Chapter 11: The Electric Beast Appears

Shortly after Xiao Feng left the Pokémon Center, he called Professor Oak in a phone booth. Professor Oak's voice rang out from the other end:"Hello, who is this?"

""Grandpa Oak, it's me." Xiao Feng replied.

Recognizing Xiao Feng's voice, Dr. Oak complained,"It's Xiao Feng, you little brat. You only remembered to call me after being out for so long. It's true that spilled water is like spilled water.……"

Listening to Dr. Oak's complaints, Xiao Feng hurriedly said,"Wait, wait, Grandpa Oak, I'm calling you now."

"You kid, calling me is for no good! You must be in trouble, tell me what you want to do. As soon as you stick your butt out, I know what you are going to say."

Xiaofeng patted Professor Oak's flattery:"Hehe, Grandpa Oak is as good as a god! I captured an electric monster, and it will evolve soon. I want it to evolve into Electabuzz and then further into Electabuzz, but I lack the material of the power amplifier."

Professor Oak asked with interest:"You mean you want it to evolve into the evolved form of Electabuzz found in the Sinnoh region? Do you know its specific evolution method?"

"Yes, Grandpa Da Mu. The information I got is that as long as the electric shock monster evolves into an electric shock beast, it will evolve into an electric shock demon beast if it carries an electric shock amplifier and communicates with it!"Xiao Feng said without hiding anything.

"I can get you a power amplifier, but there is a requirement."Dr. Oak said with a smile

"any request(๑•̌.•̑๑)ˀ̣ˀ̣"Xiao Feng asked curiously

"Hey, you evolve the Electric Monster into an Electric Beast first, and send it over to me so I can help you communicate and evolve it. I'll study it for a few days. I want to record a video and measure the data of the Electric Beast. How about that?" Dr. Oak said with a smile.

"Ah, I thought it was something else. Yes, but only for a few days. Grandpa Da Mu, I still need to take it on a journey, so waiting for a few days is nothing. And with you helping me with the communication evolution, I also saved myself the trouble of finding someone to exchange with."Xiao Feng said gratefully

"By the way, how come you have only captured one Pokémon? Xiaomao has captured many. Even Xiaozhi has more than you?" Professor Oak asked

"Well, I don't want the elves I captured to be left idle without being nurtured. I plan to take the elite route!" Xiao Feng explained.

"Very good, very thoughtful, I look forward to your future growth."Dr. Oak said

"Then, Grandpa Oak, goodbye. I will take the Electric Monster to evolve into the Electric Beast first, and then pass it on to you after the evolution." Xiaofeng said goodbye to Professor Oak.

"Okay, go ahead. I also need to get the power amplifier here. Bye." Dr. Oak hung up the phone.

After the two of them finished talking, Xiaofeng took the two elves to the mountains and forests near Nibi City to level up, and raised the level of the electric monster to level 30, letting the electric monster suppress its evolution first, and prepare to find a place with rich lightning elements to let the electric monster evolve.

As for how to find the place of evolution, of course, after"friendly communication" with the elves in the mountains and forests, Xiaofeng guaranteed with his reputation that there is"no threat" to any elves.

Through the system translation, the elves in the mountains were honored to tell Xiaofeng that there was an area nearby where lightning often struck.

Not long after, he arrived at that area with the two little ones, and saw a large black pit that looked like a wound in the center of the area. Above the pit, there were dark clouds and faint flashes of electric arcs.

""Go ahead, electric monster. Use the power of lightning to survive... no, evolve!" Xiao Feng said to the electric monster.

"Beep, beep! The electric monster excitedly turned his hands, walked firmly into the pit, and looked up at the sky. He had been looking forward to evolving for a long time.

"Host, are you sure this is okay?" the system asked

"Why not? Isn't that a tribute to those monks who have ascended to heaven and passed the tribulation? It's okay. Besides, we have super-speed regeneration and indestructibility. It's no problem. Xiaozhi's Pikachu can do it, so my electric monster is no problem."Xiaofeng nodded affirmatively.

""Okay." Looking at the unreliable Xiao Feng, the system said that you have the final say.

At this moment, the dark clouds in the sky may have thought that they were provoked by the electric monster, and quickly condensed yellow thunder, shining brightly and shooting towards the electric monster.

Boom boom boom, the electric monster began to glow brightly under the continuous thunder bombardment, and then its body continued to rise. After a while, the evolved electric beast appeared, with its arms raised high, happily looking at its body.

