Pokémon, hatching a Nergigante at the beginning

Chapter 335 The Black Dragon plot begins

Mauro shook his head helplessly.

Finding Gerard who had left?

That was not a simple matter.

Moreover, Mao Luo really couldn't understand why Gerard, who had been able to expand his organization in 50 years, would reveal such obvious flaws that would make him suspicious in the end.

No one could tell whether Gerard felt it didn't matter or he had another conspiracy.

But no matter how smart Gerard was, he probably didn't expect that Bai Chen could find the wood carving he hid in his home so easily, nor did he expect that this wood carving was carved by Bai Chen himself.

Looking at the wood carving in front of him, Bai Chen said, "Gerard has not taken away this wood carving that he worships as a statue. It is very likely that he will return to Rutu Village."

Bai Chen asked Mao Luo, "Do you know when Gerard will come back?"

Mao Luo pondered for a moment and said, "According to Gerard's past habits, he will return to Rutu Village in a month at least, and three or four months at most."

"Three or four months is not a long time."

According to Bai Chen's observation of the natural tolerance, the real disaster of the black evil spirit may not erupt immediately. It may take half a year, or even one or two years to reach the critical point. This period of time is just right to find a way to save nature.

Aina asked Bai Chen, "Your Majesty, are you going to stay in Rutu Village temporarily during this period?"

Bai Chen thought about it.

There are no powerful ancient dragons and enemies near Rutu Village, and he also needs to search for more ancient dragons all over the world.

Bai Chen said: "I'm going to leave the Ekana continent temporarily. I'm going to go to the New World, or go to other continents, and I may have to go back to the Forbidden Island."

Bai Chen is still thinking about the Tiandi Huangti Dragon in the New World, the Xuanhui Dragon in the earth veins, and the Steel Dragon that disappeared before. Bai Chen wants to try to find them again.

When Bai Chen said he was going back to the Forbidden Island, Aina knew that Bai Chen would leave this world soon.

She also wanted to go with Bai Chen, but Gerard's matter made her feel uneasy. No one knew whether Gerard had the idea of ​​destroying the village.

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid I can't go with you next."

"It doesn't matter. I'm also worried about the situation in Rutu Village. You can stay in the village for the time being."

The ability of the Wings of Destruction has not yet been activated. Aina and the Fire Dragon need to grow for a while.

In addition, the best way to find Lilia and Levitt now is to catch Gerard.

Since Gerard took the wood carving of Aotuna from Lilia, he must think that Lilia knows some unique information.

He will definitely continue to track Lilia and Levitt.

Thinking of this, Bai Chen released Lugia from his other dimension.

Bai Chen said: "Let Lugia stay in Rutu Village for the next few months."

Then, Bai Chen said to Lugia: "If Gerard returns to Rutu Village, I'll ask you to help control Gerard."

Bai Chen has not copied the Wings of Destruction of the Fire Dragon. If the situation here is allowed to develop arbitrarily, the Fire Dragon may encounter an accident, and Bai Chen's efforts during this period will be completely wasted.

Lugia nodded to show that he understood.

There is another very important reason for letting Lugia stay, that is, Lugia can be invisible.

This advantage allows him to better track Gerard and protect Rutu Village in secret.

Today, Bai Chen stayed in Rutu Village temporarily.

The next morning, after Bai Chen said goodbye to Aina, he set out alone and returned to Mashana Village.

After chatting with Gra for a while.

Bai Chen learned that the knights in the village had already used the monster balls brought by Bai Chen, and the knights began to cultivate feelings with two or three follower beasts.

In addition, Gra ordered the seeds of the cones to be sent to other knight villages to popularize the monster ball technology.

After Gra later learned that Bai Chen had subdued Aotuna, he just nodded with satisfaction and said good job.

The crisis of Aikana Continent was resolved, which was directly related to Bai Chen's efforts.

Bai Chen also said to Gra: "Now there is still the disaster of black evil spirit that has not been resolved. If possible, please patrol Xiakouluo Island more during this period. If you encounter suspicious people, just arrest them directly."

According to legend, Aotuna was sealed on Xiakouluo Island.

If Gerard knew this clue, he would probably bring a large group of people to Xiakouluo Island.

