It's just a little pity, that person Su Yi seems to be fine, nothing at all,

Looking at it from a distance, he is not dead, he can still move, and he can still get up from the ground.


Su Yi did get up, because lying down and watching the play was really unhappy.

The eyes need to be squinted, and it is estimated that if they are slanted, they will really become strabismus.

It would be ugly to look like that, and Su Yi would not be so wronged by himself!

But before getting up, he sprayed the blood bag he carried on his chest,

Disguised as being shot in the chest, he was dying, doing his last struggle.

Vera saw the blood on his chest, but she was not happy or excited at all,

With a little brainstorming, you can imagine that a person who was hit in the heart,

How could it be possible for such a long time to be able to breathe without dying?

Since he can still move, get up, live, and smile...

Chapter 1104

It means that the bullet didn't hit him in the heart, it can only be said that it almost passed by.

In other words, Vera missed the best opportunity and killed Su Yi,

If you want to do it again, it is simply impossible, there is no hope.

Su Yi is not going to die, but there is no way to go to hell with him,

Anyway, he is now losing money, and the loss is very serious. It is really a bit uncomfortable that he has not changed his life for another life.

Su Yi said on the [-]rd: Laozi, what kind of grudges do I have with you, what kind of grudges do you have? You want to put me to death like this,

It's just that I didn't kill me, and you'll regret it. If this gives you a chance, you can't beat me into a hornet's nest!

I didn't offend you in my last life. I'm looking for him to take revenge in this life.

It's not over yet, you can't give up, the taste of entanglement for a lifetime, right?


Vera sneered, after all, she was a little weaker, and this happened.

At such a close distance, aiming at his heart, he didn't even kill him,

To say that it is not a pity, that is the real deceit, to say that it is not lost, that is to have a ghost in your heart.

"What are you laughing at? Let me guess, what are you laughing at, what are you missing?"

Xingka touched his chin and instantly transformed into Sherlock Holmes, Conan Doyle,

In-depth reasoning and deliberation were carried out on the scene and on Vera.

"I personally think that your mocking smile just now was not laughing at others, but at yourself,

You are because seeing Su Yi not dead, you are very sad, very sad, very lost, right. "

I have to say, this Princess Xingka doesn't have much ability when it comes to business affairs.

But as far as these strange things are concerned, the reasoning is that it is a bit of a god.

"I don't quite understand. What kind of hatred is there between you and him? You don't want to put him to death all the time."

Regarding this issue, Su Yi is also very confused, and he also wants to find out.

What kind of resentment, what kind of resentment, can make you hate him so much?

Su Yi vaguely remembered that he didn't seem to have offended Vera, did he?

Or when, I don't know if I feel guilty, but I don't notice it at all?

Anyway, no matter what, he just can't figure it out, just like Xingka,

Since Star Card asked this question, I still hope to get an accurate answer.

Xingka suddenly squatted in front of Vera, looking down at her, looking down at her,

With contempt in his eyes and contempt in his tone of voice, he looked aloof and inviolable.

She was waiting for Vera's answer, waiting for her to defend herself, waiting to see her kneeling and begging for mercy, crying bitterly,

If you can really appreciate that kind of beauty, then Xingka will be in a happy mood all day today.

Such a princess is truly amazing. She bases her good mood on the pain of others.

You can imagine Alabasta under the leadership of such a princess,

Is it still possible to embark on the road of getting rid of poverty and become rich, and is it possible to become one of the world's great powers?

Don't think about it, it is absolutely impossible, even if it is a dream, there is no such possibility,

Maybe Xingka is really only suitable for being an auxiliary minister, not a leader.

Let her be the leader, then the whole country will be buried with her.

This is why, during his tenure in Alabasta, Galaxy,

The ultimate reason for only letting Xingka handle some trivial civil disputes is the ultimate reason. .

Chapter 1105

Like some major national events, I will never let myself, my sister, handle it myself, or handle it alone.

Just because I am not at ease, I have never felt at ease for a moment, my sister,

I have never believed for a moment, her ability, her ability to run the country.

The ability of the star card, used in trivial matters, is completely unnecessary to worry about,

But if you use it for big things, it may be digging a hole for yourself.

Xinghe's eyes have always been very accurate, and there is nothing wrong with it, especially when he looks at his own sister,

Except for the so-called family filter, that is the most real, star card image.

It turns out that the biggest black fan of Xingka comes from her sister, it really has nothing to do with others.

They are really their own relatives. The one who took the lead in being a black fan 22, and the one who took the lead in smearing, is also wonderful and no one else.

Xingka was very upset, Vera was very angry, she looked up at her, but did not speak, because she had nothing to say,

She really didn't want to say anything about the princess in front of her.

What do you say, what is it, what do you say, it is guilt,

If you want to put her to death, just put her to death, why do you need so much nonsense?

If you want to add guilt, why bother, a person who is already sad, how can you expect her to rekindle hope for you?

Silent is Vera, the biggest complaint against Xingka, being silent is the only resistance she can do,

What Xingka did, she saw it in her eyes and remembered it in her heart. This is an indelible hatred.

I just hope that in the days to come, the princess in front of me will never regret it.

What he did today, what he said, how he treated her, humiliated her.

" don't talk all the time, I'm the only one left talking to myself, singing a one-man show, it's really boring,

If you really don't want to say anything, have nothing to justify yourself,

Then I will send you to the dungeon of the Golden Palace. As for how to punish you in the future, I really have no idea. "

Why should you think, in your heart, is it possible for those sent to the dungeon of the Golden Palace to survive?

Since it's impossible to survive, why is it so sloppy and hypocritical?

What would happen if she directly announced her death, directly announced her death sentence, would you lose a piece of meat?

As the princess of a country, is it really appropriate for you to be so hypocritical, is it really okay?

Su Yi raised his eyebrows? As a bystander, he really watched the show and watched the whole process.

At the same time, I also probably understood what it means to have two women on the same stage, and the battles are constantly being fought.

The whole duel between Xingka and Vera, he saw it in his eyes and remembered it in his heart, it was quite admirable.

One does not need to speak out, but protests silently, in order to show his sense of existence,

One has been chattering, talking non-stop, trying to use words to attack the other,

In the end, he found sadly that the other party didn't take her tricks. After so long, he didn't take the bait.

Su Yi said: There is no relationship at all, you two continue to tear, he is a bystander, continue to be a bystander,

It's not a big deal to watch a good show. This is a good character that every melon eater should have.

And watching a play must be from the beginning to the end, and eating melons must also be from the beginning to the end,

You can't be sloppy at all, but if you can't eat half of it, you don't have to eat it, and if you see half of it, you don't have to watch it.

That would be really uncomfortable, and it would make people feel suffocated. It is estimated that they will be unable to sleep all night. .

Chapter 1106

Vera squinted at Xingka, her eyes were even more contemptuous, and she looked down on the princess in front of her even more.


Xingka squinted his eyes slightly, hummed softly, and snorted very unhappily,

It's fine if you don't answer your own question, how dare you show such a contemptuous look,

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