Chapter 18 Cruise Ship Encounters Team Rocket

After leaving the Vermilion Leaf Gym, Xiao Feng heard a system voice in his mind:

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the task and obtaining a skill lottery with 40 racial points. Would the host like to draw the lottery?"

"Tongzi, draw the lottery." Xiaofeng responded to the system.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the skill: Empty Walk (Void Walking): Hide your figure, shuttle between reality and void, penetrate any block, can see all scenes outside the void clearly, and be immune to all attacks."

Looking at the new skill, Xiaofeng touched his chin and shouted:"Oh, this is a magical skill that can harm people, ha ha ha, Tongzi, load the skill for us all"

"Ding, loading successful!"

Looking at the elves' panels, Xiao Feng murmured,"Defeat the Leaf Gym's Electric Beast and level up to level 40, and there are 40 racial value points. Tongzi, add the racial value points to the Forest Lizard's speed."

"Ding, the addition is successful.

【Name: Forest Lizard lv22]

Speed: 95+60

Total: 405+60

"Let's go, everyone, let's go���Heading to Golden City, I heard that there is a cruise ship that goes directly to Golden City at the port of Vermilion Leaf City," Xiaofeng, after refueling, set off with the elves to take a cruise to Golden City to challenge the Super Power Gym.

When Xiaofeng and his party arrived at the port of Vermilion Leaf City, there were many luxury cruise ships docked at the port. Xiaofeng scratched his head in confusion,"There are so many, which one is the ship to Golden City!"

At this moment, a man and a woman suddenly appeared and stopped Xiaofeng in front of him:"Little brother, where do you want to go by boat?"

"Ah, I was going to take a boat to Golden City."Xiao Feng felt that the two people looked familiar, so he answered their questions.

"Really? We know which ship can take you there! And the cruise ship is currently having an event, the first 200 people to board the ship are free of charge." The two looked at each other and immediately tempted Xiao Feng.

The more he looked at the two people, the more familiar they became.

Finally, Xiao Feng recalled their information and thought to himself,"Aren't these the elite members of Team Rocket, Yamato and Kozaburo in the anime, the same villains as Musashi and Kojiro!

So the cruise ship they are going to take me to is probably lurking with Team Rocket members like in the anime, and they want to catch all the elves on the ship.

But isn't it stupid to go there knowing there is a problem?" After thinking about it, he was about to reject the guide of the two, but at this moment, the system voice rang in Xiao Feng's mind:

"Ding, trigger the limited-time mission: destroy the Rockets' conspiracy, mission reward: 100 racial points"

"Hmm, it smells so good...uh, no, thank you, you guys are such nice people!"Xiaofeng was always hit by the law of true fragrance, which he could not escape. He had no choice but to look at the two people with gratitude.jpg.

Seeing Xiaofeng taking the bait, the two people brought Xiaofeng and his party to a cruise ship, gave Xiaofeng a ticket, and left in a hurry, probably to fool other people. Xiaofeng looked at the ship and saw that it was indeed heading to Golden City, but many of the tourists inside were probably Team Rocket in disguise.

Xiaofeng boarded the cruise ship and looked around. It was luxuriously decorated and overcrowded. There were many areas in total, such as the battle area, dining area, leisure area, trading area, etc. The trainers in the leisure area chatted with each other about their training experiences, and many trainers in the battle area were fighting each other. It was a lively scene.

After reading it, Xiaofeng took the elves to the dining area without hesitation. Looking at the dazzling array of delicacies, he put his hands together and sighed,"Only delicacies cannot be let down." Then, with the afterimages in the hands of the elves flying, he swept away the many delicacies on the table like a whirlwind. The diners around saw this group of starving ghosts reincarnated and immediately moved away from them.

"" Burp, I'm so full!" After eating for an unknown amount of time, Xiaofeng and the other elves lay on the ground, holding their round bellies, and burped one after another! After resting for a while, Xiaofeng stood up and said to the other elves:"Guys, it's time to digest the food after the meal, let's go to the battle zone!"

Xiaofeng thought to himself:"This is a great place to earn racial points. There are so many trainers, I wonder how many racial points they can contribute to me. Since the Viridian City, there haven't been so many trainers coming to the Nibe Gym to earn racial points from the Vermilion Gym. I must work harder this time to earn some more!"

Xiaofeng led the Pokémons to travel through each venue in the battle area, constantly sending three Pokémons to fight. Of course, Xiaofeng let the two Pokémons, Electabuzz and Charizard, go to sea, otherwise it would be bad if they alerted Team Rocket. The Forest Lizard did not use loaded skills such as flash to fight.

The battle lasted until the evening. Xiaofeng fought against more than 30 noobs in total, and each of them contributed about 2 points, for a total of 61 racial points. Together with the racial points gained from fighting others during the trip from Nibe Gym to Vermilion Gym, he now has a total of 73 racial points.

Then it was dinner time, and the trainers stopped fighting and went to the dining area for dinner. After a long time, they returned to their rooms to rest and sleep.

Xiaofeng saw that no one was fighting, so he took the Pokémons to have dinner, and then went to the room provided by the cruise ship to rest.