But the good news is that Lugia flies very fast. As long as he receives a notification, he can fly to Mashana Village immediately.

After Bai Chen handed three special flares to Gra, he said: "One of my powerful partners is on standby in Rutu Village. If you are in danger, fire this flare into the sky. If nothing goes wrong, my partner will arrive at Xiakouluo Island in three minutes."

Gra put away the flare and asked Bai Chen where to go next.

Bai Chen said: "I am going to go back to the New World to see what is going on there recently. If no new ancient dragons appear, I will go to East Doruma."

If the two ancient dragons of the unlocking level in the New World do not wake up, then he will go to find out the news of the legendary black dragon.

As the most powerful monster in the Monster Hunter World, Bai Chen is still looking forward to fighting with him.

And there are many powerful ancient dragons in the Old World.

For example, the super-large ancient dragons Fengshan Dragon, Haoshan Dragon, and Lanlong and other ancient dragons.

After learning about Bai Chen's next trip, Gra thought for a while and suggested to Bai Chen: "If you are looking for the traces of the ancient dragon, you can go to the Old World first. When I was collecting intelligence during this period, I heard that some disasters have also come to the Old World recently."

"I understand. After I go to the New World, I will go to the Old World to take a look."

After saying goodbye to Gra, Bai Chen directly asked the little nebula to take him to the Star Base in the New World instantly.

Flying in the air, looking at the Star Base below, Bai Chen recalled that he seemed to have not been back for two months.

Looking at the people below who were busy in an orderly manner, Bai Chen did not disturb everyone.

Now the investigation radius of the investigation team has not yet covered the direction of the ice field, so asking the investigation team whether they know about the eyewitness report of Tiandi Huangtilong and others, the people in the investigation team are very likely to not know about this.

Just when Bai Chen was thinking about where to go to find Xuanhuilong.

The Thunder Wolf Dragon in the different dimension suddenly roared loudly.

Bai Chen said lightly: "Did you feel the breath of the Steel Dragon?"

Speaking of which, the Thunder Wolf Dragon and the Steel Dragon once had a connection.

It was the Steel Dragon that drove the Thunder Wolf Dragon out of its habitat. Now that the Thunder Wolf Dragon has greatly increased its strength, it is time to go back for revenge.

"Interesting, let's go find the Steel Dragon now."

Bai Chen directly teleported and went to the Dragon Crystal Land.

In the Starry Stronghold, the Commander-in-Chief seemed to sense something. He looked up at the sky but did not see any figure.

"Am I hallucinating? Why do I feel that Bai Chen is back?"

After searching the sky for a while, the Commander-in-Chief shook his head helplessly.

He now has an invitation letter in his hand that needs to be handed over to Bai Chen.

Now that Bai Chen has not returned, he will no longer take this matter to heart. He buried his head and continued to deal with his work.

Although the Ancient Dragon Ferry incident has been resolved, there are still many new continent investigation tasks that have not been completed.

What's more, Bai Chen has discovered the ice field area again, and now the investigation team is preparing to establish the second Yuechen stronghold in the ice field.

About a month ago, in the kingdom of the old continent.

The general who had met Bai Chen once told the king everything he had encountered in detail.

After listening.

The king looked at the general for a long time and was speechless.

If what the general said was true, then Bai Chen could definitely be said to be the first person under God.

He was a truly unshakable strong man.

As long as Bai Chen wanted, he could destroy the world in a snap of a finger.

Moreover, Bai Chen seemed to have no worldly desires at all. It was really like walking on thin ice to get along with such a person.

When he thought of this, the king couldn't help but sigh.

He was too powerful. Even if Bai Chen had no ill intentions, he would still give people a strong pressure.

Seeing that the king was somewhat helpless against Bai Chen, the general said: "Your Majesty, I have met His Excellency Bai Chen face to face. He is a very pure person. He pursues powerful enemies and power. And we are facing a huge threat now."

After the general reminded him, the king remembered the forbidden monster that once destroyed a kingdom-the black dragon.

Compared with the powerful monster that could not communicate and was like a natural disaster.

Bai Chen could give them a better sense of security.

The king asked: "According to your understanding of Bai Chen, if we ask him to defeat the black dragon, what is the probability that he will agree?"

