Pokémon, hatching a Nergigante at the beginning

Chapter 359: Resonance of Fire Buds

"I'm going back to the New World Survey Team!"

Raymond nodded seriously.

Bai Chen looked at Raymond in surprise: "Are you really going back to the New World Survey Team?"

In Bai Chen's opinion, Raymond was tortured by the resentful tiger dragon when his psychological trauma had not been cured. If it were an ordinary person, he would be too scared to go to the hunting ground.

But he never thought that Raymond would propose to go to the front line to hunt again.

"Well, I've thought about it. I really can't let go of the New World Survey Team. I will definitely die in the future. Instead of dying in Yanhuo Village, it's better for me to die in the hunting ground."

In the previous battle.

Raymond was indeed afraid of the brute jaw dragon.

That fear was very deep.

But after the resentful tiger dragon killed the brute jaw dragon with one knife and easily killed him.

He suddenly felt a sense of sudden enlightenment.

What he was afraid of was the feeling of powerlessness in the face of the brute jaw dragon and the fear of death.

But even the brute jaw dragon that he was afraid of could not cause any waves in front of the resentful tiger dragon.

And Yuan Hulong was so weak in front of Bai Chen.

With this comparison, he suddenly found that his troubles and fears were so ridiculous.

He had a feeling of relief from looking at the boulder in front of him all the time, and suddenly one day he looked at the sky.

This insurmountable boulder, placed on the scale of the sky, is just a small stone.

It is not worth mentioning at all, as long as he crosses it, he can go to a wider sky and future.

As for the fear of death.

He has died once, so what's the harm in dying again?

Anyway, this life is saved. If he doesn't do what he wants to do, he might as well die at the hands of Yuan Hulong.

In this way, his name can also appear on the stone tablet in Yanhuo Village to commemorate the victims of the Hundred Dragons Night Parade.

Bai Chen saw the open-mindedness in Raymond's eyes.

People who have died once will really change.

Bai Chen nodded and said, "Then I congratulate you in advance on your return to the investigation team. If you are ready, I will take you to the ice field of the New World."

"Teleport? Is this troublesome?"

"No trouble, just get ready and I will take you to the New World in the next second."

"Really amazing." Raymond was accustomed to Bai Chen's strength. Bai Chen could bring him back to life, so it was not unimaginable to take him to the New World instantly.

"It's just a small matter. By the way, as a gift, I will give you some materials. Your armor and weapons are left in the New World, right? I remember."

"These are indeed left in the New World."

According to the rules of the New World, nothing in the New World can be taken to the Old World.

The worry is that some things in the New World will damage the ecology of the Old World.

Bai Chen is an exception, because he is recognized by nature. He can solve problems such as ecological damage with a wave of his hand, and he can deal with the impact he has caused very well.

The guild will naturally not limit Bai Chen's ability.

"That's great. You can choose any of these materials you like."

Bai Chen opened the other-dimensional space and took out a large pile of materials from it.

"Most of these are ancient dragon-level materials, and there are also materials from powerful monsters before, including materials from the resentful tiger dragon that was defeated the day before yesterday. You can choose whatever you want."

Raymond looked at the materials that took up half of the living room and couldn't close his mouth for a while.

As a senior hunter, he naturally knew how strong these materials were.

At this time, Huoya and Leivinia, who heard the sound in the kitchen, curiously poked their heads out.

Raymond looked at these valuable materials and asked Bai Chen: "Can I really choose?"

"Yes, you left me a lot of materials before, which helped me a lot at that time. Materials of this level are still needed."

Raymond swallowed his saliva, picked up a small piece of scale from the pile of materials and asked Bai Chen: "What scale is this?"

"That is the scale of the monster Xialong. I beat it down when I conquered Xialong some time ago."

Raymond picked up a small handful of red hair that felt hot to the touch and asked: "What about this?"

"That is the mane of the Flame King Dragon. It was the material that fell when my partner and I were practicing."

Raymond didn't expect that the materials he picked up were all ancient dragon-level materials.

He put the materials back carefully and asked: "Is there a list of these materials?"

"No, but I can help you classify them."

Bai Chen snapped his fingers and the materials were automatically classified.

