Chapter 21: Conquering the Pokémon Tower (1)

Xiaofeng and his companions arrived at Golden City and were enjoying delicious food at the Pokémon Center.

"Ding, host, you still have 154 racial value points to add, do you want to add them?"

Hearing the voice of the system, Xiaofeng hurriedly took a few bites of the last food on the plate:"Oh, I almost forgot that I haven't added any points yet, so I came to eat directly. Add some points, Tongzi, add 40 points to the physical attack racial value of Charizard and Electric Beast respectively, and add the remaining 74 points to the physical attack racial value of the Forest Lizard."

"Ding, the points are added successfully, please check."

Name: Charizard (X) lv47

Physical Attack: 84 (130) +180

Special Attack: 109 (130) +120

Speed: 100 (100) +40

Total: 534 (634) +340

Name: Electric Beast lv42

Physical Attack: 83 + 222

Total: 540 + 222]

Name: Forest Lizard lv28

Physical Attack: 65 + 74

Speed: 95 + 93

Total: 405 + 167]

Looking at the elves' panels, Xiaofeng nodded:"Not bad, and after this cruise ship and the Rocket Team's battle, Charizard's level has reached 47 and Electric Beast's level 42, and Forest Lizard has reached level 28 because of its low level and fast upgrade."

"After eating, should we challenge the Super Gym first or go to the Elf Tower in Ziyuan Town to see if we can capture ghost-type elves?" Xiaofeng thought as he touched his stomach. Xiaofeng thought for a while, stood up, clenched his right fist and knocked it on the palm of his left hand, shouting:"I feel that the new partner is more attractive, so it's decided, let's go to the Elf Tower! Let's go, everyone!"

The elves echoed and followed Xiaofeng to Ziyuan Town, and then found out the specific location of the Elf Tower.

As Xiaofeng and others approached the Elf Tower, the surroundings began to be filled with fog.

Finally, Xiaofeng and his party arrived at their destination in the fog.

Looking at the Elf Tower in front of them, the Elf Tower has four floors including the first floor, with a weird shape.

The top of the tower and the gate each have a pair of sharp horns of an unknown animal, which are connected to the window holes to form a weird mask.

There are some cylindrical countertops on both sides of the door, giving people a sense of dilapidated, deep and terrifying.

Xiaofeng touched his chin and sighed:"Wow, is the Elf Tower in front of us? It feels like a haunted house."

""Roar, ah, chamo (Boss, charge forward, we will always follow you!)" The elves shuddered as they looked at the elf tower in front of them, and hid behind Xiaofeng one after another, with their hands either on Xiaofeng's shoulders or pulling at Xiaofeng's clothes. However, with the physique of Charizard and Electric Beast, it looked awkward to hide behind Xiaofeng and peek out. Xiaofeng's body couldn't block them at all.

"Uh, no way, you are afraid of ghosts?"Xiao Feng stared at the three elves in astonishment.

""Hoo, ah, chamo (No way! How could it be possible!)" The elves pretended to be calm and responded loudly.

Xiaofeng raised the corner of his mouth slightly:"Really? Then the electric shock monster, you go push the door!"

The electric shock monster looked at Xiaofeng in confusion and howled:"Ao, ah (What? I'm going to?)"

"Yes, is there a problem? You are not afraid, are you? Hehe."Xiao Feng looked at the electric shock monster with a playful look.

""Ah, Ah, Ah (Just go, how can it be possible? I'm not afraid, okay?)"

The electric shock monster howled a few times, moved its legs step by step, approached the door, and then pushed the door open with force. There was a snap, which was probably the sound of the door breaking. The electric shock monster didn't even look inside, and flashed back behind Xiaofeng, grabbed Xiaofeng's clothes, and shrank his head.

""Alas!" Looking at the elves, Xiaofeng sighed and walked into the tower, while the elves followed Xiaofeng's steps. Entering the tower, the walls were dilapidated, the chandeliers were shaking as if they would fall down at the next second, and most of the wooden stairs leading to the top floor had rotted.

