Chapter 19 Athena and Apollo (1)

After admiring the woman's acting skills, Xiao Feng stood up.

He said to the forest lizards,"Forest lizards, keep flashing and use leaf blades to cut the ropes of those tied up. Charizard and Electabuzz, go deal with those few traitors, and then stop the other members of Team Rocket." The forest lizards received the order and turned into a shadow, then kept flashing and cutting, cutting the ropes of the squatting trainer.

Charizard and Electabuzz also flashed two by two to knock out the four traitors, and then appeared in front of the guards of Team Rocket.

Xiao Feng himself walked behind the red-haired woman and appeared from thin air, knocking her out with a punch on the head.

There was a noise from the crowd:"What's going on? Our ropes are loose!""

"Hey, stop making noise, come and get your Poké Balls, release them to fight, it's time to counterattack." Xiao Feng shouted loudly while listening to the noise of the crowd.

"He saved us. Let's go to him and get our elves to fight Team Rocket!"There are always some wise people who react quickly.

"Oh, okay!" The others reacted. They quickly distributed Poké Balls and released Pokémons to fight with Team Rocket. Team

Rocket's minions were caught off guard by the sudden situation. Fortunately, they adjusted in time, but the situation had already tilted in favor of the trainers.

Xiao Feng tied up the red-haired woman with ropes while watching Charizard and Electabuzz shuttle among the many members of Team Rocket, punching a little kid one by one and defeating their Pokémons. Xiao Feng muttered"123456789...."Wow, the points are rubbing."

Feeling the tightness on her wrists, the red-haired woman slowly opened her eyes, only to find that her hands were bound. A young man next to her was mumbling numbers with a lewd smile on his face.

"You, you, who are you! Let me go!" The red-haired woman struggled to break free from the rope

""Ah, you're awake! You're so stubborn! You woke up so quickly." Xiao Feng patted the woman's head and looked at her curiously.

Just as the Rockets were losing ground, a blue-haired man with his hands behind his back, one on the left and one on the right, walked out from behind the Rockets. The elite team members released several Pokémons and quickly repelled the surrounding trainers.

The man said to the red-haired woman,"It's really ugly, Athena, she was caught!""

"It's none of your business, Apollo. I was just careless for a moment."The woman called Athena replied angrily.

"Oh, so you are very brave!" Xiao Feng stood beside the bound Athena and grinned at Apollo.

"Haha, little brother, you have a good trick!" Apollo looked at Xiaofeng with a smile on his face.

"Ah, thank you for the compliment, but you guys are already doomed to fail, how can you be so calm?"Xiao Feng asked curiously.

Apollo smiled mysteriously and confidently:"Haha, that's of course from the confidence in my own strength. Isn't it enough to just defeat you guys?"

"Haha, really? Don't let your confidence turn into arrogance! Okay, enough trash talk! Let me see how confident you are. I hate pretenders. She looks ugly now, and you will look ugly too in a while." Xiaofeng couldn't help laughing.

When Apollo heard Xiaofeng's laughter, a cold light flashed in his eyes:"As you wish, go ahead, Double Bomb Gas"

【Name: Double Bomb Gas lv50]

Number: 110

Attribute: Poison

Features: Float

Skills: Big Explosion, Self-Destruction, Smoke Screen, Toxic Gas, Sludge Attack, High Toxin, High Speed Spin.

Race Value

HP: 65

Physical Attack: 90

Physical Defense: 120

Special Attack: 85

Special Defense: 70

Speed: 60

Total: 490

"Go ahead, Charizard, and see where its confidence comes from!

"Roar (Look at me, Boss)" Charizard roared and stood in front of Xiaofeng

"Double bomb gas, use poison gas to attack!"Apollo took the lead in launching the attack

"Gas can explode, Charizard, spray flames, let it experience what it feels like when its own gas explodes."Xiao Feng quickly gave the order.

Upon receiving Xiao Feng's order, the Charizard instantly formed a blazing flame in its mouth, and a huge pillar of flame rushed towards the double-bomb gas.

"With a"boom", the flames instantly broke through the gaseous gas and hit the double-bomb gas, igniting the gas and causing a huge explosion.

The flames dissipated, and the dark figure of the double-bomb gas appeared, with a painful expression on his face.

"That's it?" Xiao Feng grinned at Apollo.

Apollo looked at the seriously injured Double-Bomb Gas with a gloomy face:"How can the flame power level of your Charizard be so high?"

"Do you think I will tell you?"Xiao Feng said with a playful look on his face.

"Humph, in that case, Double Bomb Gas, use mud attack!"Apollo snorted and ordered.

At the moment Apollo gave the order, Double Bomb Gas quickly fired several mud bullets at the fire-breathing dragon.

"Charizard, use the air blade to let it know that we have the advantage in the counterattack!"Xiao Feng said as he looked at the mud bombs coming from the opposite side.

After Charizard received the order, its wings glowed white, and several air blades cut the mud bombs one by one and slashed towards the double-bomb gas one after another. If it hits, it will probably be dead.

Apollo looked at the attack from the opposite side that broke through the mud bombs, made adjustments quickly, and decided not to fight hard:"Double-bomb gas, use high-speed rotation quickly, dodge, and then get close to it"

"Charizard, rush up, get close to it!" Xiao Feng looked at the approaching Double Bomb Gas and shouted at Charizard.

"Double Bomb Gas, now, use the big blast!" Seeing the approaching Charizard, Apollo gave the order to die together.

Xiao Feng looked at the Double Bomb Gas, which was glowing with a strong white light, and ordered:

"Hehe, Charizard uses Hold"

"There was a"boom" explosion, and the field was filled with thick smoke and dust. After the smoke and dust cleared, the double-bomb gas was no longer able to fight, while the fire-breathing dragon walked out unscathed.

"Ah, I guessed it, what a pity, you almost perished together with my Charizard." Looking at the fallen Gas, Xiaofeng said to Apollo with a slight smile.

Xiaofeng thought to himself:"I can see through the skill list of your Pokémon, how can I lose."

Looking at Xiaofeng's annoying expression, Apollo gritted his teeth and shouted:"Don't be so complacent, little brat!"

"Ah, I still like your rebellious and confident look just now."Xiao Feng still said casually

"Go, Houndoom! Show him how powerful you are."

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