Bai Chen pointed at the materials in the air and introduced them briefly: "That's Tianhui Dragon, that's Steel Dragon, and there's Mingbo Dragon, Qilin's materials, over there."

Bai Chen said a lot of ancient dragon names.

After that, Bai Chen introduced the materials he had recently obtained: "If you want something better, there are also materials from Fengshan Dragon and Lingshan Dragon, and Ao Tu Na's materials are also very powerful, they are forbidden materials."

Raymond in the living room and Huo Ya in the kitchen were silent at this moment.

These are not ordinary materials, but Bai Chen's battle records. These are the records of enemies that Bai Chen has defeated.

After listening to Bai Chen's introduction, Raymond asked in a hoarse voice.

"Are there any ordinary ones?"

"Ordinary ones, then these may be them." Bai Chen summoned the dragon-slaying materials and said, "How about this? Dragon-slaying materials."

"This." Before Raymond could finish speaking, Bai Chen added, "This is the first time in the world that a battle king has slain a dragon. He can survive for so many years and absorb so much life energy. This material The strength is still very good, even more than ordinary cologne materials.”

The king of war.

That kind of monster that only existed in legends was unexpectedly defeated by Bai Chen.

"These are too precious." Raymond shook his head and said, "I can't accept something as valuable as my benefactor. Is there anything more general, such as materials for monsters that have just entered the upper level?"

"This is really too difficult for me. I usually don't put those materials into the space. You can choose whatever you want from these. You don't have to bear the psychological burden. It is no exaggeration to say that these are like garbage to me. , I originally wanted to take it back to the great blacksmith for training."

Raymond was silent.

He didn't think Bai Chen was joking, Bai Chen's strength was indeed there.

In desperation, Raymond made a selection and chose the Kirin material with the lowest value.

It's not that he doesn't want other material.

But with his current strength, it is simply impossible to control that level of armor.

It’s up to the owner to choose the armor. If the strength is not up to standard and the potential of the armor cannot be unleashed, the armor will be no different from an ordinary weight-bearing weapon.

Seeing Raymond's choice, Bai Chen also gave Raymond a sufficient amount of unicorn materials.

"Then these are yours. I hope to hear good news about your activity one day in the future."


Raymond looked at the materials in front of him and secretly decided that this time he would go back and become the strongest hunter in the investigation team.

Just after he returned, he received ancient dragon-level materials from Bai Chen. No one else had ever encountered this kind of treatment.

After receiving the materials, Raymond asked Bai Chen: "By the way, my benefactor, do you still remember Rob?"

"of course I remember."

Rob was once a hunter on the same team as Raymond.

It was Rob and Raymond who Bai Chen and the sword master rescued from the tree hole.

Of the two, Raymond gave up continuing his activities in the investigation team because of his psychological shadow.

Because Rob lost his limb while hunting, he temporarily quit the investigation team and returned to his hometown to equip himself with prosthetic limbs, hoping to start training again as a low-level hunter.

Bai Chen still admired Rob's unyielding will.

Raymond said: "To be honest, most of the information about the New World Investigation Team here was passed on to me by him. I can feel that he is also very eager to go back to the New World Investigation Team, but because The broken limb, he is now struggling to get familiar with the prosthetic limb."

Raymond had nothing but endless admiration for his former partner.

With his broken body, he never gave up and kept exercising, and he wanted to return to the front line for hunting without hesitation.

Just this persistence is admirable.

When compared with the other party, Raymond even felt a little ashamed.

Raymond asked Bai Chen: "Benefactor, is there a way to regenerate his severed limbs?"

Bai Chen could bring himself back from the brink of death, so there was no reason why Raymond couldn't regenerate his broken limbs.

However, Bai Chen frowned and said, "His limb has been severed for a long time. It is difficult to regenerate, but it is not necessarily impossible."

Bai Chen can even bring the dead back to life, and he can also make Rob's broken limbs reborn, but it may be a bit troublesome.

"Can the benefactor help him? Of course I can help him pay any price! Even if it means paying for one of my legs!"

Raymond was not shameless enough to let Bai Chen help for free.

Bai Chen chuckled, waved his hand and said to Raymond: "It's useless for me to ask for your leg, and Rob also left me a lot of good things before. As repayment, it's nothing to let him regenerate his broken limbs."

