Chapter 17: The Final Tournament at the Withered Leaf Gym

"Ah, I lost. Young people nowadays are so ruthless! Congratulations, brother Xiaofeng!"Ma Zhishi took back the Raichu and congratulated Xiaofeng.

"Thank you, it's all thanks to the forest lizard."Xiao Feng said modestly

"Haha, here is the lightning badge of the Dead Leaf Gym, keep it." Seeing Xiaofeng's humble look, Ma Zhishi laughed and handed Xiaofeng a lightning badge.

"Thank you, Brother Ma!" Xiaofeng took the badge and thanked him.

"You're welcome, you deserve it. If only the babies who came before had a little self-awareness, it would be great. It's really boring to bully them every day. I haven't given out badges for a long time!" Ma Zhishi sighed as he looked at Xiaofeng who received the badge.

"Uh, brother, are you talking about the guy who challenged the gym with Bobo just now?" Xiaofeng raised his eyebrows and looked at Ma Zhishi.

"Yes, brother, those babies, not only are they low-level, but they also challenge me with Pokémons that are restrained by my electric system. Isn’t that pure stupidity? Then they cry when they lose. I really have no way to deal with them. Then they spread the news that I am cruel and hurt their Pokémons. If I don’t make them cry, how can they learn their lesson? Alas! Ma Zhishi sighed.

"Uh, okay, thank you for your hard work, brother." Xiaofeng also said helplessly.

Then he took out the main tournament badge he had obtained from his backpack and showed it to Ma Zhishi, and said with a smile:"Hehe, well, since you feel bored, do you want to play another game with me in the main tournament mode of the Wither Leaf Gym Challenge."

Seeing the badge in Xiaofeng's hand, Ma Zhishi's eyes lit up, and then he laughed excitedly:"I said, the two elves behind you should not appear in the rookie mode of the game, it turns out they are waiting for me here, come on, let's start quickly, I haven't played in the main tournament for a long time."

Looking at Ma Zhishi's excitement, Xiaofeng touched his nose and asked:"Uh, brother, don't you want to check your badge?"

"What are you checking? Just for these two elves of yours, I want to play the main game with you even without the badges."Ma Zhishi waved his hand indifferently.

"Haha, in that case, let's get started."Xiao Feng grinned and took back the badge.

"Come on, Xiao Jia, go back to the referee position and continue fighting!"Ma Zhishi signaled Lu Renjia to continue to act as the referee, and then he and Xiao Feng returned to the battle command position.

""Okay, Boss," Lu Renjia responded, and returned to the referee position, and then said,"Now start the main competition mode of the Withered Leaf Gym Challenge. The number of Pokémons used in the game remains the same, and the 2V2 mode is adopted. The game ends when both Pokémons on one side lose their combat capabilities. The game begins!"

"Go ahead, it’s been a while since I let you out to compete, Jolteon!"

【Name: Thunder Elf lv44]

Number: 135

Attribute: Electricity

Features: Electricity Storage

Skills: High Speed Star, Thunder Fang, 100,000 Volts, Lightning Flash, Missile Needle, Slam

Race Value

HP: 65

Physical Attack: 65

Physical Defense: 60

Special Attack: 110

Special Defense: 95

Speed: 130

Total: 525

"Let's go too, the electric shock monster!"Xiao Feng sent out the electric shock monster to lead the charge.

""Ah (I'm on)" The electric monster bumped his fists and howled as he walked forward

"Shock the monster, Shadow clone, get close to it!"Xiao Feng took the lead in issuing the command.

""Ouch" the electric beast responded and split into dozens of clones that ran towards the Thunder Elf.

Ma Zhishi's counterattack followed closely and said:"Thunder Elf, missile needles, fire!"

The Thunder Elf, who received Ma Zhishi's order, had its hair stand on end, and then"whoosh" dozens of silver needles were fired from it, destroying the clones of the electric beast one by one.

"Don't worry, just rush forward and use the tile-splitting skill!" Seeing that all the shadow clones had dissipated, Xiao Feng felt that the distance was enough, so he ordered the attack.

"Ouch (Take my palm)" The electric monster received the order and took the attack of the missile needle. The missile needle hit the electric monster and was bounced away. Then the light in its hand lit up and smashed towards the thunder elf with a tile-splitting move.

""Thunder elf, dodge with a flash of lightning!" Ma Zhishi gave the order when he saw the electric beast nearby.

After receiving the order, the thunder elf glowed with light and accelerated to the side. There was a loud"bang!" from its original position. The ground was smashed by the electric beast's tiles, leaving a hole several meters wide, and gravel flew everywhere.

Cold sweat kept coming out of the thunder elf's head. Ma Zhishi also had a serious look on his face:"Fuck, what kind of damage is this!"

