Pokémon, hatching a Nergigante at the beginning

Chapter 418 What kind of monster is this?

Successfully conquered the three mythical gods.

Bai Chen also returned to the Forbidden Island smoothly.

Regardless of the reality that only 30 days have passed, in fact his battle with the three mythological gods lasted for a full 30 years.

For Bai Chen, who now has a life span longer than that of heaven and earth, these 30 years are like the blink of an eye.

After returning home, Bai Chen had a lunch, and he learned from Lillie about the critical situation in the ultimate city, and also learned that the Hezhu region was now in danger.

There is an evil organization called [Team Plasma] making trouble.

"I see. If that's the case, then I'll go there now."

"Do you know where Team Plasma is?" Lillie looked at Bai Chen who was very calm in confusion.

Bai Chen nodded affirmatively: "In these 30 years of fighting, I have been well-trained. My nature controller skills, as long as I ask nature, nature will tell me the answer."

Bai Chen released infinite energy and resonated with nature. In just three seconds, he found Kyurem's location.

Bai Chen asked Lillie to step back, then he made a palm with one hand and slashed vertically towards the void.

The space door opens.

Lillie looked at the other side of the door curiously, then froze on the spot.

This opens the door directly into the enemy's face! ? ? ?

Not only Lillie, but also the people from Team Plasma over there looked at Bai Chen in disbelief.

In the main seat of the spaceship, Kuiqis looked at Bai Chen on the other side of the space-time gate in disbelief.

Bai Chen slowly walked into the control room of the spacecraft.

Every step Bai Chen took was like a drum beating heavily on Kuiqisi's heart.

Kuiqisi wondered who Bai Chen was, but soon he remembered Bai Chen, who had just become the world champion some time ago.

Recognizing Bai Chen, Kuiqisi immediately launched an attack on Bai Chen with his own Pokémon without any nonsense or hesitation.

"Commander Chuizhan, come on!"

Behind him, Commander Kuiqis slashed towards Bai Chen at a speed that was hard to see with the naked eye.

Kuiqisi didn't think Bai Chen came with good intentions. He felt strong pressure on Bai Chen.

The pressure even made him see fear.

There is a huge difference in strength between the two sides!

When the tiger comes in front of the mouse, how can the tiger cooperate with the mouse?

Bai Chen's eyes lit up: "It's really a smart choice, but the gap between us is so big that any resistance is in vain."

After saying that, Bai Chen stretched out two fingers and pressed down on Commander Pi Zhan.


The huge gravity directly suppressed Commander Pi Zhan to the ground.

Commander Pi Zhan felt that every inch of skin on his body was suppressing tens of thousands of pounds of weight, making it impossible for him to move even an inch.

Seeing that Commander Pi Zhan had no ability to resist, everyone else in the command room was ready to call out their partners to deal with Bai Chen.

But Bai Chen just squeezed his fist, and the metal on the machinery turned into steel ropes, tying up all these people.

With a rumble, the entire spacecraft suddenly began to tremble violently.

Queqis quickly looked at the monitor to see what was happening outside the spacecraft. At a glance, he found that the outside was wrapped with vines with a diameter of tens of meters.

Not only these combatants, but also very special ones were captured by the mysterious power!

"Are you kidding? This place is 10,000 meters in the air."

In the past thirty years, Bai Chen has also mastered how to concentrate a lot of energy while distracted.

Originally, he had unlimited energy and could use any powerful moves and skills at will. The only limitations were the rarity of the moves and the speed at which the moves could be condensed.

In these thirty years of fighting, he naturally learned how to gather moves quietly in places unknown to others, and then release the accumulated moves at once in an instant.

Originally, he might need to condense for several hours to control plant vines with a height of 10,000 meters, but now he has condensed them in advance, and when he needs to use them, he can directly release them to achieve the power of his moves and skills to achieve the effect he wants.

Kuiqisi looked at Bai Chen at this moment, the expression on his face had become very stiff due to too much shock.

He found that he was the only one who was not tied up by Bai Chen. He took a deep breath and asked Bai Chen, "What do you want? You don't want to turn us over to the police, right?"

