Pokémon, hatching a Nergigante at the beginning

Chapter 182 ‘Leaking’ and ‘Helping’ (5k)

Everyone left, and only Bai Chen and Salina were left in the camp.

Salina looked at Bai Chen, who had been standing at the table for a long time without sitting down, and felt a little reserved.

She had never talked to Bai Chen for a long time.

Salina said politely: "Mr. Bai, the stool is here."

Bai Chen was a little older than everyone else, and with his strength, the four of them respected him very much.

"My armor is very heavy, and these folding stools can't bear it."

Salina just remembered that Bai Chen had said before that his armor and sword together weighed almost a ton.

She really couldn't imagine how Bai Chen managed to wear such heavy armor.

Salina fell silent.

She noticed that the atmosphere was a little awkward. She wanted to take her partners to special training, but if she left now, it would be like she was avoiding Bai Chen, which was really impolite. Salina could only sit here.

Seeing that she couldn't find any topic, Salina asked Bai Chen about it.

"By the way, Mr. Bai, are you going to Baike City to participate in the World Championships?"

Bai Chen thought to himself: "I've been waiting for a long time, and you finally asked me this question."

Bai Chen used his super perception to scan the surroundings and confirmed that all the actors were in place. He said: "I went to Baike City to investigate super evolution."

"Go to Baike City to investigate super evolution?" Salina obviously didn't know the special features of the sundial in Baike City.

"That's right, the sundial in Baike City has the same ripples as super evolution. If you want to unlock the secret of super evolution, studying the sundial would be a good choice."

Salina wanted to find a topic to get rid of this somewhat awkward atmosphere, but she didn't expect Bai Chen to throw out a topic that she was very interested in.

"However." Bai Chen changed the subject and said, "The energy activity contained in the sundial is very low. It is very difficult to use the sundial to unlock the secret of super evolution. If possible, I would rather study the more closely related [Legendary Stone]."

Sarina was confused. She obviously had never heard of the legendary stone.

This is not surprising. It was a secret information.

Bai Chen waved to Serena and motioned her to come to him.

Serena walked to Bai Chen's side. Bai Chen took out his mobile phone and showed her a photo of the [Legendary Stone].

Serena looked at the three gods of Hoenn and the colorful stone that appeared on the screen. She asked in confusion: "Is this the [Legendary Stone]? Is there any connection with super evolution?"

"Of course there is a connection. This is very likely the root of super evolution. What can be confirmed at present is that more than ten days ago, this legendary stone released the energy of super evolution, allowing the legendary Pokémon Rayquaza to super evolve."

Sarina was surprised. She didn't expect that legendary Pokémon could also super evolve.

"Mr. Bai was researching super evolution. Is the legendary stone still in the Hoenn region?"

"It's not in the Hoenn region anymore." Bai Chen shook his head regretfully. "This is also my biggest headache at the moment. The legendary stone was brought to the Kalos region by the Flare Team during the chaos."

"Flare Team?" Another term that she had never heard of before, which made Serena look confused.

"That's right. It's an organization led by Fladali. I haven't figured out their purpose yet, but I know that they are hiding the stolen [Legendary Stone] in the Fladali Research Institute in Miare City, and the entrance to the institute is in the Fladali Cafe."

The address of the Fladali Research Institute is very secret. In the game, the institute is located in Miare City.

In the animation, Bai Chen remembered that the institute was located on the seaside. In addition, a map appeared in the animation. Looking at the map, the institute is located near Sala City. Sala City is where the fighting gym is located, in the northwest of the Kalos region. (See the map in the comments for details)

This world is very similar to the world that Bai Chen is familiar with, but there are many differences in details. Bai Chen now does not know whether the location of the research institute is near Sala City or in Miare City.

But no matter what, these two places are worth Bai Chen's time to investigate.

Sarina did not expect Bai Chen to tell her this.

No matter how you think about it, these information are confidential, right? ?