Hearing what Bai Chen said, Raymond felt a little dreamy. He didn't expect that the savings he and others had given away before would now be repaid a hundred times, even a thousand times, or ten thousand times in this way.

"Rob is in Yuyun Village now, right?"

"Yes, I heard him say some time ago that he is already somewhat familiar with prosthetics, and now he has become a low-level 2-star hunter."

"Oh? This is really amazing. I think we can go to Jieyun Village the day after tomorrow. The ancient dragon that harmed Yanhuo Village has also gone there. We should be able to track him there."

After Bai Chen finished speaking, Huo Ya in the kitchen suddenly interrupted: "Sir, can I go to Jieyun Village with you the day after tomorrow?"

"Of course, I also need you to help me find the ancient dragon."

The resonance ability of Fire Bud and Shui Yun can still be of great help.

That resonance ability can even help him find a lot of ancient dragons, which is a very powerful ability.

"Thank you! I will definitely do my best to help."

Bai Chen chatted with Raymond for a few more words, and Leivinia and Huo Ya had already cut the fruits and came out of the kitchen.

Placing the fruit plate in front of Bai Chen, Bai Chen picked up a toothpick and poked a piece casually into his mouth.

Then he picked up two pieces of fruit with his hands and threw them into the mouths of Fengshanlong and Lingshanlong.

The fruits that the two super-large ancient dragons ate after their bodies became smaller were still very huge to them.

This feeling of eating is still very new to them.

Huo Ya looked at the two large dog-sized Fengshan Dragon and Lingshan Dragon with some curiosity.

"Sir, is this the Fengshan dragon cub?"

"This is the real thing, but the body has shrunk. I need to analyze their abilities during this period, and try to resonate with them."

As ground-type ancient dragons, Fengshan Dragon and Lingshan Dragon do not have many ground-type skills, but the ability of the two ancient dragons to stir up sandstorms is still worth learning.

Looking at Fengshan Dragon and Lingshan Dragon.

Huoya's eyes suddenly flashed with light, and her soul and Fengshan Dragon's soul were linked.

Bai Chen noticed that Huoya's eyes emitted a light golden light.

"Great Lord, give delicious food."

Huoya's characteristics were activated, and she and Fengshan Dragon's soul were linked. At this moment, she could fully understand Fengshan Dragon's thoughts.

And Fengshan Dragon's emotions were completely synchronized with her.

She could now feel Fengshan Dragon's feelings, and that kind of worship and joy also entered her mind with the resonance.

After a moment, the synchronization was temporarily weakened, and Huoya came back to her senses and looked at Fengshan Dragon in disbelief.

Fengshan Dragon was also a little surprised at this moment as he looked at the dragon man who suddenly resonated with him.

Bai Chen laughed and said, "It seems that you have activated your own characteristics unintentionally. How do you feel?"

"It's wonderful, but the burden seems a bit heavy. I feel a little dizzy now."

Huoya can only resonate with the ancient dragon at present. Her resonance is different from Bai Chen's resonance.

She can only know the emotions and position of the ancient dragon through resonance, and know what the other party is thinking.

This kind of resonance is very forced. You only need to look at the other party or feel some mental waves to complete the resonance.

But Bai Chen's resonance can only resonate with his partner. This kind of resonance takes time to cultivate.

At the same time, Bai Chen's resonance can borrow the abilities of his partners, obtain their attributes, and obtain their skills.

Bai Chen nodded and said, "I have a lot of ancient dragon partners. You can try to contact them more. This can force resonance with other ancient dragons as soon as possible and help me find where the ancient dragon is."

"I will practice well."

If she can help Bai Chen, Huoya is naturally willing to practice more.

Bai Chen glanced at the clothes on Huoya.

Her attire is the more traditional witch costume of Yanhuo Village.

It is said that witches have the ability to communicate with gods, and ancient dragon species are like gods to ordinary people.

This witch costume is suitable for the occasion.

To be honest, if Huoya can fully master her own characteristics and can search for enemies thousands of miles away, Bai Chen is still very willing to keep Huoya by his side.

Her characteristics can help him find those ancient dragon species very accurately.

After all, even he has no way to change a person's characteristics or copy the characteristics of the other party.

This characteristic is currently the only identification of all creatures.

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