"Ding, congratulations to the host's electric monster evolution, and comprehend the skills: Thunder Fist, 100,000 Volts, Kick Down"

【Name: Electabuzz lv33

Number: 125

Attribute: Electricity

Characteristics: Static Electricity

Skills: 100,000 Volts, Lightning Fist, Kick Down, Hold, Shadow Clone, Lightning Flash, Electric Shock, Charge, Smash (Inherited)

Race Value

HP: 65

Attack: 83+122

Defense: 57

Special Attack: 95

Special Defense: 85

Speed: 105

Total: 490+122

"Okay, Electabuzz, come back. Don’t be too happy yet. There will be another evolution waiting for you when you return." Xiao Feng said to Electabuzz with a smile.

""Ah." Electabuzz nodded happily.

After that, Xiaofeng took the two Pokémon through the Moon Mountain and did not stay in the Moon Mountain.

The main reason was that Xiaofeng had no feelings for Pixie's evolved form, Pixie.

The unevolved Pixie and Pixie were still quite cute, but the final evolved Pixie was really hard to describe.

It can only be said that it did not suit Xiaofeng's aesthetic taste.

However, he still got a few moonstones to express his relief.

Charmeleon also trained in the Moon Mountain and was promoted to level 33, the same as Electabuzz.

Finally, the trio arrived at the Cerulean City Pokémon Center.

Xiaofeng, who had just arrived at the Pokémon Center, immediately contacted Professor Oak and transferred Electabuzz over through the teleporter.

After the transmission, Xiaofeng instructed in the video call:"Electabuzz, you must listen to Grandpa Oak over there. I'll wait here for you to evolve and then I'll pick you up. Grandpa Oak, please take care of Electabuzz."

Professor Oak assured Xiaofeng,"Don't worry, Xiaofeng, the power amplifier is already in place. In two days, your Electabuzz will evolve into Electabuzz. I'll study it for a day or two, and in about three or four days, I'll be able to let Electabuzz return to you!"

In the next few days, Xiaofeng took Charmeleon to fully appreciate the customs and culture of Cerulean City, especially the three sisters of the Cerulean Gym's superb swimming skills. Er, no, it's superb swimming skills.

In this way, Xiaofeng, who almost lost himself, was pulled back from the maze by Professor Oak.

Xiaofeng asked excitedly,"Grandpa Oak, Electabuzz has evolved. Have all the data been measured?"

"Yes, you can receive it over there!"

After a while, a current flashed on the transmitter, and a red and white Poké Ball appeared in the center of the instrument.

Xiao Feng quickly took out the Poké Ball, went out to find an open space, and threw the Poké Ball high into the air.

"Come out, Electric Beast."

A white light burst out from the Poké Ball, and Electric Beast made a brilliant appearance. A

2.4-meter-tall black and yellow figure, with strong limbs, scarlet eyes, and two black tails with red tips swaying in the wind.

【Name: Electric Beast lv33

Number: 466

Attribute: Electricity

Features: Electric Engine (Immune to Electricity Damage, and Speed Increased)

Skills: Iron Tail, Discharge, Electromagnetic Wave, 100,000 Volts, Flame Fist, Ice Fist, Lightning Fist, Kick Down, Hold, Shadow Clone, Lightning Flash, Electric Shock, Charge, Tile Break (Inherited)

Race Value

HP: 75

Physical Attack: 123+122

Physical Defense: 67

Special Attack: 95

Special Defense: 85

Speed: 95

Total: 540+122

"What is the appearance? This is the appearance of the electric physical attacker, with an initial physical attack value of 123, and a physical attack of 245 after adding points. I just want to ask who else, in the future, it is not a dream to kill a little beast with one punch."

Looking at the skill panel of the electric shock monster, he asked puzzledly,"Electric shock monster, how do you know the fire fist and the freeze fist?


After the system explained it, I realized that it was Professor Oak who helped Xiaofeng use the learning machine to learn in order to test the data.

"Grandpa Damu, he really made me cry!" Xiaofeng's tears kept flowing from the corners of his mouth. Xiaofeng stood in front of the electric shock beast, looked up at it and wanted to touch its head, but he couldn't reach it."Electric shock beast, you have grown taller, now I have to look up at you"

""Ah!" The electric shock monster squatted down and put its head in Xiaofeng's palm.

""Haha." Xiao Feng was slightly startled, then he smiled happily and touched the head of the Electric Beast.

Xiao Feng finally had the first Pokémon of the final evolution in his hands.

Xiao Feng looked at the Electric Beast squatting in front of him and grinned,"The next Hualan Gym will be handed over to you, Electric Beast!""

"Aoao (Leave it to me)" The Electric Beast nodded.

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