Pokémon, hatching a Nergigante at the beginning

Chapter 420 Arrival at Paradise! Time Travel!

The battles in three battlefields were carried out simultaneously.

Thunder Wolf Dragon defeated Zekrom first and won his first title.

Then Tianhui Dragon also defeated Reshiram and won his title.

Soon, Nebula also narrowly defeated the weak Kyurem and completed his title mission.

Since then, Bai Chen still hasn't let Kyurem go.

He got the Gene Wedge obtained by the Plasma Team. He used the Gene Wedge to fuse Kyurem and Zekrom.

Kyurem got back his original power and became Dark Kyurem.

Dark Kyurem stood on two feet, and the right ice horn was replaced by keratin similar to Zekrom, and the pupil was visible in the eye.

Its right forelimb was replaced by a claw similar to Zekrom, and the left forelimb was copied from the right forelimb with ice. The original wings were retracted into the shoulders, and on top of them grew a right wing similar to Zekrom's wing and a left wing copied from the right wing with ice.

Black epidermis grows on the collar, back and face, and the ice on the tail disappears completely, turning into a three-claw chuck curved shape, wrapped with a black organ that can generate electricity, similar to the tail of Zekrom.

Dark Kyurem can enter the overclocking drive mode, the tip of the right horn, the right forelimb and the organ that generates electricity on the tail turn blue, and the original wings are extended and connected to the tail and turn blue, speeding up energy conduction.

Facing Dark Kyurem, Bai Chen sent out Nergigante to fight.

Nergigante now also has a title trial on him.

And Dark Kyurem can obviously meet the requirements of his title mission.

The battle between Nergigante and Dark Kyurem officially begins.

By fusing with Zekrom and Kyurem, his own potential has been fully released.

Dark Kyurem holds two titles, which is incomparable.

During the battle, Nergigante also fought hard.

Fortunately, the super-evolved Nergigante is strong enough, and her fifth gear state can prevent Dark Kyurem's rule-level moves from exerting their full power.

After an hour of fierce battle, Dark Kyurem was defeated by Mega Nergigante.

Nergigante successfully completed his title mission and harvested his first title.

Bai Chen also took the ball to capture three legendary Pokémon: Reshiram, Zekrom, and Kyurem.

These Pokémon have skills that cannot be directly copied. Bai Chen will need to spend some time analyzing their abilities.

After the analysis is completed, Bai Chen will set them free.

Whether to stay on the Forbidden Island or return to the familiar Unova region depends on their personal wishes.

Complete the capture of these Pokémon.

Bai Chen looked at Kui Qisi and said, "It seems that I won. Then according to the agreement, you will all go to jail." Evil

Bai Chen snapped his fingers and teleported all these people and their Pokémon to police stations across Unova. Bai Chen handed them over to the police for what they had done and what crimes they had committed. At the same time, when he took action, he used Yukishi's power to erase their memories of where they were and where Pokémon such as Kyurem had gone.

N was the only one left in the whole scene.

N looked at Bai Chen nervously, not knowing what his fate would be.

But Bai Chen just glanced at him and directly opened the time and space gate to the Padiya region.

Now among the first-level gods, there are still many legendary Pokémon that he has not conquered, such as the region in his previous life has only been updated to the Padiya region.

But in a scan not long ago, Bai Chen also found 12 first-level gods, and even Pokémon above the first-level gods.

Among these 12 first-level gods, there are the three gods of the Hoenn region and the three legendary Pokémon of the Padiya region.

Before setting off for the Ultimate Metropolis, Bai Chen prepared to quickly conquer all these first-level gods.

Arriving in the Padiya region, Bai Chen went to the Padiya Giant Crater.

The Padiya Giant Crater is located in the center of the Padiya region. The Padiya Giant Crater was formed as early as 1 million years ago, but the reason for its formation is a mystery.

The Padiya Giant Crater is surrounded by steep cliffs, so it is difficult to enter. Only the cliffs in the direction of Jinhui Town are slightly lower. Later researchers also built the zero-zone gate to enter the giant pit here. The interior is a multi-layered cave, and there are many crystals in the bottom cave.

When Bai Chen arrived above the Padiya region, he saw what had happened in this area through the long river of time.

