Pokémon, hatching a Nergigante at the beginning

Chapter 318 Arriving at Hunter City, Lucian

When Aina and Alma heard that Aotuna had escaped, they both showed worried expressions.

The Aotuna they just saw gave them a strong sense of oppression.

If Zibai and Alma had not had a deep bond, they would have probably fallen from the sky and died.

Bai Chen said to the two: "Don't tell others about Aotuna, not even Elder Mao Luo."

The two looked at each other and were a little confused.

"Why should this be kept secret?" Aina asked Bai Chen curiously.

Bai Chen explained: "You have also seen Aotuna. This kind of monster is stronger than ordinary monsters. If the news spreads, the whole area will fall into chaos. Some people who already have evil thoughts may start to cause chaos because of this."

Seeing that Aina and Alma still didn't understand.

Bai Chen explained in detail: "This disaster is not just as simple as the red evil light, but also the black evil aura. According to my research, the black evil aura is likely to be related to the evil thoughts of people and the evil thoughts of monsters."

The black evil aura is the disaster that appeared in [Monster Hunter Stories 1]

Bai Chen's memory of that work was already very vague.

He only remembered the [Light Dragon] and [Dark Dragon], as well as the basic setting of the black evil spirit.

In the setting, the black evil spirit is a natural phenomenon, which can perhaps be understood as the evil thoughts of creatures. Under normal circumstances, nature has the ability to purify itself, and the black evil spirit will generally dissipate naturally. However, excessive human intervention in creatures, excessive hunting, and cross-border behavior will cause the resentment of creatures to accumulate more and more, and it will be difficult to dissipate.

At this moment, due to some reasons unknown to Bai Chen, the self-purification ability of nature has been greatly weakened, and those black evil spirits have turned into disasters that affect this continent.

If the disaster continues to expand in the future, it is entirely possible that the black evil spirit will directly affect the entire world.

So Bai Chen is not deceiving Aina and Alma.

Concealing the news and keeping the society in a relatively stable state can also effectively curb the spread of black evil spirits.

Of course, Bai Chen still has something he didn't tell Alma and Aina.

That is, he needs Gerard, the traitor of Rutu Village, to speed up his actions.

Gerard's goal is to awaken the Great One, that is, Aotuna, and then use Aotuna's ability to open a new era.

Bai Chen's goal is to make Aotuna complete the evolution as soon as possible, so that he can get more rewards and complete the extremely difficult title task.

From this point of view, Bai Chen and Gerard have the same goal.

But Gerard is going to destroy the world, and Bai Chen is going to defeat Aotuna and subdue Aotuna.

Aina and Alma believed in Bai Chen's words, and Bai Chen directly pointed out that Aotuna was behind the red murderous light.

It is not incredible that Bai Chen has now discovered the truth about the black murderous energy.

Aina nodded and said, "We understand. We will keep it a secret."

"That's good. I will find a way to solve all the disasters. In addition, Aina, you will travel with me next time."

Although Bai Chen was unwilling to cultivate the Wings of Destruction, he was still very interested in the Wings of Destruction skills of that special fire dragon. At least before Aina hatched the Wings of Destruction and developed the ability of the Wings of Destruction, he would not allow anyone to threaten Aina and the fire dragon.

If Aina was allowed to go back to the village directly, Gerard would probably get the fire dragon and feed it to Aotuna as soon as possible.

When Aina heard that Bai Chen wanted to take her with him on a trip, she naturally had no objection.

She even had a lot of things she wanted to ask Bai Chen.

The three of them chatted briefly, and Bai Chen asked Alma to go back and report, and told Mao Luo that Aina was going to travel with him, and he also made up a reason for Alma.

After confirming that everything was correct, Alma rode the Wind Drifting Dragon back to the village.

After watching Alma leave, Aina asked Bai Chen: "Your Majesty, where are we going next?"

"To Hunter City, Lucian."

Before, Bai Chen didn't know where Aotuna was, and he couldn't confirm when Aotuna would become a complete form.