If Bai Chen wanted to arrest them, he would not be given a chance to speak.

"You're smart, but I do have enough motivation to send you to the police, and I can give you a chance now."

"Opportunity?" Kuiqisi looked at Bai Chen in confusion.

"That's right. Send the strongest legendary Pokémon you have now to fight me. If you win, I will let you go, and if I win, all your legendary Pokémon will be mine. "

When Quechis heard this, he shouted angrily: "This is not fair!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a vine with a diameter of 20 meters directly pierced the hull of the ship, and penetrated the entire spacecraft right behind Queqis.

"You have no choice."

After walking around in front of the gate of hell, Kuiqisi was terribly afraid. If he hadn't been holding a cane in his hand, he would have fallen to the ground by now.

Quechis took a deep breath, plucked up the courage, and wanted to delay time and said: "We have captured Kyurem and Zekrom, but Reshiram was taken away by the traitor. Give us some time until we find Kyurem." Hiram, let's duel again."

Reshiram is the Pokémon that represents [Reality].

Reshiram is white in color and looks like a combination of a white bird and a western dragon with huge wing claws. It has bright blue eyes and jet black sclera, long hair floating on its head, and its whole body is covered in feather-like soft white body hair. Its face resembles a white wolf, and its neck has two metallic rings.

Reshiram's belly is covered in soft white fur. The feet have hard protrusions with clear texture, and the overall shape of the calves is relatively bony. The silver claws on the front feet are long and sharp, and the rear claws are raised. Like the neck, the base of Reshiram's tail is also surrounded by two metallic rings. Under the rings, there is a layer of an engine-shaped object, and the end of the tail floats gently.

Reshiram is a legendary Pokémon that burns the world with fire in mythology, and will help those who build the real world. In the mythical narrative, if humans despise reality and indulge their desires, it will burn their kingdom with fire. If the tail of Reshiram burns, it will generate heat energy to move the atmosphere and change the world's weather. It can shoot flames from its tail and fly like a jet.

In contrast, Zekrom is a Pokémon that represents the "ideal".

Zekrom's overall color is gray-black, and its appearance looks like a combination of a dinosaur and a strong bipedal Western dragon. Most of its body is dark gray, with a few parts tending to be black. Zekrom has pure white eyes and bright red sclera. There is a small horn-like protrusion at the tip of his nose, and there is a lightning-shaped gray horn crown on the top of his head.

The bottom of its neck is shaped like a black bone, its shoulders have four jet-black shoulder armors, and its legs also have jet-black knee armors. Zekrom has four thick upper arms, one pair of arms is connected to outward-spreading fan-like wings, and the other pair of arms is connected to powerful palms.

Its belly and thighs are the same as its upper body and tail, and the long thin veins on its skin are clearly visible.

Zekrom's tail is a huge cone with spikes. Its structure can be roughly divided into a light gray outer tail carapace and an inner tail with a dark black ring texture. In the overclocked state, the tail of the electric engine will emit a high-brightness blue luster, and various small parts of the head and body will also emit blue fluorescent light.

In mythology, Zekrom is a legendary Pokémon that burns the world with lightning and assists those who create an ideal world. In the description of the myth, if humans lose their heart of justice, it will destroy their kingdom with violent thunder and lightning. There is a huge generator in its tail that can produce electricity. When the inside of its tail rotates like a motor, it can create several bolts of lightning that penetrate everything around it.

Zekrom has a mega-level voltage, which is the same level as Thunder Wolf Dragon.

Bai Chenyan said: "No need to go to so much trouble, you can come and fight now."

Bai Chen stretched out his hand towards Kuiqisi, and Kuiqisi felt a huge suction force. He was grabbed by Bai Chen's neck in an instant.

Kuiqisi thought that Bai Chen was impatient to wait and wanted to kill him. He quickly explained: "I know the location of the traitor! It only takes 3 days, not 1 day, for me to find him!"

Without saying a word, Bai Chen activated the power of Uxie, one of the gods of the lake.

