Chapter 14: The Battle at the Noble School

Xiao Feng and his group were walking on a small path deep in the mountains when suddenly a thick white fog rose up around them. Xiao Feng wondered curiously,"Why is there a sudden fog?"

"Ah, this seems to be the territory of that damn aristocratic school! A school that allows students to participate in the Quartz Conference upon graduation without having to collect badges, but the students cultivated in this way are ultimately just a group of flowers in a greenhouse." Xiaofeng suddenly recalled a scene from the original novel.

Not long after, a group of people really appeared, acting out a bloody plot. Under the guise of love, they were actually just the second generation of aristocrats bullying the newcomers. A group of people had colorful hair, looking like gangsters. Xiaofeng really had no feelings for them, so he was about to walk by.

But it seemed that the group of people were trying hard to make their presence felt, and they blocked Xiaofeng's way. One of the red-haired ones said,"Hey, who's that, come here, do you know that this area is the territory of our aristocratic school?"

"Then what?" Xiao Feng raised his eyebrows and asked

"Then of course this road is blocked!" said the red-haired man arrogantly.

"Are these people stupid? Can't they see the size of the electric beast next to me? They are here to serve food." Xiao Feng murmured.

"Oh, what if I insist on passing through here?" Then Xiao Feng looked at him with an interested grin.

"Of course, you should go back to where you came from."The red-haired man said in a weird tone.

"Really? But I can't. Then why don't you show me one? By the way, this aristocratic school of yours, I heard that you can participate in the Quartz Conference without collecting badges after graduation, right? It's so obvious that you're using a backdoor! You're not just a bunch of useless silver-coated wax gun heads, are you?" Xiao Feng also looked at him mockingly.

"Boy, you are so sharp-tongued. Go ahead! Pidgeot, teach him a lesson. Use Lightning Flash."Red Hair heard Xiao Feng's mocking words and angrily threw a Poké Ball from his waist.

"It's really ignorant. Electric shock monsters use 100,000 volts. I want to eat thunder roasted chicken!"Xiao Feng felt a little bored! Too weak!

""Ah (Fuck him)" the electric shock monster responded, and then 100,000 volts instantly hit the Pidgeot in the air. The Pidgeot was covered by lightning, and soon it was all black, and the smell of roasted chicken filled the air.

"How is that possible? You guys come too. I was just careless and didn't dodge!" Red Hair looked at the Pidgeot that was killed instantly with a look of disbelief on his face. He then immediately asked his companions to attack together, intending to use the advantage of numbers to carry out a group fight against Xiao Feng.

"Go, Charmeleon, Pocket Flower, Squirtle, Nidorina, Beedrill, Frog." Red's companions threw out Poké Balls one after another, releasing their own Pokémons.

"I'm speechless. A bunch of noobs who can't see the situation clearly, electrocute Warcraft, and use Iron Tail on Charmeleon. Beat them up!"

"Roar, roar, roar (quack, quack)"

""Aoaoao (Jiejiejie)" Charmeleon and Electric Beast shouted and rushed forward

"Well, it seems that the awakening of the wave power is not a good thing. The Charmeleon and the Electric Beast seem to be developing in an uncontrollable direction!"Xiao Feng held his forehead.jpg.

In a few seconds, the two elves whipped an elf away with their tails, and soon came to the front of the red-haired people, looking at them fiercely. The red-haired people looked at the two elves in front of them, took a few steps back, and sat on the ground. There was a faint smell of stench coming from them.

"Really, you two, come back quickly, don't get that smell on you!" Xiaofeng covered his nose and said in disgust.

Hearing Xiaofeng's voice, the two elves immediately howled and returned to Xiaofeng's side, looking at the red-haired people warily.

"You wait for me!" The red-haired men got up and ran away, shouting with ugly faces.

