Chapter 13: New partners join in

After leaving the Hualan Gym, Xiaofeng went to the Pokémon Center to rest

"Ding, host, it is detected that you have a new skill lottery that has not yet been carried out. Do you want to draw the lottery?"The system said

"Tongzi, skill lottery,"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for drawing the skill: Flash (flash range within 20 meters, skill cooldown time: none)"

"Hmm... I originally wanted to add 40 racial points to the speed of the electric monster to increase the fault tolerance rate, but now it seems that it is not necessary."Xiao Feng touched his nose and thought

"In this case, Tongzi added the Flash skill to me, Charmeleon, and Electric Beast, and then added 40 points to Charmeleon's Special Attack racial value, allowing Charmeleon's Special Attack to exceed 200."

"Ding, added successfully, please check!"

【Name: Charmeleon lv33

Added Skill: Flash (no cooldown)

Physical Attack: 64+80

Special Attack: 80+120

Speed: 80+40

Total: 405+240】

【Name: Electric shock monster lv33--lv34

Added skills: Flash (no cooldown)

Physical attack: 83+122

Total: 490+122]

After adding points and skills, Xiaofeng and his party walked in the deep mountains, leading the two elves while leveling up and heading towards the direction of Dead Leaf City.

"Ding, Fire Dinosaur lv33--lv34 Electric Shock Monster lv34-35"

"Well, not bad, not bad, I've leveled up again!"

Xiao Feng was just feeling happy when a small black figure appeared in the distance. After seeing Xiao Feng and his group, he quickly retreated to the back.

"This figure, could it be it? But how could it appear in the Kanto region when it should have appeared in the Hoenn region?"Electric Dinosaur, Charmeleon, chase it!" Xiaofeng looked at the retreating little figure and excitedly called the two elves to run towards the figure together.

While chasing, Xiaofeng felt that the figure might be deliberately leading Xiaofeng and his group to a certain place.

Soon, Xiaofeng, Charmeleon and Electric Dinosaur caught up with the figure in front, and the figure stood on a branch.

"It's really you, Wood Gecko! Why did you bring us here?"Xiao Feng looked up at the small figure.

【Name: Wood Gecko lv10

Number: 252

Attribute: Grass

Features: Lush

Skills: Lightning Flash, Slap, Super Absorb, See Through, Leaf Blade (Inherited, not mastered)

Race Value

HP: 40

Attack: 45

Defense: 30

Special Attack: 65

Special Defense: 55

Speed: 70

Total: 310

Introduction: Inherited the excellent genes of the father, with great potential that has not been discovered

""Chamo, Chamo, Chamo!" The wood gecko pointed to a place not far away and shouted with excitement.

Looking in the direction of the wood gecko, I saw several iron cages with many elves locked up.

The elves squatted helplessly in the cages.

"Are there any poachers here?" Xiao Feng frowned gloomily.

"Charmeleon uses Cleave and Electric Beast uses Cleave to break the cage!"

The two elves who received the order quickly destroyed the iron cage and released the elves inside.

The elves were freed, and the Wood Gecko happily ran to play with them.

Xiaofeng walked forward, looked at the Wood Gecko among the elves and praised:"Wood Gecko, it turns out that you are trying to save your companions. What a smart little guy!"

"Chamo, Chamo" the wooden guard called to Xiaofeng happily.

"It's saying thank you, host!" the system translated.

"Yeah, I can see that. By the way, Tongzi, I feel like I can understand what the elves say sometimes, but sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. What’s the reason?"

"It should be the wave power that this world is awakening!"The system guessed

"The power of waveguide? It's a convenient ability."Xiao Feng muttered to himself.

At this moment, four or five middle-aged men came running from not far away, looked at Xiao Feng and cursed loudly:"You little bastard, you dare to let go of the fruits we caught with great effort, you are looking for death!"

Seeing the people coming, Xiao Feng's eyes instantly turned cold:"Poachers, you are really a group of garbage who should not live in this world!"

""You stinky boy, you dare to scold us? Go, Beedrill, Rattata, and Zubat, teach him a lesson!" The poachers each released a few Pokémons and rushed towards Xiaofeng and his group. The Pokémons that had been captured before showed fear and hid behind Xiaofeng.

"Ah, as expected, trash is trash, they only use their numbers to bully the weak. Charmeleon uses jet flames, and the electric shock beast uses 100,000 volts."

Feeling Xiaofeng's anger, Charmeleon and the electric shock beast opened fire at full power, a stream of hot flames shot out of Charmeleon's mouth, and the electric shock beast also rushed towards the opposite side with thunder all over its body.

However, after a confrontation, all the elves on the opposite side lost their ability to fight.

"How is that possible! Just wait, we won't let you go!" Seeing that his elves were so vulnerable, he immediately prepared to escape, and did not forget to threaten

"Can you run away? Charmeleon and Electric Beast will catch up with you. As long as you are not dead, we will beat you to death!"

The poachers did not run far before they were caught up by two Pokémons, who beat them with fists and kicks. Each of them had a bruised face and teeth flying all over the ground. They were almost beaten half to death.

After that, Xiaofeng came to the poachers, destroyed all their Poké Balls, and released all their original Pokémons. Then he called the police. Soon, Miss Junsha brought a team of police to Xiaofeng's location. The police looked at the bruised poachers and took a breath of cold air. It was too brutal.

"Thank you, little brother, for catching these abominable poachers. Otherwise, other elves will be harmed in the future."Miss Junsha saluted Xiaofeng and said gratefully.

"You're welcome, Miss Junsha. This is what I should do. I'll leave that person to you." Xiaofeng waved his hand.

"Okay, they will be in prison from now on. Bye then!"

"Well, Miss Junsha, goodbye!"

After thanking her, Miss Junsha said goodbye to Xiaofeng and escorted the poachers into the police car.

"All right, Wood Guardian, the bad guys have been driven away, you are safe now.���Smiling at the geckos

"Chamo, Chamo!" The elves such as the Gecko shouted happily to Xiaofeng.

Then the Gecko ran to Xiaofeng's Charmeleon and the Electric Beast, looking at them with admiration. The powerful backs of them who killed the Poacher Elves in seconds were deeply engraved in its mind.

Then it shouted to Xiaofeng,"Chamo, Chamo!"

"Host, it asked if it could follow you, it also wants to be as powerful as Charmeleon and the others!" the system explained.

After hearing this, Xiaofeng had a happy expression on his face, and then he walked in front of the Wood Gecko, squatted down, stretched out a hand, looked at the Wood Gecko and said:"Wood Gecko, do you want to travel with me and become stronger together!"

"Chamo, Chamo!" The wooden guard also put one hand in Xiaofeng's hand.

"Haha, then come in." Seeing that the woodbine agreed, Xiaofeng took out a blank Poké Ball from his waist and subdued the woodbine. He did not struggle and subdued it directly.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for conquering a new partner!"The system congratulated

""Thank you, Brother Tongzi!" Xiaofeng replied happily.

Then Xiaofeng released the wood gecko:"Come out, wood gecko!"

"Chamo, Chamo" came out of the wood gecko and jumped into Xiaofeng's arms.

"Haha, please take care of me in the future, then we will continue our journey. Goodbye, everyone!" Xiaofeng said goodbye to the other elves while holding the wood gecko.

With the wood gecko in his arms, Charmeleon and Electric Beast following him, Xiaofeng and his group set off on a new journey.

Walking on the small path in the deep mountains, Xiaofeng asked the system to add the three skills acquired by the wood gecko and explained to it that these were his special abilities. The little guy looked at Xiaofeng with admiration, and Xiaofeng looked very happy.

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