Xiaofeng walked in the corridor and could vaguely feel dozens of eyes looking at him.

Xiaofeng stopped and touched his chin, then shouted to the air:"Hello, my name is Xiaofeng, I'm a trainer. Can you send a representative to talk?"

"Gengga, Gengga (What are you doing here, human?)" A tall, round purple figure slowly emerged from the ground, staring at Xiaofeng and his group, and asked

【Name: Gengar lv70………】

Glancing at Gengar's level, Xiao Feng took a deep breath.

"Hello, Gengar, I'm sorry for the intrusion. I'm from Pallet Town and I'm a trainer. I came here to see if I can capture one of your kind to travel with me!" Xiaofeng looked at Gengar's eyes with sincerity.

The tall Gengar looked at Xiaofeng deeply, then looked at Charizard and the others, feeling the energy contained in the little wind elves, and nodded with satisfaction. :"Gengga, Gengga, Gengga... (Yes, I can give you two choices. First, I will designate a fellow tribesman to travel with you. Second, if you pass my test, I will let you freely choose one of my fellow tribesmen to travel with you.)

Xiao Feng answered without hesitation:"I choose the second one.""

"Geng Ga, Geng Ga (You are so brave. I will wait for you on the top floor. You just need to go up from the first floor to the top floor to pass the test.))"After saying that, Geng Gui disappeared in front of Xiaofeng and his group.

"Let's go, everyone."

Xiaofeng excitedly led the elves up the stairs to the second floor. When Xiaofeng reached the second floor, he was met by a Haunter.

【Name: Haunter lv32

Attributes: Ghost, Poison

Speciality: Float

Skills: Hypnosis, Strange Light, Shadow Fist, Rush

Race Value:

HP: 45

Attack: 50

Defense: 45

Special Attack: 115

Special Defense: 55

Speed: 95

Total: 405

"Go, Forest Lizard, the opponent is Haunter."Xiao Feng looked at the Haunter on the opposite side and sent out Forest Lizard.

"Forest Lizard, use Ultimate Drain to drain it!"

""Chamo!" The forest lizard responded with a green light all over its body, and connected to the Haunter on the opposite side. Haunter looked painful, and then red light flashed in its eyes and stared at the forest lizard, obviously using the hypnosis skill.

Xiaofeng, knowing that the negative state is ineffective, played rogue:"Forest lizard, don't worry about it, continue to use the ultimate absorption! Hypnosis is ineffective on us."

"Chamo! Chamo! (I inhale, I inhale, I inhale, inhale, inhale, inhale, inhale, inhale!) The forest lizard kept shouting, and a blush gradually appeared on his face... Er, no, it was a healthy look.

The painful Haunter saw that the situation was not right, and used the strange light again, but it was still ineffective. Looking at the face of the forest lizard, a big"well" appeared on Haunter's forehead, and then he gathered black energy in his angry hands, forming a pair of huge claws, and grabbed the forest lizard.

"Hehe, have you reacted yet? But it's too late. Forest Lizard, wait for it to get close, then flash behind it and use Ultimate Absorption with all your strength!"

Then we saw this scene: Haunter came in front of the Forest Lizard, and the Forest Lizard flashed to avoid it. Haunter grabbed nothing with one claw, and the Forest Lizard that appeared behind it increased the strength of the Ultimate Absorption. Haunter finally collapsed to the ground with powerless hands, his mouth sunken, his eyes white, and an expression that looked as if he had been hollowed out!

"Moisture-resistant, forest lizard, well done, wow haha!" Xiaofeng looked at the fallen Haunter, put his hands on his hips and laughed.

""Chamo (Great, Boss)" the forest lizard also responded comfortably.

After being happy, Xiaofeng and his group stepped over the fallen Haunter and went to the third floor, leaving only the lonely Haunter lying limply on the ground.

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