Not knowing when she would mature, he didn't know when she would bring disaster to the Ekana continent.

But now Bai Chen has completely grasped Aotuna's location. This ancient dragon is now fleeing towards the snowy mountains. She should want to recover from her injuries there and speed up her evolution.

Now Bai Chen only needs to wait for Aotuna for a while. At most half a year, Aotuna will be able to complete her evolution.

That will be the final moment of the decisive battle.

Now that Aotuna's situation is under control, it's time to look for the black evil spirit and the legendary dark dragon.

For the black evil spirit, Bai Chen needs to know more clues and information.

Then Lucian in Hunter City is likely to have what she wants.


Aina doesn't like the city full of hunters. Hunters participated in the previous crusade against Old Les.

And the hunters' attitude towards the Wings of Destruction is also ambiguous.

Bai Chen said: "Don't worry about unnecessary things. I will take action to solve the hunters."

Remembering that Bai Chen had repelled those hunters, Aina felt a little relieved.

At this time, Bai Chen also released the Flame King Dragon in the other dimension and asked him to take him to Lucian.

At the same time, in the hunter city on the other side, Lucian.

Three or four hunters were reporting to their secretary team and Lilia, the captain of the division, about what they had encountered on Xiakouluo Island not long ago.

A hunter with yellow hedgehog hair and a sloppy beard was standing in a corner of Lilia's office listening to the hunters' report to Lilia.

"We met a knight named Baichen on Xiakouluo Island. On the way back, we went with the kingdom knights and got some information about Baichen from them. It is said that Baichen can fly freely in the sky, and with just one move, he can lock them up in a dark black cell for a month."

Lilia frowned in disbelief when she heard the hunters' report.

He can fly in the sky and lock people up in a black cell for a month.

How can such a thing be done?

The hunter handed Lilia the medal that Baichen had given him before.

"This is what Baichen gave me. I checked it carefully. This is the medal of the lifelong honorary elder."

This rare medal is not known to all hunters.

Or in other words, ordinary hunters have never had the opportunity to see this kind of medal.

Lilia took the medal from the other party, checked it carefully, and let out a sigh: "That's right, this is the real "Lifetime Honor Medal". I didn't expect that Mr. Bai Chen would suddenly appear in the Ekana Continent."

At this time, the hunter with a yellow hedgehog head in the corner of the study suddenly raised his hand to interrupt the hunters and Lilia who were chatting.

"Sorry, interrupt, what is the lifetime honor medal you are talking about? And who is Bai Chen? I am confused."

Lilia sighed lightly and explained to the hunter with a yellow hedgehog head.

"The lifetime honor medal is the highest level medal of the Hunter Guild, and it is only awarded to people who have made outstanding contributions to hunters and the world."

The hunter with a yellow hedgehog head still didn't understand, and he looked confused.

Lilia added: "The great elder of Dongdoruma once cut off the tail of the ancient dragon Laoshanlong with one sword and repelled the attack of the ancient dragon. But even such a hero could not get the lifetime honor medal."

The yellow hedgehog head finally understood: "So, Bai Chen is extremely strong?"

"It is not that you can become an honorary elder just by being strong. To become an honorary elder, you must have made outstanding contributions across centuries. According to the information I have learned, the elder Bai Chen raises several ancient dragons and he has created an ability called Z move."

The yellow hedgehog head whistled and said: "Is it true that he raises ancient dragons? And what is Z move?"

"I don't know the details." Lilia shook her head helplessly.

Raising ancient dragons is really like a fairy tale. When she saw the secret letter from the Hunter Guild, she felt that she had received false information.

Lilia continued, "I haven't seen that Z move either, but it's said to be similar to the bond moves used by hunters and minions. But one is used by minions and the other is used by hunters."

"A bond move that hunters can use? It sounds interesting."

The yellow hedgehog showed a curious look on his face.

Lilia continued to ask other hunters: "When you saw Bai Chen, how strong did you feel he was?"