"Stupid, you want me to wait? Why would I waste so much time on you? Besides, don’t you know the smell here is so strong? Do you want to suffocate me to death?"Xiao Feng pinched his nose and walked around to the side, and continued to move forward. Finally, the white fog dissipated, and a teaching building stood in front of him. Xiao

Feng had no interest in the school. He planned to go through the school to the Dead Leaf City. After all, there were racial points and skills waiting for him there.

But before Xiao Feng could pass through the school, he was surrounded by a group of more than ten people. The red-haired people were among them, but they just changed their clothes.

A path was cleared in the middle of the crowd, and a girl in JK walked out from the middle.

"Are you the one who bullies the students of our aristocratic school?" the girl asked

"Well, what the hell, how come I am bullying you guys?" Xiao Feng was very upset.

"Remember, the person who is about to defeat you is called Yuto Seidai. Before Xiaofeng could continue speaking, the girl introduced herself.

"I don't seem to want to know your name, and I didn't say I wanted to fight you." Xiao Feng said speechlessly, and looked at Yuto Seidai with a caring look.

"You, you, you, what is that look in your eyes? I don't care. You have to fight today, whether you want to or not. Go, Rumble Stone!" Yuto Seidai felt insulted and immediately released his elves.

"Oh, why can't you listen to me? You have to force me to do it. I am a gentleman. The Fire Dinosaur will play with her!"Xiao Feng said painfully

"Roar (Leave it to me, Boss)" Charmeleon showed his shining fangs and gave Xiao Feng a thumbs up!

"Uh, Charmeleon, as long as you are happy." Xiao Feng responded with sweat on his forehead.

"Tongzi, do you think I still have a chance to bring them back? Xiao Feng asked the system

"Hehe, I think it's a bit risky, host." The system said with a sly smile.

"Humph, you dare to send out a restrained Pokémon to face my Rumble Stone, do you look down on me? Rumble Stone, use Roll, and crush it for me!" Yuto Seidai gritted his teeth and gave the order

"You are so brave, young man! Charmeleon, wait for him to get close, then use your iron tail to whip it away."Xiao Feng looked at the rolling Rumble Stone and gave the order. The

Charmeleon's tail glowed with metallic luster, and it turned 90 degrees, and instantly pulled out the Rumble Stone in the direction it rolled from, hitting the red-haired man in the crowd. With a bang, it sank into the ground in front of the red-haired man, losing its ability to fight. The red-haired man, who almost flew up on the spot, had a dull look in his eyes. His legs softened, and he sat on the ground.

"Roar, roar (Ah, what a pity, I almost hit a home run)" the Charmeleon roared

"Um……"Xiao Feng listened to Charmeleon's words and hummed for a long time. Then he looked at Yuto Seidai and said,"Young man, you are a little bit unskilled. Do you want to continue?""

"I, I, I, wow, you bullied me!"Looking at the Rumble Stone that was killed instantly, Yuto Seidai cried loudly.

"It's so annoying, get up, or I'll let the Fire Dinosaur beat you up!" Xiao Feng threatened, listening to the noisy sound.

"Well……!"Sure enough, Yuto Seidai heard Xiaofeng's words, looked at the grinning Charmeleon, and stopped crying.

At this time, an old man came from a distance and scolded:"Enough, don't you think it's not embarrassing enough? Go back and write a 10,000-word self-criticism immediately."

The crowd immediately shouted"The principal is here, hurry up!", and then they dispersed. Only Yuto Seidai was left alone.

"Grandpa, why are you here? Help me teach him a lesson!" Seeing the person coming, Yuto Seidai hurriedly asked for help

"Okay, stop being unreasonable! Apologize to this little brother! Really, you don’t even know you’re being used as a gun!"The old man held his head helplessly.

"Humph, sorry!" Yuto Seidai had no choice but to apologize and then turned his head to look elsewhere.

"I'm sorry, little brother, this child is spoiled!" The principal apologized to Xiaofeng.

