Pokémon, hatching a Nergigante at the beginning

Chapter 336 The Moon Completed Overnight

At the headquarters of Xingchen Stronghold, Bai Chen received a gold-plated luxurious envelope from the commander-in-chief.

Bai Chen asked the commander-in-chief: "What is this?"

"A secret letter from the kingdom, saying that they hope you can visit the capital."

Bai Chen opened the envelope and took a look at the contents.

The contents were very simple. Apart from the polite words of flattery, the core was that the kingdom hoped to invite Bai Chen to visit the capital, and the kingdom also had a very important matter that needed to be entrusted to Bai Chen.

Looking at this letter, Bai Chen roughly knew what the general and the king wanted to do.

This was to invite him to deal with the black dragon that had destroyed the kingdom.

In the original game, at the end of the game, the kingdom sent the general to entrust the hunters to defeat the black dragon of Heixu City.

Now the situation has changed. After seeing Bai Chen's strength, the general believes that Bai Chen is capable of defeating the black dragon.

After putting the letter away, the commander-in-chief asked Bai Chen curiously: "Is this an invitation for you to deal with a big guy?"

The commander-in-chief had talked to the general about the black dragon before.

At that time, the general asked him if he had any recommended hunters to join the crusade.

The commander-in-chief thought about it and decisively recommended Bai Chen.

Bai Chen nodded: "Yes, he said he had something to ask of me."

"What do you think?"

Bai Chen said as a matter of course: "Of course I am ready to fight. Where there are strong prey, I will go to see the situation first."

"Really reliable." The commander-in-chief nodded with relief when he saw Bai Chen agreed, "When are you going to go?"

"Let's go tomorrow. If it's really a strong enemy, I also need to prepare in advance."

After Bai Chen briefly talked with the commander-in-chief about some things, Bai Chen learned that the commander-in-chief wanted to build a Yuechen stronghold on the ice field.

In response, Bai Chen was ready to help the other party directly.

"In that case, I'll help you. Do you have the design of the base?"

"We haven't arrived at the ice field yet, so there's no way to talk about the design of the base."

"Are you free now? If you are, I'll take you there to confirm the location."

The commander-in-chief saw that Bai Chen was willing to help, so no matter how much work he had on hand, he had to put it aside.

This is a question of efficiency. If Bai Chen helps, the base that may take a year to build may be completed in one or two months.

"You must be free. I'll go and gather people."

The commander-in-chief directly summoned the technical team leader, the material team leader and others.

It took less than half an hour for everyone to be ready to go. There were a total of more than 20 technicians.

Bai Chen directly released Aotuna and flew everyone towards the direction of the ice field.

Among all the monsters now, only Aotuna can fly in the sky with so many people.

Seeing Bai Chen's new partner, the commander-in-chief asked Bai Chen about Aotuna's identity.

Bai Chen just explained that Aotuna was one of the strongest ancient dragon species in the Ekana continent. It almost caused a disaster that destroyed the continent some time ago, and he had just conquered it some time ago.

The commander-in-chief did not expect that Bai Chen had conquered a new ancient dragon species just by going back, and his strength seemed very strong.

He sighed: "You are really as strong as ever."

Bai Chen laughed and said nothing more.

After the strength reaches a certain level, it is still very easy to catch some partners you want.

And Aotuna was defeated by him personally. In terms of strength, Aotuna is not as strong as him.

On Aotuna's back, the technical class leader took a drawing board and drew Aotuna's appearance.

This is an ancient dragon species, and it is an ancient dragon species from other continents. It is not easy to see the other party, let alone to observe it so closely one day.

Arriving above the ice field, Bai Chen asked Aotuna to lower the flying altitude.

The monsters below all began to flee after sensing Aotuna's breath.

Everyone began to search for an open space suitable for Yuechen's base, and soon they found a large open space.

"That's good."

After everyone confirmed the location, Bai Chen immediately led everyone to land on an open space.

The terrain around here can be said to be perfect. It is close to the sea and has four or five entrances and exits. Three or four of the entrances and exits are not large, which is just right for avoiding the invasion of large monsters.

The only pity is that the opening of one entrance and exit is about 20 to 30 meters.

