But at any rate, when something happens, you help me, and I help you. It's a mutually beneficial relationship.

So to help him find his sister, Su Yi felt that it was no big deal, and he didn't seem to be at a disadvantage, anyway, he didn't think there was any disadvantage.

Another reason was because of Huang Ying, he wanted to save Huang Ying and wanted Xingka to give up her pursuit and let her live.

On this blue star, a dignified princess of a country wants to hunt down a mortal.

In short, as long as the Star Card is not afraid of trouble, it is willing to pay the capital, summon the army, and issue a national wanted order.

Then there is no doubt that Huang Ying will die, and there is absolutely no second possibility.

Think about it, how can you, a little commoner, fight to the end with the princess of a country?

But don't think too beautiful, absolutely not that possible.

In front of the country and the army, mortal human beings, waiting for their final result, are beaten into hornets' nests one after another by high-spec weapons.

From now on, there will no longer be Huang Ying in this world, her little life is about to die.

This is not a lie, nor is it an exaggeration, and it is not to scare people. This is the most real fact and the most well-founded fact analyzed.

It was because Su Yi was worried about this that he brought so much trouble to himself, so he took the initiative to find Xinghe, and agreed to Xinghe's request.

In exchange, Xingka must not hunt down Huang Ying, must not use the power of the national army, must not use the national treasury, must not issue a wanted order on the dark net, and trap Huang Ying in a dangerous place.

This is Su Yi's promise to Star Card, Star Card will abide by it, and Su Yi will also abide by it...  

He will definitely help her find Xinghe, her only sister, the future savior of Alabasta.

"Xinghe? I hope you don't hide too deep, don't give me a lot of unnecessary trouble..."

Su Yi muttered to himself with a solemn expression and seemed a little unhappy.

It's normal to be unhappy, any ordinary person would put up so much trouble and trouble at once.

All piled up on his body, one after another, one after another, and he almost crushed himself to death.

Whoever can be happy, unless it is a fool or an idiot.

Isn't Su Yi helpless? It's really because of helplessness that he took over so many troubles.

The head hurts, it hurts very much, it hurts suddenly, the processing volume is increased without the price increase, this is really not a job done by humans, this is really not something done by humans.

Su Yi can finally understand the mood of the majority of working dogs at this moment.


I couldn't help but let out a heavy sigh. It was really troublesome. I had headaches, baldness, and bone pains. Even my eardrums were ringing. Anyway, my whole body was weak and uncomfortable! .

Chapter 1140

No matter how beautiful what Xingka said, no matter how high she touted Vera, the sin that should be punished will still be punished.

Those who deserve to die will still die, those who should be killed will still be killed, those who should be beheaded will still be beheaded.

No mercy, no exceptions, no hope.

But this is also true, it is for the sake of the majority of criminals, so that they can see hope if they are not careful.However, in the process of hope, but in the process of waiting for the dawn, he accidentally slipped and fell.

Hope turned into disappointment, deep disappointment. After all, it was impossible to live, and after all, it was impossible to start all over again.

Disappointment, depression, sadness, sadness, grief, at the end of 22, there is only despair left.

The despair in the heart is ashes, there is no longer any hope, the soul is pulled away from the body, like a walking corpse.

Even if one day they see the sun again, they see hope again, they will not be happy, active, standing, or sitting.

You can only lie down quietly, the endless road is endless, and you can wait for death with peace of mind.

Otherwise, what kind of reaction do you expect from a walking dead, what words do you give you, what excitement does it give you, the joy of being reborn?

Don't dream, it's impossible, after being pulled out of the soul, the body left is only one, the body of a walking dead, it's meaningless.

The soul that was taken away, how can it be so fast, and then return to the body of the body, I still don't know which core soul, drifted to where, beyond the clouds, probably...

"The things Vera has done, one by one, one by one, I keep all of them in my heart, and I have never for a moment dared to forget everything she has done for Alabasta."

Su Yi wiped the sweat from his forehead and thought to himself: What's the situation?

You have remembered other people's affairs, you have remembered other people's hatred and hatred, just to get revenge on her now?

In order to get revenge on her, can I feel more happy and more logical in my heart?

If this is really the case, then Su Yi can only sigh, Her Royal Highness Princess Xingka, you are so arrogant, you are so arrogant, you are so arrogant.

There is no magnanimity, no leader of a country, there should be a mind, a measure, and a broad mind.

That's right, if Xingka really has that kind of thing, how could she be unfit to be the leader of a country?

How could she be unsuitable to be a queen, unsuitable to lead the native country of Alabasta.

It's because she doesn't have anything, she doesn't have anything, a leader of a country should have the talent, wisdom, mind, atmosphere, and majesty.