Bai Chen directly called up Kuiqisi's memory and browsed through all the memories related to Team Plasma.

At the same time, Bai Chen released the energy he had accumulated for a long time again. Bai Chen used the power of nature to scan the entire planet.

Bai Chen found everyone related to Team Plasma, as well as the locations of other mythical beasts.

Kuiqisi's memory was invaded, and he became more and more painful. Later, he began to beg Bai Chen: "Please, just half a day."

After Bai Chen found out everyone's location, he activated his teleportation skills and brought the spaceship in the air directly to the ground.

The people on the spacecraft, as well as Kyurem, were all pulled out of the spacecraft.

Kyurem is sleeping in the nutrition warehouse at the moment. Now that the power is cut off, Kyurem is waking up quickly.

Bai Chen let go of Kuiqisi, who fell weakly to the ground.

He didn't know what Bai Chen wanted to do.

Bai Chen took two steps forward, and then thousands of time and space gates opened around everyone.

Inside each gate, Bai Chen directly captured one or two people.

Qu Qisi looked at some of these very familiar faces, some were a little impressed, and some were even unfamiliar faces.

Qu Qisi reacted very smartly. Bai Chen directly captured all the members of Team Plasma here.

Even the spies he planted in the ranks of other evil organizations were caught here.

In an instant, Queqis broke into a cold sweat.

"What kind of monster is this! It can actually capture so many people from all over the world!"

An emotion called [Despair] spread in Kuiqisi's heart.

At this moment, everyone except Kuiqisi was still confused. They didn't know what the situation was. Some people were even pulled over while taking a shower.

"What exactly is going on??"

"Can anyone lend me some clothes?"

"Hey, what's going on? Why did I suddenly appear here!"

"Is this a big gathering?"

In the crowd, a boy with long green hair and white clothes finally reacted.

Although he didn't know what was going on, he had already quit Team Plasma and was now an enemy of Team Plasma.

The boy was about to escape.

A telekinesis caught him.

Bai Chen caught the boy in front of him and asked, "Are you N? Reshiram is on you now, right?"

The boy's name is N, and he is the adopted son of Quichis.

N calls Pokémon his friends, has a very high IQ, is good at mathematics and physics, and is called the "Magician of Mathematics". It is said that N can see people's past and future.

There are rumors that he is a human born from Pokémon and keeps a distance from humans.

N was caught by Bai Chen, and he looked at Bai Chen, wanting to see through Bai Chen's past and future, and wanted to see whether Bai Chen was an enemy or a friend.

But his power was ruthlessly crushed when he approached Bai Chen!

Others used to be able to see his future, but now only Bai Chen can see his future, and even Dialga can't see through Bai Chen's future.

N's ability failed, and two halos appeared behind Bai Chen, and he resonated directly with Dialga and Palkia.

Bai Chen looked at the continuous time and parallel universe.

He saw N in other worlds.

In other worlds, N played a villain, but he proposed a theory of getting along with Pokémon on an equal footing. He believed that Pokémon restrained by the Poké Ball could not have a complete existence and were not happy.

He was determined to change the world, give Pokémon friends freedom, and create a world that belonged only to Pokémon.

At the same time, he also realized that changing the world through power would inevitably cause disputes and cause innocent Pokémon to be injured, so he hoped to use the founding legend of the Unova region to change people's hearts and achieve his goals peacefully.

As for why N did this, it was related to his childhood.

N was deliberately separated from humans since childhood, and grew up with Pokémon who were betrayed, abused, and hurt by malicious humans, so he developed such a concept.

About his future, in other parallel universes.

N began to rethink his beliefs in his contacts with the people of destiny from other worlds, other Pokémon and humans, and finally decided to pursue his own future - to create a world where Pokémon can truly feel happy.

Although N didn't know what Bai Chen was doing, he now felt the crisis, and more and more people from the Plasma Team were looking at him.

At this time, N shouted: "Reshiram!"

Suddenly, a meteor-like fire in the sky approached here at a speed of more than ten times the speed of sound!

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