"Wow, what a great harvest! Tongzi, add some points! Add 20 points to Charizard and Electric Beast's Physical Attack respectively, and add the remaining 33 points to the Forest Lizard's Speed."

"Ding, the addition is successful"

【Name: Charizard (X) lv44

Physical Attack: 84 (130) + 140

Special Attack: 109 (130) + 120

Speed: 100 (100) + 40

Total: 534 (634) + 300

【Name: Electric shock monster lv40

Physical attack: 83+182

Total: 540+182】

【Name: Forest Lizard lv22

Speed: 95+93

Total: 405+93]

After adding points successfully, Xiaofeng and the elves rested in the room for a while, lying on the bed looking at the ceiling. The sky gradually darkened, and there were not many sounds around. Suddenly, the fire-breathing dragon heard an extremely faint unlocking sound coming from outside the room, pointed at the door and shook Xiaofeng. Xiaofeng reacted and immediately took the elves to use the air walking skill to hide in the void.

"Why is there no one here?"

Two members of Team Rocket wearing R logos came in.

Before they could finish their puzzlement, they heard a sound of breaking air behind them, and then their heads hurt. They were shrouded in darkness and fell down.

Several figures appeared beside the two people who fell to the ground. They were Xiao Feng and his gang.

"Well, the new skills are really useful! I'm almost a human-shaped Pokémon." Xiaofeng clenched his fist and sighed.

Then Xiaofeng and his gang locked the door, stripped the clothes of the fallen Team Rocket member, made ropes, tied the two back to back and hid under the bed.

Then he led the Pokémon to use Skywalk, passed through the wall and walked out.

In the middle of the hall outside, there were about 10 Team Rocket guards surrounding a large group of trainers.

Outside other rooms, there were more or less two or three Team Rocket members opening the doors.

Trainers were constantly tied up with ropes by Team Rocket members and taken to the hall to squat on the ground.

They should have been ambushed while resting.

The trainers were knocked down without releasing their Pokémons, and then several members of Team Rocket came with big bags and took away the Poké Balls of the trainers one by one.

From time to time, there were resistance from trainers in other rooms, but they were still suppressed by the large number of Team Rocket members and taken to the hall.

Seeing this, Xiaofeng led the Pokémons to walk in the void and followed the Rocket members who had collected the Poké Balls to a room. After the Rocket members put the Poké Balls into the room and closed the door, Xiaofeng and his group showed their arms and quietly... The bag containing the Poké Balls was dragged into the void, without anyone noticing.

Then Xiaofeng and his group relied on air travel to take away the Poké Balls that were snatched by Team Rocket and came to the hall.

Xiaofeng looked at the group of tied up trainers and did not untie them immediately, because Xiaofeng had to confirm one thing, that is, whether there were any traitors among these trainers. If there were traitors, then in the battle after rescuing the trainers, the trainers might be attacked by surprise, causing the battle to fall into an unfavorable situation.

In the void, Xiaofeng walked to the front of one trainer after another and squatted down, observing their expressions, checking whether the ropes that bound them were tied tightly, and then surrounding them and gently touching their waists with fingers in their blind spots to see if there were any Poké Balls that had not been collected.

In this way, the purpose of judging whether they were traitors was achieved.

Just after Xiaofeng finished judging the last trainer, Xiaofeng basically determined that four people were traitors, because their faces could be said to be expressionless, not fearful or scared at all, and the ropes that bound them were half-untied, and there were Poké Balls that had not been collected hanging around their waists.

"These are the ones, Xiaofeng you are so smart!" Xiaofeng praised his own cleverness.jpg.

But at this moment, the system voice sounded:"Ding, host, there is no need to be so troublesome. I can quickly determine who is the traitor. I only need to scan and analyze their emotions, energy and other fluctuations. It will take less than 10 seconds to determine who is the traitor!"

Xiaofeng was confused for a while, then he jumped up and said with a black line on his face:"What, Tongzi, you have this function, then why didn't you say it earlier, you make me look stupid. And you have to wait until I finish reading it all before telling me! I am really convinced, you old fool!"

There was a hint of playfulness in the system voice:"The host didn't ask"

"Yeah, I'll really thank you."

"What are you waiting for? Let's check if the people I confirmed are the real ones. Although Xiao Feng has confirmed it, he still asks the system to scan and confirm it, just in case.

"OK, host, scanning... Scan successful, congratulations to the host, your judgments are basically correct, throw flowers.jpg"

Listening to the system's scanning results, Xiaofeng was stunned:"Basically it means that there are some fish that slipped through the net?"

"Yes, host, do you see the red-haired woman in a jacket on your right? Her facial expression is very terrified, and there is no Poké Ball on her waist, but her emotional fluctuations are very calm, and there are two strong Pokémon energy fluctuations on her chest!"The system explained

"Shit, is this woman such a good actress? She must have won the Best Actress award in her previous life!" Xiao Feng came to the red-haired woman and looked at her for a while. She had red hair, two long golden earrings on her ears, and a delicate face with a scared expression. She looked so pitiful. He could only sigh that it was a waste of talent to be a thief.

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