As early as 2000 years ago during the Pardean Empire, there was a legend that there was a treasure at the bottom of the Pardean Pit. The emperor of the Pardean Empire also sent people to the Pit many times, which led to the great exploration era of Pardean that lasted for nearly 1000 years. However, due to the complex terrain inside and many very bizarre rumors, no one has been able to reach the depths.

It was not until 200 years ago that the explorer Haizhe led the "Zero Zone Observation Team" to successfully reach the bottom of the Pit for the first time. Since then, the bottom of the Pit has been called the Zero Zone, but many strange things were encountered during the exploration. Haizhe wrote his experiences into the Book of Vermilion and the Book of Purple, but because the content was too bizarre, these stories were regarded as strange stories by most people.

87 years ago, an observation station was established in the Pardean Pit, and the mystery of the Pardean Pit was gradually revealed, but it was still only open to researchers, and students of the college were prohibited from entering the Pardean Pit during off-campus activities.

Many paradoxical Pokémon from ancient times and the future live inside the Pardean region.

Bai Chen entered the giant pit of Padia and entered the zero area.

Area Zero is the crater in the middle of the Padia region, and is the actual interior of the Padia crater.

Heading towards the deepest point, Bai Chen came to a research institute full of science and technology. This research institute was very large.

Enter it and come to the deepest area.

The institute suddenly flashed a red alarm.

"Human reaction detected in Zero Zone Research Institute. Release sleep mode."

At the end of these words, a lady-like AI appeared in front of Bai Chen.

The AI ​​that appeared looked at Bai Chen and said: "I didn't expect that an incredible guest came to the paradise. What is the purpose of this guest coming here?"

"The purpose of my visit is to tame Milton and Gullton here. Please lend me these two Pokémon for a while."

The AI ​​nodded calmly: "I see. But please allow me to refuse. The power of Milton and Gullton will destroy the ecology outside."

AI explained to Bai Chen in detail.

"There is a time machine in the park, which can send Poké Balls, capture Pokémon from different timelines, and call them back to the present day. During his lifetime, the doctor was familiar with Pokémon from other eras...including future Pokémon and ancient Pokémon. Pokémon is very enthusiastic. At this moment, the time machine is also automatically calling Pokémon from ancient times.

The doctor's purpose is to hope that ancient Pokémon and modern Pokémon can live happily together. This is the world that the doctor himself dreamed of during his lifetime. However, the primitive and root power from the distant ancient times is too violent...their vitality will destroy the modern ecosystem.

Although the doctor himself said that this is also a natural result... Now I am using the barriers scattered throughout the zero area to control the situation to prevent the ancient Pokémon from leaving here to Padea... However, there are also things like Majestic A Pokémon that can break through barriers like its teeth.

They will one day leave this small courtyard in Area Zero and expand their footprints to the Padia area. In that case, the rich ecosystem of Padiya would be destroyed. As a clone of the doctor, I... don't think it is reasonable for such a tragedy to happen.

Milton is a Pokémon that the doctor captured from the future using a time machine, while Gutton is a Pokémon that the doctor captured from ancient times. Their power is more powerful than those ancient Pokémon and future Pokémon, and they must not be allowed to leave the paradise. "

Milerton, when Bai Chen participated in the World Championship, Yeci sent out a Milerton, but there are actually two Milertons. The combat power of the Milerton here in the paradise is better than that of Yeci. Be strong.

That Milton has two titles.

They are the titles of [Paradise Guardian] and [Future Orochi] respectively.

The effect of the Paradise Guardian is similar to that of the Crowned King. When Milton is in the paradise, Milton's combat effectiveness will be greatly improved.

The title of [Future Orochi] is enhanced by Milton's exclusive move - Lightning Dash.

The effect of this move is to transform while running at high speed, and pierce the opponent with an unknown electric shock. If it targets its weaknesses, that is, when facing opponents with unfavorable attributes, its power will be further enhanced.

This title adds the suffix of time and space jump to this move.

And Milerton here has two stronger titles to say the least.

After listening to the AI's words, Bai Chen said nonchalantly: "No being can destroy the outside ecology more than me. I need to analyze some of their abilities. After the analysis of the abilities is completed, I will send them back to the original timeline."

