners could not help but slightly rise.

Haha, she brought up the righteousness that trainers must go to the wild trials. What an impeccable reason!

Principal Oak glanced at her with a strange look on his face,

and shook his head secretly.

Targeting the mischievous Lusamine? You are probably asking for trouble.

Sure enough, Lusamine looked at the heavily made-up female teacher with disdain,

She sneered, "You are making a false argument!"

The woman's smile gradually froze. Can you still turn this situation around?

Seeing that her words had shocked the woman and also suppressed the discussion of the students present,

Lusamine smiled with satisfaction,

She said calmly: "Don't you prepare yourself when you go to the wild? Will classmate Charlotte be prepared for his classmates to challenge him in front of the whole school?"

The female teacher was frustrated, but Tian Gui was unwilling to let Charlotte go.

"Teacher Lusamine's words are biased. I have already released the news in advance. I think Charlotte should not be unprepared."

While speaking, Tian Gui showed a somewhat forced smile,

"Besides, Charlotte, who was chosen by that potential king vine snake, can't be afraid?"

After saying this, if Charlotte can still refuse,

then I believe that he doesn't need to disgust Charlotte, and the arrogant vine snake will probably abandon Charlotte on its own initiative.

Finally, Charlotte, who had remained silent from the beginning, spoke.

"Take my advice. So far, it's good for both you and me."

Charlotte's scrutiny full of superior oppression made Tian Gui feel like a thorn in his back,

making him finally think of the consequences of provoking a transfer student who is rare in the history of Evergreen Academy.

But the arrow is on the string and has to be shot.

What's more, what he did on the surface was legal and compliant, and Charlotte had no reason to attack his family.

Thinking of this, Tian Gui gradually regained his confidence.

"Are you afraid?"

In the crowd, Lei Si looked at Charlotte who had not taken out the Poké Ball so far, and couldn't help but look puzzled.

He knew Charlotte's strength better than anyone else. Not to mention Shiny Ralts,

Just the gifted Snake and Charlotte's training wisdom made Lei Si absolutely confident in Charlotte.

But Charlotte didn't intend to fight, was he cowardly?

No! Thinking of something, Lei Si couldn't help but look admiring.

"I understand!"

Facing the inquiring eyes of teachers and students from the whole school, the admiration on Lei Si's face did not decrease at all, but became stronger.

"It's gentleness~, the reason why Charlotte classmate doesn't want to fight!"

As the words came out, Lei Si's face showed more respect.

"Charlotte's Pokémon will train late at night, and usually rest during the day. The reason why Charlotte refused the challenge was because he didn't want to disturb his Pokémon's rest. This is a manifestation of treating Pokémon as family!"

After these words came out, everyone's eyes immediately turned to Charlotte.

Good guy, training late at night, secretly rolling, right?

In everyone's sight, Charlotte, whose appearance and figure are close to perfect, so perfect that people can't be jealous, still has a calm and calm expression.

This is undoubtedly a tacit agreement with Lei Si's words.

Such a temperament can't help but make Principal Oak, who is staying in the sun on a hot day, brighten his eyes.

Treat Pokémon as family,

This is a good kid who truly loves Pokémon!

However, not everyone can have a feeling about treating Pokémon as family.Empathy.

Tian Gui just ignored it.

"Heh, it's just a coward's excuse."

"You guy!!! Since classmate Charlotte is not convenient to fight, I'll teach you a lesson."

Lei Si took out the Poké Ball angrily,

Charlotte put his hand on Lei Si's shoulder, "Be careful, he should target the grass type!"

"Don't worry, I don't plan to send Bulbasaur."

Lei Si smiled and gave Charlotte a thumbs up, and threw the Poké Ball at the same time.

"Go, Mukle!"


Hearing that it was a Pokémon type he had never heard of, Tian Gui couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

But when he saw Mukle's baby appearance, he knew that it was only a first-stage Pokémon,

and his worries were immediately put down.

It was also the first stage, but his Spearow was so fierce that even a fraction of its strength was enough to crush the opponent.

"Go, Spearow!"

"It's fine that you've been planning this for a long time, but you've sent out a Pokémon that targets grass attributes. You're really shameless!"

Lei Si bluntly exposed Tian Gui's little thoughts.

"You, damn it!"

Tian Gui clenched his fists and shouted coldly: "Swallow Return!"

As soon as the voice fell, Spearow flew straight to Mukle like a flying arrow.

"Wing attack!"

Mukle did it immediately after hearing it, but Spearow was much faster than him.

At the moment of collision, Spearow quickly took off and avoided Mukle's impact.

And turned around in the air,

Caught up with Mukle, and slashed at Mukle's back with its wings shining white.


The white light flashed, and Mukle's back was immediately cut open with two wounds, and two blood lines shot out.

The body fell down like a kite with a broken string.

Kill instantly!

The whole place was silent, but at this moment,

"Hahaha, you boasted to teach me a lesson, but you were killed instantly."

Tian Gui's angry mood finally got some comfort,

"Tsk tsk, it seems that you are just a frog in the well, and as for the master in the eyes of the frog in the well? Hahaha!"

Tian Gui, who was almost crazy with laughter, felt the shock and admiration of the classmates around him, and couldn't help but feel secretly happy.

It's done,

Whether Charlotte accepts the challenge today or not, he has restored his reputation.

Reclaiming Muk'er, Lei Si's face was livid,

He never thought that Tian Gui would be so shameless in order to retaliate against Charlotte,

He took out a Pokémon whose strength far exceeded the initial partner level.

This is like using the Pokémon of his parents to beat his classmates,

But in order to avoid leaving hidden injuries to Muk'er, he had no time to entangle with Tian Gui, and had to go to treat Muk'er immediately.

Between reputation and Pokémon, Lei Si chose Pokémon.

"I'm sorry, Charlotte..."

Before leaving, Lei Si apologized to Charlotte.

Charlotte put his hand on Lei Si's shoulder and shook his head.

He naturally understood Lei Si's concern for Muk'er.

"Go and treat Muk'er."


This short sentence without any complaints made Lei Si completely impressed by Charlotte's character.

As Lei Si left quickly,

Tian Gui looked at Charlotte again, and couldn't help but show sarcasm.

"Hahaha, did you see it? Charlotte, this is the end of failure. Remember to take your waste Vine Snake away from now on."


Charlotte frowned slightly,

Having lived two lives but never had any relatives, Charlotte attaches great importance to family affection,

Just like he traveled through time and couldn't let go of the dean, Snake is a family member in Charlotte's eyes,

And family is Charlotte's minefield,

Looking at the turtle dancing wildly in his minefield, Charlotte sighed and held the Poké Ball in his hand with a frosty face,

"You guy...regardless of whether your Pokémon's source is problematic, since you are determined to humiliate yourself, I will fulfill your wish! Remember to apologize to Snake!"

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