After reading Quichis's memory, Bai Chen scanned the world and teleported all the people related to Team Plasma in Quichis' memory to himself.

Quichis looked at these faces, some of which were familiar, some of which were a little memorable, and even unfamiliar.

Quichis reacted very smartly and realized that Bai Chen had directly captured all the members of Team Plasma here.

Even the spies he had planted in other evil organizations were captured here.

Instantly, Quichis broke out in a cold sweat.

"What kind of monster is this! It can actually capture so many people directly from all over the world!"

An emotion called [despair] spread in Quichis' heart.

At this moment, except for Quichis, everyone else was still confused, not knowing what was going on.

Among these people, a young man with long green hair found that the situation was a little bad.

Just as he was about to slip away, he was caught by Bai Chen with his superpowers.

He was N, who was called a traitor by Quichis.

N believed that Pokémon restrained by the Poké Ball could not have a complete existence and were not happy.

He is determined to change the world, give freedom to his Pokémon friends, and create a world that belongs only to Pokémon.

At the same time, he also has a special ability to see through the past and future of others.

But his ability can't see through Bai Chen's past and future at this moment.

Bai Chen used the abilities of Dialga and Palkia to see through N's past and future, and even all the information in the parallel universe and continuous timeline.

N was caught tightly by Bai Chen.

Although N didn't know what Bai Chen was doing, he now felt the crisis, and more and more people from the plasma team looked at him.

At this time, N shouted: "Reshiram!"

Suddenly, a meteor-like fire in the sky approached here at a speed of more than ten times the speed of sound!

Reshiram has long become a friend who helps N realize his dream.

Everyone looked up at the sky, and Reshiram's speed was amazing. After finding N's position, Reshiram dived down.

As a first-level god, Reshiram can naturally feel who is stronger at the scene.

But just as he was about to dive in front of Bai Chen, a red meteor in the distance hit Reshiram at a faster speed.

Reshiram was hit by the red figure without noticing.

Reshiram rolled on the ground for dozens of times before finally removing the amazing impact.

Reshiram looked at the monster that hit him, which was the Dragonite that had completed the bond evolution.

Under the gaze of Dragonite, Reshiram started his engine again and hit Dragonite.

This Pokémon and a monster flew into the sky at a very fast speed.

Standing on the ground and looking up at the sky, two lights and shadows chased each other at a speed that was difficult to see with the naked eye.

Bai Chen thought to himself: "As long as Reshiram is defeated, Dragonite can get its first title - [Red Comet]."

When Dragonite evolved into the mysterious red light Dragonite, the characteristics of Dragonite changed.

From the original [Red Comet] to [Mysterious Comet].

The change of characteristics also allowed Tianhui Long to master his own unique title.

Red Comet-During battle, the faster the speed, the stronger the dragon attribute energy in the body.

Mysterious Comet-During battle, the faster the speed, the stronger the dragon attribute energy in the body. Every time the speed of sound is increased by 1 times, the intensity of the dragon attribute energy increases by 100%. Open the unique trial [Red Comet]

[Trial name]: Trial of Red Comet

[Trigger condition]: Possess the characteristic-Mysterious Comet

[Completion condition]: Defeat enemies with danger level 17 or above alone.

[Trial reward]: Red Comet-Rarity increased by 1 level. Speed ​​increased by 2 times. Raise the mythical move ‘Skylight Ao Mo Dragon Qiyu’ to the regular level, and add the suffix that the speed of the self will not be affected by any factors.

Skylight Ao Mo Dragon Qiyu (Rarity 10): After the skills enhanced by [Special Individual] and [Second Name], it reaches the taboo level. Tianhui Dragon will absorb a large amount of air into its body, and then combine the dragon attribute energy and air through the dragon energy jade in its body to generate the more dangerous [Skylight Dragon Qi], and compress the dragon energy and store it in the air sac in its body.

When the individual enters an excited state, [Skylight Dragon Qi] will be greatly improved, and the power of skills based on [Skylight Dragon Qi] will also be improved. In addition, the density of dragon energy that can be stored in the body is doubled.

Note: Tianhui Dragon's flight speed will be increased by 50% due to the bonus of high-density dragon energy, and the power of skills will also be increased by 50%.

