Chapter 24 Super Gym Tournament

"Do you want to challenge the gym competition? Sorry, not now!"

"Why?" Xiao Feng asked curiously.

Nazi hesitated for a long time and said,"I am not qualified to start the main competition. The person who can start the main competition was driven away by me."

"What!"Xiao Feng stared at Nazi in disbelief.

"What are you looking at? If I say no, it means no!"Nazhi glared at Xiaofeng and said angrily

"Uh, what should I do now!"

Just when Xiaofeng was worried, a sound of"cough, cough, cough, cough!" came from the direction of the door, and a middle-aged man with a beard and a hat appeared there. He clenched his right fist and put it in front of his mouth, pretending to cough.

Nancy and Xiaofeng looked at the middle-aged man at the same time, and then Nancy pouted at Xiaofeng:"Look, that's him! The real gym leader, my father!"

"Hehe, my dear daughter, has your superpower gone out of control? Dad is here to see you, and you drove him away. Dad is very sad, very sad. Quickly let your mom out, too. Your mom and I are just a little talkative. You can’t keep your mom from talking because of this. Dad has suffered a lot to make you return to normal. Woo woo woo, woo woo woo!"The middle-aged uncle pretended to cry and yelled at Naz.

"Uh, this..." Looking at the pretentious uncle in front of him, Xiaofeng suddenly felt that it would be a good idea for Nazi to turn him into a doll. Nazi couldn't stand it anymore, so she waved her hand and a woman appeared in the room.

As soon as the woman appeared, tears flowed down exaggeratedly, splashing everywhere. She ran over and hugged Nazi and cried:"Wow, daughter, how could you do this to mommy, mommy, I'm so sad, crying."

Xiaofeng looked at the people in front of him with a black face, and didn't know what to say for a while.

The middle-aged uncle saw Nazi release his wife, nodded with relief, and then looked at Xiaofeng and said:

"Little brother, you want to challenge the gym tournament mode, right?"

"Ah, oh, yes, uncle."Seeing the middle-aged uncle suddenly looking at him, Xiao Feng was stunned for a while and nodded.

"My name is Xiaofeng, right? My name is Naluo, you can call me Uncle Luo. Since you want to challenge the gym competition, then let's start here. The competition adopts 2v2 mode. Do you have any objection? Uncle Luo directly told Xiaofeng that the competition could start.

"No problem, we can start now!" Xiaofeng was immediately interested when he heard that he could start the game right away.

After Xiaofeng and Naro stood on both sides of the battle field and were ready, Nazi stood in the referee's position and said,"Now let's start the Super Gym Challenge. The game adopts 2v2 mode. It will not stop until two Pokémon on one side lose their combat ability. The gym owner will have priority to release the Pokémon."

"Go ahead, Suli Shoot!"Nalo threw the Poké Ball high up, releasing a yellow humanoid Pokémon, holding a hypnotic ring in his hand and swinging it constantly.

【Name: Suliber lv48]

Number: 97

Attribute: Psychic

Features: Insomnia (will not fall asleep)

Skills: Telekinesis, Hypnosis, Nightmare, Headbutt, Phantom Ray, Mind-shot Hammer,

Race Value

HP: 85

Physical Attack: 73

Physical Defense: 70

Special Attack: 73

Special Defense: 115

Speed: 67

Total: 483

"Let's go too, the Electric Beast!" Xiao Feng nodded to the Electric Beast and signaled it to go on stage.

The Electric Beast yelled,"Ah (Look at me)"

"The electric shock monster approaches with a flash of lightning!"

"Sulibai, don't let it succeed, use a combination of hypnosis and nightmare!" Seeing the electric beast approaching quickly because of Xiaofeng's order, Naro also quickly gave the order.

Then Sulibai saw the hypnosis ring in his hand shaking at the electric beast, but after a long time, there was no abnormality in the electric beast. Naro was stunned, his face full of surprise:"What's the situation, hypnosis doesn't work?"

""The electric beast is now, use the tile-splitting skill!" Seeing Naro in a daze, Xiaofeng immediately felt that this was a rare opportunity, and ordered the electric beast that was already close to Sulibo to attack.

In the blink of an eye, the electric beast condensed white energy in its hands, and used the tile-splitting skill to hit Sulibo's head. Sulibo's eyes suddenly widened as if they were bulging out, and tears splashed. Then the whole elf fell heavily on its face, and it fell to the ground with its hands and feet crawling down. The ground began to show dense cracks from Sulibo's face.

""Hiss" Naro gasped. Then she looked at Suliba with concern:"Suliba, are you okay?" But Suliba didn't respond for a long time!

"Uh, is this considered a hit?" Seeing that Sulibai was actually knocked to the ground by the electric shock monster, Xiaofeng touched his nose and whispered

"Come back, Suliber, I was careless and didn't dodge!" Naro took back Suliber. He frowned and looked at the electric beast seriously. He whispered:"It seems that we can't let it get close to us!"

"It's your turn, old friend!" Naro took back Sulibo and threw another Poké Ball into the field. A white light flashed, and a tall figure with two long beards and two iron spoons in his hands appeared in the battlefield.