The hunter replied: "He was not wearing armor or carrying weapons. We couldn't judge his strength from his appearance, but a very strange thing happened when we came into contact with him."

Lilia: "Tell me in detail."

"When we found the dragon egg of the Wing of Destruction, we wanted to take the monster egg directly from the opponent, but as soon as we moved, our bodies were suddenly bound in place and couldn't move at all."

Lilia guessed: "Was he poisoned by the opponent?"

"It's definitely not poison. My equipment has anti-poison beads. No matter what kind of poison it is, it's useless to me."

Hunters can also inlay various jewelry beads on their equipment. With the blessing of jewelry beads, they can also obtain various skills and abilities.

"If it's not poison, then what is it?" Lilia was obviously confused by the hunters' words.

One hunter said, "That's not poison. I observed that when Bai Chen was freezing our movements, the shadow behind him changed, as if a ghost was living inside."

"I feel like we were all under an illusion. Didn't those kingdom knights say they were locked up for a month? But in fact, they didn't even disappear for half an hour."

"What if Bai Chen can control time to speed up?"

The hunters were getting more and more weird.

Lilia helplessly interrupted the hunters' speculation.

She said, "Okay, stop guessing. You said that Mr. Bai Chen brought me a message. What is it?"

"Bai Chen asked us to tell you, 'I will take over this matter from now on, and none of you are allowed to interfere with me.'"

"Are you talking about the Wings of Destruction?"

The hunter nodded.

Confirming that it was really that matter, Lilia was also helpless.

She heard about Bai Chen's situation from the headquarters of the Hunter Guild. Logically, she should be very happy when Bai Chen said that he would handle this matter himself, but she couldn't be happy now anyway.

Only she knows how chaotic the current Aikana continent is.

There are monsters affected by the red light, and monsters entangled by the black murderous aura.

Now Bai Chen wants to take all these things in one sentence, which is an arrogant behavior in her opinion.

Lilia nodded and said to the hunters: "I know, you go and do your own things."

After the hunters left, Lilia sighed, and the yellow hedgehog head came up and asked curiously.

"What are you going to do next? Do you need me to help you contact and understand the lifelong honorary elder?"

The yellow hedgehog head is called Levitt, and he is Lilia's confidant.

Lilia returned to her seat, and the thick information blocked her face.

She sighed: "I should be happy that an honorary elder has come, but I didn't expect that the other party would be so arrogant that he would directly kick the Hunter Guild out of his plan."

The medal of honor is awarded to people who have made contributions, not to people with good moral character.

If it is a genius, then the other party can get the medal as long as he leads an era, and the honor will not be awarded based on whether the other party is arrogant or not.

Many geniuses are very proud and arrogant.

Lilia has seen many such people.

In her opinion, no matter how powerful Bai Chen is, he can't be as powerful as the entire Hunter Guild.

There is strength in numbers, and this is not just talk.

Lilia said: "It is too dangerous to bet the lives and property of all the residents of the continent on one person. Let's continue to act and continue to find out what the red murderous light is all about."

Levitt scratched his head and said: "He is really an elder who will cause trouble for others. If the other party finds out that we didn't listen to him and are still investigating this matter, he should be very angry, right?"

Geniuses have strong self-esteem. If they are found out that they are pretending to obey but secretly disobeying, how angry the genius will be, they can imagine with their toes.

Lilia said: "So this matter will be handed over to you to investigate secretly. If you are discovered, we will talk about it then."

Just as Lilia finished her words, a puzzled voice came from outside the door.

"What are you investigating secretly?"

The two looked outside the house in surprise, and saw that the man outside the door was wearing a white kimono and a dragon head mask like a unicorn on his face.

The fox mask was damaged during the battle, and Bai Chen changed a mask.

Lilia quickly glanced at Bai Chen's clothes and immediately matched Bai Chen with the Bai Chen described by the hunters before.

Is this the honorary elder? ?

Why did he suddenly appear here? ? ?

Lilia panicked.

Could Bai Chen have heard the conversation between her and Levitt just now?

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