Pokémon, hatching a Nergigante at the beginning

Chapter 360 Super Brain and Talent MAX

The ability to resonate allowed Huo Ya to directly connect with Fengshan Dragon.

At this moment, she could completely understand Fengshanlong's thoughts and feel Fengshanlong's emotions.

After Huo Ya felt it carefully.

She sighed softly: "What a magical feeling."

This resonance will bring a strong burden to her.

The emotions of the ancient dragon species can be transmitted into her heart very clearly.

Due to some overload, her emotions and mood are very easily affected by the ancient dragon species.

If it is an emotion of joy, she will feel joy too.

But if it is other emotions, such as anxiety, anger, or other negative emotions, she will also be affected by this emotion.

"Practice hard." Bai Chen said to Huo Ya, "You have reached the limit of resonance with one ancient dragon species now. If you use it more, the burden of resonance on you will become less and less. You can resonate with the ancient dragon species at the same time. The species will also increase. And the limit of this characteristic is far more than just the ancient dragon species."

Huo Ya nodded repeatedly and said that he would try more.

Fire Bud not only has this characteristic.

She also has the talent skill blessed by [Talent MAX], which allows Huo Ya to grow nearly 10 times faster when learning anything.

This growth rate is not only reflected in the learning and mastering of characteristics, but also includes skill proficiency, which can also grow 10 times faster.

This skill has a rarity of 10 and is a skill that cannot be copied. It is an ability that only belongs to Fire Bud.

Even if Bai Chen wanted to copy Huo Ya, he couldn't.

If he really wanted this skill, he could only learn Xerneas and Yveltal's exclusive skills [Eternal Life] and [Cocoon of Ending], and continuously analyze them. Ability.

This [Talent MAX] is very tempting to Bai Chen, who has thousands of skills.

No matter how powerful the legendary Arceus is, if he directly uses thousands of mythical skills, even Arceus will no longer be his opponent.

Unless he has a move skill that directly ignores all rules.

Bai Chen said to Huo Ya: "I have many ancient dragon companions. If you want to practice, you can always tell me and I can ask them to cooperate with you."

Huo Ya looked at Bai Chen expectantly and asked, "Sir, can I also resonate with the white six-winged ancient dragon you controlled a few days ago?"

The day she died, when she saw the shining ancient dragon flying past in the sky, she felt that the ancient dragon was very beautiful!

"Ao Tu Na, of course you can, but she may not be willing to let you resonate." Ao Tu Na has a rather arrogant personality. If someone arbitrarily resonates with her, Ao Tu Na will be very angry.

"Well, it's really hard to disturb her." Huo Ya didn't press ahead.

Bai Chenyan said: "Your current resonance is still very forced. You can try it and see if you can cut off the resonance yourself."

"Okay, I'll give it a try."

Huo Ya closed her eyes and tried several times without success.

It takes a lot of practice to master the features.

It is also surprisingly difficult to fully unleash the power of one's own [Resonance] characteristic.

Letting Huo Ya practice on his own for the time being, Bai Chen noticed that the first princess next to him was a little depressed.

It seemed like he was disappointed that his abilities were not as strong as Huo Ya's.

Bai Chen asked the first princess: "What's wrong with you?"

Leivinia came back to her senses, she shook her head and said: "No, it's nothing."

She kept a smile on her face, but she couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

Unexpectedly, Huo Ya had the ability to resonate with the ancient dragon.

That ability can help Bai Chen a lot no matter how he thinks about it.

She and Bai Chen went to capture Xialong and Fengshan Dragon together, and they also went together to look for traces of the ancient disaster dragon around Yanhuo Village.

She knew that Bai Chen's biggest headache on the road was not finding the ancient dragon. Now Huo Ya's resonance could help Bai Chen find the ancient dragon as quickly as possible and even remotely search for traces of the ancient dragon.

No matter how you think about it, Huo Ya is more useful than yourself.

He is also more suitable to take care of Bai Chen's partners than himself.

If Huo Ya could cook, wouldn't he have no reason to stay with Bai Chen?

Bai Chen didn't know what the first princess was thinking. He didn't have the ability to forcibly read minds, but he had the ability to make people tell the truth.