"Aoao (Ah, I dodged it)" The electric shock monster thought it would hit

"Thunder Elf, use high-speed stars!"Ma Zhishi reacted to the destructive force just now and immediately ordered the Thunder Elf to attack. The Thunder Elf shot out many star-like energy bullets from its body and attacked the electric shock monster, making a bang bang bang sound.

"Shock the monster, flash up, and use the flaming fist"

""Aoao (Take my punch)" After receiving Xiaofeng's order, the electric shock monster flashed to the side of the thunder elf, condensed the flames in his hand on his fist, and punched the thunder elf on the waist.

"With a"whoosh", the Thunder Elf was blown away, and then slammed to the ground. The remaining force pushed the Thunder Elf's body on the ground, leaving a long scratch.

""Thunder Elf, are you okay?" Ma Zhishi called out to the Thunder Elf loudly.

Hearing Ma Zhishi's call, the Thunder Elf struggled to stand up.

Ma Zhishi had the urge to beat him up:"What the hell is this thing? It can't be moved even if you hit it, and the damage is so high! How to play!"

"Thunder Elf, 100,000 volts!" Then Ma Zhishi issued an order for a long-range attack!

"Uh, it seems that Brother Ma Zhishi has forgotten the characteristics of my electric shock monster and actually used thunder skills!"Xiao Feng touched his nose and did not issue any orders. He let the Thunder Elf's 100,000 volts hit the electric shock monster.

""Oh no, Thunder Elf, stop!" Ma Zhishi was startled when he saw Xiao Feng didn’t issue any orders. He wanted to stop the Thunder Elf’s attack, but it was too late. The Thunder Elf’s 100,000 volts had already hit the Electric Beast. Not only did it not get hurt, but it also caused the Electric Beast’s speed to increase dramatically.

"My command was wrong, brother, so I will take this round.���"! Electric shock the monster, lightning flash and then freezing punch!" Seeing Ma Zhishi's mistake, Xiaofeng issued the final command.

"Aoao (Fall down, baby)" The electric shock monster yelled, and the speed of the lightning flash was increased. In the blink of an eye, it came in front of the thunder elf, and its huge body blocked the thunder elf. With a cold air in its hand, it punched the thunder elf.

"Stop, I admit defeat this time." Ma Zhishi thought of the damage caused by the explosion of the electric shock monster, and the thunder elf could not withstand another punch, so he quickly admitted defeat.

"Stop, shock the monster!" Seeing that the opponent admitted defeat, Xiao Feng stopped shocking the monster!

"Ouch (Okay, Boss)" The Electric Beast retracted his fist not far from the Thunder Elf, and the cold air on his fist made the Thunder Elf tremble all over.

"Huh, Xiaofeng, thank you. Come back, Thunder Elf. It's my mistake."I thanked Xiaofeng and put the Thunder Elf back into the Poké Ball.

"It's up to you now. Go, Lightning Dragon!" Ma Zhishi, who had taken back the Thunder Spirit, threw out a Poké Ball and released his second Pokémon.

【Name: Electric Dragon lv49]

Number: 181

Attribute: Electricity

Characteristics: Static Electricity

Skills: Flame Fist, Lightning Fist, Dragon Wave, 100,000 Volts, Hold, Charge, Destruction Death Ray, Ramming

Race Value

HP: 90

Physical Attack: 75

Physical Defense: 85

Special Attack: 115

Special Defense: 90

Speed: 55

Total: 510

"Then I will shock the monster and continue the fight!" Xiao Feng said.

"Aoaoao (No problem, leave it to me, boss)" The Electric Beast patted his chest in response to Xiaofeng.

Then Xiaofeng ordered to get closer,"Electric Beast, rush up with lightning!" Upon receiving the order, the Electric Beast approached the Electric Dragon in a flash.

Seeing that the opponent wanted to engage in close combat again, Ma Zhishi ordered the Electric Dragon,"Electric Dragon, use Dragon Wave and don't let it get close"

"" Ang" When the electric dragon heard the order, colorful light condensed in its mouth, and a dragon-shaped light wave shot towards the electric beast.

Xiaofeng looked at the incoming dragon wave and ordered the electric beast to rush directly to his face:"Electric beast, flash and split the tiles!"

""Is it coming, Electric Dragon, hold on! Then use a Destructive Death Ray on it at close range!" Ma Zhishi saw the Electric Shock Beast appearing out of thin air and gave the order to defend and counterattack. The

Electric Shock Beast flashed over to avoid the dragon's fluctuations, and attacked the Electric Dragon with a tile-splitting move, but was blocked by the protective shield of the Electric Shock Hold skill.

Then the yellow light gathered from the Electric Dragon's mouth, and a beam of horrible energy shot directly at the face of the Electric Shock Beast.

Seeing the energy condensed in the Electric Dragon's mouth, Xiaofeng ordered in time,"We also use Hold on the Electric Shock Beast!"

