Chapter 183 Red Comet (5.2k)

In the backpack, Rocket found the hatching Dragonite.

He hurriedly got out of the backpack.

"Ah!" Rocket flapped its wings to remind Bai Chen.

Everyone's attention was attracted by Rocket in the air.

Ai Guan Shi quickly took off the backpack on his back.

Bai Chen was very surprised. In his estimation, Dragonite would take at least 10 days to hatch. Unexpectedly, it had just hatched not long after Rocket helped hatch.

Bai Chen walked to the backpack and looked inside. Dragonite had already broken through the eggshell.

The red pupils looked around curiously.

Xiaozhi and others behind him also came up.

Xiaozhi looked at Dragonite and asked curiously: "What kind of Pokémon is this?"

Bai Chen did not answer immediately. He gently took Dragonite out of the backpack and lifted the nearly one-meter-long Dragonite high.

Silver scales, streamlined body, a pair of silver wings.

Unlike ordinary ancient dragons, there is no membrane on the wings of Tianhui Long. There are six air outlets behind his winged feet. If he wants to turn when flying at high speed in the air, he can change the direction of the jet by changing the winged feet.

The winged feet are made of strong muscles and ligaments, and his wings can also be turned into spears to stab forward.

Xitlon looked at Tianhui Long, pushed his glasses and said in surprise: "What a magical Pokémon."

Sarina took out the illustrated book and wanted to scan Tianhui Long, but unfortunately, Bai Chen did not upload any information about Tianhui Long.

Just when Yulijia wanted to go forward and take a closer look at Tianhui Long.

Tianhui Long suddenly took a long breath, and the surrounding air poured into his body.

His silver chest flashed with red dragon energy.

Then he seemed to sneeze, and the dragon energy spurted out from the back of his head and the air outlet of his winged feet.

The strong airflow shook everyone around.

Yulijia turned over several times on the ground.

Serena, Xiaozhi and others were also forced to retreat several steps.

They looked at the grass destroyed by the dragon energy under Bai Chen in surprise.

They were surprised: "It has such power just after being born? What kind of monster is this?"

"Hahaha." Suddenly, Bai Chen laughed loudly, his laughter was full of relief and joy, "Very good, very energetic!"

"Ha~" Tianhui Dragon snorted, it seems that he was a little uncomfortable with the first time he inhaled and produced dragon energy.

"Welcome to the team." Bai Chen smiled and welcomed Tianhui Dragon.

Then, Tianhui Dragon stretched out his head and rubbed Bai Chen's cheek affectionately with his silver head.

As early as when Tianhui Dragon was still an ancient dragon egg, Bai Chen had already contracted with him with the bond stone, and also gave him various common moves necessary for the main pet.

In the distance, the Exterminating Dragon, who was taking a nap on the tree, sensed the Tianhui Dragon that was born. She flew over and landed steadily on Bai Chen's shoulder.

She came forward and wanted to get to know this Tianhui Dragon that they had found with great difficulty.

But the next second, the Sky Dragon actually roared at the Nergigante with a threatening growl in his throat.

It seemed to be protecting its territory.

Nergigante wanted to get to know the Sky Dragon properly, but she was inexplicably roared by the other party, and her mood suddenly became bad.

She rushed forward and threw the Sky Dragon in Bai Chen's hand to the ground, pressing it to the ground, and she spread her wings to declare her strength.

No matter how Sky Dragon struggled, he could not be the opponent of the current Nergigante.

Soon he made a wailing sound for mercy.

Yulijia wanted to step forward to separate the two fighting: "No fighting."

But soon, she was stopped by her brother.

"This is not a fight."

Hitron saw that this was the way the partners in Bai Chen's team got along.

Maybe in other people's teams, the status of Pokémon is the same, and there is no saying that one must listen to the other.

But in Bai Chen's team, except for Ai Guanshi and Qiao Forger who are in charge of logistics, everyone else has the strength of ancient dragon level or even stronger, and everyone has the confidence to be arrogant.

If there is no one in the team who can suppress everyone else, there may not be any problems in the short term, but there will definitely be big problems in the future.

As of now, the Exterminating Dragon plays the role of the leader of the team.

Her strength and potential are enough for her to suppress everyone else.