Bai Chen only needs to use it on the First Princess, and Bai Chen can know what the First Princess is thinking about now.

But if this kind of thing is not done to the enemy, then it really cannot be done.

Everyone has their own privacy, and it can make people very angry if someone randomly inquires about it.

Bai Chen said to the first princess: "By the way, I have some knowledge that I need you to help me analyze and borrow your brain."

"Ah, of course this is no problem." Leivinia moved to Bai Chen's side, she closed her eyes and let her head empty.

Bai Chen stretched out his hand, put two fingers on Leivinia's forehead, activated his super power, and Bai Chen successfully created a dream space.

When Leivinia opened her eyes again, all kinds of esoteric knowledge flashed through her eyes quickly, none of which she could understand.

She looked around and found Bai Chen floating in mid-air.

Bai Chen said to Leivinia: "Please."

Leivinia tried to look at the knowledge. Under her gaze, the knowledge that was originally passing quickly slowed down suddenly, as if the pause button was pressed.

Bai Chen also took the time to find what he wanted.

Soon, the real Levinia opened her eyes. She suddenly felt dizzy. Fortunately, Bai Chen used telekinesis to support her, so she didn't fall down.

Bai Chen said: "Use meditation, which can help you recover your mental strength as soon as possible."


Levinia nodded and immediately started the meditation technique.

The meditation technique was given to her by Bai Chen 4 days ago.

When this skill just appeared in her body, Levinia was shocked.

But after listening to Bai Chen's explanation, Levinia also used her new technique boldly.

Every time Bai Chen said that he needed to borrow her brain, she would feel dizzy when everything was over.

But as long as she used meditation, this feeling would disappear quickly.

About half an hour of meditation can make her own mental strength completely return to normal.

In the living room, Huoya and Raymond didn't know what Bai Chen was doing just now.

Suddenly said that he needed to borrow a brain, and then tapped the other person's forehead for half a minute to complete it?

In the dream, the two of them seemed to have spent a whole day together, but in reality, only half a minute had passed.

The so-called borrowing of brains means that Bai Chen is borrowing Leivinia's brain to help him understand some profound skills and knowledge.

Huoya has a skill called [Talent MAX] with a rarity of 10, which cannot be copied.

Leivinia also has a skill called [Super Brain] with a rarity of 10, which cannot be copied.

The effect of this skill is that Leivinia's human brain can process certain knowledge like a supercomputer, or even faster than a supercomputer.

Leivinia had some unexpected abnormalities before, such as she could read all the books in the library of the capital by herself, and she could also quickly search in her mind and quickly find the books that Bai Chen needed.

Even if the content in the book only recorded a short sentence, she could help Bai Chen find it.

At that time, Bai Chen naively thought that this [Super Brain] skill gave the first princess a super brain capacity and amazing memory.

But a few days ago, when he was looking for the ancient dragon of disaster in Yanhuo Village, he reached a bottleneck because of his analysis skills. Later, when he talked about this with Leivinia.

Leivinia used limited knowledge and clues to solve a puzzle for Bai Chen, and Bai Chen suddenly realized the power of the skill [Super Brain].

Leivinia can understand the most profound secrets of skills!

As a mortal, she can handle that knowledge.

Thinking of this, Bai Chen immediately tried to share the knowledge he saw with Leivinia through the reproduction of dreams.

While Leivinia was looking at that knowledge and thinking about it, Bai Chen could grasp the mysterious knowledge that he had previously found very difficult to see clearly through her brain and everything she saw.

The operation process here is very complicated.

But if it is simplified, and with an inappropriate metaphor, it is.

Bai Chen can quickly analyze the secrets of those skills through the "supercomputer" of the first princess.

This analysis improvement is still very terrifying.

Originally, Bai Chen needed to spend 3 days to analyze certain knowledge, but with the help of the First Princess, Bai Chen was able to complete the analysis of skills in just one hour.

The speed increased by about 100 times.

But Leivinia is just a mortal after all, and her brain is overloaded sometimes. Bai Chen estimated that asking Leivinia to help once a day is already the limit.

If it is more, it is possible that too much profound knowledge will remain in Leivinia's head, making her demented or stupid.

In addition, the fire bud has a characteristic ability called resonance, and Leivinia also has a very powerful characteristic.

