In the eyes of Xiaoxia Xiaoyao, Xiaozhi turned on the computer and started typing on the keyboard.

The first is the title "Target is a Pokémon Master!" 》

Then there is the next content, Xiaozhi's mood is also more complicated, this is the first battle song he likes...

I got it, Pokémon!

Whether in fire, water, grass, or forest

In the skirt of the girl in the cloud

Although quite

quite quite hard

But gotta get it

Get Pokémon! ! !

In the first part, Xiao Zhi typed out all the lyrics at once.

Xiaogang, Xiaoxia, and Xiaoyao, who were standing behind him, looked at the content that Xiaozhi typed out, and they were all blinded...

"That... If I read it right, Ash is... writing a novel?"

Xiaoxia asked Xiaoyao.

"It doesn't seem like it, I feel, this is..."

Xiaoyao also hesitated.

"Should he be writing songs? Xiaozhi wrote songs? Why do I feel so inconsistent?"

In the words of Xiaogang.

What Xiaozhi wants to cooperate with Xiaojuer is the song about Pokémon.

Xiao Zhi ignored them and continued typing the lyrics.

Farewell to Zhenxin Town

I travel with it (Pikachu!)

Win with the tricks you have learned

Add companions to the next town


After the lyrics were all written, Ash followed the song and marked the notes.

Fortunately, in the previous world, he was a little interested in music and had taught himself for a while, otherwise the note would still be a little difficult.

"Target is Pokémon Master! "After it's done, it's been three hours.

Xiaozhi explained it like Xiaoxia Xiaoyao and the others.

Of course, these are all excuses that have been thought up in advance.

"I can't believe that Xiao Zhi can actually make up songs? And he also made Pikachu into it."

"Pika Pika, Pikachu!"

Pikachu was also very happy.

Looking at the content of the lyrics, isn't it exactly how it and Ash just set off on a trip?

The song was made up, but she didn't call Xiao Ju'er.

He typed again on the computer keyboard.

This time, there are specific data about the attributes of fairies, including restrained attributes and restrained attributes.

After editing, Xiao Zhi picked up the phone of the Pokémon Center and called the Dr. Damu Research Institute.

At this moment, Dr. Ogi is working on a research paper on the properties of Pokémon.

It's just that this problem has stuck him for two or three days.

At this moment, Xiao Zhi's phone came.

"Eh? Xiaozhi, he called at this time."

Dr. Oki answered the phone.

"Dr. Damu, I'll send you something here, you should keep it well, and I made a note in it, so be sure to read it."

"Oh? Okay, but Ash, it's been a long time since you captured a new Pokémon and sent it back."


Xiao Zhi directly sent the information he just prepared.

Here, Dr. Damu opened the file out of curiosity.

! ! ! ! !

"What!? Eighteenth attribute? Named the fairy attribute?"

Dr. Oki was shocked!

Then, what shocked Dr. Ogi even more was the words that Ash remarked at the end.

The meaning of the sea is that I hope Dr. Damu can say that this is what Dr. Damu has researched himself, and Xiaozhi is the one who assisted in the research.

"It's incredible, Xiaozhi, Xiaozhi, if my grandson Xiaomao finds out, he will be beaten to the core by you."

Dr. Ogi quickly figured out why Xiao Zhi did this, and he was amazed.

He had a hunch that the publication of the eighteenth attribute research would definitely cause a sensation in the entire Pokémon field.

ps: It was sprayed in the comment area. Please read the settings and then spray again. As mentioned in the article, the purple qualification is already at the level of a beast.

Chapter 59

Hanging up Dr. Damu's phone, Xiaozhi called Xiaoju'er.

Xiao Ju'er was naturally very surprised by Xiao Zhi's phone call.

Originally, she saw that it was an unfamiliar phone call, and she was calling from the Kan6 East area, so she was about to hang up.

However, thinking of the word "Kandong", she connected again.

Sure enough, it was this big boy who called, and it was still those eyes, even through the screen, I could feel the attraction.

Next, the more Xiao Zhi and Xiao Ju'er talked, the more surprised Xiao Ju'er became!

Does he even know the song?

Until Xiaojuer read the song sent by Xiaozhi...

Well, it all worked!

Xiaozhi knows Xiaoju'er's personality, and also knows Dr. Damu's personality, so he is very relieved.

Next, just wait for the alliance currency to be credited!

"Huh? Why are you looking at me like that?"

Xiaogang, Xiaoxia, and Xiaoyao are looking at Xiaozhi again, as if they knew him for the first time.

"Oh, let's go, a few hours have passed, Miss Joy should have checked all our Pokémon, and the Flying Mantis should have recovered."

This kind of thing, even Xiaogang, Xiaoxia, and Xiaoyao, Xiaozhi naturally won't say much, just said that the song was written at will and interested.

The eighteenth attribute is not mentioned at all.

When they were just writing about Fairy Attributes, their attention was drawn to that song.

It's not that I don't trust it, it's that there is no need for this for the time being.

Sure enough, Miss Joy helped check the little sea lion and Ibrahimovic, and both little guys were fine and healthy.

The flying mantis has also been further treated, and there is no problem.

"Miss Joy, thank you for your help."

Xiaoxia Xiaoyao thanked them.

"Where, you're welcome, I see the direction you came from before, it should be the second bicycle road, right? Now that the entrance to the main road has been blocked, you can only take the side road. Recently, some trainers are taking the second bicycle road. , go to the water pipe challenge over there."

After Miss Joy knew about it, Xiao Zhi also thought of this plot.

Celebi is here!

Celebi, known as the patron saint of the forest, would be a pity not to take a look!

After leaving the Pokémon Center, Xiaogang used the map to find the sidewalk of the Second Bicycle Road, but Xiaozhi knew that if he went in like this, he would definitely be blocked by the Pokémon nursery who had already rushed over.

Unlock the power of the waveguide!

Xiao Zhi silently started the investigation of the power of the waveguide, the maximum range is five kilometers!

The exploration did not detect it, but the power of the waveguide can make Xiao Zhi feel that there is a very special fluctuation in a certain direction.

"Pickup? Pickup!"

On Ash's shoulder, Pikachu's ears suddenly stood up, and then he quickly moved in one direction to let me go!

Xiao Zhi is helpless, isn't this the same as the original plot?

I thought I could avoid that Pokémon nursery.

Forget it, just follow Pikachu directly.

"Pikachu, wait for me!"

Xiaogang, Xiaoxia and Xiaoyao also followed behind.

Sure enough, after entering the side lane of the second bicycle road, there were a lot of huge thorns on the road.

Ash knew that this was the injured Celebi, the thorns that grew out of the forest in order to protect himself.

"Stop, you guys, this area is now closed to outsiders, you should leave quickly."

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