Xingka is really only suitable for being an auxiliary minister, assisting her sister, Xinghe.

Two sisters, strong partners, contribute to Alabasta and contribute to Alabasta.

Lead this dilapidated, poor, backward country to the road of international unity and great power!

Although this dream is somewhat distant, somewhat wishful thinking, somewhat idiotic, somewhat daydream, and silly.

But you can't deprive others of the right to dream!

These days, life has been hard enough, if you don't allow people to have a few dreams, fantasies, beautiful and beautiful.

Then how can I live, how can I live, and how can I be a person!

Furthermore, only when Xingka became an auxiliary minister, would she not be jealous of Vera, would not be jealous of her peers, would not be angered, would not have hatred because of love, and would not be mad.

I don't see others being excellent, others are excellent, carelessly surpassing myself, and I feel resentment and a strong sense of crisis, which is extremely terrifying.

If you think about it this way, you are already an auxiliary minister, why are you jealous? You have already fallen to such a level, what qualifications do you have to be jealous of others?

You are just an auxiliary minister, you are not the queen, nor the second-in-command of the country, what is there to be jealous of, what is jealous, and what is wrong.

You are useless, you are useless yourself, no one can blame others...

An auxiliary minister, you are jealous of other girls, you are jealous of others who are more capable and better than you, this is somewhat boring.

After all, you are not at the same level, at different levels, completely, not working in the same field, dealing with things, and not at the same level.

All in all, if Xinghe becomes the queen and Xingka becomes the auxiliary minister, then all the problems will be solved and they will no longer exist.

Things like what happened today, this kind of contradiction, this kind of completely unnecessary struggle, will never happen, at least it won't happen under the eyes of Xinghe.

Who is Xinghe, how could she allow her sister, her right-hand man, to have such a powerful conflict, and it is even serious enough that she must part ways to solve all problems.

What a horrible thing this is, what a tragic thing this is...

Chapter 1143

This is such a miserable picture that people can't bear to look directly at and don't want to take a second look.

Overall, it's a human tragedy, probably...

Kua Vera, who was still working hard the first second, Xingka immediately turned her face the next second.

She put away her high voice, her sharp volume, and her high emotions, and she said, "But, so what, can it change anything?"

"If you do something wrong, you will be punished. This is the eternal truth. Whether it's me, Vera, or all of you, you should follow this thousand-year-old principle, which is left by our ancestors. rule."

After the last word, Xingka's speech and her one-man show finally came to an end.

After talking for such a long time, talking for such a long time, talking for such a long period of time, more or less, I feel a little empty in my heart, a little panic, a little uncomfortable.

This should be the lack of standard lung capacity, and the subsequent breath can't keep up, thus forming a kind of breathless, panting, tired like a dog.


Xingka gasped for breath, really out of breath, ~ he sighed.

Mainly just now, the voice of the ghost roar was too loud and too excited, so that now her vocal cords are a little sore, and her voice is a little dry and hoarse.

Su Yi raised the corners of his mouth, vaguely wanting to laugh, but he knew that he could never laugh.

If you laugh at this time, and laugh out loud at this time, Xingka will definitely go crazy, go berserk, and explode!

No matter what, you have to hold back, and you have to hold back when you point out the strength of feeding.

If you really can't hold back, then pinch your thigh, and when it hurts, you don't want to laugh anymore, you want to cry.

I have to say that this Su Yi is also a funny guy. To actually come up with such a trick, you are really self-abusing, self-mutilating, and brainless enough.

Turn your back, face Xingka, cover your mouth with your hands, and shake your body twice, if you don't laugh, you'll be fine.

Why is it like this now, it's so uncomfortable to hold back laughter, internal injuries, and even the thighs are blue.

Using the move just now, it will neither make a sound nor be noticed, but when it shakes, the amplitude is slightly smaller.

Otherwise, others will think that you were accidentally electrocuted, or that you have epilepsy.

· · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

So here, I still make a statement in advance and remind in advance that although it is good to laugh, don't be greedy for cups.

Because anytime, anywhere, there will be a disaster of blood light, because anytime, anywhere, there will be a disaster!

This speech is very impassioned, but it is very kind of people. She is a princess who discerns right and wrong, and is rational and decisive. She is a leader who is grateful for the pictures, benevolent, righteous and people's hearts.


However, in fact, no matter how nice it sounds or how slippery it is, it will never be able to withstand the cruelty of reality, the root of human nature, and the dark whirlpool.

No matter how Xingka praised Vera, how she praised her, or how she gave her the supreme honor, in the end, it couldn't match the jealousy of reality. Xingka wanted to kill her after all, and it was time to get rid of it.

And this idea has already taken root and sprouted in my heart, and it has grown vigorously. Now, today, it has become a towering tree, very lush and magnificent.

