Chapter 10 Let Xiaozhi feel the beating of society

After Xiaofeng and Charmeleon had enough to eat and drink, they returned to their room and had a good sleep.

The next morning, Xiaofeng, dressed neatly, walked out of the Pokémon Center with Charmeleon and the other Pokémon. A boy wearing a red and white cap, a blue jacket, and light blue jeans ran towards them. Xiaofeng bumped into him and then sat down on the ground.

"It hurts, it hurts, I'm sorry, I bumped into you!"The boy stood up quickly, rubbed his butt and bowed to apologize.

"It's you, Xiaozhi, you're still so clumsy."Xiaofeng looked at the boy helplessly.

"Ah, it's Brother Xiaofeng, Brother Xiaofeng, why are you here?" Xiaozhi looked up and saw that it was an acquaintance and asked

"Before you ask me, shouldn't you first tell me why you are in such a hurry? I am here because I finished the gym match yesterday and I am going to continue my journey today."Xiao Feng Wu Yu.jpg

"What? Brother Xiaofeng, did you succeed in the challenge? I plan to come to the Pokémon Center to rest today, and then go to the gym to challenge it."

"Of course it worked. Otherwise, why would I continue to travel?"

Before Xiaozhi could continue to say anything, a girl with yellow hair suddenly ran over from a distance, holding a yellow-haired elf in her arms, and the girl ran and shouted:

"Xiaozhi, wait for me, why are you running so fast?""The girl and Pikachu came to Xiaozhi and complained to him.

"Uh, sorry, Xiaoxia, I was just thinking about challenging the gym soon." Xiaozhi apologized to Xiaoxia and introduced Xiaofeng:

"Um, Brother Xiaofeng, this is Xiaoxia and Pikachu, they are my current traveling companions."

"Hello, my name is Xiaofeng, Xiaozhi and I are from the same town. Nice to meet you. Xiaozhi, I am sorry to bother you."Xiaofeng introduced himself with a smile.

"No trouble, no trouble, hello, my name is Xiaoxia, nice to meet you."Xiaoxia responded quickly

"Brother Xiaofeng, are this Charmeleon and the Electric Monster next to it your Pokémon?" Xiaozhi asked, looking at the Pokémon next to Xiaofeng.

"Yes, they are all my elves. The Charmeleon is from Grandpa Damu, and the Electric Monster is captured during the trip." Xiao Feng introduced the two little ones.

"Brother Xiaofeng relied on them to win the gym tournament, so if I defeat them, does that mean I can successfully challenge the gym tournament?" Xiaozhi thought as he looked at the two Pokémon.

Suddenly, Xiaozhi invited Xiaofeng to a battle:"Brother Xiaofeng, let's fight."

"Oh, you want to fight me?" Xiao Feng looked at Xiao Zhi and asked in confusion. The main reason was that Xiao Zhi had not grown up yet, and fighting him was meaningless. Xiao Feng was about to refuse when suddenly the system's voice came.

"Ding, a temporary task is triggered: Let the son of the plane experience the beating of society; the task rewards 80 racial points"

"Uh, Xiaozhi, I accept your challenge." Xiaofeng touched his nose, a full eighty racial value points, the law of true fragrance came late, there is no way, I'm sorry Xiaozhi

"Really, Brother Xiaofeng? OK, let's go to the open space over there to fight!" Xiaozhi said happily when he heard Xiaofeng agreed.

At this time, Xiaoxia approached Xiaozhi and whispered:"Xiaozhi, are you sure you want to challenge Brother Xiaofeng? Its Pokémon looks very high level!"

"Of course, I will win, because I have three Pokémons, while Xiaofeng has only two!"Xiaozhi felt that he had the advantage.

When they arrived at the open space, Xiaofeng said to Charmeleon,"Go ahead, Charmeleon, let Xiaozhi suffer a little, and he won't be so impulsive in the future."

"Xiaozhi, I'll send out Charmeleon."

