Pokémon, hatching a Nergigante at the beginning

Chapter 319 Light Dragon and Dark Dragon

"What are you investigating secretly?"

Looking at Bai Chen outside the door.

Lilia was extremely nervous.

She had just directed Levite to investigate the red light without telling Bai Chen.

Unexpectedly, Bai Chen came to his office by chance.

Lilia looked at Levite, her eyes asking whether Levitte had just noticed Bai Chen. Levitte quietly shook his head and said that he didn't know when Bai Chen appeared at the door.

Bai Chen's movements were silent, as if he suddenly teleported and appeared here.

Bai Chen easily noticed the little moves between Lilia and Levitte.

Bai Chen asked: "Are you planning to secretly investigate the mysterious red light and Wings of Destruction behind my back?"

Being exposed by Bai Chen in person, Lilia showed a little embarrassment on her face. She explained: "That's not the case. We were talking about whether to investigate other things, such as, for example, the black aura!"

It's obvious that Lilia is a fabricated excuse.

There was no need for Bai Chen to expose it, and everyone at the scene knew that Lilia was lying.

Bai Chen walked into Lilia's office, closed the door with his mind, and blocked the sound here to prevent everyone's voices from coming out.

Seeing Bai Chen suddenly close the door, Lilia couldn't help but become nervous. She was a little afraid that Bai Chen would go crazy.

Lilia quickly explained: "Your Excellency Bai Chen, it's not that I don't trust you, it's just that this matter concerns the entire world. Please forgive me for making arbitrary decisions."

Seeing that she couldn't hide it, Lilia could only admit it quickly and explain.

Bai Chen didn't mean to blame Lilia.

He sat down on the sofa in Lilia's office, while Aina stood behind Bai Chen holding the fire dragon egg of Wings of Destruction.

The silent Bai Chen really gave Lilia a sense of oppression, especially with a Nergigante lying on Bai Chen's shoulders.

Being stared at by Gu Long, she felt something was wrong all over her body, and she felt nervous for no reason.

It feels a bit like a human being facing a tiger, and there is no obstacle between one person and one tiger.

After a long time, when Lilia's pressure reached its peak, Bai Chen finally said: "It's just that I can't stand Gu Long's gaze, so why are you talking about investigating the red light?"

After Bai Chen finished speaking, Nergigante retracted his gaze boredly.

At this time, Lilia was breathing heavily.

Her back was completely wet with cold sweat, and she felt as if she had been through hell just now.

Bai Chen looked at Lilia's appearance and said aloud: "If you only have this little ability, it would be better to resign as captain and live on another continent. In this way, even if the world is destroyed, you don't have to bear any responsibility."

Suddenly, Lilia said unwillingly: "Even so, I still have people I want to protect. I dare not leave my own destiny and the destiny of the people I value in the hands of an individual. Even if that person is the honor of the guild Elder."

Lilia regained her confidence and looked directly at Bai Chen.

Seeing the determination in Lilia's eyes to protect the mainland, Bai Chen finally nodded with satisfaction and said: "The eyes are not bad. But you can let go of the red fierce light for a little bit now."

"Your Excellency Bai Chen."

Lilia thought Bai Chen wanted to kick the entire guild out of the plan, and she wanted to try again.

But Bai Chen waved his hand and interrupted her: "Don't get me wrong. I'm asking you to let go of the red light because I have already investigated it clearly. You don't need to waste manpower and material resources to investigate the truth now. You have more important things to do now.”

"Is the investigation clear?" Lilia looked at Bai Chen in disbelief. How long had Bai Chen been in Aikana Continent? It has already been investigated clearly.

"Yes, I found the real culprit who released the red light."

As he spoke, Bai Chen took out a piece of wood from somewhere, and then finished the carving with a few brushes.

And Bai Chen was very considerate and helped dye it.

A lifelike wooden sculpture of Autuna appeared in front of Lilia and Levitte.

Bai Chen used his telepathy to throw the wooden sculpture into Lilia's hand. Lilia took it and felt that the wood felt heavy.

She rubbed her eyes in disbelief.

What did Bai Chen just do? Why can such a perfect wood carving be completed in an instant?