It has become an obsession in my heart. The deeper the obsession, the more maddened it is. In the end, I can't live well, live a good life...

Chapter 1144

So killing Vera is imperative, this is what Xingka must do.

If Vera can't be killed, if she continues to let her go unpunished, then Xingka will cry, crying so sad, so desperate, so sad, she won't be able to sleep at night.

It's just that the process of beheading and showing it to the public really requires attention, scrutiny, and careful planning—

How to kill, how to kill, how to convict her, how to block the mouths of everyone, send Xingka to the guillotine, beheaded to show the public, kill her with one blow, and never have future troubles!

This piece, piece by piece, is all a technical work, all a program, and there are hidden secrets in it, and it must not be sloppy, otherwise it will definitely be a pill!

Although Xingka said on impulse—

Three days after leaving, beheading is shown to the public, no need to investigate and collect evidence, and a death penalty!

Such an indiscriminate, right and wrong, black and white discourse.

But it doesn't matter, she is not afraid at all, nor is she afraid, nor does she care about the protests of the people.

Because she always has her own reasons, a lot of random reasons, to deceive the simple and ignorant masses.

Think about it, if there is no reason, if there is no preparation, how can Xingka dare to say such words rashly, to say such words to dig a hole for himself.

Please, she is not a fool or an idiot, she is a dignified princess of a country, and her IQ is online all the year round.

Although it is not as good as Newton and Einstein, with an IQ of 250, at the very least, he will not dig holes and jump by himself, and he will not lift rocks and smash his own feet.

Xingka has its own reasons, why it does this, and why it is so impulsive, and this reason is very sufficient and very appropriate, and it can definitely block Yunyou's mouth and block all opinions of everyone.

Inexplicably, people have some expectations, how the princess of Alabasta will open her eyes and lie to deceive her own citizens, such a group of innocent, innocent and harmless ordinary people.

Xingka said angrily: "I want to execute Vera, not because of rebellion!"

Everyone wondered, since it wasn't a rebellion, why did you have to kill her?

And the attitude is still so hard, so firm, there is no room for returning it for half a year... .

Why is this? She didn't do anything wrong, she didn't betray her motherland, and she didn't act like Xinghe, being irresponsible, leaving the country.

Under such a circumstance, such a conscientious and conscientious maid who paid for Alabasta, but never expected anything in return, why did you want to kill her, get rid of her soon!

The monk of Zhang Er was at a loss, and everyone was really confused, because they couldn't imagine at all, what was the reason why Her Royal Highness Princess Xingka had to kill Vera?

You can't, you don't like her, you think she's too good, too good, too smart, just because of jealousy and jealousy all the time, so you find someone to kill him, so as not to block yourself?

This is the speculation of ordinary people. How should I put it, these ordinary people are also very smart.

There are some ordinary people who are also very good. They really guessed the true purpose of Princess Xingka with just one glance.

Her jealousy, her resentment, her jealousy, her hatred, her little belly, and preoccupied with...

"I tell you, although Vera is not guilty of conspiracy and treason...".

Chapter 1145

"Although she didn't do anything bad, she didn't do anything wrong, and she didn't get carried away, but I want to tell you that she committed a crime on the street with a machine, which is already a crime!"

Xingka spoke loudly, excitedly, and impassively!

As soon as these words came out, the talents reacted with hindsight, and they all shook their heads.

That's right, how could you forget about this, and use a machine to commit murder in the street? This is a very criminal thing.

This is the law of Alabasta. It is not allowed to exist, it is not allowed to challenge it, and it is not allowed to despise it.

Vera:  …

Su Yi:  …

Different people have different reactions, and different people have different thoughts.

Just like Xingka, Vera, Xingka, and Su Yi, everyone has their own thoughts, and everyone has their own ghosts.

Vera was very speechless, she just took out a machine and could be charged with murder in the street. Her Royal Highness, the princess in front of her, was really pretty.

She has a question that she still can't figure out. Her Royal Highness in front of her is so beautiful. I don't know if her family knows it, or if her sister and her father know...

The corner of Su Yi's mouth could not help but twitch. He wanted to say something, but finally found that he was speechless.

When it comes to deducting feces, smearing smears and throwing dirty water, and adding guilt to desire, there is nothing to worry about. If Xingka is the second, in this world, who would dare to be the first?

Vera never expected to die. It turned out that she died for such a reason, and died of such a foolish law.

The star card is really helpless. In a hurry, he made up an excuse, whether it works or not, whether it works or not, just buckle up this shit pot and then talk about it.

If you want to kill Vera, you have to think of a good excuse, a good reason for the crime.

Otherwise, it would be really hard to convince the public if she were to be executed casually, and it would be really unkind.

Even if Xingka is Her Royal Highness, she has no right to decide, the life and death of an ordinary person, and control their little life.

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