She doesn't have one, she doesn't touch it at all, and the wool has nothing to do with it, so she can't be.

The truth is always particularly poignant, but it is the truth, the reality you have to face.

If Xingka were to rule Alabasta for a long time, then undoubtedly, it would definitely speed up the country and quickly head towards its path of destruction.

This is really not to smear her, not to throw dirty water on her, not to deprive her of shit, not to call her useless, not to call her stupid, but to simply express the truth.

Not at all, it's been so scary these days that I can't even tell the truth.

Really, the truth is the worst thing to say these days, because if you say it, others will be unhappy.

Even if you are telling the truth, as long as others don't like to hear it, as long as others are unhappy...

Chapter 1141

Then what you say is actually like farting, stinking fart, no different.

Xingka continued to be impassioned: "Everything that Vera has done, I will keep it in my heart, and I am very grateful to her!"

Everyone despised them: arresting people, without questioning whether they are indiscriminate or distinguishing right from wrong, they were sentenced to death directly. Three days later, they were beheaded on the guillotine and displayed to the public.

It turns out that this is your gratitude, it turns out that this is what you keep in mind, and it is really different from others.

It's so maverick, it's so terrifying, and ordinary people can't stand it, nor can it!

Everyone looked at the star card with contempt, and felt that the princess in front of her was not at all like usual, and it was shown in front of the public, that princess.

After a long time, Her Royal Highness, whom they had always known, had always been pretending, and that was not her real face at all.

And her true face has been exposed today, it is very obvious and clear at a glance.

Where is a wise man, where is a good leader, he is simply a hooligan.

An extremely despicable villain who abuses his power, uses public power for private use, is selfish and selfish, harms others and benefits himself, and is hypocritical.

None of the onlookers said a word or made a sound, they just watched quietly, watching Xingka, watching her perform alone.

Sing a one-man show, when can you sing, when you plan to stop, and when will you stop.

At the end of her, how to wash herself white, can she wash out a flower?

If there is no suitable reason, if the explanation is not clear, then the level of the star card is really sad.

After all, there were so many onlookers, probably hundreds of people...

Hundreds of people's hearts are now spit on you.

If you do not explain clearly, if there is no reasonable reason, I am afraid that the spittle of these hundreds of people will be mercilessly sprayed on your face and despise you, Your Highness, the princess who does not meet the standard.

Please also always remember one sentence - in this world, the one who is the king, the king, the respected and the master will always be the one who wins the hearts and minds of the people, wins the world and is loved by the people, and you are a competent king, king, Respect, Lord.

If you have lost even the hearts of the people, if even the people do not support you or love you, then what kind of monarch, what kind of king, what kind of respect, what kind of respect, master, are you sure you have the qualifications and strength?

"So I hope that you can understand one thing. When I arrested Vera, it was not the so-called public revenge, nor the so-called abuse of power, nor the private use of public power, which would damage the majesty of my princess." !"

After talking for so long, only this sentence is the real focus, and only this sentence is what Xingka wants to convey to everyone.

Please don't misunderstand her, the only princess of Alabasta.

If you all misunderstand her, if you don't even believe her, then Xingka really doesn't know how to continue and keep going.

Xingka is a very fragile person, she does not have the strong (Wang Li's) psychological endurance like Xinghe.

Before Xinghe left the country, Xinghe was still Alabasta, the pillar of the country, the backbone of the soul, the core princess, and the pillar.

Xingka has always been leisurely, happy, relaxed, and looks like a little sister.

Don't look at her as a sister, just think how mature she is and how stable she is.

But it's not the case, Xingka is only born ten minutes earlier than Xinghe, only ten minutes...

Chapter 1142

How can you think that in just ten minutes, two completely different people have been created.

Whether it is temperament, breath, momentum, aura, or personality, the ability to do things is very different.

Anyway, if you are at home, your father's words are the biggest. Whether it is Xinghe or Xingka, you must listen to your father's words, and you must listen to your father's words.

In the Golden Palace, Xinghe is the leader and the biggest celebrity.

No matter what she says, no matter what she does, as long as she gives an order, as long as she orders, no one will object, no one will move, no one will protest, no one will refute.

Because everyone knows that what Xinghe said in the Golden Palace is the emperor's imperial edict, and you can only abide by it.

There is absolutely no qualification or ability to defy, resist, question, and conspiracy theories.

Unless you don't want to live anymore, unless you really want to die, maybe you can try it yourself, anyway, no one will stop it, after all, everyone wants to see a play, see a good play.

In short, the same sentence, Xingka is not suitable to be the pillar of the country, not suitable to be a leader, not suitable to be a queen.

It is not suitable for leading a country to a thriving, prosperous, economically prosperous, and military-strong path.

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