"Charmeleon? Then I've decided that it's you, Butterfree!"Facing Charmeleon, Xiaozhi sent out Butterfree, the final evolution.

【Name: Butterfree lv16; Skills: Paralysis powder, hypnotic powder, poison powder, wind】

"Xiaozhi, how could you send Butterfree? Don't you know Butterfree is restrained by fire-type Pokémon?"Xiaoxia covered her face with one hand and said to Xiaozhi speechlessly

"I will win, my Butterfree is really strong, attributes are not the conditions for victory." Xiaozhi didn't care, and said with an expression that my Butterfree is really strong.

"Ah, that’s right, Xiaozhi." Xiaofeng chuckled, then said to Xiaozhi with a serious expression:"Well, Xiaozhi, I will teach you, sometimes attributes don’t necessarily mean anything, but that’s only after your Pokémon becomes stronger and the attack range of your skills is expanded. You haven’t reached that point yet.""

"You go first, Xiaozhi."

"Then I won't be polite, Brother Xiaofeng, Butterfree use paralysis powder."

After receiving the order, Butterfree flapped its wings quickly, and the crystal powder floated from its wings towards Charmeleon.

"Charmeleon sprays flames."After receiving the order, Charmeleon sprayed flames from its mouth, shooting straight at Butterfree. Butterfree didn't even have a chance to react before being hit by the flames, and fell from the air to the ground with its body covered in black.

"How could Xiaofeng's Charmeleon's flame jet be so powerful!"Xiaoxia on the side exclaimed, and looked at Xiaozhi with some concern.

"Butterfree! How are you, Butterfree!"Seeing Butterfree's body covered in black, Xiaozhi hurried over to check Butterfree's injuries, and then quickly put it back into the Poké Ball.

"Xiaozhi, who are you going to send out next? I hope you can reflect on this after this battle! Attribute restraint is extremely important to newcomers to a certain extent. Don't let your Pokémon get hurt because of your ignorance." Xiaofeng looked at Xiaozhi in the field and sighed.

Xiaozhi, who took back Butterfree, threw a Poké Ball from his waist:"It's decided to be you, Pidgeot!"

【Name: Pidgeot lv18, skills: Lightning Flash, Wind, Tornado, Sand Throwing]

Watching Xiaozhi release the Pokémon, Xiaofeng's words reached Xiaozhi's ears:"You still attack first, Xiaozhi."

Xiaozhi seriously commanded Pidgeot:"Pidgeot, use Tornado"

After Xiaozhi started to attack, Xiaofeng immediately issued a battle order to Charmeleon:

"Charmeleon, with a flash of lightning, jump up and use Tile Break."

The moment Xiaofeng gave the order, Charmeleon rushed up at an extremely fast speed and jumped up with both feet. With a"bang", Pidgeot was smashed to the ground from a high altitude by Charmeleon, splashing dust all over the ground. When the dust settled, Pidgeot's eyes were circled and it lost its ability to fight.

Looking at the injured Pidgeot lying on the ground, Xiaozhi clenched his hands tightly and looked down at the ground. A feeling of powerlessness surged into his heart, and then he raised his hand tremblingly to take back Pidgeot. Xiaozhi hesitated for a long time, not knowing whether he should continue the challenge.

At this moment, Pikachu on the side ran to Xiaozhi, pulled Xiaozhi's trouser leg, and whispered"Pikachu, Pikachu!"

"Are you comforting me? Sorry, Pikachu, I made you worry. I will finish this battle." Xiaozhi squatted down and touched Pikachu's head.

"Then it's up to you now." Xiaozhi and Pikachu looked at each other. Pikachu was sent to fight Charmeleon.

【Name: Pikachu lv24]

Number: 25

Attribute: Electricity

Characteristics: Static electricity; Hidden characteristic 1: Actor (Every time you arrive at a new region, your alliance strength is sealed to the novice stage.)