AI replied: "I don't think anyone can send them back to their original era."

Before the AI ​​could finish speaking, Bai Chen released Dialga's time ability that he had analyzed over the past 30 years.

Time roars!

The energy in Bai Chen's body was released in small amounts to the surroundings, and the most piercing alarm sounded throughout the paradise.

Even the projection of the AI ​​in front of him began to flicker and blur due to the interference of power.

After a moment, Bai Chen took back his power.

After the AI ​​beeped and flashed a few times, it said without any nonsense: "Let's start the battle now."

"With great pleasure."

AI took the lead in sending Guluton

Therefore, most of Luton's body is red, with white patterns on its cheeks, belly, legs and tail. Its head has multiple huge feathers and a pair of slender and twisted tentacles. The colors from the head to the end are blue, purple, and white, and there are two smaller red ones standing above the eyes. There are also many feathers on the back that are much larger than those on the head.

It has a pair of yellow eyes with brown pupils, webbed feet, and a circle of blue material on its elbows and shoulders. It has a large, tire-like round protrusion on its chest.

According to records, Guluton cracked the earth with his fist.

Therefore, Luton has an unshakable sense of being a strong man. It consciously possesses outstanding strength and can show no fear no matter what kind of opponent it faces.

When it is in its full form, it can crush its opponents with overwhelming power. It can kick the ground with its powerful legs, jump to a height of more than 20 meters, and use the multiplication effect of its falling speed and its own weight to deliver extremely destructive kicks or impacts.

Bai Chen took a look at Gu Ledun's ability.

Level 100 has two titles, and its combat power is not much different from Yeci's Milton.

Gulerton has a high-rarity power move. If the Nergigante fights him, he can also successfully unlock his title of the incarnation of power.

Facing Gulerton, Bai Chen sent out the Ice Curse Dragon to fight. Gulerton, who is four times weaker than the fairy, is naturally not as powerful as the Ice Curse Dragon. Even with two titles, it is difficult to deal with it.

What's more, one of Gulerton's titles, [Paradise Guardian Dragon], was directly blocked by Bai Chen's spatial power.

As long as you are not in the paradise, the title cannot be activated. If the title cannot be activated, it is naturally out of the question to talk about the rule-level ability.

The battle ended very smoothly.

And the Ice Curse Dragon also successfully completed his title task and obtained the first title of his dragon life.

Then the AI ​​of the paradise sent out Milerton, who possessed two titles.

The two first-level gods summoned by the paradise from ancient times and the future are stronger than most of the first-level gods in this world.

This is not surprising. There is also a gap in strength between first-level gods.

For example, the strength of the Phoenix King and Lugia is more than a little different.

Bai Chen handed this Milton over to the Nergigante. Nergigante is now also carrying out the title mission of [Dragon of Creation]. This Milton can undoubtedly become her nourishment.

The battle finally ended, and Bai Chen took the Poké Balls of two Pokémon from the AI.

"I will send all those paradoxical Pokémon back to their original time and space, and I will also stop the time machine violently."

After agreeing to the AI, Bai Chen did not act immediately, but went to the deeper part of the giant pit - the Great Hollow of Zero.

The Great Hollow of Zero is a deeper hole in the Zero Zone of the Padia region. Another Pokémon with a rarity of 11, Tailebagos, which is equivalent to Zygarde, is sleeping here.

The Taijing energy here is stronger than that of the Zero Zone, causing the rocks and terrain to crystallize. The Great Hollow of Zero was formed about 2 million years ago and has experienced repeated collapses, reaching a depth of about 1,000 meters.

In the Great Void of Zero, a crystallization phenomenon that cannot be observed on the ground will occur. This crystallization has the power of all attributes.

When he came here, Bai Chen found Tailebagos accurately.

Bai Chen released energy and awakened Tailebagos who lacked energy.

Filled with Bai Chen's origin energy, Tailebagos completely recovered all his strength.

Tailebagos showed his strongest form - Star Crystal Form.

In this form, Tailebagos has the same racial value as the perfect form of Zygarde, and has 4 titles!

Although his combat power is not as good as Zygarde, it is also strong enough!

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