Seeing that Tianhuilong begged for mercy, the Exterminating Dragon let go of Tianhuilong. After being roared by the Exterminating Dragon, the newly born little guy recognized his position.

He ran to Bai Chen's feet and was much quieter.

Bai Chen took out the monster ball and lightly hit Tianhuilong's head, successfully completing the capture.

When he was released again, Tianhuilong regained some vitality.

He ran around Bai Chen and was curious about everything.

Bai Chen opened the attribute panel of Tianhuilong at the right time.

[Name]: Tianhui Dragon

[Race]: Ancient Dragon

[Attributes]: Flying, Dragon

[Rarity]: 8

[Level]: 20 (118/3363)

[Features]: Red Comet - When fighting, the faster you are, the stronger the dragon attribute energy in your body.


1. Blood of the Ancient Dragon (Rarity: 7) - Entry Level (32/700): The ancient dragons rely on the continuous and magnificent vitality. Specifically, the ancient dragons have a strong vitality that other monsters cannot match, commonly known as thick blood.

2. Red Dragon Qi Jade (Rarity: 8) - Entry Level (2/800): Tianhui Dragon absorbs a large amount of air, and then combines the dragon attribute energy and air through the dragon qi jade in the body to generate more dangerous dragon qi, and compresses the dragon qi and stores it in the air sac in the body.

3. Super Comet Power (Rarity: 8) - Entry Level (2/700): Physical strength, physical defense, and physical high temperature resistance are greatly improved. Feel the power of the comet!

4. Dragon Qi Bomb (Rarity: 7) - Entry Level (1/700): Release the dragon qi bomb from the wing foot vent. The stronger the dragon attribute energy in the body, the greater the power of the dragon qi bomb.

5. Ultimate Aura (Rarity: 8) - Entry Level (1/700): The whole body is wrapped in red aura, and the body size will be improved differently depending on the holder's physique. All attributes are moderately improved, and the highest attribute is moderately improved. There is a high probability of intimidating the enemy. Intimidating effect: It will make the enemy retreat and reduce the opponent's desire to attack.

Note: This skill can only be improved by defeating the opponent.

6. Smaller (Rarity: 2) - Entry Level (1/200): Shrink the body and increase the dodge rate.

When Tianhuilong was still a monster egg, Bai Chen gave Tianhuilong the power skill of the Exterminating Dragon, as well as the two universal moves of Smaller and Ultimate Aura.

In terms of level, because Tianhuilong is a native ancient dragon, it has a level of 20 when it is born.

Looking at Tianhuilong's characteristics, Bai Chen confirmed Tianhuilong's future training plan - find a way to increase his flying speed and the abundance of dragon attribute energy.

Over there, Tianhuilong and Xiao Xingyun met.

Tianhuilong ran around Little Nebula, wondering what this soft-looking thing was.

In the back, Xiaozhi held Buzzbat and asked Bai Chen about Tianhuilong.

"Mr. Bai, what kind of Pokémon is this?"

Bai Chen called Tianhuilong, held him in his arms, and simply introduced him to the four people: "He is called Tianhuilong, and he is also a Pokémon from another world. It is classified as a legendary Pokémon."

"Legendary Pokémon?" The four people exclaimed.

They didn't expect that they could actually see the birth of a legendary Pokémon with their own eyes.

Bai Chen felt that the four people were making a fuss.

Tianhuilong is only at the level of a second-level legendary beast in the Pokémon world, which is about the same as legendary beasts such as Moltres and Articuno. The real strong one is the first-level god Little Nebula that he uses as a taxi every day.

Bai Chen is very sure that Little Nebula's current skill set is not the strongest form. If he evolves in the future, his skills are likely to evolve and upgrade with it.

Xiaozhi's eyes were full of excitement. He asked Bai Chen: "Mr. Bai, if Tianhui Dragon grows up, can he fight with my Pokémon?"

"Of course there is no problem, but he will grow very fast, be careful not to become a one-sided crush."

"We will double the training!" Xiaozhi replied.

"Then look forward to your performance in the future."

After this trip, Bai Chen didn't know when he would see Xiaozhi again.

Maybe when he sees Xiaozhi again, Tianhui Dragon has become an ancient dragon that can really cause natural disasters.

Bai Chen has divided his partners into teams in detail.