"It's okay, you don't have to apologize, it's not your fault." Seeing the old principal apologize so sincerely at his age, Xiao Feng waved his hand nonchalantly.

"By the way, old man, are all your students at this level? Do they go to the Quartz Conference to compete just for show?" Xiao Feng asked the old principal curiously.

"Haha, little brother, you asked a good question. I am indeed going there to play soy sauce, but the parents of these students give me too much. Hehe, I cooperate with the alliance to make some extra money!"The old principal looked around and laughed obscenely.

"Uh, okay." Looking at the old principal's frivolous look in front of me, I suddenly realized that this is what love is.

Yuto Seidai stared at her grandfather with wide eyes. It turned out that the clown was me.

"Hey, little brother, you look amazing, do you want to join our school to participate in the competition? Our endorsement fee is very high!"The old principal rubbed his hands and asked Xiao Feng

"Forget it, I'm not interested. I still have to travel and don't have time to play house here!" Xiao Feng refused

"Alas, what a pity! If the little brother's ability represented our school to achieve good results, those parents would definitely take out their underwear for me. Seeing the principal sigh

"……"Xiaofeng is speechless

"Forget it, what is not mine is not mine after all, little brother. To express my apology to you, you can go to the collection room of our school and choose something to give to you."

"Oh, how can this be so embarrassing, let's go, let's go." Xiao Feng immediately became interested when he heard that he could get something for free. He said sorry while urging them to set off.

"Uh, I was careless and didn't dodge. Young people nowadays don't follow martial ethics, so I'll be polite," the old principal thought bitterly. But there was nothing he could do about it.

The old principal took Xiaofeng and Yuto Seidai to the collection room.

"Uh, what are you doing here?" Xiao Feng looked at Yuto Seidai.

"Can't I take a look?" Yuto Seidai retorted.

"……"Just when Xiao Feng was speechless, the old principal stopped."Here we are, little brother, this is it, go in! You can only choose one!"

"Hehe, that's so embarrassing!"Xiao Feng walked into the collection room with a smile.

"Host, choose the basketball-sized red patterned rock in the lower right corner of the room!"Just as Xiaofeng walked into the collection room, the system voice sounded.

"Oh, Brother Tongzi, is there anything good?" Xiaofeng asked happily.

"Well, it is the best thing for you. It can satisfy all the energy for the evolution of Charmeleon. Your Charmeleon is about to evolve. With it, you don’t need to look for a place to evolve."The system replied

"I know that Brother Tongzi loves me!" Xiao Feng said greasy

"Ugh, disgusting, go away, what kind of species are you!"The system vomited

"Hehe!" Xiaofeng laughed and pretended to pick up something nearby and look at it for a while while walking. Then he walked to the basketball-sized rock, squatted down, touched it, and then picked it up. Then he walked to the door and said to the old principal,"Let's take him!"

"" Okay, okay! Now it's yours." The old principal saw Xiaofeng picked up a beautiful rock. He said quickly with a look of no loss on his face.

Xiaofeng put the rock into his backpack, then turned to look at the old principal:"Thank you very much, old man. I have to continue my journey. Goodbye!"

"Haha, this is my business card. Goodbye, little brother. If you regret it and want to represent our school in a competition, call me!"Before Xiaofeng left, the old principal gave Xiaofeng a business card.

"Grandpa, why do you still want to give him something?"Yuto Seidai saw Xiaofeng walking away and asked the old principal curiously.

"I call this investment, do you understand? You are still young, you don’t understand! Don’t ask too much! And I didn’t lose money. It’s just a stone."The old principal said meaningfully

"Humph, forget it! I've decided, I'm going to go on a trip!" Yuto Seidai turned away angrily and didn't look at his grandfather.

"Oh, have you decided? Then go ahead! You will never become stronger without growth."The old principal said with relief.

"Just wait, I will become stronger and surprise him!" Yuto Seidai said firmly.

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