[Name: Houndoom lv53]

Number: 229

Attributes: Evil, Fire

Features: Ignite

Skills: Shadow Ball, Speed Star, Jet Flame, Crunch, Lightning Fang, Flame Fang, Burn, Hold, Sunshine Flame.

Race Value

HP: 75

Attack: 90

Defense: 50

Special Attack: 110

Special Defense: 80

Speed: 95

Total: 500

Looking at Houndoom's panel, Xiao Feng murmured in a low voice,"Oh, you want to use the Ignite feature, you are a little naive!"

Apollo shouted sharply,"Houndoom use Speed Star!"

"Ignore it, Charizard, fly over and use Dragon Claw"

"Roar (Take my claw)!" Charizard heard Xiaofeng's command, flapped its wings, and flew over with a giant claw of green energy in its hand. Houndoom's high-speed star hit Charizard and was directly bounced off. Then Charizard quickly arrived in front of Houndoom, and knocked Houndoom away with a dragon claw. Houndoom fell in front of Apollo.

Apollo was furious and said,"Damn it, what the hell is your Charizard!"

Xiaofeng joked,"Guess!"

Apollo gritted his teeth and gave an order with a black face:"I guess you are a big-headed ghost, Houndoom, use jet flame to burn it!"

Looking at Apollo gritting his teeth, Xiaofeng shrugged and gave an order to Charizard,"Charizard, use dragon breath!"

Then green energy condensed in Charizard's mouth, and a huge breath gushed out towards Houndoom, pushing back the flames sprayed out by Houndoom. Seeing that the dragon's breath was about to hit Houndoom, Apollo quickly commanded:"Houndoom, jump to the right to dodge! Then use Shadow Ball to attack."

After hearing the instructions, Houndoom quickly exerted force on his feet and jumped to the right to avoid the attack of the dragon's breath. Then the energy in his mouth gathered to form a black energy ball and sprayed towards Charizard. Looking at the incoming shadow ball, Xiaofeng issued the next instruction:"Charizard, use Flash to approach, and then use Iron Tail on Houndoom!"

After receiving the instructions, Charizard flashed and rushed to Houndoom's side. Its tail glowed with a silver-white luster and lashed towards Houndoom.

"Houndoom used Hold to defend, and then used Sun Flame!"

Just as Charizard's Iron Tail was about to hit Houndoom, Apollo had Houndoom use Hold in time to block the attack outside the energy shield.

Then a white halo appeared all over his body, and the halo gathered towards his mouth, and then a beam of light burst out instantly, shooting towards Charizard.

"Charizard, air walk!"

Xiaofeng ordered Charizard to use air walk, and then the Charizard disappeared instantly in front of the range of the Sunshine Flame's light beam. Sunshine Flame shot out into the air, and when Sunshine Flame disappeared, Charizard reappeared at the place unharmed.

Apollo looked at Charizard in disbelief as it disappeared and reappeared unharmed, pointing at Xiaofeng, he roared with bloodshot eyes:"Impossible, absolutely impossible, I don't believe this is true, could your elf be a ghost!"

"Ah, don't be angry, it's harmful to your health. Charizard used its tail to whip it into the air, and then used the trick we came up with together:"Flash Five Whips"》"

""Roar (Accept the baptism, little baby!

)" Charizard roared loudly, and then used its dragon tail to knock Houndoom to the ground.

Then, with a flash of light in its hand, it whipped Houndoom up into the air with one claw, and then used a combination of flash and iron tail, or flash and dragon tail, and tile splitting to whip Houndoom in flight.

It did this five times in a row, repeatedly whipping Houndoom up and down, left and right, and finally dropping it to the ground, raising a cloud of dust.

""How about my five-whip flash, little brother? It's awesome!" Charizard flew to the ground and roared a few times.

When the dust cleared, Houndoom fell into a pit in the ground with circles in his eyes.

"Hey, do you want to continue?" Xiaofeng looked at Houndoom who was unable to fight and raised his eyebrows at Apollo.

At this time, Athena next to him also said with evil taste:"It's really ugly, Apollo!"

"You little brat, just wait and see, I won't let you go." Apollo gave Xiaofeng a gloomy look, and then prepared to retreat.

Seeing that Apollo was going to ignore Athena and retreat, he touched his nose and said,"Well, brother, you don't think that if you say something harsh, I will let you go like the plot in the TV series, do you, Tiannai, it's your turn to play the electric beast. Flash to his side and give him a lightning bath with the thunder fist."

"Aoao (Okay, Boss, hehe)" The Electric Beast flashed in front of Apollo and punched Apollo in the stomach with a lightning fist. Apollo's eyes bulged out in pain, and he retched. Then the lightning swept through his body and he collapsed to the ground.

The Rocket team members nearby saw that the boss had knelt down and immediately wanted to escape, but they were chased and intercepted by Xiaofeng's Pokémon and other trainers. They were all defeated and tied up.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the mission and obtaining 154 racial points (54 points are obtained by defeating members of Team Rocket)"

"Wow, the reward has arrived." Xiaofeng thought happily.

At this moment, a woman's delicate and artificial voice came from the side:"Hey, little brother, let's make a deal, let me go, okay, I will repay you in the future."

Xiaofeng got goose bumps all over his body, his fists hardened, and then he punched Athena on the head. With a bang, Athena fell down with an unbelievable expression in her eyes.

Xiaofeng clenched his fists:"Ah, it feels good!"

The trainers took turns to guard the Rocket Team members to prevent them from escaping, and called the police. This went on until a night later, when the cruise ship finally arrived at the port of Golden City. At the port, Miss Junsha and many police officers were already waiting for the arrival of the cruise ship.

Miss Junsha was very grateful to Xiaofeng and the others.���"Thank you for your hard work! Leave it to us from now on."

Then they escorted the Rocket Team members into many large police cars one after another.

Apollo and Athena passed by Xiaofeng and whispered,"Kid, we will come out, wait for me."

Xiaofeng pinched his ears, then showed a frightened expression, ran behind Miss Junsha and trembled:"Miss Junsha, they threatened me, I'm so scared!"

"Don't be afraid, you dare to threaten others, which is aggravated. Someone, come and keep a close watch on these two people." Miss Junsha comforted Xiaofeng while glaring at them. Then she sent more police officers to carry them away and handcuff them.

The two of them gnashed their teeth and looked at Xiaofeng, who was grinning behind Miss Junsha, with their eyes almost popping out.

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