After Lilia was briefly surprised, she carefully looked at the wood carving in her hand.

It's an ancient dragon that I've never seen before.

"So the red fierce light is caused by this ancient dragon?"

Bai Chen nodded: "Yes, I have already fought with him."


Lilia exclaimed and looked at Bai Chen in shock.

"Well, I almost caught her, but she escaped in the end."

Upon hearing that such a powerful monster had escaped, Lilia was very anxious, very anxious.

"Excuse me, where did this ancient dragon go?" Lilia's tone now contained some awe.

Before, she thought Bai Chen was an arrogant genius, but now it seems that Bai Chen is not just talking big words.

"She hid under the ground on the mainland. The caves there are so complicated that it's impossible to find her. But if you can see the red light beam reaching the sky, then she is basically underground."

Bai Chen provided Lilia with a very important clue.

Just when Lilia was thinking about whether to send an expedition team to the underground.

Bai Chen seemed to see through Lilia's thoughts and reminded her: "Don't think about it. The red light of the ancient dragon can even affect the ancient dragon's mind. If you ordinary people get close, you may kill each other before you reach the underground."

Lilia was a little confused when she heard it.

Even the ancient dragon species can be affected, how is this possible?

Seeing that Lilia didn't believe it, Bai Chen asked Aina to testify for him: "This is the daughter of Elder Mao Luo from Rutu Village. You can ask her if what I said is true."

Lilia still knew Elder Mao Luo.

Looking at Aina's pointed ears, Lilia finally believed what Bai Chen said.

Bai Chen said: "That guy is not something you hunters can deal with, so don't send people to die. I will definitely solve the problem of that monster later. You can focus on other things."

"I wonder if Lord Bai Chen has anything for us to investigate?"

Lilia is very smart. From Bai Chen's words, she heard that Bai Chen wanted her to help investigate other things.

Bai Chen said: "I have found the real culprit of the red fierce light. But I haven't found the real culprit of the black fierce energy. I hope you can help me investigate the matter of the black fierce light and find an ancient dragon creature called light dragon."

"Black fierce energy? Light dragon?" Lilia repeated, surprised, "Aren't the black fierce energy and the red fierce light the same disaster?"

"Of course not the same disaster. I can tell you responsibly that two disasters that can destroy the world are happening on the Ekana continent right now."

After listening, Lilia and Levitt took a deep breath.

Isn't this really shocking?

Bai Chen explained: "The red fierce light is the trap released by the ancient dragon for hunting. This trap will also affect the minds of ordinary monsters and humans. And the black fierce aura is a natural phenomenon.

Perhaps it can be understood as the evil thoughts of creatures. Under normal circumstances, nature has the ability to purify itself, and the black fierce aura will generally dissipate naturally. However, excessive human intervention in creatures, excessive hunting, and cross-border behavior will cause the resentment of creatures to accumulate more and more, and it will be difficult to dissipate."

Bai Chen briefly explained the concept of black fierce aura.

Monster Hunter Stories 1 and 2 are actually works before and after the timeline.

The black fierce aura in Story 1 happened first, and then the appearance of Aotuna in Story 2 happened.

The timeline of the two works is probably less than 10 years apart.

Lilia in front of you is actually the heroine in Monster Hunter Story 1.

She comes from a knight village. Because of her personal preferences and dreams, she came to the Hunter Guild to serve as the captain of the secretary team.

But it should be because of the role of Bai Chen's "butterfly", the stories of Story 1 and Story 2 happened at the same time.

Lilia in front of him had not experienced the disaster of Story 1.

After listening to Bai Chen's explanation, Lilia silently pondered for a moment and asked: "So, as long as we solve the over-intervention, over-hunting and other cross-border behaviors, the black evil spirit will disappear?"

"How can it be so simple? You caught a cold because you wore too few clothes. Now if you wear thicker clothes, will your cold be cured? The problem now is to solve the black evil spirit in nature."

Lilia asked: "How to solve it?"

"Find an ancient dragon species named Light Dragon, which was once Lei Dan's mount."

Leidan is the first knight in the world. Every village with knights knows Lei Dan's name.

