Chapter 22: Conquering the Pokémon Tower (2)

Xiao Feng and his friends stepped onto the last step of the third floor. What came into view was a Gengar, the final evolution of the Gastly clan. Gengar was floating in the center of the floor, making a"genga, genga" laugh, and doing a funny dance with both hands and feet. It hooked its finger at Xiao Feng.

【Name: Gengar lv51]

Attributes: Ghost, Poison

Features: Cursed Body

Skills: Shadow Ball, Same Fate, Licking Tongue, Misfortunes Never Come Alone, Wave of Evil, Hypnotism, Strange Light, Shadow Fist, Surprise Attack, Black Eyes

Race Value:

HP: 60

Physical Attack: 65

Physical Defense: 60

Special Attack: 130

Special Defense: 75

Speed: 110

Total: 500

"It's up to you next, Charizard!"

Xiao Feng decided to send out Charizard. After all, the current attack of the Electric Beast was purely physical, which was not very effective against Gengar. He would have to give the Electric Beast some special attack value in the future.

Seeing Xiao Feng sending out the Charizard, Gengar couldn't wait to start attacking. The purple-black energy in Gengar's hand gathered into a ball, and a beam of energy with many black circles was emitted from it, sweeping towards Charizard. It was the Wave of Evil skill.

"Charizard, use Jet Flame!"

As soon as Xiao Feng gave the order, flames burst out of Charizard's mouth, and the flame column formed by the jet flame collided with the evil wave, and then it pushed the evil wave towards Gengar at lightning speed, hitting Gengar in front of his horrified eyes, and the flames surrounded him.


Geng Gui howled in pain. When the flames dissipated, Geng Gui's body was already charred.

Then the flames appeared around his body again, and unfortunately triggered the burning state.

""Geng Ga, Geng Ga!" The burned Gengar relied on his tenacious will to quickly disappear into the air.

Looking at the disappearing Gengar, Xiao Feng shouted to Charizard,"Is it invisible? Charizard uses a vortex of fire to sweep the surroundings to force it to show up!"

""Roar (Ouke)" After receiving Xiaofeng's reminder, the fire-breathing dragon that was still looking for Geng Gui spun the flames in its mouth into a turbine shape, constantly sweeping the surroundings.

After a long time, a large area of the field was covered with flames.

"Gengga, Gengga! (It's so hot! So hot!) Gengar finally couldn't bear it anymore, and jumped up and down, slapping the flames on his butt and appeared.

After slapping the flames away, Gengar angrily fired a black energy sphere about one meter in diameter from his hand, attacking Charizard.

"Hehe, it's revealed. Charizard flashes close to it and uses Fiery Abyss to finish it off."

After Xiaofeng's order was issued, Charizard flashed to avoid the attack of Shadow Ball and came near Gengar. Then the flames around it surged outwards, spreading to form a flame area similar to a field, constantly burning Gengar covered by the field.

Finally, Gengar wailed and fell to the ground scorched by the flames in pain, his eyes rolling, and he lost his ability to fight.

"Well done, Charizard is back, we have won." Xiao Feng looked at the fallen Gengar and called Charizard back.

"Let's go to the top floor. We are going to welcome new friends." Xiaofeng excitedly led the elves to the top floor.

As soon as they stepped onto the top floor, they saw the tall Gengar floating leisurely in the air, looking at the arrival of Xiaofeng and his group with some surprise. They thought they would have to wait for a long time, but they didn't expect Xiaofeng and his group to come so quickly, and then they flew down lightly.

"Gengga! Gengga! (Congratulations, trainer, you are great!)" Gengar looked at the Pokémons around Xiaofeng, who did not have many scars on their bodies, and re-examined Xiaofeng. He nodded with satisfaction, and now he was sure that it was a good choice for his own kind to follow Xiaofeng.

"Gengga, Gengga, Gengga. (Since you have passed the test, according to the agreement, you can choose one of my kind to travel with you. Please wait!)" Gengar called to Xiaofeng a few times, and then waved to the surroundings. Soon, many of Gengar's kind appeared around Xiaofeng and his group. Seeing dozens of Gastly

, Haunter and several Gengar around, Xiaofeng's eyes turned green.

"Gengga, Gengga!

(Go ahead, trainer, pick your favorite partner!

)" The tall Gengar looked at all of his fellows who had already appeared, and signaled to Xiaofeng that he could choose a partner.

Xiaofeng actually had already planned to start training with Gastly, so that the intimacy would increase quickly, preparing for the super evolution at that time.

But it is not necessarily the case.

If there is no Gastly that he likes, he can also consider the evolution form, and also consider whether they have a good skill configuration.