【Name: Alakazam lv53]

Number: 65

Attribute: Psychic

Features: Synchronization

Skills: Instantaneous Movement, Telekinesis, Self-Regeneration, Psychic Power, Psychic Blade, Reflection Wall, Illusionary Ray, Predict the Future

Race Value

HP: 55

Physical Attack: 50

Physical Defense: 45

Special Attack: 135

Special Defense: 95

Speed: 120

Total: 500

"Is it Alakazam? Then, Electric Beast, the shadow clones rush over!" Seeing the elves that Naro released again, Xiaofeng issued a new order.

Electric Beast split into more than ten clones and started running, approaching Alakazam.

"Alakazam, use Predict the Future, then use Telekinesis to force out the opponent's true form!"Na Luo saw that Xiao Feng was shamelessly trying to force her to fight him in close combat, so she shouted to Alakazam.

Hearing Na Luo's shout, Alakazam's eyes flashed, and an invisible force destroyed the clones of the electric shock monster one by one, revealing the true form of the electric shock monster.

""Electric Beast, use Fire Fist!" Looking at Alakazam who was close at hand, Xiao Feng shouted at the Electric Beast.

""Ouch!" The electric beast also shouted, and the flames in his hands condensed and swung towards Hu Di.

"Alakazam, teleport!" Naro gave the order just before the electric beast's flaming fist was about to hit it, causing the electric beast's fist to hit nothing.

"Don't let it run away, Electric Beast, use Flash, then Freeze Punch!"Seeing that Alakazam was about to slip away, Xiaofeng certainly couldn't just sit there and watch, so he let Electric Beast Flash and chase after it.

"You are so persistent, but it’s already two rounds!"

Just as the electric shock monster flashed and was about to attack, a telekinesis appeared out of thin air and hit the electric shock monster, interrupting the electric shock monster's attack rhythm.

"Ah, predicting the future? What a troublesome skill!"Xiao Feng sighed as he looked at the electric shock monster that stopped after being hit by the telekinetic force.

"Alakazam, use Future Sight again!"Naruto saw that Future Sight worked, so he decided to use it again.

"Electric shock monster, no more playing, flash and catch the lightning fist!"Xiao Feng decided not to give the future predictor a chance, and said

""Ouch! (Hit it!)" The electric beast yelled, and flashed directly to Alakazam, with thunder roaring in his hand, and punched Alakazam!

"How can I let you succeed! Alakazam, use the reflective wall!"Seeing Xiaofeng letting the electric beast flash up again, Naro issued a new command.

Then a translucent light wall condensed in front of Alakazam, blocking the flashing electric beast outside.

"Blast it to pieces and shock the monster!" Xiao Feng shouted loudly.

""Ahhh!" Feeling Xiaofeng's emotional fluctuations, the electric shock monster also roared loudly, constantly switching between the farmer's three punches in his hands, and alternately bombarding the reflective wall with fire, lightning, and ice. Cracks continued to spread on the reflective wall, and finally broke under the violent bombardment of the electric shock monster.

"End it, shock the monster, use the ultimate move: air flash, waist punch, continuous punch!"Xiao Feng gave the final order.

""Ahh! (Kidney, here I come)" The electric beast became excited when he heard Xiaofeng's order, and used a flying skill to escape into the void, avoiding the attack of predicting the future. Then, in the flying state, it flashed behind Hu Di, revealed its figure, and with lightning, fire, and ice in its hands, it hit Hu Di's kidney fiercely.

The moment Hu Di's kidney was hit, it wailed in pain:"Fuck", blurted out, and was then knocked down by the electric beast and lay on the ground, and the electric beast's fists continued to greet Hu Di's kidney!

"Stop, stop, stop, you win, I admit defeat, Xiaofeng, tell your elf to stop!"Na Luo saw Hu Di being pressed to the ground so brutally, and hurriedly shouted to Xiaofeng

"Uh, stop, Electric Beast! We won!"Hearing Naro's shout, Xiaofeng touched his nose and ordered the Electric Beast to stop attacking.

"Ouch? Ouch! (Ah? You’re not going to rub your kidneys anymore?)" The electric shock beast heard Xiaofeng’s voice and wondered, then confirmed that it was over, and reluctantly left.���He stood up from the ground, looking back at Hu Di's waist every step, and returned to Xiao Feng's side after a long time.

Seeing the electric beast return to Xiao Feng's side, Na Luo wiped the cold sweat from her forehead and breathed a sigh of relief.

Na Zi looked at her father who had admitted defeat, looked at Xiao Feng with a strange look, and then said:"Since the gym leader has admitted defeat, the winner is the challenger Xiao Feng!"

"Congratulations, brother Xiaofeng, you won, please wait a moment!" Naro came to Xiaofeng with a strange look on his face and congratulated him, then went to the depths of the gym, and soon returned to Xiaofeng. Then Naro handed Xiaofeng a badge proving that he had successfully challenged the gym's finals, and sighed:"Ah, little brother, your hands are quite dirty... uh, no, little brother, your Pokémon are quite strong! Here, this is the gym's finals badge, please keep it."

"Ah, thank you, this is the result of their own hard work!"Xiao Feng took the badge, thanked him, and responded

"Since the purpose of this trip has been achieved, goodbye, Uncle Luo and Nazi!" Putting the badge into his backpack, Xiaofeng said goodbye to Nazi and the others, turned around and waved, and left.

""Goodbye, Brother Xiaofeng!" Na Luo and others responded.

Looking at Xiaofeng's figure going away, Na Zi whispered,"Xiaofeng, you are a very special person. I will work hard to cultivate my superpowers. I will definitely have the opportunity to turn you into a doll in the future!"

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