Hidden characteristic 2: Encounter of Divine Beasts (When you encounter a Divine Beast, your level will be unlocked, and all your racial values will be increased by 2.5 times the original)

Skills: 100,000 volts, Lightning Flash, Electric Shock, Thunder (Sealed state, not yet fully mastered)

Race Value

HP: 35

Physical Attack: 55

Physical Defense: 40

Special Attack: 50

Special Defense: 50

Speed: 90

Total: 320

Introduction: A natural actor, with superb comprehension ability, can easily comprehend skills that should not be comprehended at this level. For example: 100,000 volts. The elves belonging to the Son of the Plane will be stronger when encountering a Divine Beast.

" Is this the value of Xiaozhi's Pikachu? Fortunately, my Charmeleon and the others are not legendary beasts, otherwise it would be very difficult to deal with Pikachu when it explodes. Before the level was reached, it was probably because the photographer, Wind King, gave Pikachu a buff nearby, so that a 100,000 volt shot could directly knock down the group of chasing Spearows, and directly reach level 20, so terrifying!"Looking at Pikachu's panel, Xiaofeng took a breath and murmured.

Just when Xiaofeng finished sighing at Pikachu's panel. Xiaozhi on the opposite side launched an attack:"Pikachu, 100,000 volts"

"Charmeleon uses Shadow Clone!" As Xiaozhi launched the attack, the battle began again.

After Xiaofeng gave the order, Charmeleon created dozens of Shadow Clone, but the 100,000 volts only destroyed one of the clones.

"What a pity, Xiaozhi, fate is on my side. Your Pikachu's hidden features are useless against my Charmeleon." Xiaofeng whispered softly, and then commanded:"Charmeleon, rush up and use Tile Break."

Then Charmeleon was seen running quickly towards Pikachu, and in the blink of an eye it was in front of Pikachu, and then Tile Break hit Pikachu. Pikachu flew backwards and lost its ability to fight. After

Pikachu fell to the ground, Xiaozhi stepped forward and picked up Pikachu, and Xiaozhi breathed a sigh of relief."Lost!"

"Xiaozhi, are you okay?"Xiaoxia ran over and asked Xiaozhi with concern.

"Ah, haha, I'm fine!" Xiaozhi smiled bitterly, but there was still a hint of disappointment in his eyes.

"Okay, Xiaozhi hopes you can learn from this experience and don't let your Pokémon suffer because of your own fault. A battle cannot be won by momentum alone. Take your Pokémon to get treatment. We will fight again at the Quartz League Tournament. Don't let me down then." Xiaofeng also came over and promised Xiaozhi that they would fight again later.

Xiaozhi looked at Xiaofeng solemnly:"Okay, Xiaofeng, I will get the badge and fight again at the Quartz Tournament."

"Goodbye, Xiaozhi. By the way, I have a piece of advice for you. The Nibi Gym Leader is very strong. Don't be fooled by his appearance. It's best for your Pikachu to find a way to restrain the Rock type, such as letting your Pikachu learn restraining skills such as Iron Tail."After saying that, Xiaofeng waved his hand and walked away with the two Pokémons.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the task and obtaining 80 racial points."

"Tongzi, add 40 points to Charmeleon's special attack racial value and Electric Monster's physical attack racial value respectively."Xiao Feng, who was not far away, arranged the racial value points obtained this time to the system.

"OK host, ding, the points have been added successfully, the panel has been updated, please check"

【Name: Charmeleon lv32

Attack: 64+80

Special Attack: 80+80

Speed: 80+40

Total: 405+200】

【Name: Electric Monster lv29

Physical Attack: 63+122

Total: 360+122】

"Charmeleon is set as a hexagonal warrior, and the electric monster is positioned as a physical attack. The electric monster is about to evolve, so it’s time to prepare materials for it. I have to find a way to get the power amplifier, so I should ask the old man if he can get it."Xiao Feng touched his chin and thought.

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