When the Electric Dragon's Destructive Death Ray was about to hit the Electric Shock Beast, a protective shield similar to the Electric Dragon's previous one instantly appeared to block the damage of the Destructive Death Ray, and the Destructive Death Ray was bounced back and shot towards the ground next to it.

Looking at the immobile Electric Dragon, Xiaofeng grinned,"You are not the only one who can hold on. Now is the time for the Electric Shock Beast to kick down the immobile Electric Dragon and then use the Frozen Punch!"

""Aoaoao (hehehe)" The electric monster showed its shining teeth, and quickly kicked the lightning dragon down with a sweeping kick, and then hit the lightning dragon with a freezing punch.

If the lightning dragon was a dragon-type Pokémon, it would probably be dead, but although the word"dragon" is in its name, it is a pure electric Pokémon.

After being hit by the freezing punch of the electric monster, the lightning dragon's body sank into the ground and began to freeze gradually! It was obviously frozen by the freezing punch.

Looking at the lightning dragon that sank into the ground and turned into an ice block, Ma Zhishi hurriedly shouted,"Electric Dragon, can you hear me? Use 100,000 volts to break the ice!"

Perhaps Ma Zhishi's shouting worked, the lightning dragon in the ice was shining with electric light, and with a click, the lightning dragon used 100,000 volts to break the frozen state. Then Ma Zhishi commanded:

"Electric Dragon, use Slam!"

Upon hearing Ma Zhishi's order, the Electric Dragon glowed white and rushed towards the Electric Beast in front of it like a train.

Just as the Electric Dragon was rushing over, Xiaofeng's command reached the Electric Beast's ears:"Electric Beast, flash to its side and use Iron Tail!"

"With two"snap" sounds, the electric dragon was whipped several meters away by the electric shock beast that appeared beside it and used its two tails with silver-white light.

"Dianlong, are you okay?"Ma Zhishi looked at Dianlong in the field and said worriedly

""Ang" Dianlong responded with a heavy breath.

Looking at the condition of Dianlong's body, Ma Zhishi knew that he could not delay for long. He planned to make a desperate attempt and shouted to Dianlong:"Dianlong, fight him, use fire fist and lightning fist alternately!"

"Oh, you want to fight? Electric shock the monster, let it be, we will also use the fire fist and the lightning fist alternately."Xiao Feng saw that the other party decided to fight hand-to-hand, and couldn't help but smile slightly.

""Aoaoao (Let's fight each other)" After receiving the order, the electric shock beast shouted and fought with the electric dragon. Both sides punched each other.

Unfortunately, the gap between the electric dragon and the electric shock beast was extremely obvious.

Every time the electric shock beast's fist hit the electric dragon, it would hit it far away, but the electric dragon relied on its strong will and quickly stabilized its body and rushed towards the electric shock beast and punched it hard.

This was repeated countless times.

The electric dragon supported its trembling body and walked towards the electric shock beast step by step.

It slowly swung its fist, but this time the fist finally landed on the cheek of the electric shock beast.

The electric dragon, who was standing still, had circles in his eyes and lost his ability to fight!

"You have done very well, Electric Dragon, have a good rest!"

Looking at the Electric Dragon being taken back by Ma Zhishi, Xiao Feng sighed:"Ah, what a tenacious will!"

Then he smiled and praised the Electric Beast: Beautiful win, Electric Beast!"

"Aoao (No accidents with me here)"The electric beast grinned at Xiao Feng.

Lu Renjia looked at the no longer moving electric dragon and announced the end of the game:"The electric dragon has lost its ability to fight, so the winner is the challenger Xiao Feng!"

Ma Zhishi took back the electric dragon and walked in front of Xiao Feng and laughed:"Ah, haha, Xiao Feng, your electric beast is very strong, congratulations on your successful challenge!"

"Thank you, your electric dragon is also very good!" Xiao Feng said modestly

"Yes, that's right. Wait for me for a moment, I'll be right back." Ma Zhishi nodded with a smile, said something to Xiaofeng, and went to a room behind the gym. He came out a few moments later with a metal box in his hand. He opened the box and found the official badge of the Dead Leaf Electric Gym.

"Come! Come! Come! This belongs to you." Ma Zhishi handed the box and the badge to Xiaofeng.

"Thanks, brother. I will keep it well. Xiao Feng took the badge and put it away carefully.

"Haha, when you collect all eight official badges, we'll see you at the Quartz Conference!" Ma Zhishi smiled as he watched Xiaofeng collect the badges.

"Oh, really? My old man only told me that there is a race mode, but he never told me what the badges are for. I am looking forward to it!"Xiao Feng was also interested.

"You will know when the time comes!" Ma Zhishi did not explain too much.

"Well, in that case, brother, I should leave too and continue my journey. Goodbye! Seeing that Ma Zhishi was not going to explain, Xiaofeng proposed to say goodbye.

""Well, goodbye, little brother Xiaofeng." Ma Zhishi waved.

Xiaofeng also waved and then left the gym.

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