Chapter 23: Super Gym vs. Nancy After leaving the Spirit Tower, Xiaofeng immediately added all the skills that Gastly had acquired.

【Name: Gastly lv18 (Flash)]

Number: 92

Attributes: Ghost, Poison

Features: Float

Added skills: Super Regeneration, Indestructible, Flash, Air Walk.

Skills: Strange Light, Hypnosis, Licking (Paralyzes the Opponent), Black Eyes, Tooth for Tooth, Resentment

Race Value

HP: 30

Physical Attack: 35

Physical Defense: 30

Special Attack: 100

Special Defense: 35

Speed: 80

Total: 310

After the addition was completed, Gastly, who was jumping up and down with joy at the new power, returned to the Pokémon Center in Golden City with the other Pokémons to rest and prepare to go to the Super Gym to challenge. After a long time, Xiaofeng and his group looked at the weird building with barbs all over the body in front of them,"This is the Super Gym, uh, how should I put it, it's quite trendy!"

With a sigh, Xiaofeng, who then walked forward, stretched out his hand and knocked on the door, but after a long time, no one came to open the door. Xiaofeng murmured:"Is there no one here?"

Just as Xiaofeng was about to knock on the door again, suddenly, the door opened slowly and automatically.

Looking at the door that opened automatically, Xiao Feng exclaimed:"Oh, superpowers? What a convenient power!"

Since the door was already open, Xiao Feng led the elves in. At this time, the lights in the corridor flickered, and a little girl holding a ball suddenly appeared in front of Xiao Feng and his group.

""Brother, do you want to play with me?"

The little girl didn't speak, but her voice was clearly heard by Xiaofeng.

"This is the doll controlled by super powers. In the anime, the gym leader Nancy lost her humanity because of her super powers, but this feels like a typical autism social phobia syndrome!"Xiao Feng's eyelids twitched and he thought to himself. Then he came to the little girl and said:

"Little sister, I am very busy and cannot play with you. I am here to challenge the gym. Can you take me to the gym leader, please?"

The little girl was silent for a while, then she lifted her toes off the ground, floated in the air, and turned to float into the gym.

Xiaofeng and his party followed closely behind, and finally came to an empty room soon after. In the middle of the room was a standard elf battle field. There was a looming figure against the wall opposite the door. The little girl who came with Xiaofeng and his party floated towards the figure and was held in its arms.

The lights suddenly lit up, and the person who appeared in front of Xiaofeng was none other than the super gym leader, Nancy.

"Hello, my name is Xiaofeng, and I am here to challenge the gym competition. Looking at Nancy, Xiaofeng issued a challenge request.

"Sure, but if you lose, are you willing to be my friend and stay and play with me?"Nazi had no intention of speaking, but the doll in her arms spoke for her.

"Ah, OK, can we start the game now?"Looking at the socially anxious girl Nazi who was not going to speak, Xiao Feng said with a strange expression

"Hehe, of course, this is a one-on-one, go ahead, Casey!"The little girl didn't know when the ball in her hand had turned into a Poké Ball. The Poké Ball gently floated to the field and released the Psychic Pokémon Casey.

【Name: Casey lv16 (Yongjira lv35)]

Number: 63 (64)

Attribute: Psychic

Features: Synchronization

Skills: Teleport (Teleport, Telekinesis, Psychic Ray, Psychic Interference, Self-Regeneration)

Race Value

HP: 25 (40)

Attack: 20 (35)

Defense: 15 (30)

Special Attack: 105 (120)

Special Defense: 55 (70)

Speed: 90 (105)

Total: 310 (400)

"ps: The super powers in brackets are unlocked.

Looking at Casey released by Nancy, Xiaofeng looked at the forest lizard head beside him and said:

"Forest lizard, there you go!"

""Chamo! Chamo? (Leave it to me, Boss)" The forest lizard raised his hands, patted the muscles of one hand with the other, called out twice, and walked into the battle field.

Xiaofeng took the lead in launching an attack.

"Forest lizard, a flash of lightning!"

""Chamo!" The forest lizard yelled and ran away, with white light flashing on its body, and it instantly appeared in front of Casey at an extremely fast speed.

Just as it was about to attack Casey, Nazi's eyes glowed red and she instantly moved Casey to another place

"Hey, hey, hey, isn't this cheating?" Xiao Feng murmured silently. With the Forest Lizard's speed value of nearly 200, it could have directly attacked Casey.