Note: [Skylight Dragon Qi] is different from ordinary [Dragon Qi], and will no longer be immune to fairy attributes, nor can it be resisted by fairy attributes.

Tianhui Dragon's strongest is still his own racial talent.

If he gets the title, Tianhui Dragon's combat power will definitely be greatly improved.

From then on, he has entered the ranks of those who hold the title.

If Tianhui Dragon also completes the title of Creation Dragon in the future, his own rarity can reach level 12.

Become the most powerful Tianhui Dragon in all universes.

As for Reshiram, he is level 100 and does not possess any title skills. In terms of danger level, Reshiram is a typical enemy with a danger level of 17.

N stared at the sky with wide eyes. The monster fighting with Reshiram was obviously the partner of the man in front of him.

Seeing Reshiram being suppressed, N finally recognized Bai Chen.

He laughed and taunted: "I didn't expect that the world champion would be a lackey of Team Plasma."

Bai Chen threw N aside indifferently. He stretched out his hand to Quichis and used his superpowers to catch Quichis in front of him.

At this moment, Quichis was as pale as death and gave up resistance.

Bai Chen took out the Poké Ball from Quichis.

He found the Master Ball containing Zekrom.

It was obvious that Quichis used this Master Ball that could capture any Pokémon to capture Zekrom, and then used the power of Zekrom to defeat the weak Kyurem who had not fully awakened.

The members of Team Plasma who were unaware of the truth saw that Bai Chen actually caught their boss like a chicken.

They immediately determined that Bai Chen was an enemy and were about to take hostile measures.

A powerful aura immediately emanated from Bai Chen's body, like a strong wind blowing through, and these people fell to the ground without warning.

N was not affected. He looked at the Plasma Team members around him who were no longer able to fight, and there was still electricity flashing through their bodies.

N asked hesitantly: "What did you do?"

Bai Chen answered N's question: "It's just a combination of aura and electricity to paralyze all of them."


Facing N's question, Bai Chen did not answer again.

Aura is the ability he obtained by analyzing Xerneas and Ypeltal.

Now he has a detailed grasp of aura.

Bai Chen released Zekrom in the ball in front of everyone, and then crushed the Master Ball directly to give Zekrom a freedom.

Bai Chen also challenged Zekrom with telepathy.

The one sent to meet the enemy was Thunder Wolf Dragon.

Thunder Wolf Dragon started his title mission a long time ago when his own weather control skill was upgraded to rarity 10.

The title trial of ‘Lightning Incarnation’ meets the triggering conditions!

[Trial Name]: Its name is Lightning Incarnation

[Triggering Condition]: Rarity 7 Lightning Master Skill, Rarity Increased to Level 10.

[Completion Condition]: Defeat an individual with Danger Level 17 or above and Lightning Moves of at least Rarity 10.

[Trial Reward]: The rarity of the skill of the Lightning Master - ‘True Lightning Master’ is increased by 1 level, and the Mythical ‘True Lightning Master’ is renamed to ‘Lightning Incarnation’, and the skill moves are increased to the Rule Level. With the addition of unique rules, no electric moves can cause damage to the Lightning Master, and the voltage of the Lightning Master is increased by 5 times, controlling all the lightning in the world!

As long as Thunder Wolf Dragon successfully defeats the strongest electric Pokémon in the Pokémon world - Zekrom.

Then he can become the Lightning Master and control all the lightning in this world.

After Thunder Wolf Dragon appeared, it immediately launched an amazing attack on Zekrom.

There was a rumbling of thunder and lightning in the sky, as if the sky was about to be split apart.

N still didn't know what Bai Chen was going to do.

But from the current point of view, Bai Chen didn't seem to be in the same group as Team Plasma, and Bai Chen seemed to be deliberately challenging the legendary Pokémon.

N thought to himself: "If he is really challenging the legendary Pokémon, then the next target must be Kyurem, right?"

As expected, Bai Chen strode to Kyurem's sealed can, and Kyurem had fully awakened.

Seeing someone approaching, Kyurem immediately broke the can and prepared to attack Bai Chen, but Kyurem, who had not fully recovered his strength, was no match for Bai Chen at all. Bai Chen waved his hand and knocked Kyurem to the ground.

After issuing a battle statement to Kyurem.

Bai Chen sent out the 100-level Nebula to fight.