Since Lilia came from a knight village, she naturally knew the name Lei Dan.

Lilia remembered the legend in the village.

Knights have existed since the distant ancient times. At first, a man named Lei Dan who rode a [Light Dragon] saved people in the world crisis of [The Most Evil Darkness]. He was the earliest [Rider], and knights gradually developed from this.

Could it be that the black evil spirit that appeared on the continent now is the [Most Evil Darkness]?

Bai Chen paid attention to Lilia's expression, and seeing her suddenly realized, Bai Chen said: "Yes, it's just as you think. The most evil darkness should be the black evil spirit. Now if you want to solve the black evil spirit, finding the light dragon is probably the only way."

Although Bai Chen didn't have much memory about [Monster Hunter Story 1].

But he still vaguely remembered that the dark dragon and the light dragon were one.

After the light dragon was polluted, it would become a dark dragon, which would cause great danger to the world.

Bai Chen said: "In addition, there must be a reason for the abnormality of nature. If possible, I hope you can put all your manpower into investigating the root cause of the light dragon and the black evil spirit. The black evil spirit is obviously not something that can appear under normal circumstances. The human group must have played a role in fueling it."

Lilia nodded: "I understand, I will arrange people to investigate these things."

Lilia understood that Bai Chen wanted her to investigate poaching, monster experiments and other issues.

If these issues are not resolved, even if the black evil spirit is purified, it will come back one day in the future.

Bai Chen nodded with satisfaction. Lilia is still trustworthy.

And from the previous tests, Lilia is also very motivated. During the time when he was away, Lilia could help investigate the black evil spirit even without supervision.

Bai Chen stood up from the sofa and prepared to leave.

Before leaving, Bai Chen suddenly said, "By the way, there is one more thing I need your help with."

"You tell me."

Lilia was very convinced of Bai Chen at this moment, and her attitude changed 180 degrees.

Bai Chen said, "Please help me keep an eye on some very powerful monsters, such as battle-hardened individuals and battle-hardened kings. These monsters have also awakened recently for some unknown reasons and are extremely dangerous."

"I will keep an eye on these powerful monsters." Lilia nodded seriously.

"Then please, I need to leave for a while. If everything goes well, we will see each other in a month."

Bai Chen used teleportation to take Aina away from here.

Looking at Bai Chen and Aina who disappeared without a trace.

Lilia and Levitt still felt like they were dreaming just now.

They had been investigating for a long time without any clues, but they didn't expect that Bai Chen would find out all of them at once.

If it weren't for the Aotuna wood carving carved by Bai Chen still in Lilia's hands, Lilia would have felt that she had hallucinated just now.

Levitra sighed, "It seems that the honorary elder is as powerful as the legend says. It seems that not only has his research contribution been recognized by the guild, but his strength is also not to be underestimated."

Being able to carve wood sculptures in an instant and disappear in an instant, this ability is really weird and a bit too much no matter how you look at it.

Lilia nodded in agreement.

Levitra asked Lilia, "What should we do next? Do we still need to investigate the red evil light?"

Lilia finally changed her position and said, "The matter of the black evil spirit is equally tricky. Let's first transfer people to investigate the matter here."


After being teleported out of Lilia's office, Bai Chen and Aina appeared on a mountaintop.

Aina asked Bai Chen, "Your Majesty Bai Chen, where are we going next?"

Bai Chen pondered for a while and said, "I plan to leave this world for a while."

He has been out for almost twenty days this time, and it's time to go back and report safety.

And according to his disaster assessment of the Aikana continent.

There is a high probability that there will be no major problems here in a month.

And Bai Chen also needs to give Aotuna some time to grow.

Aina looked at Bai Chen in confusion: "Leave this world?"

Did Bai Chen mean to leave the Aikana Continent?

"Yes, go to another world. You can stay here or come with me, it depends on your idea."

Aina really didn't understand what Bai Chen was talking about, but she still had a lot of things to ask, so she naturally wanted to follow Bai Chen first.

"I want to go with you."

"Okay, let's go together."

As he said that, Bai Chen released the little nebula and took Aina on it.

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