"You... Humph!" As a person with super powers, Nancy could of course hear Xiaofeng's whispers. Nancy had never expected the forest lizard to be so fast. If she hadn't reacted in time, Casey would have been injured. She was not in the right, so she said the word"you" with a red face. Nancy was angry

, and then the red light appeared in her eyes again. At the same time, the red light in Casey's eyes also flashed, and then a strong white light appeared on his body, and he evolved into Yongjila.

"Have you evolved? It's not a big problem. The forest lizard uses a machine gun!"After Casey finished evolving, Xiaofeng commanded the forest lizard to attack again. As soon as he gave the order, countless energy bombs in the shape of plant seeds were ejected from the mouth of the forest lizard and shot towards Yongjila.

"Yongjila, use telekinesis to return it!"Nazi and Yongjila's eyes flashed red at the same time, and the forest lizard's seed machine gun flew back at a very fast speed.

"After being blessed by Nancy's superpower, Yongjira's telekinesis became stronger, so people with superpowers are a bit rogue." Xiaofeng thought instantly. Then he shouted to the forest lizard:

"Forest lizard, dodge it with a flash of lightning, then get close to it and use a combo!"

""Chamo!" The forest lizard responded after receiving the order, and then used Lightning Flash to quickly dodge the approaching seed machine gun, and then ran towards Yongjila quickly, and then a white light appeared in his hand, and he chopped at Yongjila.

Just as the forest lizard was about to chop Yongjila, Nazi's eyes glowed red again and ordered:

"Yongjila, teleport"

"Don't let it escape, flash, then use Night Blade!" Seeing that Yongjila teleported away again with the help of Nancy, Xiaofeng reacted quickly. The forest lizard flashed and appeared next to Yongjila after the teleportation. A green blade condensed in its hand, and it chopped Yongjila away with one blow. Yongjila fell heavily on the edge of the field.

Nancy looked at the forest lizard's attack that disappeared and reappeared out of thin air, the red light in her eyes dissipated, and she said in disbelief:"How is it possible, is this also teleportation, how can it be so fast, Yongjila, how is it!"

""Yongji!" Yongjila stood up with trembling legs and shouted, obviously sensing Nancy's worry.

Nancy, who saw Yongjila standing up, exhaled and gave the order.

"Yongjila, use Self-Regeneration, then use Mind Disruption!"

"Very tenacious, are you going to use mental interference to control us? What a pity, the battle will always end, Forest Lizard, use Absolute Leaf Blade to end it!"Xiao Feng looked at the recovered Yongjila, used mental interference to lift up the forest lizard, and issued the final command.

"Chamo! Chamo! Chamo (Look at the special skill that the boss and I developed, Arigato!)" The forest lizard yelled a few times, then used flashing to get rid of the control of mental interference, and came in front of Yongjila. A leaf blade skill picked up Yongjila and then flashed continuously. The leaf blades drew a long green line from different directions and hit Yongjila in the air continuously.

When the forest lizard flashed back to its original position, it made a gesture of putting away the knife and said,"Chamo!" Yongjila fell from the sky.

"With a sound of"bang", the ground where Yongjila fell sank a certain height. Yongjila in the center had circles in his eyes and could not fight.

Nancy looked at Yongjila who had lost his ability to fight, and flew over quickly and shouted anxiously:"Yongjila, are you okay!"

Xiaofeng touched his nose, walked over, and asked Nancy in a low voice:"Um, Master Nancy, did I win?"

When Nancy heard Xiaofeng's question, the red light in her eyes reappeared, but the red light flickered for a long time and then dissipated. She was surprised and looked at Xiaofeng with a complicated look, thinking:"What the hell is he, why doesn't my superpower work on him, and can't turn him into a doll!"

Nancy looked at Xiaofeng straight, so that Xiaofeng could only scratch his head in embarrassment.

After a long time, Nancy gritted her teeth and said word by word:"You won, okay!"

After that, he went to check on Yongjila's injuries, and then a badge floated out from some room and fell into Xiaofeng's hands.

Xiaofeng laughed and put the badge into his backpack.

"That, that is, Master Nancy, there is one more thing I need from you. I wonder if I can ask you for it."Looking at Nancy who was still carefully checking Yongjila's injuries, Xiaofeng hesitated to speak.

"What's the matter?" Nazi turned around and looked at Xiaofeng when she heard Xiaofeng's voice.

"I still want to continue challenging the gym.���I don’t know if the race mode is possible now!"

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