Bai Chen just reacted as if he had said something wrong. He said: "I seem to have said too much, haha. Well, I hope you can keep it a secret for me, just as a secret between us."

Sarina nodded repeatedly.

She whispered in surprise in her heart: "I seem to know an incredible secret."

At the same time, Sarina also found a problem.

That is, how could Bai Chen know these things, and know them so clearly.

"Could it be that Mr. Bai in front of us is a knight on the surface, but a detective behind the scenes?"

A group of four people were quietly hiding in a tree about 400 meters away from the camp.

That was the Rocket Team Four.

Musashi, Kojiro, and Meow Meow each had a high-tech telescope in their hands, and they looked at Bai Chen and Serena who were talking in the distance.

From their angle, they could almost vaguely see the screen of Bai Chen's mobile phone.

There was a small square box next to them, and the voices of Bai Chen and Serena came from it.

Kojiro asked in confusion: "The legendary boulder? What is that?"

"I don't know, but that little girl got too close!"

With a click, the telescope in Musashi's hand was crushed to pieces.

Kojiro was speechless, is this the charm of a handsome guy?

Meowth said: "It seems that the legendary boulder is the source of 'Mega Evolution', and even allowed the legendary Pokémon Rayquaza to undergo a Mega Evolution, Meowth."

Kojiro and Musashi immediately became interested when they heard this.

"The source of Mega Evolution? And it also allowed Rayquaza to undergo Mega Evolution? There is such a powerful thing?" Musashi still didn't believe it.

But then Kojiro used a search engine to find the news at that time.

It also includes photos of the legendary boulder, as well as Rayquaza's Mega Evolved form.

Kojiro whispered: "It seems to be true."

Meow Meow immediately analyzed the most important information.

"Then Bai Chen also said that the legendary boulder was taken away by the Flare Team in the Carlos area and is now hidden in the Fradali Research Institute in Miare City. He also said that the entrance to the research institute is hidden in the Fradali Research Institute. In Dali’s Café.”

"Team Flare? Vladali?" Musashi had never heard of these two names.

This information happens to be in Kojiro's intelligence network.

He took out a manual of the Kalos region and quickly turned to the page introducing Fradali.

"Fradali, a famous philanthropist, is committed to creating a peaceful and beautiful world. He established many research institutions."

Musashi subconsciously curled his lips when he heard the words [peace] and [beautiful].

"I feel like Vladali is not a good person."

Perhaps he was a member of the same evil organization, but Musashi saw through Vladali's disguise at a glance.

"People who often talk about peace are usually not good people."

Kojiro and Meowth nodded in agreement.

Sure enough, Weng said: "sonansu!"

Meow Meow asked: "What should I do now Meow Meow?"

The three of them looked at each other, and the corners of their mouths raised slightly at the same time, revealing an evil smile.

Musashi said: "Does this need to be said? Of course we can get the legendary boulder."

Kojiro: "Then dedicate the boulder to the boss."

Musashi: "Promotion!"

Meow Meow: "Salary increase!"

Kojiro: "Reach the pinnacle of life! A bright future is waiting for us!"

Sure enough, Weng said: "sonansu!"

Kojiro asked again: "What about that legendary Pokémon?"

The two understood that Kojiro was referring to Nergigante.

Miao Miao said: "Then you still need to ask? Of course we have to catch Miao together! However, with our current equipment, we can't catch each other. When we get the legendary boulder, we can apply to the headquarters for better equipment. , and then capture the little ghost-headed Pikachu as well, meow!”

"Good idea." Kojiro and Musashi agreed with Meowth's tactics.

"Then let's set off for Miare City now!"

The three of them confirmed their next itinerary, quietly found their hidden hot air balloon, and then set off for the city of Miare.

Bai Chen looked at the three people leaving and was in a good mood. The conversations between the three people were also transmitted to Bai Chen's ears through super perception.

"If nothing else happens, they will be able to arrive in Miare City within three days, and then go and help them."