"Almost 100%. According to Lord Bai Chen's pursuit of powerful enemies, he will not let go of the powerful monster that once destroyed an entire kingdom."

The king nodded and said: "Well, you are right. Now someone can finally solve the monster. We should be happy. Pass my order, the whole country will enter a state of preparation for war, and then write an invitation to invite Lord Bai Chen to visit the capital with the highest sincerity."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The general nodded and left the meeting room.

When the general disappeared at the end of the corridor, a blonde girl in gorgeous clothes poked her head out from behind the door, followed by a maid who wanted to cry but had no tears.

The blonde girl said to her personal maid with excitement: "Did you hear it? There is actually someone who has subdued the ancient dragon species as his follower beast! This is actually true!!"

The maid saw her princess's excited look and understood what her princess was thinking.

The maid quickly persuaded her master: "Your Highness, this may just be a rumor, please don't take it seriously."

"The general saw it with his own eyes, how could it be false!" The third princess said excitedly, "Hurry up, hurry up, help me go to the Hunter Guild to post a task, let the hunters help me capture an ancient dragon species!"

The maid looked bitter.

Capture ancient dragon species? ! !

You know, as long as there is a hunter who can repel the ancient dragon species, he is a legendary hunter. Who should be entrusted to capture the ancient dragon species?

"Your Highness, I'm afraid no hunter can complete this task."

The third princess didn't believe it, she said: "But the hunter named Bai Chen caught several ancient dragons as partners."

"That, that's just a miracle. I'm afraid that only Mr. Bai Chen in the world can do it?"

"Then entrust that hunter Bai Chen, no matter how much money you pay!"

When the maid heard that her master didn't use honorifics, she hissed several times in fear and said, "Your Highness, don't say such things. The hunter just heard from the general that our entire kingdom cannot afford to offend him. Even His Majesty's voice sounded a little timid."

When the third princess heard this, her eyes rolled several times.

She suddenly had some ideas.

Since the hunter Bai Chen is so powerful, if he can be entrusted to take her out on an adventure, even my father wouldn't dare to complain, right?

The third princess smiled and said, "My father just said that he would invite Lord Bai Chen to visit the capital, right?"

"Yes, Your Highness."

"Let's make preparations."

"What preparations?"

The third princess smiled and didn't explain in detail.

She directly pulled her maid back to her room.

Time went back to a month later.

Bai Chen took the Thunder Wolf Dragon to search for traces of the Steel Dragon in the New World.

Finally, on the fifth day after returning to the New World, he encountered the ancient dragon species that controlled the storm.

The combat power of the Steel Dragon is not much different from that of the previous Flame King Dragon and Flame Queen Dragon, which is the level of 80.

In this battle, Bai Chen did not intervene, but directly handed it over to the Thunder Wolf Dragon.

The battle was very fierce.

The Steel Dragon did not expect that he would be defeated by an ordinary monster one day.

As for whether the Steel Dragon has any memory related to the Thunder Wolf Dragon, he naturally does not have it.

Who would remember the name and appearance of a weak person?

And there are too many monsters that saw him running away, and he can't remember every ordinary monster he drove away.

After the Thunder Wolf Dragon battle, Bai Chen successfully subdued the Steel Dragon.

In addition, Bai Chen ran to the bottom of the Miasma Valley and brought out his Corpse Dragon.

The Miasma Valley has a new overlord, so he can follow Bai Chen away.

With these companions, Bai Chen set off to the isolated island of origin near the ice field.

Here Bai Chen did not feel the energy pulse of the powerful monster.

In order to awaken the unlocked Tiandi Huangti Dragon in advance, Bai Chen released Ao Tu Na and let Ao Tu Na release her breath to attract Tiandi Huangti Dragon.

But I don't know whether it's because Tiandi Huangti Dragon is not here or Tiandi Huangti Dragon is afraid of Ao Tu Na's power.

Bai Chen has been stationed here for two days and has not waited for any movement.

In desperation, Bai Chen can only temporarily return to the Xingchen base and prepare to make other plans.

When Bai Chen just came back, he received a very formal invitation letter from the commander-in-chief.

After opening it, Bai Chen laughed.

Is the plot of the black dragon finally about to begin?

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