Divided into the main team and the reserve team.

In the early stage of land reclamation, it is absolutely the most efficient to invest resources in individual targets. Rain and dew will only make everyone mediocre.

There are only five members of the main team at present, namely, Nergigante, Thunder Wolf, Tianhui Dragon, Nebula, and the upcoming Ice Curse Dragon.

In the future, the members of the main team will be expanded according to their attributes and their importance to the team.

Bai Chen will do his best to train the members of the main team and devote all resources to them.

In the future, the main team will represent the highest level of Bai Chen's partners. They must be Bai Chen's face and responsibility.

The reserve team currently has only one ancient dragon, Qilin.

For the reserve team, Bai Chen will not allocate too many resources in the early stage. He can only ensure that the strength of the reserve team will not lag behind the main team members too much. When the resources are abundant in the future, Bai Chen will naturally not be stingy with his resources.

As for Kailong, Ai Guanshi, and Qiao Forger.

Because of Kailong's special status and the potential to become a super-large ancient dragon in the future, Bai Chen specially put him in the newly established "deterrence group".

The deterrence group, as the name suggests, plays a deterrent role in "nuclear peace".

The main team needs to follow Bai Chen to fight everywhere and is required to fight in almost all places and scenes.

Kailong will only get bigger and bigger in the future. Bai Chen cannot release him to fight every time, and he is not suitable for fighting in places like cities and caves.

So Bai Chen specially picked him out of the main team and put him in a very special position.

When Bai Chen needs Kailong to come out from behind the scenes in the future, that should be the time when Bai Chen wants to destroy everything in front of him.

In addition, Ai Guanshi and Qiao Forgesmith, because they are in the logistics team, their status is equal to Bai Chen himself.

The saying "the support is always there, the main C is always changing" is very applicable to the two of them.

After briefly introducing Tianhui Dragon to everyone, Bai Chen took Tianhui Dragon to a special training.

Bai Chen asked Tianhui Dragon: "Do you know how to fly now?"

Tianhui Dragon remembered the way the Nergigante flew before, and he tried to flap his wings without membrane.

Bai Chen secretly said, "As expected."

Tianhui Dragon's behavior proved that the ancient dragons in the Monster Hunter world did not have the racial knowledge inheritance of the dragons in fantasy novels.

"You can't fly like this."

Bai Chen reached out and took Tianhui Dragon's winged feet. He recalled the flying method of the Tianhui Dragon he met before.

He positioned Tianhui Dragon's wings.

He pointed to the outlet behind Tianhui Dragon and said, "Generate dragon energy, right? Just take a deep breath now, and then release the dragon energy in your body from here."

Bai Chen touched Tianhui Dragon's head. He had just checked Tianhui Dragon's body with super perception.

There are many air sacs in his body. Those air sacs are in his chest, in his wings, and even in his bones.

Tianhui Long's long breath is enough for him to fly in the sky for a long time.

Tianhui Long listened to Bai Chen's explanation. He tried to take a deep breath. The air around him formed a cyclone, which was enough to see how much air Tianhui Long took in with this breath.

In Bai Chen's perception, the air was sucked into Tianhui Long's body, and the red dragon jade in his body immediately started to work. It converted the air into dragon energy and stored it in those air sacs.

But because of the low skill proficiency and the first time to convert dragon energy in this way.

Tianhui Long took two or three minutes to completely fill the air sacs in his body.

Bai Chen pointed to the distance and said, "Come on, release the dragon energy."

Tianhui Long did as he was told, and the red dragon energy gushed out from the jet hole behind his wings.

The friction between the dragon energy and the air made a harsh buzzing sound.

Looking at Tianhuilong again, his body was pushed forward and slowly moved forward, but it was still a long way from taking off.

Bai Chen used his super perception to find the problem, and he shouted: "Constrain the jet holes."

Tianhuilong immediately did it, and the muscles on the six jet holes contracted, the outlet narrowed, and the flow rate of the dragon gas accelerated.

With a bang, Tianhuilong was pushed into flight by the sudden surge of thrust.

However, Tianhuilong, who had just learned to fly, could not turn in the air. He turned straight on a fruit tree in the distance and broke it directly.

He was dazed by the collision. He stood up from the broken tree and shook his head. His body strength was not enough to be injured by hitting the tree.

