How come it's only half a day, the object of your worship, has it been replaced, will it be a little too fast?

By the way, the update speed of your idols is so fast, does Xinghe know?

Did she know that her little fan girl changed her idol in an instant?

If you know, I don't know if you will cry, will you be sad, will you be sad?

Probably not. After all, Xinghe never cares about these falsehoods.

After all, what she cares about is always only herself, or her husband.

Maybe a long time ago, she had cared, the citizens of Alabasta,

She once cared about her country, her sister, or her father.

But now, it doesn't matter, all can be ignored,

From the moment she chose to leave the country, the so-called natural shackles on her body were all thrown away.

Her life has a new world, she has made a new choice, a very correct choice,

Xinghe completely got out of Alabasta, the identity predicament of Her Royal Highness the Princess.

This is actually very good, she can live very freely, very happy, very relaxed,

No longer like before, without a smile all day long, all day unhappy,

Every day I open my eyes, I think about national affairs, and every day I close my eyes, I think about national affairs.

Thousands of Alabasta nationals are waiting for her to get rich and get rid of poverty,

Thousands of Alabasta nationals are looking up at her and admiring her,

At the same time, he is also staring at her, staring at her every move (Wang Haohao), staring at her actions.

As a princess of a country, Xinghe has too much on her body, and she is born with responsibilities and burdens.

Such a responsibility, such a heavy burden, really weighed her down, she couldn't breathe,

Can't breathe, let it go, and at the same time very tired, very tired.

When you are tired, you can't rest for a while, and you can't let yourself relax.

Because in the dark, there are thousands of pairs of eyes staring at you, staring at you...

Chapter 1102

Whenever you show a little bit of slack in your work, the next morning,

The complaint box at the entrance of the Golden Palace will be filled with complaint letters, and the content of those complaint letters,

You don't even have to open the envelope, Xinghe can guess it, and the guess is correct.

It is probably such a depressing life. After too long, Xinghe will feel tired.

You will feel tired, you will feel unhappy and unhappy.

Only then will I have the idea of ​​leaving the country, and finally when I meet the old man in China,

She turned this incredible and shocking idea into reality.

Vera looked at Xingka, Xingka looked at Vera, the two looked at each other,

Obviously in the first second, they were still the most intimate master-servant relationship,

As a result, in the next second, they became enemies of mutual hatred.

It was obvious that it could appear immediately, but Xingka had to grind to the present before appearing slowly.

It was because she wanted to take a look, to see Vera's complacent appearance, to see her old sister's attitude.

Facts have proved that she saw it, saw it very clearly, and was very satisfied with it.

It's not a loss at all, I hid in the corner for so long and didn't show up.

Can Su Yi still not understand the Star Card?Just her little thought,

As soon as the butt is poked, you know what to poop, what to do, and what to say.

Obviously should be, the closest subordinate relationship, obviously should be the best sister,

As a result, in an instant, the house collapsed, and all the friendships disappeared, no longer existed.

From the moment she saw the star card, Vera was no longer excited, no longer angry, no longer even sad,

Or she has long been used to it, or she should have guessed it long ago, but she is just unwilling to accept the truth.

Alabasta, the first maid's house, hasn't it collapsed long ago?

Why be surprised?Why are you still angry?Why be sad?

It's really hard to think about, it's not the first time this house has collapsed.

It's always natural to collapse and collapse, but this time, the collapse was a bit serious.

This time the house is probably the whole collapsed, and there is no longer any hope of repairing it.

And it pressed on Vera's body, causing him to be physically and mentally injured, bleeding non-stop, and his heart was ashes.

Xingka smiled and said, "What's wrong? Suddenly, there is no response?

Weren't you very good just now?Isn't it fierce?Isn't it very imposing? "

It's already this time, and Xingka hasn't forgotten to stimulate Vera. It's bad enough.

It seems that she has completely forgotten, who in the past was paying her heart and soul for her?

In the Golden Palace, who is the most industrious person, and who is the first person to go to work?

Who is the first person to go to get off work and the latest to get off work, helping her handle all kinds of difficult official duties,

Who is the person who bears all the infamy for her, just for Alabasta to be better,

It is only for the citizens of Alabasta to be able to get out of poverty collectively and to get out of the predicament of poverty.

It's a pity that Xingka doesn't remember any of these credits.

In her mind, the only thing she can remember now is,

Vera, this Alabasta's first maid, he transgressed the rules,

He has done a lot of things that are not in line with his identity,

And anytime, anywhere, there is the possibility of rebellion and conspiracy to usurp the throne.

Xingka said it himself, but there is a possibility of rebellion, and there is no definite evidence.

In such a situation, she was able to persecute Vera to this point, she really didn't know what to say...

Chapter 1103

It's really her unfortunate life that Vera has such a master and a princess like her.

The ancients have a cloud, a general without a plan, killing a thousand soldiers, it is really suitable for Vera and Xingka,

If the galaxy is still there, if she is still the princess of Alabasta,

So now, Vera has a place to avenge her grievance, but someone will vindicate her.

It's a pity that Xinghe is no longer there. As the princess of Alabasta,

As a legend in this country, the eternal shooting star is fleeting.

She has disappeared, in the long river of the sky, she has disappeared,

Alabasta, in the long history of the past, will not appear again,

Even a hundred years later, a thousand years later, in the history books of this country,

This person will never exist, no one will remember her - daimyo,

No one would know that such a perfect leader, a wizard, appeared in Alabasta in the past.

Xingka continued to stimulate, anyway, she is in a bad mood now, when she is in a bad mood,

I like to drag innocent people into the water, I like to bring disaster to pond fish, and let others follow in a bad mood.

But to be honest, looking at it now, in the eyes of Xingka, Vera,

It's not really innocent, because Xingka is already very suspicious,

Oh no, it's quite certain that she has a problem with her, has a rebellious heart, and is doing rebellious things.

Now that you have been accused of being a rebel and labeled a criminal,

Then how can you expect that the dignified princess of a country will give you a good face and talk to you in a good voice?

Don't think about it, it's impossible, especially Xingka is still that kind, extremely snobbish,

In this world, in addition to the father, there is also a sister, plus a Su Yi,

There really is no other person who has the qualifications to make him treat him differently.

"Come on, let's do it again, so I can see it with my own eyes, the First Lady of Alabasta,

How arrogant, how much temper, how much status,

What can make you so reckless, bold, and murder in the street,

You can do it so easily, I really underestimate you, Vera! "

Xingka is very angry, the consequences are very serious, presumably Vera's level is really not easy,

From the very beginning, Vera never thought that she could walk out of the Golden Palace dungeon alive.

· · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

That's why she wanted to kill Su Yi with one shot, to bury herself, to die with her,

From the very beginning, she had planned for the worst and didn't think about the good.

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