After thinking for a while, everyone discussed whether to build a fortress to block this place.

Bai Chen saw that they were distressed and asked directly: "How big an opening do you need?"

"As the main entrance and exit, it is necessary to leave about three or four meters wide, otherwise it will be difficult to transport some monster materials into the base."

"Then this is simple, I will help you change the terrain directly."

Everyone: Huh?

They thought Bai Chen was wrong. Change the terrain? How to do it?

Let the monsters move boulders to block the entrance?

If it was an ancient dragon like Aotuna, it seemed like it could really be done.

Bai Chen certainly had his own way, he directly launched his natural will move.

The earth began to tremble, and under Bai Chen's guidance, the rocks in the earth rumbled up.

Just like Bai Chen changed the terrain in Kuan Village before, the terrain at the main entrance was directly changed by Bai Chen.

Those rocks seem to have been connected to those mountains since ancient times.

When everyone saw this, they were shocked and speechless for a while.

What is the difference between this and a god descending to earth? ?

The Commander-in-Chief sighed. He already knew that Bai Chen was outrageous, but he didn't expect it to be so outrageous now.

This level of communication is naturally nothing to Bai Chen, and it is too common for him.

Some of the mythical beasts in the Pokémon world have the ability to change the world.

For example, Shemi can instantly fill the barren land with flowers, and Lugia can directly change the currents of the sea to create whirlpools.

Moreover, the ancient dragons also have the ability to change the environment. They just change the terrain, which is nothing to Bai Chen now.

The leader of the technical class saw the land and asked Bai Chen in surprise: "How far can you change this terrain?"

Bai Chen pondered for a while and said: "I can also make stone pillars with a height of 100 meters appear here, or make huge pits appear here."

Everyone gasped again when they heard this.

What an amazing ability.

The technical class monitor suddenly became interested.

With such a powerful force, who would use materials to pile it up? Wouldn't it be better to just create a perfect stronghold terrain?

"Can you help create the perfect terrain?"

"It's okay until I leave tomorrow. As long as you plan it well, I can get it done in a few minutes."

The leader of the technical class said with some regret: "If you know that the terrain can be directly changed, I will bring more surveyors."

"It's easy. I'll just create a portal for you."

"Transportation gate?" Everyone looked at Bai Chen in confusion.

Bai Chen didn't give a detailed explanation. He came to the large open space in the center.

As a strong wind blew by, Bai Chen directly blew away all the snow in the stronghold, exposing the somewhat frozen ground.

Bai Chen took out the materials from the different dimensions that were used to build the portal in the Diamond Kingdom.

Just like in the Diamond Kingdom, Bai Chen directly created a super-large portal connecting Yuechen Stronghold and Sunchen Stronghold.

After confirming that they could travel back and forth between the two places instantly, everyone was shocked and speechless for a moment.

This ability is really amazing.

When the material squad leader saw Bai Chen's methods, she tentatively asked: "Can the construction materials be used?"

"Be specific."

"For example, wood, iron ore, it would be better if there are monster materials."

"Wood and iron ore are simple materials for monsters. I don't know which ones you want. If you slaughter them rashly, it is likely to destroy the ecological balance here."

"Only wood and iron ore will do!" The supplies squad leader looked at Bai Chen expectantly.

Bai Chen nodded and said, "That's easy to handle."

Bai Chen activated his power again, the earth trembled, and all the ancient trees hidden deep in the ground grew. At the same time, a large amount of iron ore was found by Bai Chen from the depths of the earth and piled up in the center of the plain.

Looking at some things, the supplies squad leader made another wish: "Can a hot spring be built? It would be great if there was a large hot spring in this snowy day."

"This is a little difficult, but it's not too troublesome."

Bai Chen directly mobilized the magma underground. After about four or five minutes, the earth began to tremble.


Suddenly hot springs erupted from the earth.

The leader of the technical class saw that Bai Chen helped the leader of the materials class realize such a wish. He immediately made a wish to Bai Chen and said, "Can you introduce part of the magma into the workshop?"

In such a cold snowy day, if magma can be used, forging weapons in the workshop will become particularly easy.

"That's okay, just confirm a place."