Now Nebula is also undergoing the title trial, and her trial is called - Origin Moon.

[Trial Name]: Trial of Origin

[Trigger Condition]: Possess the trait - Origin Defense

[Completion Condition]: Defeat enemies with a danger level of 17 or above alone.

[Trial Reward]: Moon of Origin - Rarity of the player increases by 1 level. Master all skills and you will have mastered the proficiency of [Grandmaster]. Raise the proficiency of [Moon of Origin] moves from Mythic to Regular, add suffixes, and in the full moon state, all skill proficiency increases by 1 level, with no upper limit!

Note: Mythic moves cannot be upgraded to Regular in the full moon state, and no unique suffixes will be added. In the full moon state, Mythic moves will be upgraded to Ultra.Mythic moves, and Regular moves will be upgraded to Ultra.Regular moves. Ultra.Regular moves have the highest priority.

As long as Nebula successfully defeats Kyurem, she will become a Pokémon comparable to Zygarde.

Without giving Kyurem a chance to refuse, Nebula launched her attack at Kyurem.

The three groups of Pokémon began to fight, and the various skills and moves in the sky collided with each other, creating amazing energy fluctuations.

The battle lasted for about twenty minutes.

Thunder Wolf Dragon was the first to defeat Zekrom, completing his title mission.

Thunder Wolf Dragon stepped on Zekrom's chest and roared, and countless lightning rolled in the sky.

The scene was like the real end of the world, and it was an amazing scene that no one present had ever seen before.

Following the victory of Thunder Wolf Dragon, Reshiram was also defeated by Sky Dragon.

Without the blessing of the title, Reshiram's combat power is naturally not as good as Sky Dragon, which has various high-level skills.

The failure is reasonable.

Bai Chen subdued Reshiram in front of N.

N wanted to resist, but was held down by Bai Chen.

He comforted N and said, "Your friend will not be treated unfairly. I just need some of his abilities. After I analyze his abilities, he will be returned to freedom."

N subconsciously did not want to believe Bai Chen's words, thinking that Bai Chen wanted to control Reshiram like the Plasma Team.

But he turned around and saw the towering vines that reached a height of 10,000 meters. He felt that if Bai Chen really wanted to use Reshiram's power to do bad things, it seemed that he didn't need to ask for his advice at all.

There was no need to control Reshiram.

N closed his mouth and waited for the end of the final battle.

Soon, Little Nebula also narrowly defeated the weak Kyurem and completed his title mission.

Since then, Bai Chen still hasn't let Kyurem go.

He got the Gene Wedge obtained by the Plasma Team, and he used the Gene Wedge to fuse Kyurem and Zekrom.

Kyurem regained his original power and became Dark Kyurem.

Dark Kyurem stood on two feet, and his right ice horn was replaced by keratin similar to that of Zekrom, and pupils were visible in his eyes.

Its right forelimb was replaced by a claw similar to that of Zekrom, and its left forelimb was a copy of the right forelimb made of ice. The original wings were retracted into the shoulders, and a right wing similar to that of Zekrom and a left wing made by copying the right wing with ice grew on it.

Black epidermis grew on the lapel, back and face, and the ice on the tail completely disappeared, becoming a curved shape of a three-claw chuck, wrapped with a black organ that can generate electricity similar to the tail of Zekrom.

Dark Kyurem can enter the overclocking drive mode, and the tip of the right horn, the right forelimb and the organ that generates electricity in the tail turn blue. The original wings are extended and connected to the tail and turn blue, which speeds up the energy conduction.

Facing Dark Kyurem, Bai Chen sent out the Nergigante to fight.

Nergigante now also has a title trial.

And Dark Kyurem can obviously meet the requirements of his title mission.

[Trial Name]: Power Incarnation called Taboo

[Trigger Condition]: Rarity 7 Power Incarnation skill, rarity increased to level 10.

[Completion Condition]: With pure physical strength, defeat an individual with a danger level of 15 or above and a power skill move of at least rarity 10.

[Trial Reward]: Power Incarnation - The rarity of the ‘Forbidden Power’ skill is increased by 1 level, and the mythical ‘Forbidden Power’ skill move is upgraded to the rule level. Attach a unique rule, when facing an enemy with a lower rarity of power skill than the title holder, the title holder will absolutely suppress the enemy in the field of power.

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