If Bai Chen is determined to break up with Team Flare now, he is not completely powerless to resist.

He is backed by the Aether Foundation. Team Flare has combatants, and the Foundation also has combatants.

Don't forget that in the game, the Aether Foundation is the villain of the entire Alola region, and there is absolutely no problem with its strength.

It's just that the cost of bringing down the Foundation will be very high. The Foundation has a certain foundation in Carlos but it is not deep enough and cannot compete with the local Flames.

But now, the situation is different.

Pulling the Rockets off the court has no burden on Bai Chen.

If Team Flare and Team Rocket could fight, Bai Chen would still be there clapping and applauding.

"Anyway, the Rockets are active all over the world. It makes sense for them to discover the whereabouts of the legendary monolith and then send people to steal it. Moreover, the Rocket trio were not instigated by me. They know that they stole the information based on their ability. The information I heard has nothing to do with me.”

As for whether the three of them can steal the legendary boulder, Bai Chen can only say, don't underestimate the ability of these three people to cause trouble.

In a sense, they are the three most outrageous people on the Rockets.

"If you guys can really steal the legendary boulder, I will reward you even if your boss Banmu doesn't reward you."

Bai Chen took back his super perception.

He looked at Serena in front of him.

Serena is still suspicious, thinking about how Bai Chen knew the secret information.

Bai Chen secretly said: "If Serena hadn't brought up that issue, I wouldn't have known how I would have leaked the information to the Rockets. I'll just give you a little help in the Triple Crown Satellite Tournament."

Bai Chen said to Serina: "When you get to Fengxu Town, you will participate in the Triple Crown Satellite Tournament. Are your clothes ready?"

Serena came back to her senses and responded: "I went shopping at the Aromatherapy Gym's direct store yesterday and bought some nice clothes."

"It's just good. Since it's such an important event, let's use the best."

Serena thought Bai Chen had misunderstood, so she said, "It's good, I don't mean it's bad."

Bai Chen took out his mobile phone and made a video call directly.

After ringing for two seconds, the phone was connected, and a confused voice came from the other end: "Mr. Bai?"

Serena was shocked when she saw the person who was talking to Bai Chen: "Ma, Miss Ma Xiu?"

Bai Chen went straight to the topic and asked Ma Xiu, "Are you free these two days?"

"I'm currently designing Qilin's clothing. Does Mr. Bai need my help?"

"There is indeed something." Bai Chen pulled Serena over and said, "This friend of mine will participate in the Triple Crown Satellite Tournament in a few days, but her costume has not been designed yet. I wonder if you can help her. , help her design a costume for the competition, and of course I will pay for the design fee and costume fee.”

Serena was still a little confused.

Ma Xiu is very famous internationally as a designer.

But now Bai Chen actually asked Ma Xiu to help her design her own clothes.

Serena stuttered a little and said: "Ma, Miss Ma Xiu, I am your loyal fan. I am very, very happy to meet you."

Ma Xiu covered her mouth and chuckled: "She is such a cute girl. It is absolutely fine to help her design clothes~"

Serena stared blankly at the other end of the video. She really didn't expect Ma Xiu to agree so easily.

Seeing that Serena was still in a daze, Bai Chen reminded her, "Why are you still dazed? Tell Ma Xiu about your clothing requirements."

Ma Xiu chuckled and said: "Since it is a costume for participating in the Triple Crown Satellite Tournament, please also give me the data of your partner."

"Of course!" Serena summoned her Pokémon. She seized the opportunity and quickly communicated with Ma Xiu.

It took half an hour for Ma Xiu to finally communicate with Serena about her clothing design requirements.

Ma Xiu said: "I remember that the game in Fengxu Town is ten days later, right?"

"That's right."

"10 days is enough time until the costumes are finished."

Bai Chen, who had been silent for half an hour, answered: "When will you finish making it, just send me a message, and I will ask Xiao Xingyun to pick it up from the gym on my behalf."