Her characteristic is to increase her own [Spirit] by 5 times the upper limit.

If this ability is combined with Leivinia's own super brain skills.

Her future will be very terrifying.

Let's put it this way, Bai Chen's analysis of skills has an upper limit.

For example, if the skills reach rarity 10 or rarity 11, he can analyze them with more time.

It may take about ten years, or even a hundred years.

Although it takes a long time, it can be analyzed!

But if the skill level reaches rarity 12, even if he has infinite energy and mental power, he may not be able to understand and analyze it.

Let's use an example that is not completely appropriate.

His infinite energy and mental power are like the power supply that provides energy to a supercomputer.

It can ensure that the supercomputer will run forever.

But the computing power of a supercomputer is limited by the computer's own hardware and software.

Even if he has more energy, some tasks cannot be completed.

And Levinia's characteristics make the computing power of her "supercomputer" 5 times higher than Bai Chen.

This computing power allows her to understand and analyze the skills and moves of rarity 12 that cannot be copied.

The [Spirit] mentioned in the characteristics includes the mental power limit, wisdom, and all other potential related to the brain.

Levinia now only shows an IQ that is much smarter than ordinary people.

It's just that her own energy supply can't keep up with her super smart brain.

This situation is very similar to the Exterminating Dragon.

The Exterminating Dragon also has all its existence abilities weakened due to insufficient energy.

She is gradually unlocking her superpowers by shifting gears.

The same is true for Leivinia. If she can have the same infinite energy as Bai Chen, then her characteristics can be fully stimulated.

At that time, she will become an all-knowing ‘god’!

But it's a pity that Leivinia is only a mortal after all. She can't learn Bai Chen's infinite energy at all. Even if she learns it, she won't be able to transform the energy into any form of energy she wants like Bai Chen.

Leivinia was like a joke played by the Creator.

She has the talent to become a god, but due to the limitations of her mortal body, she is unable to use even one ten-millionth of her talent.

He looked around at Huo Ya and Leivinia.

Huo Ya has the [Talent MAX] skill, and Leivinia has the [Super Brain] skill.

One of these two skills can accelerate the speed of skill improvement, and the other can improve the speed of skill analysis and fusion.

These two skills make Bai Chen very coveted.

The characteristics of both of them are also a bit confusing.

Needless to say, Leivinia's 5x spirit is ridiculously strong.

The resonance characteristics of fire buds are not just as simple as resonating with ancient dragon species.

Theoretically, she can resonate with all things, and even with some non-living things, such as the 'natural will' that has been taking care of Bai Chen.

Of course, the difficulty of this kind of resonance is very high, even more difficult than it is for a mortal to directly break through the atmosphere and leave the planet.

"The talents of these two people are really terrifying."

Bai Chen has been to a lot of places and met a lot of people, but the only person whose talent can compare with the two of them is Lillie, who can unlock the [Golden Palace].

Huo Ya seemed to hear Bai Chen's muttering, and asked Bai Chen curiously: "Sir, were you talking to me just now?"

"No. I was just talking to myself." Bai Chen waved his hand and asked Huo Ya to continue practicing his resonance characteristics.

He looked at Raymond and asked, "By the way, what's for dinner tonight?"

"Ah, how could I have forgotten this!" Bai Chen reminded him, and then Raymond remembered and said, "Tonight is the celebration of Yanhuo Village, to celebrate the end of the Hundred Dragons Night Walk! The village chief Puxian also asked I invite you, please come and attend.”

"Celebration? Why did you forget such an important thing?"

Raymond smiled awkwardly.

He couldn't say that he was scared by Huo Ya and Leivinia before, so he just forgot about it.

He chuckled and said, "Sorry, I forgot. How about we go together? There are a lot of delicious food and drinks in the evening."

Bai Chen himself is not very willing to cook.

If there is something ready to eat, he will naturally be happy.

However, he doesn't like crowded situations. Last time he was in the Kingdom, he only liked to be alone at the dinner party.

Huo Ya was smart enough to know what Bai Chen was thinking. She explained: "I think the villagers all want to thank the adults. It doesn't matter even if they take the ancient dragons with them. Everyone already knew about this." thing."

Huo Ya said so, so Bai Chen had no choice but to agree.

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