Not far away, the four people looked at Tianhuilong's flying method and were surprised again.

Such a fast flying speed, just like a fighter jet.

Bai Chen walked to Tianhuilong's side and said: "Being able to fly is half the success. When you are in the air, try to change the direction of your wing foot jet to achieve an aerial turn."

Time passed by minute by minute.

It took only two hours for Tianhuilong to discover the talent in his bloodline, and he was able to fly freely in the sky.

Looking at Tianhuilong flying freely in the sky, Bai Chen temporarily ignored him and came to Xiaozhi's side.

While Tianhuilong was training to fly, Xiaozhi was also training his new partner Buzzbat to practice flying.

As soon as Bai Chen approached, Buzzbat burst into tears. His crying mixed with ultrasonic waves was a disaster for Baichen's super perception.

Bai Chen asked helplessly: "Has your Buzzbat not learned to fly yet?"

Generally speaking, newly hatched flying Pokémon can fly.

But the Buzzbat that Xiaozhi just got seemed to have no talent for flying, and he couldn't fly after learning for two hours.

Xiaozhi was not discouraged and encouraged Buzzbat: "He can already glide for a distance! As long as you work hard, you will definitely learn to fly."

"Do you need my help?" Bai Chen only needs to use telekinesis to take Buzzbat to fly, and Buzzbat should be able to learn.

But before Xiaozhi could reply.

A dragon roar came from above everyone's head.

Bai Chen looked back and saw that the Sky Dragon was fighting with a Mukor in the sky.

It was more like the Sky Dragon was teasing the Mukor with its speed. The guy now had a bad look on his face.

And the Mukor didn't seem to be alone. He had just been entangled by the Sky Dragon. In the sky far away, Mukor's evolution, Muk-bird, and Muk-hawk attacked the Sky Dragon.

Bai Chen quickly glanced at the level of the Muk-hawk, which was level 40.

If he really attacked the Sky Dragon, the newly born Sky Dragon would definitely be injured.

Before Bai Chen gave the order, the Nergigante moved first.

She released her small-size move and flew into the air to block Muk-hawk and Muk-bird.

When her aura was on, the Muk-hawk and Muk-bird did not dare to move forward for a while.

Just when Bai Chen thought he had encountered a wild Pokémon, a young man suddenly emerged from the woods.

He looked at the two dragons in the sky nervously. He reacted quickly and immediately used the Poké Ball to take Mukle back.

Having suddenly lost his "toy", Tianhui Dragon looked at the boy below unhappily. He swooped down with dragon energy behind his wings, and even wanted to attack the boy.

Just when Tianhui Dragon was about to hit the boy.

Bai Chen made a move. He used telekinesis to catch Tian Hui Long, making him unable to move in mid-air.

Bai Chen caught Tian Hui Long to his side.

"Fu!" Not far away, Ai Guanshi came very angrily.

It looked like a mother catching a child who did something bad.

Bai Chen handed Tian Hui Long to Ai Guanshi. Ai Guanshi was half a mother to Tian Hui Long. Ai Guanshi was also taking care of Xiao Xingyun, Tian Hui Long and others as if they were her own children.

It was normal for her to be angry now. Tian Hui Long's character was indeed a bit bad. He was not guarding the territory just now, but having fun.

Bai Chen did not preach to Tian Hui Long immediately. He called back the Exterminating Dragon in the sky.

He met the young man and apologized: "I'm sorry that my partner suddenly attacked your Muk'er. I will let him apologize to your partner later."

Ornis looked at the Exterminating Dragon on Bai Chen's shoulder in surprise, and the Tian Hui Long who was caught by Ai Guanshi and was about to be trained.

He came back to his senses and said, "It's okay. We are also responsible for the sudden invasion of your territory."

Many flying Pokémon have territorial awareness. It is normal to be beaten if you break into someone else's territory at will.

"Thank you for your understanding." Bai Chen responded.

Ornis said, "My name is Ornis."

"My name is Bai Chen."

Xiaozhi and others behind him also rushed over and introduced their names to Ornis.

Ornis glanced at the buzz bat in Xiaozhi's arms, and recalled the exaggerated flying speed of Tianhuilong. He asked, "Excuse me, are you also here to participate in the Pokémon aerial relay?"

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