"It's really a convenient ability." Ma Xiu nodded to show that she understood.

"Thank you, Miss Ma Xiu." Serena bowed to Ma Xiu solemnly and thanked her.

"I'm not the one who should be grateful. I owe Mr. Bai a big favor, so I personally helped design the clothes."

Ma Xiu owed Bai Chen a small favor because she wanted to design clothes based on Qilin.

Now it's almost perfect to use this favor to ask the other party to help design clothes.

Serena turned around and wanted to bow and thank Bai Chen, but Bai Chen stopped her with telepathy.

"You don't have to be so polite. Just put on the clothes Ma Xiu specially designed for you. You must win the championship."

"Yes! I will definitely work hard." Serena encouraged herself secretly.

"Come on." After cheering up Serena, Bai Chen looked at Ma Xiu on the other end of the phone and thanked her, "Then I'll leave you with the costume design. Thank you."

Bai Chen was about to hang up the phone as he spoke.

But Ma Xiu seemed to have something to ask Bai Chen. She quickly stopped Bai Chen and said, "Mr. Bai, I have a request. I wonder if you can help me?"

"whats the matter?"

"As for Qilin's clothing design, I plan to design a set of women's clothing and a set of men's clothing. But as for male models, they have looked for many people, but they have not found their favorite model so far. I don't know if Mr. Bai can make a guest appearance. Where’s the model?”

Serena looked at Bai Chen. She didn't know what Bai Chen's figure was now, but judging from his appearance, Bai Chen absolutely crushed all current male models.

Serena thought to herself.

"Mr. Bai will definitely refuse, right? After all, he just told Yulijia that he didn't want to debut. It's such a pity."

However, Bai Chen unexpectedly agreed to it.

"If I can get a share of the clothing sales in the future, I can help out once in a while."

Ma Xiu was overjoyed.

She really couldn't think of anyone else who could be more suitable to be this male model than Bai Chen.

She agreed: "It's totally okay to split it!"

"Okay, then you can send me a contract later."

Bai Chen didn't intend to let these trivial matters occupy too much of his time.

But he is indeed very short of money now because he wants to buy an island. If he can exchange a little time for a lot of money, he doesn't mind selling his 'hue'.

"That's a deal! I will issue a contract to sir as soon as possible."

With that said, Ma Xiu also ended her phone communication with Bai Chen.

After the video call ended, Salina asked Bai Chen: "Mr. Bai, do you really plan to become a model?"

"If you have money, why not make it? Anyway, I don't need to do anything about clothing design and publicity. I just need to put on clothes."

"That's great. I believe Miss Ma Xiu's new clothes will be a big hit."

Bai Chen said helplessly: "I can't guarantee sales. Everything depends on Ma Xiu's clothing design."

"Models are also very important."

While the two were chatting, Citron and Yulijia finally returned from Miare City.

In the distance, Xiaozhi was also walking towards them holding a Pokémon egg.

Citron looked at the Pokémon egg in Xiaozhi's arms and asked, "Ash, where did this Pokémon egg of yours come from?"

Xiaozhi pointed to the woods where he and Bai Chen trained before and said, "I found this in the woods over there."

"This is this?" Bai Chen stepped forward and was about to take a look, but unexpectedly the Pokémon egg emitted a dazzling light.

That is the light of incubation.

When the light faded, the Pokémon egg disappeared, and a lavender Pokémon appeared in Xiaozhi's arms.

Hitron recognized the Pokémon at a glance.

"It turned out to be the egg of Buzzbat."

Bai Chen understood. Isn't this Xiaozhi's fourth partner? I didn't expect that Xiaozhi still picked up this Pokémon after my intervention.

And just when everyone's attention was attracted by Buzzbat.

In the backpack of the butler, the ancient dragon egg of Tianhuilong made a crackling sound.

Rocket Sparrow, who was helping to speed up the hatching, immediately noticed the little guy who was about to break out of the shell.

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