Looking around, Xiaofeng carefully checked the panels of each Gastly or Haunter one by one. After a long time, Xiaofeng was suddenly stunned. If the system panel was not displayed directly in front of him, Xiaofeng might not have noticed it.

In a corner of the room, a lonely Gastly was floating there quietly with a lost look in his eyes.

This Gastly was different from other Gastlys.

Its body was different from the black color of ordinary Gastlys.

Its overall color was purple-black.

It was out of tune with the surrounding Gastlys.

It seemed to be isolated.

After confirming that the Pokémon in the eyes was the one Xiaofeng wanted to invite, he thought to himself:"Fuck, Shiny Gastly, super evolved and so handsome!


Then he stopped hesitating and walked quickly towards the Gastly.

Xiaofeng soon came to the front of Shiny Gastly, squatted down, showed his big white teeth to Gastly, smiled and invited:"Little guy, would you like to travel with me? I like you very much?"

Gastly looked at the squatting and smiling Xiaofeng in front of him, stunned for a moment, then turned his head to look at the fellow tribesmen around him, and looked at Xiaofeng in disbelief. He originally thought that as a trainer, Xiaofeng would never choose himself as an alien. He was always disliked by his fellow tribesmen because of his color and they didn't associate with him, but the accident came too suddenly.

Looking into Xiaofeng's eyes, looking at the longing green light in Xiaofeng's eyes... No, it was sincerity, Gastly's eyes gradually became tearful, and he threw himself into Xiaofeng's arms, screaming.

Seeing Gastly crying without any warning, Xiaofeng was a little confused, thinking"Uh, what's the situation, why is he crying."

Looking at Gastly crying in front of him, Xiaofeng, who was a little at a loss, was suddenly stunned.

Then he remembered that in addition to the unique color of the shiny elves, they are also different from their own kind in color and are generally disliked and excluded by the group.

Xiaofeng, who roughly understood the reason, gently rubbed Gastly's round head, held Gastly in his hands, looked into Gastly's eyes, and comforted him:"Don't cry, don't cry, we will be partners from now on, please take care of me!


""Siga (Please take care of me!)" Gastly looked at Xiaofeng and nodded seriously.

""Haha, everyone, come and welcome Gastly to join us." Xiao Feng laughed and called Charizard to come over and welcome the new partner.

Charizard quickly surrounded them, roaring and shouting.

"Roar! Roar! (Little brother, I will protect you from now on!)"

"Ouch! Ouch! (If someone bullies you, call me brother and I will smash his head for you."

""Chamo! Chamo! (Whoever bullies you, I will help you kill him)"

Looking at the Pokémons that gathered around him, Xiaofeng nodded with satisfaction. He then took out a blank Poké Ball and formally subdued Gastly without any struggle, and then released it again. Xiaofeng touched Gastly's head and said with a smile:"Garsel, you just hide in my shadow in the future battles, hehe, the effect is awesome!""

""Ska (Okay, Boss)" Gastly followed Charizard and called Xiaofeng Boss.

Xiaofeng got what he wanted and subdued Gastly. He looked at the tall Gengar with gratitude.

The tall Gengar nodded, then took out a talisman from his stomach and handed it to Xiaofeng, saying it was a farewell gift for Gastly. It was a curse talisman, but different from the ordinary curse talismans, this one was dark black with a purple halo around it.

"Ding, host, good stuff, take it quickly, it has the aura of Giratina, it can not only meet the evolution requirements of Gastly, but also has a great chance to comprehend Giratina's signature skill Shadow Strike after evolution.

And take out one of the key stones from the two pairs of Houndoom and Blaziken mega evolution stone sets obtained in the cave before, pair it with the Gengar mega evolution stone obtained from gambling in Nibe City, let Gastly carry the evolution, and it can evolve freely into Mega Gengar like Charizard."

Listening to Tongzi's reminder, Xiaofeng's heart started thumping, thinking to himself"Fuck, I made a fortune, thank you brother Tongzi for the reminder!"

Then he quickly put away the special curse talisman handed over by the tall Gengar

"Thank you, thank you!" Xiao Feng took the talisman and thanked him so quickly that the tall Geng Gui was stunned for a moment. It took him a while to recover and he laughed:

"Gengga, Gengga, Gengga (Haha, human, you are very interesting. From now on, Gastly will be left to you.)"

"Don't worry,���I, then, the purpose of my trip has been achieved. It's time to say goodbye, Geng Gui!" After making a promise with Geng Gui, Xiao Feng and Geng Gui said goodbye.

"Gengga (Goodbye!)"

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