Sure enough, a Pokémon caregiver appeared.

"Big sister! Xiaosheng's name is Xiaogang. These are Xiaosheng's friends. We have entered this forest because of our partner Pikachu, so we want to go in and look for it. There is absolutely no hostility!"

Xiaogang spoke at an astonishing speed. The Pokémon conservationist had no choice but to send a request to the Conservator Union headquarters. Finally, the headquarters agreed with Xiaozhi and the others to enter the forest to search.

"My name is Hyuga. Because of the recent abnormal situation in this forest, as you can see, I don't know why, there are huge thorns everywhere, and I came here to investigate the reason."

Hinata explained to everyone.

When I came here, I suddenly stopped because there was no road ahead.

To pass here, you can only cut through the huge thorns blocking the way.

Hinata suddenly saw three straight bears beside him, and immediately made up his mind and started hunting pets

The so-called hunting is the most special place for conservationists.

The Pokémon Caregivers are a very special league.

Every conservationist wears a hunting vernier.

The function of the hunting cursor is that once the wild Pokémon is successfully hunted, in a short period of time, the wild Pokémon marked by your successful hunt will obey the order of the conservationist and give help.

Hyuga successfully hunted, the three straight bears passed the cursor, and there was a special connection between them and Hyuga.

"Okay, go straight to the bear, please, use split, from this front, split these huge thorns!"

After Hinata finished speaking, Xiaozhi and Xiaogang naturally called out Pokémon to help.

"Lizard King, fire-breathing dragon!"

"Flying Mantis!"

ps: Good night, due to the special circumstances these days, until this Friday, there will be 4 updates every day, and there will be a burst of updates on the shelves.

Ask for a monthly pass evaluation ticket. .

Chapter 60

"Lizard King, use leaf blades, fire-breathing dragons, and split skills to help us cut through thorns."



Both the Lizard King and the Charizard nodded.

Xiaogang on the other side is the same.

"Flying Mantis, use continuous chop to cut through the thorns!"

Flying Mantis nodded, indicating that he was fine.

"Then, go straight to the bear, please!"

As a result, Hinata relied on the hunting cursor in his hand to constantly determine his destination.

Ash saw the direction Hyuga was heading, which was what he felt special about the power of the waveguide, so he didn't say much.

At the same time, Pikachu had passed through countless thorns and came to the seriously injured Celebi.

"Pickup! Pickup!" (Celebi! Do you remember me? Don't you mind?)

Pikachu quickly ran to Celebi, looking at Celebi who was seriously injured and poisoned, Pikachu was worried.

When it and Xiaozhi Xiaogang and Xiaoxia traveled in the Kanto Chengdu area, they once passed by the village, where they met Celebi who traveled through time and space, and also met the young Dr. Damu who came across.

So Pikachu recognized Celebi's breath.


Celebi was speechless.

Pikachu thought of the sweet peaches that Xiaozhi Xiaogang picked for him when he was poisoned, and quickly sniffed his cute little nose and began to look for it!

Not to mention, Pikachu found the scent of sweet peach.

Sweet peach, also known as peach peach fruit, can cure the poisoned or highly poisonous state of Pokémon.

"Pika, Pikapi, Pikachu!"

(Celebi, you are waiting for me here, I will find you the detoxifying tree fruit!)

Pikachu's small eyes are very firm, and Celebi is a friend of him and Ash, and he must not sit idly by.

As a result, its agile little body constantly shuttled among these huge thorns, running towards the birthplace of the sweet peach's breath.

After a while, he came back with a lot of sweet peaches.

Put it in front of Celebi.

"Pika, Pikachu."

(Celebi, eat this quickly, you will be detoxified in no time!)


Celebi struggled to take a small bite of the sweet peach, and found that the taste was sweet and delicious, and her big, closed eyes suddenly opened.

Another bite of the sweet peach.

The toxins in the body are being suppressed, relieved, and no longer aggravated!

"Bi, Rabbi!"

(Thank you Pikachu, the symptoms in my body are relieved.)

Celebi has been enduring the poisoning state, but the toxin in the body is too strong, even if its physique, it can't continue to hold on, and there is a very powerful poison-type Pokémon chasing it, so it has no choice but to travel through time and space. Came here.


(It turned out to be so)

"As usual, I found Pikachu, hehe!"

"Musashi, this seems to be a forbidden area. I think we should leave first, shall we?"

Kojiro was a little worried.

"Kojiro, you big idiot, meow, look who the guy next to Pikachu is, it's Celebi, meow, if we catch Celebi and give it to the boss meow..."


Kojiro was stunned.

Quickly continue to look with the telescope.

Truly a Celebi!

"Really! And it seems to have been seriously injured, but we are taking advantage of others' danger by doing this, right?"

As soon as Kojiro finished speaking, he saw Musashi and Miaomiao's anger about to erupt, and quickly shook his head:

"Ah, no no no, I mean, let's make a battle plan quickly!"



Next to Celebi and Pikachu, the ground next to it suddenly collapsed, and Pikachu immediately became alert.


Then he saw the familiar faces of Xiao Zhi and the others.

"It should be right here, Celebi."

Hyuga and the others had just hunted a gopher and a three gopher, and with their help, they were able to dig a hole in the ground and come here directly.

"Ah, Celebi, you are really here, don't be afraid, we are here to help you!"

Hinata really saw Celebi.

"Wow! It's true, Celebi, do you remember us? I'm Xiaoxia!"

"I'm Xiaogang!"

Xiaoxia and Xiaogang also met Celebi with Xiaozhi at the beginning.

"Okay, now is not the time to talk about this. It seems that Celebi's situation is poisoned. I don't know what kind of poison-type Pokémon it is, and it can make Celebi, the guardian of the forest, hurt like this. We Hurry up and treat it!"

Ash saw at a glance that Celebi was seriously injured and poisoned.

"But looking at the sweet peaches in front of Celebi, it should be Pikachu that you helped to find, right? Well done, Pikachu."

Ash rubbed Pikachu's cheek, Pikachu nodded immediately, and rubbed Ash's palm comfortably.

The current situation of Celebi is probably a bit wrong, in order to make sure that this is the case, Ash took out the comforting bell and shook it.

Hinata and Xiaogang began to help Celebi check the injury.

Xiaozhi and Xiaogang called out the Lizard King, the Fire-breathing Dragon, and the Flying Mantis again.

Then Xiaozhi took Xiaoxia Xiaoyao and three Pokémon, and began to split the thorns around, looking for other tree fruits and herbs that were helpful to Celebi. .

Chapter 61

The group helped together and finally stabilized Celebi's injury.

And Celebi also got to know the Lizard King, the Fire-breathing Dragon, and the Flying Mantis.

Not only that, Xiaoxia and Xiaoyao also took out their own Pokémon and met Celebi.

Celebi blinked his big eyes and looked very happy when he saw that these Pokémon were caring about him.

"Okay, that's enough. Celebi only needs to recover for another night, and it is estimated that there will be no problems."

Hinata breathed a sigh of relief.

"Yeah, this is really great. If Celebi recovers, the thorns here should return to their original state. These things were created by Celebi to protect himself from being disturbed."

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