Bai Chen began to help everyone build Yuechen stronghold.

Everyone in the Star Stronghold was originally busy with their own affairs, but now they are all being roped in to help build the stronghold.

Everyone decided to take advantage of Bai Chen's powerful abilities as much as possible before Bai Chen left.

Everyone's efficiency is surprisingly high, and all kinds of fanciful designs emerge in endlessly.

For example, someone wants to build a sky island and asks Bai Chen if he can do it.

Seeing this design, Bai Chen directly rejected it.

It's not that he can't create Sky Island, on the contrary, Sky Island is quite simple.

He only needs to transform the energy in the origin diamond into superpower energy, and then Bai Chen will carve the [gravity] move himself to reverse the gravity move.

Finally, adjust the energy output. As long as the energy in the Origin Diamond is not exhausted, Sky Island will not fall.

The reason why Bai Chen refused this kind of thing was because it was obviously the other person's childhood fantasy, and its realization would be of no use to the entire Yue Chen Dijun.

All day long, no one in the stronghold took a break, and they all devoted themselves to the construction.

Until the early morning of the next day, everyone looked at the completed Yuechen stronghold in front of them.

Also can’t believe it.

The construction was actually completed overnight! !

Now that the infrastructure of the entire Yuechen stronghold has been completely built, the next step, such as furniture and decoration, all depends on the working capacity of the workshop.

Bai Chen is not responsible for these things.

Looking at the new stronghold in front of him, the commander-in-chief looked at Bai Chen who was sitting cross-legged at a high place.

He couldn't help but shake his head and sigh. This was really amazing. The huge base was built overnight, and this base can be said to be the most perfect base. All the miracles that cannot be seen in nature were reproduced by Bai Chen in this base.

Seeing that the Yuechen base was built, Bai Chen instantly moved to the side of the commander-in-chief. He said: "Next, you need to build it yourself."

"You have done enough." The commander-in-chief patted Bai Chen on the shoulder and thanked Bai Chen seriously.

Bai Chen pointed to the portal in the center of the Yuechen base and said: "The energy of that portal is limited. I have marked the time countdown on it. After about 10 years, this portal will completely collapse. You should pay attention to it at that time."

Bai Chen's origin diamond does not have the characteristic of absorbing surrounding energy like Diancie's sacred diamond.

So when the energy is exhausted, this portal will directly fail.

"Ten years is already a long time." The commander-in-chief sighed. He thought that this portal would only last for a few days, but he didn't expect it to last directly for ten years.

"I can help you recharge your energy if I pass by next time." After helping to build the Yuechen base, Bai Chen finally told his main purpose. He said, "Commander-in-chief, I have something that I need your help with."

"Is there anything you need us to investigate?"

The commander-in-chief roughly guessed what Bai Chen needed their help with.

In fact, even if Bai Chen did not help to build Yuechen, he would help without hesitation.

Bai Chen nodded and said, "I hope you can help investigate an ancient dragon that may exist in the ice field. That ancient dragon will use its singing to attract other monsters in a large area and then prey on them. If you notice that kind of monster while exploring the ice field, you can crush this signal stone. If I am in this world at that time, I will be able to sense it."

"Use singing to attract other monsters?" The commander-in-chief nodded to show that he understood, "I will let the hunters who go out to explore pay attention."

"Then I'll leave it to you."

Bai Chen couldn't stay in the ice field all the time to wait for the Tiandi Huangti Dragon to wake up. His purpose in helping to build the Yuechen base was also to speed up the exploration process of the investigation team and let the investigation team help him find the Tiandi Huangti Dragon.

After finishing the work of the New World, Bai Chen said goodbye to a group of friends and rode Ao Tu Na directly to the direction of the Old World.

He is now going to the capital to find the traces of the black dragon.

After watching Bai Chen disappear into the horizon, the commander-in-chief withdrew his gaze. He said to the technical team leader and the leader of the second-phase regiment: "The construction of Yuechen Base is inseparable from Bai Chen's help. Let's erect a statue of Bai Chen in the center of the base."

"I agree."

Neither of them had any objections.

Almost 99% of the entire Yuechen was built by Bai Chen, so there is no problem at all to erect a statue.

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